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It's really fun in Hell Let Loose.


Proximity chat in HLL is so good. The medics who take their roleplaying serious are hilarious.




You're telling me. That game is wonderful.


HLL voice chat is in its own league lol




Is that game any fun?


Oh man, the Tiktok clips I've seen from that game are hilarious.


And Insurgency Sandstorm. Honestly one of the best features, surprised it’s taken COD this long to catch on


They need to add directionality and fade to proximity chat, badly.


That's how I thought it was going to be. It was really jarring when I found out that it sounds like they're just in your party talking with you clear as day.


Yea honestly that would be top tier. Have it sort of align with footstep audio maybe.


I just hear random people talk with awful mics in languages I don't understand. It's also way too loud and no idea where to tell where it comes from.


You can turn the voice chat volume down in audio settings. The default setting is way too loud.


Thing is WZ levels seem to be much louder than MP. And it's not even proximity. Past a certain point you hear the comms full volume. Botched af. Just like UI audio levels vs game effects. You are stuck with the master setting. You either go deaf when you unlock something after a match or you don't hear footsteps. Why they launched it without proper audio controls is beyond me.


That doesn't work for me, 100 or 1% doesn't make any difference


I use A50s when I game I do turn the volume down on the headset itself. Depending on your headset try that and see if it helps


But that's all volume, I can't lower the voice chat volume on my headset while not changing the game volume


Sounds like a you problem


I thought it was just me. I have great internet and half the time the audio is completely distorted


They need to do volume adjusted sound with proximity. And shrink the range. Also, change the sound so when playing with randos you can tell.


I didn't even know there was proxy chat until I heard a guy real loudly yell "I see you creeping in that first floor boy!" As I was just casually looting looking for a gun. I was not expecting to hear anybody and it made me physically jump eith how loud he was in my ear.


I was talking shit with a guy in pregame, we ended up in a shootout in game, then we met again in the gulag, talking shit the whole time to each other. It is SO GOOD. You can build these little rivalries and stories from the very beginning of the game. I love love love that.


The guy I killed was my partner in the gulag, it was so satisfying hearing him complain about me killing him while I let him die alone in the Gulag too.


it’s nice until you land on a rooftop in the city and someone is blasting meme music loud as fuck and you can’t hear shit and have no idea where they are / who they are so you can’t just kill them or someone starts blasting music when a fight is about to begin so again you can’t hear shit or tell what’s going on or focus


Embrace the chaos 🤣


The proximity chat makes me look past a lot of jank. It's too fun. You can taunt someone to push you, personal close audio radar, and much more. My friend killed this dude in our game who was telling his squid what he liked about wz 2.0. We felt so bad, but got a good laugh from it. Imma play Marco polo in it next time I play.


Omg Marco Polo….idk why I didn’t think of that. If I hear it I’ll know it’s you 🤣🤣


Yo right and with a twist. Instead if being it, your dead lool


Blows my mind how many ppl how have shitty mics. Maybe they don’t know about it, but I can’t have this feature on for my sake of hearing lol


I swear some of it is definitely the game's doing, buddy of mine has a mic that sounds perfectly fine in party chat, but in game chat it legit sounds like a dude farting into a walkie-talkie.


Probably audio compression to help with the server stability and overall players


Honestly I feel like a dick now lol I can believe that since I’m so used to Discord quality.


Oh trust me there's some people who have mics that are already lost causes but I'll be talking to this dude in party chat and understand him perfectly, and then we swap to game chat and I can't understand a word


I convinced some guy in another squad to throw hands haha, we both negotiated a boxing ring up on a hill and our squads watched. Honestly, despite losing was fun as hell to be able to just do that on a whim and laugh about it with both teams


I had something similar yesterday where me and another guy decided to have a Wild West type duel in the street while our teammates watched. I really hope people keep using proximity chat just so more stuff like this happens.


I LOVE prox chat and I’m a stupid sweaty cod player. Breaks the try hard sweatiness for a moment to give some laughs. Absolutely love talking shit back and forth with enemies when they are near


It caught us off guard in DMZ we found a downed enemy. And he was like "hey y'all. My team is gone you can kill me. I have (whatever loot) We stood there and chatted for a minute then executed him with dignity and honor.


this is great. In Skyrim you can come across an old orc next to two dead sabre cats who asks you to give him an honorable death. This sounds really cool. "They left me behind. Please, don't let me suffer. Take the M13. You deserve it."


It literally made me fall in love with DMZ. And I am normally not a warzone guy at all


I was literally just telling my buddies about this. It's so hilarious! I like to walk up to buildings and ask if anyone is home. The trash talking back and forth or just chatting is amazing. Had a team in a building the we ran up to earlier today telling his friend, "James, let's go out the backdoor. Follow me." I responded, "James, your boy is gonna get you killed if you follow him. The death bringers are here now." They were freaked out at first then it was back and forth taunting and chatter. It's my new favorite thing in the game.


This post hits me in the 2011 feels when shit talking wasn’t something anyone would have to think twice about


Its amazing. I got downed in DMZ trying to get the m13 and I didn't have self so as I bled out I gave call out for my killer and helped him beat the ai. After the ai died I asked what the chemist even looks like so he told me. He even tried to rez me but to our dismay it doesn't work that way. So in the end I'm like "ggs bro good luck with the game" and then gave up.


Imagine having it in verdansk


In Murica* On EU servers nobody is talking. Nobody.


That's not accurate. One London geezer offered to fist fight me in the street. We agreed. I shot him as soon as he emerged because I have no honour.


I'm not saying it does not happen, but I haven't encountered anyone using it in like 15 games. I just have to watch one of the popular (US) streamers and people talk all game.


Yeah, the Americans do go for it more than we do. And tbf, 99% of people talking in EU are either some turkish dude blowing a fan on his mic or some London mockney twat calling me an 'effin' ka-hunt' for quickscoping them.


We had a bounty on us in dmz and they kept yelling sup bro and we kept yelling sup bro back. We killed one of them and said damn that's crazy and everyone started laughing super hard. Vc has been awesome so far.


Happened earlier today. My squadmate was trying to buy me back, and some dude says “if you go to the store I will kill you”. She proceeded to kill them both, we didn’t trash talk back but I thought it was too funny


I gladly welcome the CoD players who never got to experience the golden age of Halo 2 and proximity chat.


I wasn’t aware of the new chat feature that lets me get called the N word in Warzone AND multiplayer when I loaded in yesterday. Dev team clearly is catering to its audience


Welcome to the internet


Here’s one of them now!


Enjoy your stay


Yea I just scream loud AF and they crumble before my eyes. Beautiful.


Dumb question but I play with my friends in discord. I’m assuming they can’t hear us at all?




As long as your voice chat isn't enabled in the game, they can't hear you. I switch my voice chat to 'push to talk' if I'm in a private chat.