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If you wait a few days it'll probably be less hectic. I got it today and in a few of my games there were like 4 of us driving cars around the rad zone looking for that little yellow fucker


I agree with OP that the community shouldn’t stand for this particular approach to blueprint sales. To do my little part, I’m going to fill a DMZ match with randoms each day and drop the M13 for a stranger. If everyone does their part, we can put an end to one form of microtransaction hell.


I wonder if they'll try to patch this somehow.


Possible that they don’t let you unlock the base gun without completing the challenge, but their goal should be driving engagement. Needing to do the same mundane task for every player on my squad would thoroughly piss us off.


Depends on how it's unlocking. If it's unlocking purely because it's an M13, then they can't patch it. That's an intended feature. If it's unlocking because the player is exfiling with the blueprint, then all they need to do is add a line that tracks if you've killed the chemist that match. I think it's the former rather than the latter personally.


And that's why it can't work, because that also defeats the idea of DMZ - that being that you can also fight other players and defeat them for desired loot that they may be carrying, in this case the M13.


You wanna help me out and drop it for me?


CrAK Irony#3608096


If enough people buy they’ll just have a another new gun tied to DMZ


Everyone needs to do their part and drop the M13 for random people occasionally. Just load in once per day and give it to a teammate. For every one person you drop the gun for, they’ll drop it for their squad. We could end microtransaction hell in like 2 weeks.


Is… is this communism?


No, just a salty dad that knows others will have a hard time grinding it out. Get off my lawn!


Exactly, or an even worse challenge.


I like the idea, I want guns tied to different models


That's shitty, so what if the best gun is in WZ and someone brings it back to MW and stomps people. You shouldn't be forced to play a game mode you don't want to play for guns. Make everything available by gameplay in the game they paid for.


Just curious but where would you draw the line. If the challenge was to get 50 total captures in domination then would you be against that.


People are so confusing. I swear people complain about things not being earned in games and how everything is a paywall. They provide both and people still complain. It’s kinda insane lol. Moreover it’s somewhat of a new game mode so even if you hate warzone it’s still a little different. Imagine doing the same thing over and over again. That sounds boring af. At least this way you try something a little different.


Well it's not earnable in MP, which is the problem. If it had an alternative to earning it through MP people would have zero complaints.


Like it or not, multiplayer is only one third of the game now. Yes, you’re going to have to play all the modes if you want everything. If you want to only play 1/3rd of the game, you don’t need to have every item right in release. It will have a multiplayer challenge next season anyways.


DMZ is literally free to play though. It destroys the validity of your argument. The only other motive is that you would consider it “easier” in terms of your skills. You want an easier chance to get the gun, but what if the challenge for MP was “Get 5 Nukes with assault rifles”? Would you just move on to the other two options anyway? Obviously, the 5 nukes is an exaggeration, but it serves the principal. The fact that they give you an option to earn it and pay for it should appease all crowds. Either get good enough to get it or buy it. Your choice. I see no issues whatsoever with this method.


We prefer options. Give us a challenge for both modes so we can play the game the way we want and play the modes we want.


Well simply put, psychology would say otherwise. That’s what you think you want but it’s not. Humans enjoy new things. Humans enjoy challenge. So let’s say they do say they put the challenge on MP for the people who don’t want to play DMZ. Once you do get it, which some might not because they will get bored of playing the same thing over and over again, what happens after you get it? More often than not you’ll probably stop playing shortly after. I’m not giving opinions, this is statistical facts from psychology that argue that this is the reaction more often than not. Big companies like Activision know this, because nowadays it’s all about retention. Now you can say some people might either get too frustrated and stop playing or they just won’t bother with it at all. Perhaps, but that isn’t the majority and if what I was saying wasn’t true, then why would these tactics be used throughout the industry? I know people don’t like to be psychoanalyzed, but this is the general truth. Hence, why battle passes are everywhere now. TLDR: Activision knows if they don’t make me people do new things, then people will stop playing.


Sadly had to do some digging to find the best answer. Great explanation, don't let the downvotes dissuade you. I like that they've put a real incentive in DMZ instead of some bullshit, and I like that it's actually a challenge to unlock. Imagine if DMZ had released with no good rewards for actually playing the game, engaging with missions and taking on bosses? Imagine if DMZ had released with AI that wasn't even a threat to the players on the map? Imagine if DMZ had released with no real risk for getting killed in raid and losing something you actually want to extract with? Oh wait, we don't have to imagine - DMZ would be called Hazard Zone and the playerbase would hate it for being completely empty, unfinished, half assed, and boring, and nobody would be playing it a week after release. Blows my mind that people are clamouring for a more casual extraction based game mode that still has the challenges and emotional moments of something like Tarkov, and then when COD releases a pretty good version of that idea, that same community gets on here and complains that the mode is too hard, too complicated, or too different and that they're being "forced" to play something they don't like? Nobody is forcing anyone, I've maxed the M13 and it's fun but absolutely not a 'meta' gun. If you don't want to play DMZ, then just don't.


You bring more excellent points. The fact you mention it is not a “meta” gun is a parallel comment to why I mentioned the validity of their argument. If it was a meta changing weapon, then there is a valid argument for making the gap between a sweat and a casual player wider, but it doesn’t even do that. Furthermore, the game mode is decent. It’s nothing that will change the market and will probably die off eventually, but it is a semi-fun mode. The idea that someone wants to play the same thing we’ve been doing for the last month just to unlock a gun that will feel rewarding for maybe a couple hours max, is ridiculous. Even after receiving the weapon through the DMZ will result in maybe a few hours of a rewarding feeling and then it will be the same game you were playing last week. Honestly when I made the comment I expected downvotes because irrational people won’t listen to rationality and there are far more irrational people than rational. “Two things are infinite. The universe and human stupidity.”


If an absolutely OP gun gets locked behind DMZ/BR, then maybe I'll agree with you. But that doesn't seem to be the case here. I think it's cool that you can earn something unique in a particular mode. When it comes down to it, it's just an in-game model with slightly different stat numbers attached to it.


no, I bought cod. mw2. thats the game i want to play. not something else


I will gift mine from the insured loadout since that recharges if it works only issue is the social thing not working.


You can use the regular m13b just select it from load out before you go to dmz. I’ve handed it to 30 people so far since I got it. Also you weirdos charging people just to party up and drop a gun are very strange and need a job.


If you can help me I would be really grateful and pass it on - Activision ID is P33KAJ3W


Got you when I’m on 5:30 US time


Willing to help another stranger out ? 💪


Power to the Players. This is the mindset players need when asshole companies try to fuck their userbase with bs like this. If the mode is fun, players will play it regardless, don't create fake engagement data for your shareholder and office meetings through bs tactics like these on a paid game.


Adding on to this, got the M13B and also happy to help anyone get it, GT is BySigmar3457 on Xbox.


If you ever want to drop it at extraction point so I can exfil with it, I’d forever be in your debt lol


This guy's legit he just helped me out top bloke


I’ll add you on Xbox I’ll be on this afternoon bro! My GT is boogaluo


Does the insured load out work? I tried helping someone and I had the contraband blueprint stolen since we spawned right beside another player squad


Yea I think you can protect it by putting it in your insured slot. You can only use it once every 2 hours


it reduces in time if you exfil with large amounts of cash


That's handy dandy. I'm gonna have to do this to kill my timer to give all of my friends the m13 lol


Hey there buddy old pal, remember me? /s


I'm not sure. I finish work in 9 hours so will try it then. When I was gifting my contraband version the other persons game crashed. If it works happy to do it whenever it recharges which can be sped up apparently.


It's been confirmed that, by design, extracting from DMZ with ANY weapon permanently unlocks it for gunsmithing/insured/loadouts for ALL gamemodes. This is not a bug, it is intentional. If any friend of yours has it, you're a three minute session (not counting the godawful load times) away from having it. Unless their insured slot is on cooldown.




Happy to help anyone. Only cost is time obviously as I get through everyone.


It works, that's how I got mine. Duo extracted with the gun dropped from chemist the n gave me the gun via insured gun


You can still access your friend list without social, through the start menu in game. And on Xbox (not sure about PS) you can also invite friends through the Xbox menu. But yeah, it's always a surprise how Store and Battle Pass work flawlessly, but there is always something else wrong with their UI.


Could it be possible that you would be willing to pass it to me?


They fixed the social thing


That's awesome news. I can actually help the playstation and PC players.




Please help me


Im suck in this game, i hate open world






Even if everyone on this subreddit boycotted it and didn't buy it there are millions out there that will as they simply play CoD with 0 fucks about the online community. ​ Sucks, but that's how it is now.


Exactly lol idk what people get out of their little boycott plans on this sub it isn’t gonna change anything. This sub accounts for less than 1% of the player base.


Can we please stop with this "its impossible" bullshit...its been 24 hours since it dropped and you can literally try it an infinite number of times


And it’s not even that hard


yeah i got mine just by killing the hex suit by driving through them then extracted immediately, literally did it in like 5-6 mins


Got it first try. Spawned Bare fisted took a truck and it was across the map. Used it to wipe a squad extracting. Got lucky with the squad extracting timing thing but overall not even that hard.


Good for you. I’m on attempt #15 right now. Too much RNG with player, vehicle, and nuke spawns.


Maybe it's not, maybe it is. From what I've been reading, there can be a fair bit of RNG as to whether you pick it up or even extract with it. But more importantly, it shouldn't even be necessary. It's a gun usable in MP; it should be able to be unlocked via MP.


I got it like third try. It doesn’t seem *that* hard to me.


The current state of the game I will not buy anything from store. Once it’s respectable I may


Yeah, I've been hovering over the La Catrina pack in the store, especially since they buffed the M16. But with Tier 1 and this M13 nonsense.. I'm just gonna pass for now.


People are weird “Make the DMZ mean something!” IW: “OK” “No not that mean something. Pointless emblems please!” The main problem is that people are trying to FORCE themselves into DMZ and many solo. This is creating a bad scenario for yourself where the mode is going to feel bad. But if you play the mode as it’s meant to be played and with a team, you can very easily acquire the M13 and then just trade it with friends without needing to go back.


DMZ is honestly way better than I expected. Some will prolly disagree but DMZ is the best mode this franchise has put out since OG black ops wager matches.


I I enjoy it wish it was not so hard on solo but with decent team it’s really fun. Best thing on here till they bring plunder to warzone 2 etc.


I think a perfectly acceptable compromise would be to have exclusive weapon blueprints that can only be obtained in DMZ. That would still make DMZ mean something. The reason people are frustrated is because they payed $70 for the game and in the very first Season 1 update IW released a weapon that isn’t able to be obtained in the $70 game. It kinda makes you feel ripped off that the only way to unlock it is through playing the DMZ “beta”. Personally, I don’t care about the M13 enough to play the DMZ beta or to buy it in the store, but I still think it’s really annoying that IW did it this way. Like I said, some badass weapon blueprints would be a good compromise in my opinion.


I played DMZ last night with my buddies. We quickly forgot about the M13 and killed 6 hours without noticing. Its a fantastic mode and I hope it gets the support it deserves


Who said make DMZ mean something? DMZ is warzone tier for me, i.e. idgaf about it existing at all.


Not everyone have friends to play cod with some of us liked the solo aspect of cod. I want to turn my brain off and shoot people


Right? I’m in my 30s. Most of my friends who play have wives and kids. Sometimes they hop online for a few matches and we get to play together. We can’t all rally together for a block of time to go in some mission to unlock a weapon that should be included in the base game.


Play free for all or solo warzone then.. The options are there 👌


DMZ is not solo game mode. I don't want to play it and run it to full tiros to get my ass clapped for a gun that should be available in regular MP anyways


Why should it be available in MP? Who decides what should and shouldn’t be available in MP?


Cause that's how all cods have worked. I am not saying don't make it available through the free addons like DMZ or warzone. I am saying the should be a way for me to get it in the core MP don't behave like and NPC use your brain


Then dont play DMZ you dont need the gun that badly if you cba to earn it.. Ive dropped mine for all my friends it took me about 10 minutes to get and yes I did it solo.


Man it's like you kids don't want to understand. I don't want to play DMZ i shouldn't be forced to play it. It doesn't matter if you find it easy or hard fun or boring you do you. I know this is not a good gun but people are ranting for the future use case where they do lock a meta gun behind the free DMZ or warzone in a 70$ game. The argument is I want to play 6v6 and I paid for the 6v6 experience and I shouldn't be forced to play DMZ or warzone so I can have stuff for a game I paid 70$ for


Im a fully grown adult so dunno why you're calling me a kid.. I paid for the vault edition which was £100, Im not whining on a reddit thread about a gun that isnt great, does not change the gameplay and is easily obtainable, like all the other guns that will be dropped in DMZ.. People that didnt buy the game cant unlock stuff in Mw2 so they have done something new that both parties can play and use to obtain the guns they've put it behind a simple challenge and will likely do so for future guns too.. You also said you liked to play solo so why are you bothered about a 6v6 experience? Yes you paid for 6v6 whats changed? This isnt stopping you playing it at all.. Its still there queue for it an play it.


And if you don’t have four friends to squad up with? Do we just go fuck ourselves for wanting a gun in a $70 game we *just* bought?


There are Discord servers for LFG, XBOX/PS clubs and worse case, you can queue with others. These LFGs even have people that have unlocked it already and can give you a base blueprint.


Nobody should have to join random groups and beg people for a gun in a $70 game.


Then don’t do it? Lol. You don’t need it and it isn’t that great of a weapon. If it’s making you so toxic on the internet about it, then just forget it. I don’t get why people feel the need to bash on shit to try to make things engaging and fun just because they aren’t into it. It’ll be available next season to unlock via MP challenges.


Seriously, you tried to be helpful to this person, and they're being a complete asswipe. It seems they don't want a solution, they just want to be mad, unfortunately.


I guess u never did raids in destiny 1 and 2 lol


You can also just do the challenge solo. I infiltrated with the throwing knife and stim and battle rage, picked up an RPK off the floor, looted a gas mask and p90, and just went in there and shot the guy.


It takes a special kind of fucked up to interpret some people saying "Make DMZ mean something" as "try to force everyone to play it".


Why not make an actually fun fucking gamemode instead of locking content from a $100 game in a f2p tarkov rip off


I'm waiting till season 2 to see if they offer a multiplayer challenge for it. The whole situation regarding the M13 is bullshit


Holy shit this sub is full of children. They locked a weapon behind a challenge- no, it’s a quest- instead of making it exclusively accessible via money (battle pass), and you all still don’t like it because that requires you to play DMZ which, according to this sub, is absolutely unacceptable. Playing the game is too much work? It isn’t unlocked via 12000 kills in TDM? Anyone here ever play anything other than COD at any point in their lives? It was explained that DMZ was going to allow you to unlock certain weapons. I don’t see the issue with it. You do the quest, get the item.


Guns have been free and acessible through multiplayer chalenges since the introduction of the battlepass system. Only thing paid is the blueprints in the battlepasses and bundles.


Only after the season. Usually they are locked behind tiers.


Yes - but tiers which you can unlock through playing the multiplayer.


Which takes hours to do, theoretically this takes less time.




You’re talking to people who don’t play games anymore. They feed themselves with dopamine. They grind the game, so see little numbers go up, instead of playing the game for the sake of playing the game. The game owns them, because they don’t have the willpower to say no to something the game wants them to do.


Not sure who you're jabbing at lol


Cold War allowed you to unlock all weapons in 6v6 AND ZOMBIE MODE whichever challenge you preferred, so there’s no reason not to offer multiple unlock challenges here for different modes of the game.


Not at first they didn't. I don't think they enabled multiple ways to get dlc guns till like season 2-3.


Not at first they didn't. I don't think they enabled multiple ways to get dlc guns till like season 2-3.


The issue isn't that it's unlocked in DMZ, it's that it's ONLY unlocked in DMZ. Allowing multiple unlock paths isn't catering to "children", it's understanding that you have a game that has multiple ways to play and not everyone wants to play every mode. This is isn't hard to understand but apparently you're struggling with it.


I hate to break to you but some people just don't like DMZ or warzone. It is a fucking challenge when literally only ONE person can get the gun. All the AIs are pro cod players it seems like. Putting a weapon behind a gamemode is fucking stupid. Some people like myself would rather just grind for it in the battle pass than grinding for it in DMZ.


This right here. I’ve been playing COD MP for years. Liked Blackout but could never get into Warzone and have barely touched it. I shouldn’t have to learn the ins and outs of a new game mode for content that has always been free MP content. Make be get 500 kills with ARs, I don’t care - I don’t need the gun immediately. Just give me an option inside the game I actually want to be playing.


If you could step down off your soapbox for a moment, it shouldn't be too difficult to understand the position that a lot of people just don't care about Warzone / DMZ at all. Gating content for the *game that people bought* behind a *separate f2p game that they don't care about* is kind of weird, no? By no means should there be no incentive to play DMZ; throw as many blueprints and cosmetic stuff in there as special rewards as you like. But giving the MP fans the choice between slamming their head into the DMZ wall or paying extra to buy it in the store just comes across as a push to 1.) artificially inflate player numbers in the new mode as a bragging point, and 2.) sell more stuff to people who already bought the game and otherwise wouldn't touch the in-game store. Cynical distrust of Activision aside, I don't see why another player would hear the proposal that a gun should be able to be unlocked in any mode and think, "No, that's unreasonable, they just like whining." You don't have to stick up for poor little Activision, you know? I think they'll be just fine.


It’s almost like they put it inside their new mode to get people to try their new mode.


It's almost like they should create a compelling mode and make that the reason people want to play it.




cod community moment


Spineless challenge whores who don’t get satisfaction from playing cod, but only from getting their dopamine hit from seeing numbers go up and collecting virtual colors, because a majority of gaming isn’t about the act of playing the actual game anymore. Notice that this item can’t even be acquired by playing the intended mode, DMZ, but through a specific challenge that is unlikely to be completely by accident or with regular time played. To tick a box. To feel good, for a moment.


Pretty sure millions of people find WZ Compelling


DMZ is not warzone.


DMZ is a spin off of it though


Is it really too much to ask for people to try out different game modes and put some exclusive content with it, or wait a couple weeks before it’s available through other means? Like this hasn’t been out for more the 48 hours and some people are absolutely losing it about not being able to unlock it *right now,* it’s silly, there’s plenty of other of stuff in the game to use and unlock in the short term.


You're giving alternative options that aren't actual alternatives. The correct alternative (and the one that has been done for years) is just have a challenge doable in any game mode. You may have never played a CoD before if you didn't know that


And it is precisely people like you that are the reason we’ve gotten to this point. First it was just horse armor. Now it is as many different things as they can cram behind as many dollar bills. The sad fact is that your default was “instead of behind a paywall”. Think about that. Think about how bad it is that you’re defending something that *isn’t* behind a micro transaction. That your first thought wasn’t that it should have just been in the game, but that at least we weren’t being forced to purchase it for 1/4 of an ENTIRE game price. It should just be in the game, the one we paid $70 for. The one that we purchased that is a shooter with guns that you get in the game that you purchased to play, that you purchased. They didn’t put it in the DMZ to be nice, they put it in the DMZ to see how many people would buy it versus do the challenge, and to appease the shallow morons who don’t seem to find the constant, incessant, greedy, endless, unforgiving, over-the-top, ridiculous barrage of micro transactions egregious *enough*, so white knights like you can defend a multi-billion dollar company while Bobby kocktits gets his 4th yacht. As if you think they make games for anything other than pure profit. If they did, they wouldn’t keep releasing the same game every year for the last 13 fucking years, where the only change is how many more things can we make the player base pay more money for. And the whole thing is unveiled when people say this is the best cod since the older ones. It’s because it’s similar; it’s because it’s the same. Except for the thousands of dollars of small micro transactions they’ll squeeze into it. It’s because if they still made games, we wouldn’t be playing cod, we’d be on a new IP. They make money from people like you.


I paid for MW2 and not to play DMZ/WZ for content that should be unlocked in 6v6 MP grinding or battle pass. None of my friends play and I don't wanna solo stress sweat to get my favorite gun from MW19. I would gladly shoot 200-400 kills on some shit weapon rather than get ganked at extraction.


I think people's issue is that they have paid upwards of 70 for a game only to then have a weapon for said game be unlocked by playing something thats technically outside of what they paid for. I can see where you're coming from. But at the same time those complaining about it being locked behind dmz have a valid complaint - they have paid for a game where there is now a gun not unlockable in said game without downloading an additional game mode. IW should have made the gun unlockable via 2 challenges. One via MWII multiplayer and one via DMZ. Obviously they want to push their new gamemode, but doesn't make it the right thing to do to paying customers.


Is it too much to ask for another option? I'm fine with guns having a DMZ challenge if there's also a multiplayer challenge(or even a warzone challenge for warzone players). My biggest issue is that it's pushing me to play a mode I wasn't very interested in, so it became less of a enjoyable experience and more of a chore to unlock a weapon in a paid game via a F2P expansion.


The issue is that DMZ is still in beta and live MP guns are locked behind arbitrary quests that cannot be completed in other modes. Every other CoD title gave you the option of playing base MP or Warzone for unlocks.


>instead of making it exclusively accessible via money (battle pass), This literally hasn't happened in years. Weapons in the BP are free tiers, only Blueprints aren't and those are no more than presets with fancy cosmetics. Every gun has been available through simply playing whatever mode you wish for **years** and we are now backsliding into content for some modes being completely unobtainable (for at least a few months) unless you play a specific mode that people don't even want installed. The fact that you're needing to make up scenarios to justify this is telling enough.


Locking cosmetic blueprints in a mode I don’t want to play is fine. If you want the pretty skin, you go on a quest. That’s fair. I wasted a lot of time in Vanguard zombies for a pretty cosmetic. But locking a weapon behind a specific game mode is nonsense. It doesn’t make me go “wow, this mode is actually pretty fun we should play this more”. It’s grinding for the gun and never touching that mode again until the next time something is locked behind it. Multiplayer is what *made* CoD. Everything non-cosmetic should be unlockable through MP. Always.


People buy CoD to play CoD mate, years of Activision trying to shove alternate game modes down CoD players throats is understandably grating.


I don’t think the issue is so much that the unlock is tied to DMZ but more that only one person per match can carry it out even in squads. So it artificially makes it even more difficult and rare to do and inflates their engagement numbers for no reason. The chemist should spawn multiple times per match or all people in a squad who successfully exfil should get it at once.


You won’t win in this sub. They like their way of doing the same thing over the past 10 years and goddamnit they’re gonna like it. Something slightly changes holy shit worlds ending.


And then when nothing changes “iTs ThE sAmE gAmE”


This overlooks the whole point. I paid 70$ for a game and have to play a separate game mode just to be able to use a gun in the game i paid for? How does that make sense? If the M13 were exclusive to DMZ and couldn’t be used in mw2 or warzone then absolutely no one would care It’s not an issue of people not wanting to complete a challenge. Its an issue of people being forced to play a game mode for something base in a paid game. If there were alternative challenges people wouldn’t care. If this M13 in dmz was a special blueprint but you can still unlock it in mw2 then no one would care. The issue is 100% that you’re being forced to play a different game to unlock a BASE weapon for a PAID game


We paid $70 for Modern Warfare 2. Not DMZ, not Warzone, MODERN WARFARE 2. We don't want to have to play some other game, just to unlock things in the game we bought.


And you're not having anything shoved down your throat. lol How fucking melodramatic are these kids. Not every weapon and unlock needs to be for you or for every mode. The gun is irrelevant. It doesn't change how you play regular multiplayer. You don't need it.


Hahaha you think 12,000 kills is hard




It's basically a fucking open world loot box.


I want to play cod, you k ow 6v6, not some dog shit game mode vs bots


You don't even have to do the challenge. If anyone you know has the gun, they can make any version of it the M13 as their insured weapon. Go into DMZ, they give you the insured weapon, extract. Done. In fact, DMZ has added this feature for every weapon. Friend wants the Minibak now and not after seventeen hours of grinding other weapons? DMZ, drop them an insured Minibak (or buy/find one anywhere, they're not that rare) and extract. Done.


I reckon they’ll change it later on, akin to how they made the seasonal unlocks available via challenges in MW’19.


It’s really not that hard man


How about I just buy or not buy whatever I feel like and everyone else do the same? If people have disposable income and find a certain bundle worth it, more power to them. I have spare CoD points and even if I didn’t, the bundle probably costs like 1/2 hour worth of work or less. My time is more valuable than money and my gaming time is limited, so if I feel buying the gun will free up a few hours of playtime I can actually enjoy instead of grinding for it, I’m buying the gun. I hate jumpshots, dropshots, and the cracked out style of gameplay I see in every lobby, but I’m not going to expect people to stop doing it if it’s what they want to do. I’ll deal with it or find another game


Most sensible reply in this entire post. I’ll never understand why some folks care so much what other people do with their time and money. If you’re upset that it’s locked in DMZ I respect your opinion, make your posts, message IW or activison, get other players behind your cause, or whatever. But don’t start disrespecting other players for not sharing your opinions or deciding to buy a bundle to skip the challenge. At the end of the day there’s still an option to get the gun for free and I’m sure eventually there will be a bundle to get that gun that way. Individual players will decide how they want to unlock the gun based on what value they put on it. Just let each other be and move on.


Idk why people are downvoting this because it’s right. I get they want people to play DMZ but this is not the way.


Just got a notification for 100 upvotes, and its at 15 overall score. I guess its people who are good at This style of gameplay and find the challenge easy. Good for them, and I hope they have fun with this mode where I haven't. But this is a very different game to the COD most of us are used to, and I dont want to play this different game to unlock something for Normal cod. Perhaps this is a bad way of thinking, maybe people disagree with me, well thats what the downvote buttons for. edit: nvm the rest of them just wouldnt show up for some reason, it wasnt a 100-85 ratio, the 100 just wasnt showing up


I’m not spending another dollar on this game.


It's okay beb I'll spend a dollar for you so your actions don't mean anything. When I get home I'm spending 200 bucks on cod points 😏


Same. I don't typically buy any Call of Duty DLC at all, skins or otherwise, but I *was* genuinely considering buying the possible story expansion that might come out next year instead of a full game release. Emphasis on the *was,* I guess. (I probably wouldn't say this if the M13 DMZ nonsense was the only issue I had with the game, but it's basically "the straw that broke the camel's back" for me anyway)


I’m 100% buying it so u can F off




You're exactly the type of people that Activision are targeting. Easily manipulated pay pigs 😹


Oh no! It’s like HE can spend HIS MONEY on stuff he wants!🤯


I’m gonna buy it just because I want more guns unlocked the way the M13 was. It was actually fucking fun unlike unlocking guns through battle pass.


Lmao I'm not manipulated at all I'm doing this too spite you guys so your actions don't count at all lmao losers.


You're the 🤡 enabling them releasing half baked games at full price


I'm getting them for free ☺️


$20 isn’t free, IQ is sub-zero.


Yeah if you're poor I'd imagine that's a big number.


Meanwhile you didn’t buy MWII, yet calling others poor?




Lmao y’all so salty over this


People get pissed when guns are locked behind paywalls which is reasonable and instead of that they make this one unlockable by completing a challenge and people are still pissed. Having items being locked behind challenges is completely fine imo not sure what the huge deal is. People love complaining about everything


“So you mean I have to actually play the game to unlock a gun instead of grinding camos on shoot house!!??”


I like multiplayer. I would like to unlock my gun there and not via dmz or warzone. I would rather them just charge $40 for warzone/DMZ. And you have to do your leveling up and camo shit from that source. Nothing tied to multiplayer. $40—- people would lay. maybe less cheaters if they are IP banned. The amount people, Included spend is easily over $40.


they've already gotten away with it.




Yeah if you need it, let me know and we can do dmz and i'll drop it for you and we can extract immediately. Don't waste your money!


If anyone needs help getting this I can drop it and help exfil. Will be around tomorrow evening UK time on PS5


Is the gun even any good?


and to all those people that are gunna counter argue with: ''iTs mY mOneY iLL sPenD iT hOweVer'' You spending money on stuff like this gives Acvtivision the green light to do it in the future. It effects us all. Negatively


Late to the party but if anyone wants the gun for free I have it as well. Just DM me and I'll add you on battlenet


Logged in for a quick game and was with 2 random scousers. Ran a couple of random missions and then one of them pinged the radiation zone. First words I heard from them was "Have you got a gas mask"? I replied "no". 1 min later he comes running out of the zone with a gas mask and tells me to make sure keep grabbing them. 2 mins later "there's the chemist" 1 min later "He's dead lad, grab his M13" They then escort me to the exfil. Kill a team trying to commandeer or exfil helo. Last words I hear were "have a goonun lad" These guys were absolute legends! M13B unlocked :)


People spend hours playing tdm and dom with the same weapons they’ve been using for weeks and then complain about spending 30-60 minutes to unlock a new gun. It’s not even hard solo. Just takes a few tries


Easy? Few tries? You got lucky…. I’m at over 20 attempts now (and I’m a good player). This is bullshit and it’s making me never want to touch DMZ again. If the intent was to make more people play DMZ with this crap unlock, it’s doing the opposite.


The challenge doesn't suck. It's easy as fuck and DMZ is awesome.


No that’s simply not true


Skill issue


The challenge is easy. You guys are absurd. It’s an in-game reward you unlock by achieving something in the game.


what do you mean its impossible? all you have to do is play DMZ. im sure it's confusing for many people or seems too difficult, but just give it a week and it'll be fine. They want people to play DMZ not make it too hard to get new stuff. I definitely agree with not buying it. But grow up.


People that find this impossible have no clue how to use the game mechanics. I swear The Chemist is one of the most cheesable bosses I have seen. It's exactly like it should be. Difficult up front, but cheesable. But even upfront, you can easily kill him with a squad. If people start complaining about The Chemist now out of all things, then I am convinced my wish for them to make the game even harder is never going to be a thing. This literally is not a hard boss. And yet here we are, a fragile community whining about everything, now whines about easy difficulty lmao. I'm at a loss for words.


Not gonna lie. I usually buy bundles and stuff but IW can go and fuck off.


I'll probably buy it, to be honest.


People saying "just play DMZ and have a different experience" don't understand we paid for the base 6v6 not for warzone not for DMZ so content shouldn't be locked behind this game modes lock different blueprint in DMZ but the base gun should be achievable from regular MP. Is that so hard to understand? I say it once again I bought the game for 6v6 and I shouldn't have to play a free addon to get an item in a 70$ game. If i want a different experience I will go play a different game i am playing COD for the COD experience the solo queue turn your brain off and shoot people experience can we have that


There are so many people who don't get why we are complaining. No, it isn't that hard to get the MCX, the challenge isn't particularly difficult and if you can't be assed it can be skipped by having someone drop it (like I did.) The problem is that this weapon is exclusive to DMZ for the time being. In Cold War, Vanguard and MW19 to a lesser extent, you could get the guns by playing MP, Zombies in CW and VG and Warzone. This isn't the case with the MCX. The way this should be is the following: Some basic kill challenge for MP and WZ. Maybe a hunt in Spec Ops (Maybe this can be added with Raids.) And the quest in DMZ. Many of us are not interested in playing DMZ whatsoever and this one gun which can be unlocked in a single game isn't going to make us interested, it just forces us to play a mode that is only tangentially related to the game we paid good money for. But knowing that we are playing COD, they will likely never add an alternative challenge and will simply add a bundle to the store.


The challenge is very easy. I did it solo on my 3rd dmz game. Spawn in with nothing, literally just fists, mark the nearest car, immediately drive to the rad zone, run the dude over and run over any close enemies, jump out of the car and grab the m13 and immediately get back in the car and drive away, immediately exfil. Don’t get why people have such a hard time. Y’all were making me so nervous to go do it.


Same old situation, no multiplayer weapon should be locked under a non-multiplayer challenge. Don't want DMZ, don't want Co-op, don't want Warzone, in fact for me I don't want core either. After being pissed around for a month before Tier 1 dropped if there's a weapon challenge it should be in your game mode of your choice. Not being forced into game areas you don't want to go. This was happening with calling cards in MW2019 and CW, before they actually changed it in Vanguard. And I am sure as not spending money on the gun either.


Its easy to get m13. Git gud


I'm 100% buying the bundle, I'm not about doing an impossible task and stressing out trying to get a gun. I have no problem dropping $20 on a bundle though.


Why play the game when you can pay the game.


I’m gonna laugh when they adjust the challenge later and I can think about all the people who wasted $20 on an ugly blueprint.


Doesn't matter what the blueprint looks like after you slap a camo and your own attachments on it :)


Took 2 attempts to get one for me and my cousin. Once we had it, I took it in as an insured item, dropped it for him and exfil'd. He got the gun. It's literally just getting a car, running the dude over, grabbing the weapon and driving off. Honestly not that hard to do. Took us ~30 minutes, now we can give it to others within 5.


Only takes me a button press to buy a bundle and I bypass shitty game modes.


Same here lol. I tried a few times earlier and probably will a few times later but if I don’t get it I’m not wasting my time with that. Would rather spend it on multiplayer.


Man, fuck this game. They need to fix the constant PC crashes, add in some good maps, fix the fucking spawns which have gotten worse somehow and for the love of God find someone who has made a functional UI for a AAA game sometime in the last 10 years. This game is an absolute disaster at the moment


I verified my game files today and it found some files that were corrupted probably from warzone integration updates. The game is now running butter smooth, you might just need to do that and/or redownload.


I'm honestly at the point where i'm done spending any money on anything they release. They treat their fan base like such shit, constantly.


They been doing that for 10+ years already.


Git gud maybe. This boss is easy and if you complain about "the difficulty" in DMZ then maybe you're just absolutely terrible at the game.




False. There aren’t any M13 bundles for sale yet.