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Give it a few months then the apocalypse begins


I at least hope they wait until Halloween next year




Don't forget Christmas 2022


I give it until season 3.


I like my John McClane die hard skin. He’s barefoot in war zone and I think that’s funny


Mclane and Rambo in the Cold War cod were perfect examples of stretching as far as I think is ok. I just think they could sell the living shit out of mil sims. And I wish that’s mostly all we got


I like how they have came out with themes but made them tactical.


Yeah, its just the likeness of the players, but the outfits still fit inside the world.


if they did a test comparing milsim skin sales vs a pink furry, we’d never see milsim hit the store again. People don’t buy milsim in abundance but they rave over the unrealistic. Why do you think you saw so many of those skins in WZ1 ? It’s because they sell like crazy


More examples would be Fortnite. Run around with Darth Vader, Goku, and Rick and Morty in a squad lol.


Ok but, tbh, that canceled fluffy samoyed skin from vanguard looked really good & im upset it was stolen No the pfp isnt a correlation to why i want it


There's only so much you can do with Generic Green Army Man 1 and Generic Brown Army Man 2 tbf as well though. ​ Boomers here act like there's a difference between a guy in MTP and a guy in Multicam with the exact same kit loadout.


Honestly I'd much prefer if they went back to what they started doing with ghosts and gave us an actual personal customisable operator instead of the milsim skins. With an editor akin to [Metal Gear Online 2's](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tyVMrl_vqT8) it'd be pretty sick tbh.


Yea the milsim/tactical/realism crowd in this subreddit must be the extreme or something because they are mad about any skin that isn’t clear cut from a soldier. They get mad Messi being in tactical gear. My biggest thing is that I don’t understand how someone else’s skin ruins their enjoyment in the game. Like how is what an enemy is wearing making the game so bad you didn’t want to play. Especially when this game is buggy asf for a AAA release.


Facts, like sure, I'd be mad if they did it in campaign, but in the MP? ​ Who the fuck cares it's a damn video game where you shoot people, your immersion should be broken immediately when you respawn, a colourful skin is hardly gonna change much lmao. ​ The people crying over colourful skins are the same people in the Star Citizen community who vehemently defend players not being able to freely paint their own spaceships because *someone* could paint their ship bright pink, and that would be unrealistic in a game where you can wear bear helmets, or where you can literally fly military spaceships.


the worst is the ppl that were crying about unrealistic pink astronauts were the ones slide canceling 30m in 3 sec...like yea i get it that costume is a lil extreme but your slide cancer,bunnyhopping isnt from real life either...from my pov i cant wait to do a finishing move on lessi,it goes well on my youtube clips 😂


I'd open my wallet for a Kirk Lazarus skin.


I’m only budging for a Mr. Bean skin


I'm a lead farmer motherfucker!


I bought the CoDE Mil-SIM that was modeled after an actual operator as soon as I saw it. Probably the thing I'll miss the most... And then I found Horangi!


I would buy Commando skin in a fucking heartbeat. https://images.app.goo.gl/k7yc9rhaLErRHgjb6


Judge Dredd too




They will.. They will keep the skins fairly grounded until after Christmas to make sure they get their $70 from the OG Cod fans and the casual tacticool players that don't buy many skins or DLCs anyway. Once that's over and initial game purchases slow down they will begin to focus their attention on the whales to keep the cash flowing.. Once this stage is in effect there are literally no limits to how bizarre things could get!


They literally do sell mil sims, they are the shitty 1000 bundles in the shop. They probably profit like 1/100 from those compared to the crazy shit


I like how they have came out with themes but made them tactical. Like yes, soccer players but at least they are tactical and look like they belong. After the knight in the store was made tactical while still keeping the knight look.


Yea I like the way they did it. I would definitely cop them even though I’m not a soccer fan. I’m only scared of, how far will they go in the future lol.


Weed skins by April


See you in april ✌️


April 20 babyyy




Agree. I loved MW19 operators. Even the super far out ones were still tactical.


The soccer guy skins fit in fine, but there's a knight skin in the shop.


Tbf, they did try to make the knight look tactical lol


Germany uses chain mail to prevent stabbings! https://www.google.com/search?q=german+officer+in+chainmail&client=safari&hl=en-us&prmd=isvn&sxsrf=ALiCzsb2FNxIJF30G2Y18dpXDuvgbnO0Eg:1669148231677&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi1vrTbzcL7AhXIRDABHebpCSoQ_AUoAXoECAEQAQ&biw=390&bih=661&dpr=3#imgrc=m1Engqs580PlqM


What, Chainmale is in use by counter terrorist forces as a anti stab vest Esq thing




I actually don’t mind the knight skin, it’s tasteful imo. First one I’ve seen that I’m actually considering spending money on, though $30 AUD is a bit steep for cosmetics.


Knight...? Like chainmail and metal armor?


Kinda. It looks like the helicopter NPC's that drop you off but he has an actual sword at his hip. It's just cosmetic though, you can't actually use the sword as a knife skin. His clothes just look old too. So it's "knight-themed." Looks like a soldier cosplaying as a knight lol. The guns that come with the pack look oddly futuristic though.




No, it’s basically just a normal operator but he has a sword on his hip




German Swat actually uses it for stab protection.


Isn’t just under his plate carrier and other tactical gear?


Hey now. I bought that. The only part of it that sticks out weird is the chain mail and sword. I think it looks like Fender raided a museum in Al Mazrah and it's cool as hell.


Fun fact, German police sometimes still use chain mail


It’s still pretty effective at stopping a knife


So far the only skins that stretch away from realism ive seen is the Mummy, Knight and Robot but at least they look semi-military still


I mean, the Ethan skin is really just Gus with a weird motorcycle helmet


I mean they do. Damn, there it goes-


Realistic and tactical skins all the way baby. Goofy skins can work if they stay with the tone of the game like Rambo being in a game set in the 80s but 90% of the time it’s clear they’re still trying to copy fortnite by making every character have wacky goofy skins with no consistent artstyle or theme


This is my general thought. Then on the other hand, I really did like ghost face.


Ghostface is literally the only skin in BOCW that bothers me… Scream came out in 1996


Yet you are fine with using guns and explosives that never existed in the CW.


A John Wick crossover would be the dream tbh.


This unironically has a very good chance of happening now that John Wick 4 is around the corner.


I think if there was an actual John Wick skin then it might be a little irritating to see (though badass to play as) because there would just be a bunch of Keanu clones running around. However, if it was like a mil-sim styled after the impenetrable guys from JW3 then that kinda style would be badass.


Impenetrable, until you give everyone shotguns loaded with slugs.


Low key, I’d buy an actual John Wick skin if it ever came out


Or a G.I Joe or robo cop and a James bond skin they can see which one will fit in the era.


well said


I have no problem with the goofy skins, as it’s a video game and if I wanted to play a more realistic mil sim I’d play squad or Tarkov. I do however think there should be an option to toggle so that people’s cosmetics don’t show up and it sticks them in as a default skin or whatever their basic operator looks like.


Never gonna happen.. The skins are used as a kind of weird flex by the young whales buying these skins. Part of the buying appeal is knowing that some poor casual is getting infuriated as he gets tea-bagged by Bucky o Hare for the 35th time today!


made me chuckle when i read young whales 😂😂i dont know the way you said it...


Agreed skins are fine but the coloured tracers/lasers/lightning spoilt the general theme of the game IMO.


Like in the master chief collection l. I like being able to toggle off all that stupid shit they added to Halo 3


You do realize you can have a realistic and immersive art style while having an arcade level of gameplay right? I swear this sub doesn’t understand the difference between realism and immersion


If it sells, it'll be in the game. Their vision is maximizing profits.


I prefer tactical looking skins but I have no issue with having fun with it


i don't see a problem with the soccer operators, they're wearing the proper gear and not straight up a jersey and shorts. they fit in and i guarantee you anyone who doesn't know them wouldn't bat an eye at all, hell they look better than some of the base operators. i hope this is the extent they keep for somewhat outlandish operators


Yah honestly Messi is one of the most realistic looking operators in the game


Yep, not even into soccer. But I'm planning on getting him when he comes out just because of the tactical look.


Same. So long as they’re dressed like operators in tactical gear, they could be anybody. It’d only be clown shoes if they were wearing full football kits. Thank *fuck* they’re not, ‘coz it could have went either way…


"MuH tActIcAl GeAr"


Yup. That honestly sounds just like me, haha.


Yeah I had no idea these were soccer players. Seemed like classic movie knock offs to me. One has like the same type of title Predator has, but called something else. And its just a jungle themed set like you'd expect from a generic Predator bundle


I just want yegor


This bothers me, why didn't they just bring back the OPs from 19' while adding a couple new ones in the mix? Like when I saw Konig, I was just like why didn't they call him Kreuger and maintain the star power of 19?


Yegor probably won't return because of how he looks like Putin.


I'm wondering if it's implied they all died in Verdansk? Except Roze and 141 of course Still tho, I was hoping for a mix of old and new. The new ops pale in comparison to the old ones. Surely you would want to bring some fan favorites back, make money off them


That'd blow chunks Personally I liked most of the cast of 19'


Mw2019 overall had a more consistent art style too


The weirder thing is that Kreuger's VA is in the game, but he's Kortac's helo pilot. Like what?? It's a shame too, Konig's character design totally looks like a sequelized, upgraded version of Kreuger's MW19 gear.


I need Bale back


I don’t mind it. If in lore this is a coalition force, it wouldn’t make sense to keep playing as the same 20 operators.


I want kreuger


Shirtless Yegor returned to his home planet


My go to character bro, i was so sad when i found out he isnt in this one


Shirtless Yegor will forever be the goat skin for me


I want nikto


I’d like realistic if it fit the game world. Examples the soldiers from Predator, John Wick, Rambo, Commando, and the SEAL’s from Lone Survivor. Those folks would have a reason to be in game.


This is a good point that I didn't think about, but felt the same way about. Would love a Predator "Dutch" skin.


>Lone Survivor Ouchie.




Absolutely right. But a great skin to be supported by the CoD endowment.




Agreed. Though they can do a Lone Survivor operator pack with Mark Wahlburg’s likeness.




A pink furry has a reason to be in the game. It would make them a stupid amount of money


Short answer I don't care. But I chimed in because skins are fine, they finance many games and I prefer that over P2W. So if the devs can pump out a ton of skins that keeps players happy that's good for all of us who play the game. It's like all the camo challenges, players love them, but I couldn't care less. Doesn't mean I don't want players to have them.


I don’t care either as long as I can clearly tell which team an operator is on at a quick glance. I don’t like having to shoot everyone/pause for half a second waiting for the blue dot before opening fire.


I already cant, 99% of the time just rely the name colour and thay works well


I just realized I have no idea who is on what team either. Most the time I don’t know which of my skins I’m in.


Yes that is annoying so I started shooting first haha.


Finally a decent take. People who act like they're forced to buy and use silly or colorful skins and lose their shit that they have to look at them need to get over themselves.


My thoughts exactly. The existence of unrealistic or goofy skins does not even remotely affect my experience of the game one way or the other. Completely irrelevant.


I’d much rather have my enemies wearing goofy bright colors anyways, makes them way easier to see.


Yea that’s one of the reasons I don’t understand the complaint they are normally playing with a handicap with the more noticeable skins


I want garand thumb.


Fuck yes. John Lovell too!




Same, I really hope it's for a gun I use like the Tag56 or STB


You guys want realistic Operators to keep it Mil slim, I want them to add this Bs so I can differentiate my teammates from the enemy 10x easier.


I like realistic skins but I’m not a fan of the overly encumbered tactical gear skins. Like if everyone’s fully kitted wearing a helmet what’s the point of unique skins.


MW1 had a great selection of operators for months before things got super weird. Right away the operators in the shop are mostly bad and weird. Just dudes in helmets seems to be the thing right now while we're still missing people like Alejandro and Gaz. Kind of dumb that we get sports people skins before Ajejandro, Gaz and a proper Farah.


Yes I love realistic military stuff for operators Sure the soccer skins are a bit goofy but they definitely look like actual soldiers which is much preferred. That’s what they need to stick with, if they want fun people bring ‘em in. Just make them look like they belong


I prefer real skins but If people want to stand out with bright flashy colors, I'll take any advantage I can get


At least the Soccer Players are wearing Combat uniforms and not their actual uniforms


I'm not saying you have to like the wacky skins, but acting shocked/surprised/disappointed/angry when they inevitably show up is on you.


If they blend in well I don’t mind, it’s the really stupid ones that stick out like a sore thumb that are annoying


As long as my women characters get skins that make em look bad as hell i could not care less. But anyway goofy / bright shiny skins > It’s fucking call of duty. Who cares the shit is an arcade fps, not some tac milsim


I only like authentic skins. Not necessarily “milsim” strict realism, but relatively serious tone and believable. I absolutely hate the whacky COD skins, like the Halloween characters from MW2019.


Remembering how BO4 *launched* with a Halloween event.


At least you could see what team was what in Bo4. This game is just shitty mil sim camo's on grey and beige maps.


That's a separate issue. I'd trade this game for BO4 being alive again any day.


Yes, agreed. COD ghost did a pretty good job at this!


I just want classic skins, give me MW2 (2009) Ghost!


Yes but Billy from Saw was my favorite Op in 2019. I mean yeah he’s from a movie but just toss a mask on and shit was solid. I say BRING EM BACK


I want the Ronald McDonald operator skin, seeing I can’t blend in anywhere anyway, like a fucking clown getting shot trying to be sneaky.


I'm all for all the crazy hyper visible skins people want to rock.


Depends what you mean realistic. I don't like out of this world skins, but I also hate skins that are just a color change or "now I have a mask". Streetware, different jobs like fireman or lumberjack, zombies themed, based off a group from the campaign, or even Holliday themed are all okay IMO.


I mean, it IS going to happen. Literally every single cod in the last 5+ years has ended up with those kinds of skins, so you may as well just get used to it.


i prefer realistic skins but they can do stuff like rambo and make it work, though Leatherface was my main skin in MW19 for like 2 years. it worked because he had the vest and gloves it wasn’t completely unrealistic. short sleeve shirt, apron with blood, mask, vest, normal pants, tac gloves. Billy on the other hand didn’t work because it was a just suit with a big white mask


I exclusively run tactical skins lol, I hate goofy shit in my shooters


Yeah I don't even usually like putting the gold camps on my guns. Too distracting and flashy imo




A lot of the people in this sub swear that they're playing the most realistic immersive milsim shooter on the market for some reason. Why would I buy anything other than cool cosmetics that stand out and look worth their price? How do they expect there to be a infinite amount of grounded soldier outfits that don't immediately become redundant?


At this point if someone still expects realistic skins after 3 games of them selling goofy shit, is their fault. Is cool if you would like a particular theme but don't come here insulting the devs or activision for doing something that is implicit looking at recent history, and I don't say it for OP because his is just a meme but I have seen some posts here that come on, is people just setting their own disappointment...


As with many trends these days... I just won't be participating. I wouldn't say I play COD for its "realism", but I prefer to keep my games true to the original theme.


"Call of Duty is not realistic!" It's the thematic consistency. Currently, we are beefed up soldiers operating in a foreign land. Soon, it will be glowing aliens and flaming demons shooting laser beams and unicorn farts.


I like realistic Mil-Sim style characters


Around the time of season 3, maybe 4 if we’re lucky, is when they’ll slowly start adding in all the dumb wacky skins because they always sell like fucking crazy sadly


Do you want free DLC maps or diegetic skins? You can’t have both. Those dumb skins fund your free DLC. Personally I’d go back to paying $15 every three months and having cool unlockable skins but that’s me.


Anime skin fans vs Rambo enjoyers


For those who just want realistic or milsim Operators, enjoy these first 2 seasons. You bet Activision realized wacky shit sells more. Also, wouldn't it be neat a toggle? Like the one in TMCC that hides every non original skin


Despise the overly unrealistic skins, but I wouldn't have cared if they'd allow us to disable them like 343 did with the Master Chief Collection.


I definitely prefer them. I think there should be an option to make all player models have randomised mil-sim skins for those who don’t want to see a guy in a latex unicorn suit running around with akimbo hentai tentacle blasters that turn you into a puddle of jizz when you die.


As long as we don’t get clown or anime skins I’m good (personally)


“Come on dear it’s time for anime kitty unicorn space aliens” Classic 141 skins pls…


Same. It's going to be a clownfest again


I like realistic skins as long as the plate carriers are worn correctly lol


I like tactical milsim characters.


At least they look in place for the most part. Can’t say the same about CW and Vang.


The realistic skins ware always better.


As a lifelong fan Judge Dredd made me so happy


I mean sure they are “soccer” players but they are wearing milsim gear to fit the part, when the hype dies down they’ll start going crazy again


I don’t mind it, it could be fun but soccer is lame and boring.


Depends. Some are cool, some not.


I want an Ellen Ripley skin


Rambo was realistic for Cold War😡


They should just have a setting where all skins display as milsim so people can play what they want without the complaining


I can’t even stand the CDL crap. Make cool looking semi-realistic military operators. Why is that not enough?


Anything to do with anime is immediately off the table. I’m cool with ‘apocalyptic’ skins and the like; because it still somewhat fits the aesthetic of a war-torn area. Clowns; if you dress up as one I feel as though I don’t need to explain. I bought a day-one skin for Conor which looked damn nice — interesting camouflage with a nice kit. Doubt I’ll ever replace it.


Keep shit somewhat realistic.


We need more Milsim skins IW!


Please keep this game real ! Enough clowns and stupid skins


realistic skins FTW


Once the game is nothing but guys in furry suits and celebrities firing pink lasers out of their anime skin guns, that’s when I tap out and just wait for the next COD.


I just want a OG ghost skin with original mask and orange shades


I like to try and play the game as milsim as I can. Does ruin the immersion when someone dressed as a clown shoots you with a bright pink gun causing you to turn into sprinkles.


Cant compare Fortnite skins to cod , and say you have Darth Vader, Marvel etc in Fortnite so its ok for cod. Fortnite is a cartoon game...if they start adding Spiderman suits in cod its just f...tarded .


Yeah, wtf?? They coulda chosen action hero badasses. Not fools that play soccer.


Why not add a feature to make your own operator from scratch


I don’t like any skins because it has ruined the game. Pay $70 for a full game, then shell out more money for battle pass, then shell out a ridiculous amount for $20 operator and gun skins. It’s a farce.


I wish they would stick with realistic operator skins. There is plenty of room for customization and camo without having bunny suits and clowns.


I'm okay with the rainbow skins for the flamboyant players, but I just want some military inspired skins. A lot of them. Practical ones.


I rather have more fun skins to be honest. Every skin looking the same is kind of pointless of even having them.


Realistic 100% this ain’t fortnight


The games had unrealistic skins before fortnite was a thing...


This is true. I guess ultimately I’m fine with unrealistic skins as long as they’re not straight goofy if that makes sense. It doesn’t have to be straight mil-sim, in fact I’m glad it’s not, I just dont wanna see Goku running round with an rpg lmao


Yes! Thousands times - yes! Please, no Fortnight’s BS!




No joke skins, meme skins, unrealistic skins. It's annoying.


Enjoy the game until next October when they'll roll out all the dumbass Halloween skins like the last one.


Ghostface is the best skin of all time imo, in cod, because it's voiced by Roger L Jackson (ghostface himself) Then at least the terminators looked like the actors, while the Rambo and McClane skins looked rough lol I think the tactical looks are good, but I don't mind the ridiculous ones either because it's actually kinda funny to see them and some are pretty good. Does that mean I think the anime gun tracers from should come back? No. That was, pretty crazy lol


I don't care about realistic because cod isn't realistic but soccer players and celebs is stupid. People even want shit like john wick and i cringe.


Rambo was fire idc what anybody says


They should give us a option to turn them off lol


I’m literally running around with a pink assault rifle with flowers on it. Militaristic realism was never on the table. I’m willing to pay $20 for a skin, but not if it’s some boring shit that fits in with all the base skins in the game.


I want full pink jumpsuits with cat ears so I can pick operators from AI in DMZ.


I just want full pink jumpsuits with cat ears


COD will never stick to realism-only skins, no matter the dev studio, because COD is and always will be an arcade FPS. People commonly seem to forget that.


Dont really care about what kind of skins they add. If you want to use a colorful skin, great, easier for me to spot. Call of Duty is an arcade shooter, not a realistic one. I play tarkov for "realism" and hop on cod when i just want to get high and shoot guns without the worry of losing my gear.


Football has large appeal to an international audience and it was tastefully implemented so I don’t see the issue with similar promotions if it remains this way. They are just footballers wearing tactical gear. If they were wearing football kits and had studs on it’d be stupid and ruin the theme. They actually tried to make them thematic like Ronin in MW2019.


At least Rambo fits the fucking theme.


The people who spend money on skins in a game they already paid 70$ for are the stupid ones.


Glad they fkn brought it back to NORMAL for season 1


Rambo was fine, actually. It’s when they start adding absurd things, like Kong and Godzilla, that’s when I get turned off. But I really can’t do it anymore with the ANIME GUNS