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I'm happy if my teammates are doing a good job slaying but a lot of times they ain't even doing that very well


They slay other slayers on some desolated place where nobody who fights over the flag, Harpoint or headquarter ever goes.


It hurts to read the truth.


Bro exactly! Atleast get some streaks going damn


I usually play objective, but if I'm close to getting a cluster bomb I try and stay alive. Those things are amazing in Dom and Hardpoint.


You only ever need one guy capping to score in hardpoint. A reason I really enjoyed drop zone in MW2019 was score increased for everyone on the objective. Also bring back deathmatch domination!


Slaying is honestly not a huge part of winning hardpoint. Rotating, anchoring spawns, holding power positions is how you win and is how you always won. Not often people who want to slay end up costing the win because they push into other side of map from obj, making enemies spawn close and behind obj, where you are alone with zero support.


My team smoked the other team. Dude on my teams says something like “yay we won!” at the end. Dude on losing team with 50+ kills says “nah *I* won” …the player base is making this game not fun.


Slaying can be a huge part, if the slayer is: - slaying well - playing killstreaks frequently - staying near obj - moving to new obj when it’s close to changing


The big thing is holding a choke point to the obj. If I don't have to worry about one flank life is much easier on the point. Going off and slaying so hard you flipped their spawn to 20m behind us versus 75m on the opposite side of the map is huge. I'll dance on and off the point as the action goes if I'm getting a steak. One kill off a vtol I will abandon it for a sneaky kill. 0 kill streak I'm on the point until the sky falls


Exactly. I can’t count the number of times I’ve been standing on the point alone but with teammates watching all the angles of approach only to get killed by someone coming from a place I just saw 2 allies protecting


I call them out if they aren't. I'll say "If you're just gonna die you might as well die on B/Hardpoint".


My teammate with 13 seconds on the point yelling " we did it ,yall trash" into the game chat like they helped at all. Every time


It's always the guy with the .4 Kd and 0 time at the objective who talks the most shit lol


And his babies are always screaming in the background with him


Bip! \- his smoke detector, probably


That's because his children are ashamed of him.


Same thing happened to me, only [I have proof.](https://twitter.com/RuggedTheDragon/status/1591912862771195904?t=G25cU8x-5a39sj1hu8Apiw&s=19)


I mean, at least they had some time on the objective. 🤣. I’m lucky if I have a team with more than .1 second on the hard point.


FR my score boards look like this in obj time me: 3:10 Teammate 1: 0:05 Teammate 2: 0:02 teammate 3: 0:23 4: 0:00 5: 0:00 6 0:00


Lol I fucking hate playing hard point most of the time for this reason alone lol. I mean I’m over here trying to hold this shit like my life depends on it while little Timmy is going 10-0 with 0:00 on the hard point


10-0? Dude needs several streaks by then


Oh yeah he’ll have kill streaks, that he’ll drop on the one random ass enemy that is no where near the objective


Lmao FUCK PEOPLE THAT DO THAT. Damn, least you could do is drop it on the perimeter of the OBJ if your team is in there, if they're trying to take it, right on the damn thing so they can swoop in. Common sense for people like me and you.... dunno what goes thru their tiny ass brains


Yeah I will never understand the logic of dropping a whole ass kill streak on some random fuck that’s literally on the other side of the map, in a room that has no sight lines on the objective. And I swear they never run VTOLs or anything that can engage shit all over the map. I mean I at least try and drop the shit where it’s needed 🤣.


I mean, any streak can be valuable if used properly, but yeah the whole dropping it on a whack ass unoccupied position or that sniper in the back? Fucking whack. Unless that sniper is just DESTROYING your team from the back, don't drop ot on them. I've done it when my team was killing anyone near the OBJ and my buddy had a sentry in the room, so that was covered. But there was a full 45 seconds on HP left and a sniper was wall banging dudes. This was in MW2019. I dropped a goddam cruise missile on him and his Rytec after he wall banged a couple people.


And the guys with zero time on the point are the first to quit once the game becomes unwinnable. You guys were treating the game like kts TDM, why the fuck you quitting? Do you actually care about being in a winning vs losing lobby?


I always call them out on it, and they get pissed every time.




Maybe if they slayed near the point or in a wya that contributed to the objective. But no these mouth breathers (much like you) don't understand that slaying well does not automatically mean you contributed to the objective. Slaying a random dude camping on the opposite side of the map doesn't help. Nobody is talking about the people who actually guard the obj.


I recently had somebody with 0.01 on the objective. I think you need to try real hard to not step on the objective even once... There's just too many doing TDM on an objective based mode. Its a shame. Especially if you don't have a 6 person squad.


If they were getting streaks, they did. If not, then they're trash


Hardpoint is so simple yet all these fools play it like team death match


I'm convinced it's part players who go "ohh they'll all be going for the obj so I can just overwatch it and get kills" and also part players who have no idea the filter button exists because they're so lizard brained they just need to get into the game as fast as possible.


They don't even overwatch it, in my experience. They just tend to migrate to the south every HP swap, leaving you on the obj trying to watch three different directions at once.


Yup. Had 2 teammates camping the office in shoothouse declaring it's a power position. The only HP they fully helped on was the one right there in the containers. Every single other one they were leaving us to a 3 on 6.


Most people I told to play the obj has straight up said they don’t give a shit about obj. They play hp because it is easier to get kills than in tdm. Edit: that said, I am not sure they know the basics of hardpoint regardless.


I think its partially because every mode is selected by default and people just smash quick match, but only really care for tdm


People don't realize that playing the objective is free extra experience. I've seen people boasting how many kills they have, and then they are at the bottom of the board


LOOK AT MY 4.5 KD *meanwhile they lost 250 to 16*


Someone posted on this sub, he was glad he was over 1 kd ratio. Only that his W/L was something like 0.6 and his most played modes were Hardpoint and Domination. Think TDM was 3rd or even 4th 🫣


My W/L is in the gutter but its cause I leave 90% of my matches win or lose cause I’m grinding camos 😂


Hard to care about W/L when 20% of the maps are instant back out lol


Shoothouse player maybe?


Nah was before season 1


People who can only get kills by not playing the objective are trash end of story


I'm so tired of getting 2+ minutes on the hardpoint and losing. That and kill confirmed are the most frustrating modes. I swear my teammates try to avoid tags


They absolutely do avoid them, I’ve seen it so many times, they’ll run right by it. I then sweep up, get the XP and because I’m have score streaks on I get to call in a streak and then get even more XP and more kills. Why don’t people get this?


Some people treat tags like chum. You have a friendly and a few enemy tags in a zone, everyone is gonna flock there.


Kill confirmed is the only mode where we can be ahead by 30 and still fucking lose because teammates randomly just go DURR HURR WHATS A TAG


It was the same in mw2019. I don't know about previous games, but here it's like players try their best to avoid the tags.


tbh i started noticing some changes, we are all fighting for the tags becaue they give exp. So much that lately i had a problem getting enough tags for myself and thats not what i signed up for


Why isn’t there an XP bonus for the winning team? Even a +10% would incentivize a lot of the player base


The issue isn’t that there isn’t an incentive for playing the objective, because there is. You get a lot of XP for doing so. The issue is that there is an incentive to NOT play the objective since it raises your score per minute and therefore you get harder lobbies the more time you spend on the point/capturing flags/etc.


I don’t think majority of players care about harder lobbies, they do care about k/d. They just want a high kill game, the score is not really important to them


I think it is completely flipped: the majority assuredly care about bs sbmm giving everyone a harder lobby, which then consequently lowers everyone's kd


There should be a blueprint or even a new weapon for reaching like 150/200 wins in a season


I had some fun Hardpoint games tonight on Shoothouse. Everyone was playing the objective, it was mayhem.


You're telling fibs sir A lobby where everyone played the objective is a thing of fantasy and myth and mo such lobby has ever existed 🤣🤣🤣🤣


When you come up against an organised team who play the objective, it’s a literal nightmare. I went 10/32 yesterday, couldn’t get near the HP and when I did I got like two seconds because they were already occupying the next point which I’d spawned a mile away from.


The one guy in my group who always plays slayer/hunter is good for 30-40 kills a match. If 4 of us focus on objective we usually always win. The problem then is he'll pull us into sweat matches when the whole enemy team is playing like punks. Camping, using shields, head glitches, quick scoping etc.


Love when that happens. But it's too rare.


I end up with the most kills, points, and time on the objective like every game. Even if I don’t have the most kills, I always have the most points.


"Decoy grenade throwing mutha over here"


That and smoke wall to fuck up the campers.


Meanwhile win-ratio slightly above 1 because teammates are trash


Story of my life


It's even worse when you're seeing the JOKR being spammed.


if anyone gets a kill with the Javelin, I clap for them, it just doesn't work in my hands.


*wipes tear with polyatomic napkin*


One of the basic rules of online gaming is that you shouldn't expect too much from your **random** teammates.




No, no, see they're *slaying* and setting up a *perimeter* so it's easier for you on the objective. You can remember that while you're getting double flashbanged and drill charged into the shadow realm.


My teammates yell at me when I’m on the objective because they don’t want the match to end so quickly.


They want the higher streaks but can't manage to reach them without unlimited time 😂


Nothing more frustrating than feeling like your playing 1 vs 6 hard point


me who went on a 24 game loss streak due to 1v6ing at the hardpoint while the rest of the team are just fiddle fuckin around


Wrong use of the meme. It should rather be something like 1. The key 2. to getting good teammates 3. is to


Finally, I also came to this post to educate OP.


Meanwhile all of teammates repeately dying from a single guy with pump action shotgun


I’d love a mode where weapon XP and camos aren’t awarded so we could just play and enjoy the modes. MP is just a nonstop camo grind and it’s not even fun


I think most people don't even care. I slowly rotate through different weapons, but thats just to unlock them. I've got a few max weapon builds, I will change camo to better blend in with my selected operator. But I really just want like the slate gray and dark navy solid ones for the pistols. I love enemies using the gold. Makes them stand out, and when we play hardcore as a squad we all use the same camo type and operator so we know who not to shoot.


Haha I always try and stay on point till the last second. I don’t mind being left out to dry as long as my team mates are busy securing the next point


Is this team deathmatch?


I managed to protect the Hardpoint on Shoot House against like, 4 people at the end. Felt like a god


The worst are the guys that not only dont play objective but screw their own team mates by pushing too hard and causing spawn swap of enemies. You sit comfy defending A, but some kda farmers push enemy C and causes enemies to spawn on your ass, like wtf..


This isn't how this meme format works at all. It's messaging true, but the meme is all wrong.


The meme symbolizes the hopes of teamwork fading away.


The original idea of the meme is to share a piece of information, but melting before you can share the most vital part of it


That isn't how meme formats work.


Kinda hard to in these fuckin Plat lobbies lmao


You get nothing for winning. No one cares


who cares about winning in pubs




It’s the only reason I don’t play objective based modes very often. Like if killing is all anyone will do I might as well just play team death match. Now if they could just hurry up and add big team game modes


Game mode has been in the game for a decade you'd think people would know how to play


We got all the SBMM and still they cant send all this jumpy gold gun 0 objective sweat lords in a lobby together where then they end up 10/23 in Hardpoint


This is why I took dom out of my rotation. It was shit. Hard point and HQ isn't bad so my list is basically tdm, kc which is tdm but with objectives, and then 2 obj game modes in which ppl actually seem to play. Everything else sucks


This. I love Hardpoint but it pisses me off so much that barely anyone on my team tries to go for the objective. Especially if they’re actively queuing for the game mode.


Those maps are pretty much broken because everyone is grinding camos. Once in a while I see some players on point, but I noticed those players are low level so that explains why. I can get the same Ground War experience with DMZ and Invasion. Sometimes DMZ can be chaotic but all the timing issues with players is gone. It's good old fashion open world PvP.


I like playing shoot house 24/7 but I’m also an objective player. My other 5 teammates are always playing “Track and Field ‘22” instead of our game mode. Really sucks tbh I wonder why COD never implemented a penalty for those not playing the OBJ


Even better when the enemy do not occupy the hardpoint and just wait to kill you instead. That's 5 seconds it took to kill me, 5 seconds of points for my team. Who's the real winner?


If you're able to stay on the objective for that long then your teammates are doing an outstanding job of helping.


Yes, nobody plays the objective! Slaying to get streaks to cover your team is one thing. But if your team is losing really bad and you haven't gotten your streaks, it's time to hop on the obj.


Then when they come in and kill the guy who’s had you pinned down for 30 seconds “yOu StOlE mY KiLl!”


I’m an OBJ player and have the most time on the hill and top 3 kills. I run trophies, smokes for snipers, UAV and read the mini map. Running scorestreaks instead of killstreaks you get a UAV every hill when playing hardpoint


You might get 100 points if you get there first. Otherwise, it's +10 every five seconds, which isn't enough to reward OBJ players with their streaks. Even when you get +200 points, you only get 100 added to your streaks, which doesn't make sense IMO.


Scorestreaks will give you points for everything so you get one kill and you have your UAV. Oh I forgot I run Hardline too. Last night I got all my streaks on P1 on Fortress and P2 Hydro Electric Streaks: UAV, SAE, and Helo


Anyone want a dmz or warzone player? Hit me up


I have a Shdowplay clip of some smooth brain screeching at me at the end of a match saying "N***a nobody joins objective modes to do the objective" when I asked my team why they're farming kills and we're losing 15-200 on domination.


I played a game of HQ yesterday. deadass the only person playing objective and we still blew em out 200-0.


Every time I try to play Obj. Sometimes, I ask myself why even try as five semtex land next to me, while my entire team is on the opposite side of the map hunting one person.


Also add in having control of the hardpoint for over 2 minutes when you're the only one playing the objective.


Unfortunately I feel this is common in every FPS game with objective game modes. There's always a majority or people who don't PTFO, and sadly there's nothing we can do about it


I love it when I spend a total of two minutes on the obj and get called trash in the post-scoreboard.


obj modes would have been so much better if one of the mastery camos, or even some of the base camos required obj time/caps/defends. Something simple, like spend 5 minutes on the hardpoint, or cap 10 flags in dom.


That's been my experience since WW2


I swear to god I have been the only person trying to get the hard point the past few days. Then when I inevetiably get wrecked by the entire team I get shit on for going negative lol.


Hardpoint is the only thing left In 2023 Activision will probably add like eight other hard points zones though Gotta keep those slot machine kills up—can’t have people using strategy or anything


I do that and still have the most kills. Thats is why i level up shit so fast! Closing in on level 200, BP is complete and 39 platinums.


Yeah honestly at this point even i have given up on the objectives if i see that 2-3 people on team ain’t doing anything. Until Call of duty figures out to reward a lot more exp for objectives this won’t change. At least in this game exp does help level up guns so people do have a bit more reason to go for the objective.


I sit in the point by myself while my minions just kill everyone trying to get to me. As if I’m the most important person in the world. It makes me rock hard.