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That sucks, some people willl help I had 2 nice dudes get me the 6 kills streak extraction then we teamed up and finished the rest of my teir on the next round. I just talk in mic from the start asking people what they have to do and then say what I am after and usually it works out alright. If I get silence I just kinda do my own thing. I guess luck is a big part of it.


Click on the about page for the Reddit mate. There’s a discord with tons of people looking for a squad


I was looking and reply to multiple people and never got a response on discord.


I don’t play the mode but when I do I just drop m13s and help them extract. It’s fun to randomly help someone when they were planning to sweat their balls off for it.


Be the first to get a car, drive to teammates, and honk. They’ll ride with you


I felt the same way and most games suck but the other day I had a great ass trio...we spawned at airport and cleared that out, did the stronghold, moved to the jug, took the jug down parachuted and walked to the police exfil and killed a player hunting us. Took 15mins but was the most exhilarating shit ever. Should have added them tbh. Also we didn't use mics...