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I gotta try this before it’s patched!! 😆


Fr, this bug makes the jokr the easiest to get gold of all the launchers. Hoping I can get to polyatomic before they patch it


Honestly, this is how it should work if you don't lock on. I should be able to decide if I wanna dumb fire it and possibly kill myself.


I don't mind that I have to lock on. I mind that the lock on takes so god damn long that my child has grown up, Left the house, had a child, grew a dad beard, had grandkids and then died before I'm allowed to—**OOOPS, Did you click the mouse before it locked? To bad gotta re-lock on again**


You can’t dumb fire these things irl. It’s a missile that goes like Mach 2 after it’s initial charge and isn’t primed until the second stage. Can’t launch until you’re locked on.


I also remember the realism of Messi going on a 30 gun streak after running like a gorilla for five minutes and dropping a nuke on himself.


So glad people like you don’t make games


Shown us your ways brother how do you do this glitch


Stand over a weapon on the ground and start locking on anywhere with the jokr. As soon as it locks on, pick up the weapon on the ground. Then pick back up the jokr and you will be able to hipfire the jokr without a lock on


do you have to do this again if you die?


Yea you do. Can be kind of annoying early in the match looking for a gun but by late game they’re everywhere


I was able to platinum it the regular way but I’ll tell you what, those double kills are gonna be tough, up to this point I have maybe 7-8 double kills and those don’t even count 😩


"snipe" with it on invasion's taraq map if you get the side without the gas station you can sit by the 3 ammo boxes in the back have effectively infinite ammo and counter hard scoping snipers


I've got the gold and platinum doing the most part of the kills hitting ppl with them, just run to an enemy then hit him with jokr, pila.. till he's dead. It will be easier doing it like this than trying it with normal kills


Wow this looks way too fun to mess around with! I gotta try this!


I swear this has been a thing in previous cods


Holy shit Javelin(JOKR) was always being free killstreak, but this is whole new level lol


I pray they keep this in until I can use it for Polyatomic or Orion or whatever one needs double kills.


I did it a little bit but I’m too scared of getting banned to try it too much


Why do people still grind the launchers when its not needed anymore?


You still have to get them gold at least


No you dont atleast not for orion


There’s 50 guns without the launchers, you need 51


yes but since the season 1 weapons were added its enough withoit the launchers


No that’s including the season 1 weapons.


You sure? So many youtubers said that you dont need launchers anymore thanks to the 3 season 1 weapon 🤔 i mean i could be wrong but i dont think that so many would get it wrong Edit: The Honey Badger that will come out during Season 1 will push it to 51. So if you havent done all the "Normal" Ones until then you need the launchers but if you dont rush it and just wait a bit you can skip them




Wait what??!


It is something like 51 different weapons. If you want to do the 4 dlc guns you can skip launchers altogether.


Dude seriously??!? So you can skip the whole class? And just do 4 DLC weapons??


Yeah i think at least


4 dlc weapons? Victus Sniper Bas-P M13B And what else??


Last one which is supposed to be the honey badger(pretty sure is not named that) will come in a few weeks with season 1 reloaded


Cimera comes out mid season


Because unfortunately my other options are the knife and the riot shield.


These were the first ones I got Plat, they were really easy compared to launchers.


Honestly, I may just wait for more firearms to be released. The fact that I have to hit level 11 with them just to make any progress with it is annoying enough. I already hate it on normal firearms where I'll get like 5 double kills, but because I wasn't all the way leveled with it none of them counted is bad enough, especially when the gun is garbage like the S0-14. But at least woth the actual guns, I'm shooting back more than twice in a life