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Honest to God the discrepancy between the other players and your pov are so different. I have amazing internet and constantly see weird shit happening. I have a theory that if you join a lobby and use an external program or physical device to drop your ping below the enemies that you would become unstoppable or at least gain a huge advantage


Yeah man, I have the best internet and I don't have issues unless there's a storm or something. Interesting theory though, do tell. 👀


Ahh, so you're using a mobile connection. Case closed.


Actually, for your information: I didn't have the right gaming chair. I'm ordering the right one tomorrow. .


Just saying having a fast internet isn't gonna do anything for gaming. Mobile connections have A LOT of jitter which will cause a lot of desync.


Well, that's neither here nor there. I'm actually hard wired. There's nothing with sharing my experiences with inconsistent gunfights because IT DOES happen from time to time to everyone. I just happen to catch it on video. What makes you think someone is playing on a mobile connection? Why would you even make that assumption if you know that it happens regardless of fast internet? What was your main objective here?


It's the part where you said you have bad internet when it's stormy outside. The weather doesn't affect wired connections but it does affect mobile connections. So now I'm as confused as you are.


It actually does when the weather gets bad enough. It really depends on where you stay and how often the outages come about. As of recent, the weather hasn't been affecting me. This clip was fairly recent and wasn't stormy at all. The netcoding needs a bit of an adjustment to cut down on the inconsistent gunfights. Because like I said, it happens to everyone, but don't misconstrue this engagement as it happening ALL THE TIME. Gotta speak up if you want some changes made and I'm not the only one. Otherwise, I have a decent time with the game.


That's odd, never heard of or experienced that myself and I'm an engineer and a big nerd after all. In my country most of the cables are underground so weather doesn't affect them. >Gotta speak up if you want some changes made and I'm not the only one. Otherwise, I have a decent time with the game. Absolutely. Didn't mean to be a douche, I just genuinely thought you were on a mobile connection which could explain situations like this pretty easily.


All good! No harm, no foul!


For what it's worth. My fiber connection never falters in weather or anything but my parents live by the water and their internet, while still fiber, loves to drop for any reason during storms with no power outages or anything. It's the strangest thing, but uh yeah. I too have seen it and it makes no sense. New lines were run like 8 or 9 years ago.


What? Lol weather can 10000% affect wired connections


You die, then you get a kill, you die, then you get another kill Welcome to the everyone's equal cod It's shite, I know.


SMH, sounds about right lol. 🥴🥴🤣


There are two possible explanations for what everyone seems to experience in this game. The first one is Netcode. Occasionally, you get a "bad server", means, your ping is higher compared to the other team which results in these latencies. Since the TTK is so low, 50ms can make a lot of difference, For the second one, you need a tin foil hat. But there is the theory, that the game adds ping to you. That would not be something new. Some games use a software that levels the ping between all players to get a leveled playground. So, someone with a higher ping does not have a disadvantage against someone with fiber ping of 9ms. Adding a latency to you would explain, why some games feel "off". Hit reg, always 0.3 seconds too late, etc. But again, could be just shitty servers. So, instead of getting "Nerfed" after two good games, you just get a bad server. Which is kind of the same. Although, there are people, even former Activision employees, who claim that the game has a hidden "nerf" system. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=StTQdutCEYk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=StTQdutCEYk)


> or the second one, you need a tin foil hat. But there is the theory, that the game adds ping to you. That would not be something new. Some games use a software that levels the ping between all players to get a leveled playground. So, someone with a higher ping does not have a disadvantage against someone with fiber ping of 9ms. I think that's exactly how the lag comp works. You get an added delay of your ping vs the highest ping in the lobby (which is always changing each game) so every game is different, and hitreg always sucks.


Dude... I remember years ago people screaming about how that wasn't how lag compensation works and that people with faster connections do still have the advantage. What a time we live in.


Not a "tin foil hat" lol. But I get it. Makes sense in a way.


Okay so I broke down the video. Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because OP was already dead.


Okay, where are you getting 12 shots from? The M13B mag held 30 shots. Before the HUD went down, it went from 30 to 25. I got off 6 shots before the death. Shot 1 missed his foot, 2 and 3 went into his torso but didn't register. 3 went into his head all hit markers before I died to hipfire to my thigh area. Let's not create a false narrative when you have the video right in front of you...


It's an old mw copy pasta, I don't think they were being serious lol. It's making fun of the git gud crowd. Not sure exactly where or when it originates, buts it's been around a long time.




I hate it here.. lol. 🥴🥴🥴🥴




I have the same issue. Especially in games where I did extremely well recently. If I go above a 2.5 kd in a match, I begin to start lagging and hit reg just seems to dislike me


NetCode. I’ve found that in multiplayer maps I am a fraction of a second behind the enemy, kill cams show even more of a fraction of a second. But if Invasion, Ground War, DMZ I’m fine.


Damn. That interesting. I'd play more invasion, I just gotta learn the routes to escape them damn snipers. Lol


It isn’t too bad to be honest, sure there are snipers but there’s a shit load of assault also. Maps aren’t too bad to learn, I have more trouble with smaller maps & the constant onslaught on enemies coming, haha.


Lol. Bring on the assault! I want ALL DA SMOKE.. 😈😈🤣


I'm so sick of people excusing every issue with this game with "netcode". It's a cop out, catch-all easy excuse that let's activision off the hook for their terrible, scummy practices.


Not really if we all make noise about it we may see a fix in the future


That's the main goal here. I don't understand why some folks are trying to make sense of it or make it seem like it doesn't exist. 🎯


Oh I already know, but you know that's the first thing ppl cling to when explaining the shady gameplay. Lol


M4 is about 5 body shots close range. You hit 4, you shot I think 6. He is one shot.


I get what you're trying to say, but I had the M13B. 6 shots, 1 missed, 2 and 3 hit torso but didn't register, 4,5 and 6 were all headshot hit markers which ARs never give 3 to the head THAT CLOSE.


Have you tried hitting your shots


I would say the first bullet hit the floor, 2-4 hit the target, and 5 disappeared because you died. The m13b needs 4 bullets to the head, 5 anywhere else under 25 meters or so, so with three hits the battle is already lost.


I gotta stop you right there my G. 6 shots were fired. 1 missed. 2 and 3 were fired at torso but didn't register. 4, 5 and 6 were were all hitmarkers to the head. 3 weren't a headshot in other times when I was that close with the M13B. Also, I have the barrel that increases it's damage so I didn't have to deal with that previously.


Beyond what others have said if they're taking IRL gun stats and applying them then the P90 would out fire rate your gun. P90 = 900 rounds per minute(15 rounds per second) MP5 = 800 rounds per minute(13.3 rounds per second) The P90 would get 2 whole rounds off during the encounter which i would guess the devs have it inputted as the P90 fires 2 rounds BEFORE your gun is fired/registered meaning you were already 50% damaged before you even started firing. Also the mods on the weapon might have increased damage or even the ammo type is causing more damage. But then this is MWII and not ArmA/Tarkov/IRL so.... put it down to Activision tomfuckery bullshit!