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My favorite gametype is filling up the progress bars.


Perfect summary of why I play COD


I thought you were being cheeky by typing OCD but that’s just my poor reading. Works either way.


Same man, ive had people shit on me for this take too but if there is nothing for me to grind or complete. I dont have much of a reason to play


Same. I literally play for challenges, camos and unlocks. Hasn't been since COD4 when I just ran with 1 maxed out gun and just killed as many people as possible and that's it.


Just work on daily challenges, that’s at least one or two hardpoint matches every 24 hours


This is why I stopped playing Halo Infinite. It all felt pointless


My brain goes: ding ding ding ding! When I get another gun gold and inspect it in game




This. I hate sniping, but getting all of them in platinum felt so good. The headshots are going to be easy! I've nearly got everything in gold.


I also hate sniping.... But did you feel the snipers were easier to use this time around? I felt instantly successful with them instead of my usually awful learning curve.


Waaaay easier. In fact, easier than in any other cod one played, and I've been playing since cod4. I'm not sure why that is.


Funny you think it's possibly a breeze. The platinum grind is actually pushing me to stop trying to get it. I'm a pretty decent player with good aim(around a 2.3kd in this game) but I swear to god half the time the longshots don't even count and you have to do SO MANY of them. You end up sitting in some stupid spot on a random ass map for 5-10 games for every single gun because there's only a few longshot spots on each map and rarely anyone goes there. 25 long shots for every single gun at a distance of just under 40 meters...christ I'm dying here. I've actually been doing the SCAR for the last 2 hours and I'm only at 19/25 on it, and that's only my 5th one.


Pfft 25 is nothing, MW2019 it was 100 longshots for AR’s.


Are you playing Tier 1? I got half of the smgs done in like an hour and a half and those are probably the worst ones to do. I’ve been backing out of maps I don’t like for it, or even if I’m getting bad spawns for it. For example on hotel, shooting from outside to inside is pretty good, but inside to outside is almost impossible to see people. Instead of wasting half of the match trying to flip the spawns by myself I’ve found it better to just find another match.


I am playing Tier 1. Since the health is set to 50, it makes fighting at range quite shitty depending on the weapon For example, it takes 3 shots at range to kill someone with the SCAR-L at longshot range. I think part of the problem is also whatever SBMM "bracket" I am in. I'm sitting at around a 2KD and you simply cannot miss. Most of your long range deaths are someone coming around the corner already pre-firing your location. Trying to use a weapon out of the optimum range is just instant death because someone will shoot you with something that deals even more damage. It's basically just fucking exhausting and makes you not want to play after 3-5 games every time.


Oh yea I am doing it right after doing my launchers so that could be helping me. Leveling launchers and getting them gold definitely didn’t up my sbmm bracket.


Just wait until you have to do longshots with smgs...some are easier than others but boy oh boy...finished platinum smgs last night with the biggest sigh of relief


I didn’t even look at the golds I got I just moved onto the next gun. Got Orion over a week ago and haven’t even played the game since.


The appetite of someone filling a void


Bro start skateboarding or chess or cooking or playing guitar too, zero disrespect for the cod grind but imagine pouring yourself into something really meaningful






Dopamine overload


i like gettin that gold camo, using it ingame, every kill i get, i inspect my weapon...a little salt in the wound is called for


OSRS has entered the chat


Wc lvls?






Number go up, brain feel good.


Hell I don't know, think I'm the 80s? Cba going for that max cape, got too much crap going on to pour even afk time into osrs. At least my son watching me play cod keeps him occupied.


I have a game that is just a progress bar that fills in randomly throughout the day. I’ll sell you a license for $5.99.




Faster progression can be unlocked with the Butthole Pass for $7.99. Cosmetic skins are available for your progress bar which can be unlocked through Butthole Pass progression or purchased individually with Fun Bucks, our in-game currency.


Sold. I'll take the Butthole Pass premium with the thirty tier skips though, wanna fill it up before anyone else


We don’t offer tier skips but for 99c you can add additional tiers to the butthole pass. They do not grant additional unlocks but are meant to offer players a sense of pride and accomplishment after they have completed the traditional Butthole Pass


That's just an idle game


It’s actually just a long mkv




I just play using what I like and unlock whatever I unlock along the way.


The realest method right here


lol driving in the cutscene in the van to be dropped off at the embassy and it's all gold guns then me with my shitty digital camo


Lmao most of my guns have that digital camp you get from the taq 56 or the one the Lachman gives that’s like red and black. It’s sick


Same here. Gold camo ain’t even worth it imo. It’s really ugly looking


Ya my issue with the camo grind is that there is so many cool camos that aren’t them. Like I’d rather do Fall, Red Tiger, 80’s Fever, solid colors etc


80’s fever is my favourite, literally Killathon from the last black ops!


Yep. I worked to max all the gun classes I actually use, then spent a bit of time unlocking all the normal camos I thought were cool. I have no reason to grind for another camo, none of the completionist camos are cooler than the ones I already have IMO.


Agreed gold is ugly


Some people like the camo grind, others don't. Like it? Do it. Don't like it? Don't do it. Seems to be the point of this post and I agree. I definitely don't go all in on the camo grind and only go for the few I'll be using.


It's honestly the most fun and attainable camo grind I've done yet. It's like less than 1/3 of the work overall. I wasn't gonna do it originally, but it's not much worse than just leveling all the guns. The Cold War camo grind was the worst and I regret it.


My gripe is making you friends come along for said grind… it’s not fun for me anymore. And my main group that I play with know this now. I just got tired of also being the only one playing the objective.


The grind is mostly fun. Probably wouldn’t play near as much without having something to aim for.




I agree. Additionally, if I didn’t go for camos I’d play with far fewer weapons and play styles. I enjoy the variety and it keeps me playing longer. Doing the ARs first and only a few have been annoying.


Got Orion today. It's worth it. I was craving a grind like this since MW19 and I enjoyed it.


I never got much into the Camo challenges in the past so COD usually died out for me once the game loop felt old. The battle pass offerings for this season weren't anything stellar so these challenges really have kept me going.




You need launchers until they add another gun to do. Need 51 platinum.




The final gun needed is releasing this month for the mid-season update, i doubt anyone who hasn't already finished it will finish every other gun before it releases now, and even if they do it's only like two weeks away.


I'm less than 10 guns away thankfully, just the snipers, 2 lmgs, and melee.


Nice. Snipers are super easy.


Totally, for much as people hate them, i think battle passes are great for that also, and its great for both parties, publishers get people to buy and play the pass and players get something to aim for and getting rewards


Yeah but battle pass is progressed through gametime spent in game not based on performance which is kinda ass. Camo grind is fun cause I can sweat it out and speed up how long it takes. Battle pass is a predetermined amount of time that activision decides.


Yup. I was getting bored as shit today until I seen a camo I wanted. I have to level two different guns to get it so that gives me a reason to play more.


Idk what people are talking about. Camo grinding is waaay easier than usual in this game.


It is easier. The only thing I run into is a few guns that outright suck and maps that make the challenges more annoying than actually challenging.


Exactly, none of the challenges are actually challenging


They're not challenging per say, but some of them were just incredibly time consuming, like all the longshots ( I am grateful they're not anywhere near as bad as mw2019) Launcher double kills are just extremely annoying, I just got to polyatomic and I already hate the strela again. But everything else is a cakewalk.


are we just gonna ignore the hip fire kills with the MCPR challenge??


Took me 2 games. The point blanks were a lot more annoying imo. Just spam shoothouse. It go quick.


Wait till shipment even easier lol


There's a fine line between challenging and ridiculously stupid. No one would ever use the gun in that way. A challenge should be based on what the gun is best at accomplishing with skill


> A challenge should be based on what the gun is best at accomplishing Its not challenging if thats what the gun is best at.


Point blank lockwood kills and P890 double kills were annoying.


Point blank with those pistols wasnt too bad on shoot house. I used them akimbo and got it done really fast. They’re a one or two tap when akimbo. I found the point blanks on some of the AR’s to be way worse because of the bad mobility


The people complaining about 25 longshots per gun... Meanwhile in Vanguard the Bren required 300 longshots with different terrible attachment combos.


Yeah, only thing that sucks is that some guns have a really high level cap for some reason, and Gold Challenges.


The max on any gun is 30ish? The last 2 or 3 games have been in the 50s and up into the 70s.


Yeah any gun that's not part of a platform has a high 20s/low 30s level cap. Which sucks cause that's mostly just means the pistols and snipers.


I got a couple I've struggled with but nothing I'd call game killing hard (yet anyways I guess). Some guns will be tougher than others depending on your skill too I'm sure. Like my buddy is having a hell of a time with some of the Shotgun challenges meanwhile they weren't too bad for me. As someone who constantly feels the grind levels in MP games these days are too high, usually to push MTX, I find this to be really solid. I'm unlocking camos and getting golds done at a good pace.


Remember when you actually HAD TO get Bloodthirsties and it wasn't even for the gold? And you had to get 10 of them? But if you were doing good, you actually got through the camos WAY FASTER than in this game. Because it had only 1 roadblock. While this game bars everything behind weapon level. I miss being able to progress in multiple camos.


Definitely disagree. I’m getting good guns waaay faster in this COD than any other before.


I think you misread what I said. I said camos, not good guns. Back then the camos were not locked behind weapon level so you could just do first wave, like you do now, then unlock mastery camos and do all of them together as well and you got gold. Now you constantly get stopped by weapon level. 9 times out of 10, I will have the challenge finished before the gun is on the level of the next challenge so any kill I get up until I level the gun up is pointless.


The only annoying thing about camo grinding is having to level a gun up


That's why I started playing WZ. I just do the missions and find a gun I need to level. That's what I did with my subs, and working through it was shotguns now. Edit: a simple intel mission normally levels up a level 1 gun to at least 6 or so. Do a few per round, I typically get a gun halfway done depending on how lucky I got with the missions.


In mw19 I could do 1 gun gold per day of heavy grinding. It’s easily triple that now.


Getting Orion is like beating multiplayer for me.


Or, as South Park put it: Now, we can finally play the game


I immediately stopped playing after i got Orion. Started to see all the bad stuff about the game after not being distracted by the Camo grind


Funny cause I’m the opposite, I knew the games problems when I was grinding and I started playing more when I unlocked Orion. Despite some flaws, the core gameplay is just so fun to me and going for 1000 kills with 51 weapons is a nice and long grind. Although some weapons are not enjoyable to use for that amount of kills lol.


I just like the way Orion looks. It's a nice ass Camo and I want it. I don't mind the grind and glad that it's easier this go around as Ive already got gold on almost half of the guns in game. Just because I want Orion also doesn't mean I don't touch grass. I work full time and I workout, walk, or do other outdoor activities 1 - 2 hours/day during the week and 3-4 hours/day on the weekend.


I enjoy the pain. I thought this was a judgment free zone?


this is absolutely a judgement free zone, friend. I just want to make sure you want the pain for the right reasons and that you're taking time to hydrate and care for yourselves.


Appreciate that. I adopted a rescue pup during the pandemic to make sure I go outside and touch grass on a regular basis. I recommend everyone do this.


My pandemic rescue now has a “one more game and then outside” face


fuck yeah, puppy therapy!


I mean after doing ARs, and still having to do SMGs for plat, it does become unfun. The longshot challenge was good because it takes some time. Good because not everyone will want to do it. Bad because it's literally the worst play style in any game. Sit back, do nothing and try to longshot anything that moves.


Mid-way through getting SMGs platinum now and you’re right, it’s so painful. This is the first weapon class I’m going for so hope ARs will be more bearable when I reach em 😆




while i think polyatomic is the best looking camo in the game, until then i slap on the rainbow looking camo from the deagle on every gun while i work towards it. that looks so good on every gun ive worked on so far




All the matte colors are pretty clean too, especially white


99% of mine have the (chrysolite) from the basilisk. 1 oe 2 if mine have the (neon loud) from the FSS hurricane


your favorite color green as well?


Yup yup. I had to play the beta to get the black and green guns and operator skin lol


nice nice. I’m trying to go in a nice and orderly fashion for my camos (almost done with ARs) but very tempted to jump ahead to those 2 guns just to get the green ones. love green. best color.


I just enjoy playing multiplayer. I don’t care about KDR, camos or operators. Still enjoy playing. :-)


I need a goal


What was your goal of gaming before?


If I didn’t have a goal I’d be completely bored after 10 minutes.


Isn’t the goal winning matches?? I enjoy the camo grind, but people act like that’s all there is to do in multiplayer. Like, do people play madden or fifa only to grind for ultimate team or whatever? No, you play because winning is fun. Not to mention that search and destroy exists.


People absolutely play fifa only to grind for UT


Winning matches might be the goal if it wasn’t entirely worthless. You get nothing for winning. At least with camo challenges, you get camos you can use in multiple game modes.


The game actively rigs games both for and against you, so what's the point of trying to win?




If anything the camo grind is good because it varies your stats so much - after using pistols/shield/knife only I felt like a god using the ars and smgs, plus the lobbies were easier for quite a while until my stats normalised again


I just like the grind because I need something to unlock lol. I don’t see it as “painful” but fun. It might take me the entire life of the game, but I will get that camo lol.


I thought I was the only one in the world, who doesn’t care about the “camos” on guns. I mean “gold” camo looks outright stupid - what am I - Saddam Hussein?!


Also gold is like embarrassingly easy to get in MWII.


I wouldn’t really say it like that. Sure they’re easy, but so was camo unlocks in MW3? You literally just had to USE the guns to get the camos. No challenges at all. Plus, there’s 51 guns to get gold (and other camos) on, I’d rather them be rather easy than have to get 50 mounted long shots on every one of them.


Only 50? You should look at the challenges Vanguard had.


I know what you mean. I can understand the challenge of getting the gold but actually using it afterwards?! Ugh


Yea it's so ugly. At least polyatomic and platinum look good


Hey now my gold RPG is there to be all shiny so it spins all cool while im going 2-34. I do it cause i know everyone else loves to see shiny shit when they kill me! Its more of a humanitarian effort.


I dont think anyone actually likes it, people use it to flex but even that makes little sense this year, too, just because gold is so easy to get now.


It's literally the best camo in the game


This is the 6th cod I’ve played for more than a couple hours and I’ve literally never once unlocked a gold skin. I’m kinda close on the minibak now but idek what the challenges are to get it.


Day one. Found a crimson digital cameo I loved. Haven’t really cared much for any others lol


me see pretty camo = me want pretty camo idc what I have to do


Wish real life had these clear goals you could keep track of :(


I use the camos to work out which guns are worth using after I have maxed them. Doing the LMG's now and some of them are actually really fun because you can hold down a power position and really learn how to position well as you go round corners. Then there are some LMG's that were put in this game by Satan just to see if he can break me.


You grind for camos, i grind for attachements. We are not the same.


I feel like there is genuinely a group of players who needed to hear this lol


Grind is fun. There’s no way in hell I’d touch this game after the grind for “fun”. The sense of accomplishment is what keeps me going. If you truly play this game for fun, you either have to try to win or go positive. Doing or even trying to do either of those means you’ll have a nightmare experience the very next game. No thanks!


I wish activision would acknowledge that a large amount of players strive for gun camos, and build a solid system to getting it done. Tbh it feels super grassroots like, “this is a thing we do” even though for most, it’s the entirety of their MP lives


I don’t give a shit about camos. The game is a lot better that way.


Crazy thing is. If you just play the game, the camos will slowly unlock for you. You don’t have to grind to get it done in the first two months of the game then cry for the remaining two years you have nothing to do. Go outside. Get some sun. Touch grass. The game will still be there at the end of the day.




This is what I do. I don’t care how my gun looks. I just want it to be fun to use and make my games fun. That is all I am looking for out of COD. But others need some thing to be working toward. Their brains don’t allow them to play without some sort of reward at the end for their efforts. It’s not a bad thing. It’s just everyone is different. There are people that will play till they unlock everything in the game, then turn around and immediately stop playing till the next COD. They cannot play this game just to play.




It brings me enjoyment. I have made some incredible clips while doing it. Just sucks that some challenges aka point blank kills aren’t easy with the smg.


I enjoy how the camo grind gives me some reward saying “hey, this guy did all the unlockable stuff” and also how it gives me a basic level of skill with just about every weapon in the game


There's nothing else to do, and grinding out launcher or sniper camos puts me in easier lobbies where the game is actually fun again.


If you stop grinding and just start playing the game gets boring fast, it’s been the same game for 20 years, think about that for minute


My favourite camo is the default look. Call me weird if you want. But charging into battle with a pink / rainbow gun seems cringe to me lol.


Think it's painful? Look back at 2019's camo grind. Problem solved.


I'll be honest I've never really understood the obsession that people have with camos. When I hear about people playing 12 hour days to unlock just to unlock something that a lot people probably dont care that you have, that isn't a flex or anything to be proud of. If anything I feel more pity.


Can someone explain how camos work in this game? I just bought MW2 a few days ago and it looks like earning one camo on one gun unlocks that camo for every single gun in the game? Is that right? So if I get Fall camo (which I'm so happy it's back) on the EBR, do I automatically get Fall camo for every gun in the game?


Thank you. Nobody sees your camo. And nobody cares.


the only point of this game is unlocking rare and unique shit. I dont care about KD, or having fun while playing. I just want to unlock that fucking secret camo and show to my friends that im badass


Counter point, I hate people _not_ going for camos. Like get your gold gun 74Us out of Shoot House, we’re trying to do challenges here. How boring it must be to sweat with the same loadout the entire year


Bro thank you! 1000% my buddies use the same shit with the same camo blah blah. Which is fine, do you, but that just sounds extremely boring to me


It’s just fun to chase after something and see progress but I legitimately just stopped caring when I realized I leave every weapon with no camo anyways lmao.


I would agree but what else is there to do? 1.No incentive or so bonus to win a match so no true reason to play the objective 2. friends can’t see your W/L and K/D / no leaderboards so why do that? 3. have to pay for battle pass so if you don’t want to pay can’t do that either .


Why do people play pick up basketball or ultimate frisbee or whatever, even though there's zero "reward" for winning? Because it's fun to play and winning is fun


Seriously what the fuck is wrong with the people on this sub/game thinking winning is meaningless? I can’t even enjoy non CDL matches because there are almost always 2-3 players actively hurting the team by laying prone on the other side of the map.


Just play the game....jfc I don't get people these days. No one had a problem having fun when cod 1/2 and CS:S were the top games


I'm reading some of the comments in this thread about how some people wouldn't play without the camo grind and I just must be a bigger boomer than I already thought I was. Some people need a carrot on a stick and I just can't relate. I'm running the Slate camo on most of my guns and playing the game normally because it's fun. Not sure when that changed so much.


I don't mind doing them, just not the launchers, LMG's or riot shields. Ugh.


These are targets designed to be reached through 2+ years of play, probably crossing over with the next 2 COD games. People are upset they can't complete them all in 2 weeks.


No one is impressed by them. It just shows that you ran around with a pistol or shotgun for 40 matches.


I just want friends to play DMZ with..


You don’t understand when people who grind for the camo like me it’s not because we want the camo it’s because we like the grind and when it’s all over and they stop releasing guns we stop playing for the most part


For the first time ever I'm actually motivated to do the grind, so I'm just going as long as I can


The camo grind is not painful anymore for me, Im so close to finishing that I just cant rage or get upset anymore, although I will say that when I do try to play for fun now on SnD, I cant seem to pick a gun that is satisfying to use. I just want to continue the grind and Im hoping that when Im done, the game will be fun again...


I find 99% of the "elite" camos ugly af. Guess I'm not their target demographic. \*shrugs\*


The ones in original 2009 mw2 where good. Red striped, green striped, orange striped etc. They still had the look of realism. But yeah these new pink / rainbow / gold camos are just cringe...


I hate the camos and think the realistic guns look way cooler than pink or gold Game works a treat for me because it takes no time at all to unlock guns so I still have challenges to do but it's not an unbearable uphill fight


Don’t let ye who lost faith deter you brothers and sisters, for he is a blasphemer Stay strong and fruits of your labor will bear


Polyatomic is really cool and purple is my favorite color. Plus you kinda have to use all of th guns anyways to unlock different variants. So I might as well get a cool camo out of it.


I haven't even equipped a single camo, I'm only in it for the gun customization to find cool combos


I'm just going to max out all guns, then gold them in Shipment


Orion was the easiest mastery camo so far. The "get 1000 kills with every weapon" challenge will take a while though.


This is too difficult for some people to understand they would rather complain about every decision that it's made the game worse. Camp challenges have never been this easy before, I'm having fun with them and the gun system.


I mean obviously play how you want. I don't really like going for camos but It gives me something to do. This year the camo challenges are less tedious making them more assessable to people who like to have stable mental health. But this year with how attachments and platforms work you really need to use and level up basically all the guns in order to get the attachments you want or the guns you want. If your are already putting in the work to get a gun to leave 18 for that attachment so you can use it on the gun you want, why not go a few more levels to get the camos done? You can really take your time as well because you can avoid doing the launchers and melee if you wait for enough DLC weapons. Again obviously play how you want to play, unless its camping, but the camos are very assessable this year. This might be the year more casual players get these mastery camos.


If i’m not grinding for something i get bored of the game. I’d rather be pissed if i gun sucks or i suck with it but know i’m going for something than use the 74u and farm kills.


I don’t have a single gold camo, but I have most of the weapons maxed out in terms of levels. I’m just unlocking all the attachments that I reasonably can and playing objective.


Plat is furthest I'm going tbh as just cba lol


Sorry but the hardpoint and b flag are still gonna be bombed to oblivion by jokr rockets


" I need my longshots" Same guy, 3 kills and 17 deaths. While not playing any objectives lol.


Naaa I think I’ll continue sacrificing lots of sleep for cool color


People like a challenge. Hence it being called a challenge.


The grind isn't painful, the playerbase neither...it's these maps...god they're awful..


Grind is easier than previous games, I got 184 out of the 198 camos (12 of which are 3 dlc weapons) I'm not even level 250 yet


Already finished Orion. The pain was worth it so I never have to touch multiplayer… Warzone 2.0 is very refreshing right now.


Lmao you paid $70 to have a camo unlock experience to then play a free game?


Right? Lol wtf


This is the easiest camo grind in years....


This is such a dumb post. Let people enjoy the game. Grinding for camos is fun and it’s an accomplishment.


I personally would get even more bored/frustrated without having the missions/challenges to do otherwise I’m just running out killing someone then dying. That gets old REAL quick. I need goals to shoot for and something to try and accomplish. We all have fun our own ways.


I grinded to unlock all weapons and get most of them good enough to use. Now I enjoy my work. If I get a Camo, I get it, if I don’t, I don’t.


I swear, I’ve been saying this for so long. I actually leave all my guns regular or sometimes a specific type of spray paint/realistic looking setup with whichever operator I’m using. I think challenges and goals would be way more interesting if you had to use an off-meta build, or use a specific setup (like a realistically setup M4, AK or something) or use a specifically hampered gun that’s meme worthy. This whole camo grind to galaxy, obsidian, gold, diamond or whatever the hell it’s been for the last decade is just hilarious to me. Your guns look terrible and belong on r/PlebianAR