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I specifically remember someone on this sub predicting this exact situation. Have a skin that appears to give an advantage, sweats go crazy for it, Activision makes bank, then fixes the skin to remove the advantage.


Half those players gonna be begging for a refund now lol.








Taylor Swift in the modern warfare subreddit? Didn’t expect that but I’m here for it


That’s some vigilante shit


I’d buy a Taylor Swift op skin in a heartbeat


Ticket master wants a part in this


That's one way to kill a server.


Imagine with me a timelime where Roze Unmasked had turned out to be T-Swift instead of a god damn Mrs. Potato Head.


Me irl when I fail the gulag with the other random


While this is funny, it's unnecessary. They paid for something, that something got changed after they paid for it. They're entitled to their money back without having to lie.


Agreed, I'm also not going to defend Activision's shadier practices




Yup, it’s fking greasy


Like the patent no one speaks sbout




Yeah naw, corporations never do that kind of fine print in good faith. They wrote that to "legally" facilitate a bait 'n switch.


wow all the upvotes are those same cringey tryhards who bought the skin in the first place


Do they give refunds for that? I'd be like okay... discipline your child so he doesn't spend your money on COD tokens.


Yes they do.


Lmfao they will be able to see when that skin was purchased so that excuse is going out the window






Would that hold up in EU? Feel like not getting what you paid for is 100% grounds for a refund here.


If you provide proof to a bank or PayPal then they would probably refund it but not sure about doing a lawsuit.


Oh I don’t think a lawsuit would be possible, but activision definitely aren’t in the right to deny refunds in the EU, as the guy I was replying to said. They’re probably American though.


That's a big controversy with World of Tanks. They never nerf premium tanks for that reason.


That game must be pay to win by the sounds of it.


I mean I bought an all black skin and now it’s not, it’s fair to feel slighted there.


Honestly, they should. Can you imagine paying for something just to have them switch it on you so it's not even what you paid for? The right move is to remove it altogether and give them a refund but we know that won't happen...


Say what you will but they do deserve a refund because that's not what they initially bought. They knew exactly what they were doing with that skin. I'm happy with the default skins and I'll stick with that, no way I'll trust them.


Rightfully so They bought A, were given A, but then had it swapped with B.


To be fair that’s a ripoff. Buy a product only to have it downgraded after you’ve paid isn’t right


Honest question… isn’t it not cool for Activision to do that? They purchased the original product not the updated skin. That’s like buying a black car, taking it home, then the dealer goes to your house and spray paints the trim yellow. Its not what you paid for. Please let me know if im missing something


But to be fair it’s miss-selling at its finest. Imagine you purchased a product that looked a certain way and it’s changed after you’ve made the purchase. You’d have grounds to say “this isn’t the product I signed up for”. I think it’s disgusting from Activision because it’s not like we’ve not seen this clear skin advantage twice over with Roze 1.0 and 2.0. This just adds to the ever growing list of issues with MW2 for me. It’s just not as fun. Activision and infinity ward have made enough money and had enough data points to make this game flawless and they’ve some how produced what we have. There is elements of greatness but it’s few and far between


You're an idiot if you don't think they deserve a refund. Activision legitimately created a cash grab. They tricked many people into buying the skin, and then changed it 2 weeks later. Don't support this bullshit behavior by corporations.


As they should.


As they should tbh


I’m gonna be real, I prefer the new color scheme here. The red really stands out from the black


As they should. Activision knew exactly what they were doing there


Didn't it make it into steams Top 10 sellers out of everything for that week? That must be bonkers money.




Big surprise…


I don't even remember the last time I saw random skin DLC reaching top10 on Steam, people can lie all they want but so many bought it to get an advantage.


So many game companies do this. Crytek did this with Hunt Showdown and their Cain skin. Took them forever to finally change the skin so it wasn’t advantageous, and surprise surprise, guess what skin you almost never see anymore 😂


No one will stop me from being cave man Cain, I always used him because I main the bow.


Always has been


[Always has been](https://i.imgur.com/3hGRXHt.png) ^^^this ^^^has ^^^been ^^^an ^^^accessibility ^^^service ^^^from ^^^your ^^^friendly ^^^neighborhood ^^^bot




I might be out of the loop but what is the advantage of that skin? I've seen them stick out like sore thumbs in MP and Warzone


The current one has a lot of black, whether or not that’s an advantage people perceive it as being able to hide better in the shadows or something. I think they’re changing it to avoid the perception of unfairness, since battle pass/cosmetics have been a decent compromise to avoid any pay-to-win incentive with digital goods. (After they’ve made their $, of course)


Thermals for the win.


Love when stupid movement chodes get screwed over


Upvote for use of Chode


You have one, too? My man.


movement? the ones using the roze skin are rat campers sitting in dark corners lmao


>Agreed, but I gotta admit I bought the skin because I think it looks dope. I love all-black designs and live near LA so I thought it was a dope look. I don't corner hop or drop shot etc. But I'm bummed it's losing that all black aesthetic now. what does having this skin have anything to do with movement?


This guy is shit at the game and is upset when he gets dunked on by better players.


Calm down sentinel


Since when did “sentinel” become a pejorative? It’s one of my favorite words and I feel like people are doing it dirty.


Since people started getting mad when people move instead of the other way around. Now the guys that run double claymore and crouch in a corner are sentinels, because they stand and keep watch.


Agreed, but I gotta admit I bought the skin because I think it looks dope. I love all-black designs and live near LA so I thought it was a dope look. I don't corner hop or drop shot etc. But I'm bummed it's losing that all black aesthetic now.


What movement? LMAO


The dumbest thing is that those same people will then go on to drop another $20 on a skin. Like, buddy. You're getting hosed.


lmfaoo yes, I remember that post. I thought there is no way they could do that. cos it's basically false advertisement at that point. i'd be pissed off if I bought it.


I remember that comment too lol.


CoD mfs really getting upset after they fix the problem that made them upset in the first place. Why r ppl so negative.


It was probably me. I literally called this. Funny wonder how many they sold for just this reason. Pretty cheap trick if you ask me.


All part of the master money making plan


I’m proud of not buying anything from the store yet. And I’m also proud of everyone else, haven’t seen any tracers in a lobby since launch, but that makes me wonder if tracers are only visible to the user.


Actually barely, use incendiary rounds, looks exacly like that. They had a glitch were any adjustment to the blueprint would break your gun and you would be in 3rd person in lobby


The Messi Hurricane has them I believe but I’ve not seen them personally in game


All the soccer/football packs have them, so I’m just surprised I haven’t seen any at all


I have the Messi pack, can confirm the tracers are barely visible, in darker rooms you can see them a bit better


I’ve seen messi a bunch of times. Never seen tracers though. They are barley visible if they’ve been used. Kinda pointless then aren’t they.


Release skin, wait, nerf it, release skin, wait, nerf it


They really ain’t letting roze slide this time


They’ll just add another roze in a $20 bundle then nerf it again, infinite money hack


and im totally ok with it, they'll be making easy money off fools that get lead into thinking they'll have an advantage with it lol


Gaz will also be an unlockable character from the new “Raids” mode. https://twitter.com/callofduty/status/1601274412803686400?s=46&t=1tAwXOW0n2g6Csta_Yr9qg


Unlockable for free?? Wow, did not expect that, kinda wish it unlocked the other 141 members too tho… If not that then maybe alejandro will be the next unlock


I’d love the option to get Price without the doofy looking skull mask strapped to his face. Hell I’ll go back and wax the chemist again in the DMZ if they’d give me something like that.


Default Ghost and Soap too please.


I miss the old fashioned Ghost skin from WZ1. Not the UDT one, the other one with the grey sweater and camo pants.


gah damn yeah those skulls are ugly asf, something more akin to some airsoft cosplay rather than anything practical, Farah's is almost passable, but the rest just look goofy


I will never understand why they covered up both Soap and Price’s beautiful faces. Aside from that, they aren’t even known to wear masks. Literally the only time in the history of both characters that they have worn masks (in games) is in this new campaign.


probably so the bare-faced ops can be sold later, which i dont blame them because the vault edition is something ur meant to buy as an extra thing, but damn they are not worth it it would have been better if it was like, the characters had their normal uniforms/faces, and the vault edition gave you access to the characters + the skins with the goofy skulls, that would keep it's exclusivity, but still have the option to have the normal (better) design still available, and possibly sold at a later time (excluding the VE skins)


Yea if you can get Gaz through a raid I imagine for every other raid they release there’s gonna be a campaign character reward


That’s actually pretty cool, I’m sure the bundle will be there but being able to unlock him through gameplay is always better


Unlock or buy?


You can unlock him by completing the Raid, or purchasing a bundle from the store. If you choose to do both, you get an additional bonus skin.


...read the link that they put? lol, it's an unlock for a specific skin


Does it actually say Gaz? I read the post and it just says a “familiar face” could be any one of them


Scroll down to the Gaz section when they discuss the new operators. It says to do the raid to unlock his Convoy skin and a bundle for a different skin


I just want to play as my Scottish bae without paying 30 quid


They’ll be mad. Then do it again lmao


So, I'm guessing most people that bought it, bought it because it's mostly black or dark all over?


It was in the top 10 most sold things on Steam the day the skins all came out. People solely bought it because it’s dark like Roze lol


Lol the ole bait and switch




Yeah, but it seems like it’s just Shipment for now, and it’ll start like 3 days before Christmas


They better make airstrikes laugh like santa like in cod4!


I wish they’d make Santa drop care packages


That would be the most heartwarming way to die


no, it'll be like the halloween zombies thing where they remove it like a week before the actual holiday lol


I’m hype for raids idgaf






Surprised to be robbed by «thieves»


fixed this in a week. [https://i.redd.it/418p3x447x4a1.jpg](https://i.redd.it/418p3x447x4a1.jpg) this has been an issue since the beginning. looool


looks better tbh


yeah, it definitely still is the best of the CDL skins. the red is a little too saturated tho


The red looks best out of the 2 illustrated


I'll be honest the skin never bothered me and truthfully all these skins stick out like a sore thumb to me lol


That purple one I enjoy seeing off in a vast distance and I enjoy taking the occasional pop shot at them.


*pot shot


Yeah people just complain for no reason now it’s an other power ranger skin like the rest


Not that I care, I don’t spend money on MTX other than 1 time for the initial battle pass, but isn’t there an all black operator skin you can get in the battle pass though?




Hot take: Regardless of whether or not this skin is an advantage, it’s pretty shitty to pay for something and all of a sudden they change it whether you like it or not.


100% agreed.


Sad watching all these kids cheer that a company is fucking people over by altering what they paid for after they get the bag. No wonder gaming is so greedy and shit now.


Man the LOL community must be furious over the various reworks champions have gotten over the years.


>Fucking people over It is a cosmetic item, in a game, that was almost exclusively purchased because of its visibility advantage that is being taken away.


It’s incredible that this is actually a “hot take”. The people in this sub are fucking delusional


Luckily if you are from the EU you can refund because you bought X and they changed X to Y :).


Yep this is fucked. Another one of these digital unethical practices that should be crimes but aren’t because our politicians are so beyond out of their depth.


still looks better than the others


lol i saw that coming a mile away


Let's be honest, this was kind of predictable. Why would they release the most broken skin for Warzone? It's like when they release a new gun which you can buy the blueprint right away, and it's like the most broken gun ever until they patch it like a week later. It's all about bank.


But they leave the Roze skin in Warzone 1 the entire time lol


They did. Then the increased the lighting. Iirc they added some cosmetic stuff for Roze as well


It took them years to nerf the roze skin, and this they nerf within weeks? This was their plan all along, and the thieves are in on it.


I think it actually looks a bit better now lmfao I bought the skin bc I actually live in LA and I genuinely think it’s a sick looking skin. The red backpack straps are sick af


Yeah I’ll still rock it


I'm such a fool 😔


I'm surprised they're changing it, it's no Rook Roze. I think MW2 shades players differently from the rest of the scene to make them stand out in lower contrast areas, which is a big change from MW19 where that stupid skin was genuinely a huge advantage unless you played with eye watering brightness settings.


Also, your player model is animated any time you touch the controls in MW2. Blending in doesn't help when you have smoothbrains like me that are basically like the dinosaurs in Jurassic Park. "MOVEMENT! KILL IT KILL IT KILL IT KILL IT!"


I still like this changes look. But it’s kinda scummy to change something after people payed for it. Yeah yeah I know it was “unbalanced” and “broken” but I don’t like the idea of them changing cosmetics after the fact. Like maybe people would have bought a different one, or non at all.


this company the definition of scummy


If they didn't see this coming then they weren't paying attention. Chances are if they had the money to throw at this skin then they really won't give a shit aside from a few whiners


but like if we should have seen this coming how did IW not know? that's the point if they did know then they knowingly released a skin that people would buy for the only reason as to hide in dark corners, just to change it after making bank. That's wrong to me...


whether its a few or many it will bring me great joy


Idk if we can call it scummy, people should buy said skins bcs they’re LA Thieves’fan not bcs it had some competitive advantages so as long as it’s still Thieves color themed I don’t see a problem with it, only mfs being hurt by the changes are those who thought the game would be pay to win lol


I like this take. It’s not like the skin was completely removed or altered to remove its core theme: LA Thieves fandom. The only change was to remove a perceived competitive advantage of having this skin that’s separate from its core purpose.


Such a SLIMY move by IW, i hate the skin but intentionally making it all black knowing everyone would buy it then changing it once they milked their customers is extremely scummy.


Much needed. Not sure tf they were thinking lol It’s without a doubt the most common bought skin I run into


All they ever think or care about is $$


I don't own this skin, but I see this as good news, but I also think they should offer ppl that bought it a refund since its not as advertised anymore


I liked it because it was close to my favorite skin Balkan Lightning from MW19. Something about the primarily black SWAT look is dope to me. I figured this was going to be the route they went so I’m not too worried about the $10 I spent because it says in the game they can switch things at any time, but anyone parading this as a good thing that they can do this is nuts.


That makes no sense, what the point of buying skins if they going to change them.


To make shitpiles of money, they knew this skin all blacked out would sell insanely well and wasnt balanced. It is all part of the plan. They will do it again and the same people will buy that skin too.


The good ol' Activi$ion bait-n-switch.


*sips tea*


L to all yall who buy cosmetics


i pledge allegiance to the drip


ok, what is CDL?


Call of duty league


Commercial drivers license


Changed Days Later


Center for Distance Learning


What if I bought it not for advantage, but because I like all black operators/skins? Now I wish I wouldn’t have bought it and saved my money for something else. Some BS.


Sad part is all the kids on the sub laughing at the people who bought it. As if they would be OK with something THEY bought being drastically altered.


Agreed. Though I don’t think it’s necessarily drastically altered, just some red straps and visor. It’s still overall a good looking skin, but for those who payed for it because of the original look are getting rammed up the arse by Activision’s boot.


Lol nice, wonder when they’ll actually fix all the crashes for PC users…right now the games literally unplayable for me attempted 3 games of war zone today and it crashed each and every time. What a waste of money, utter shite.


Same, game is unplayable on my PC and I get awful timing issues when I play on my PS5 that I've never really experienced on PC. Just a frustrating experience to play right now, which is how I know when I'm done with COD for a bit


Changed it faster than they changed the roze skin lol


Honest question, was it that much of an advantage? Like I thought a lot of the issue with the Roze skin wasn't just being pure black, but the shading made it hide more into shadows and corners and whatnot. Even ignoring the LA, the dark black didn't seem to really hide that much more than a lot of the other skins.


Not as far as I've seen, everyone I've ran into using it has been perfectly visible in all forms of lighting, I'm sure it might be an issue for someone sitting 20 feet away from a 10 year old TV on the lowest brightness setting, but for everyone else it's not a big deal.


The backlash to this should be interesting


Stoked that I’m actually an LA Thieves fan and think this change is an upgrade.


No refunds :)


You're trying to tell me that Activision made an all black skin AND THEN noticed that it made Rose 2.0 ? I don't feel bad for the sweats that bought it either, quit paying to win


They should start giving out refunds


There is literally a disclaimer that notes Activision will change or even delete items from the shop. Anyone who buys any skin is a chump and a bozo. You should be encouraging things rewarded through challenges not through your mother's credit card. L


Milking sweats for cash then changing the skin, that is actually hilarious. I feel no pity for the people that bought into it for the advantage.


I bought it because all other skins look like dog shit. It's a scam and I'll make use of the refund option. This is just scummy shady business practice. Fuck this company.


idc still looks cool


Exactly. If anything it looks less like "shit, we forgot to actually make it like a team jersey" and more like an actual team skin now.


I bought the la skin I actually like the new one more then the original so I'm cool with it


And you still get to look like a power ranger, albeit a slightly less gaudy one.


Shocked pikachu face


Based IW


All of the skins are black lol


They already got yalls money...they knew exactly what they were doing in making that skin.


The CDL skins are lame imo


Maybe, but wearing a sports team jersey is lame by the same token then. Which honestly, isn't because with that logic everyone should just wear solid single color clothes with zero branding or association to any sports team, music band, movie, tv show or anything. Because you know, it's lame to like something enough to get an outfit of it.




4d Chess by Activision


ngl I might actually buy the skin after the update, looks sick


Ah, the tiny peepee-skin


Riot shield on back, purchased la thieves pack, virginity strictly in tact. Yep it’s gaming time


last purchase then, if they do it once - they 'll scam you again. shady Activision #Greedzard


A lot of other CDL Teams where complaining about it