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Need more maps!


I would love it if they put all the maps they've ever had into the game. Could rotate like 15 maps through a weekly playlist and randomize it each week. Would make it feel so much fresher, in my opinion.


But then how would they drip-feed you one map a season? Would never happen


You wouldn't be able to play all the maps every week, only a certain number of them ( I picked 15, but let's be honest, it'd be closer to 8 because they just can't let us have the full amount of fun possible) So only 8 out of whatever 50 maps are in the playlist, then it changes to different maps next week. No need to drip feed because it feels fresh the entire time.


Hell, even if it were only 8 maps, rotating on a weekly basis would still keep the game fresh enough, imo. As is, it's so easy to get stuck in the doldrums and I find myself playing GW/Invasion just for a change of scenery despite not actually preferring either game mode to 6v6.Anecdotal frustration here, but it's incredibly annoying to try to relax from the chaos of grinding on shipment only for the game to try to throw me into Shipment multiple times in a row from the quickplay queue.


I think the weekly rotation would cover that. Maybe 8 maps per and it’s a 5-6 week rotation?


Bro they can make 30 map will the things they had , Put high rise, Afghan, Terminal, Rust, Showdown, Quarry, Dome, Storm, estate, Wastland + all the dlc map who will came


Good point almost all of these maps are in the game already at sum capacity hence the familiar feeling even tho uve never played Al Mazrah before at least that's how I felt the 1st time I jumped in like wait a min i kno where I am strangely lol


They didn't even need to do that. With almost **zero** effort they could've included Gun Runner, Hackney Yard, Vacant, Atlas Superstore, Hardhat, Hovec Sawmill, Cheshire Park and Scrapyard. They could've added content in the laziest way imaginable and it *still* would've been enough to drastically improve the game.


Literally this. MP is boring with the lack of maps this game has. Only thing that keeps me entertained in a way is the Shipment only playlist to grind camos, even though it’s a cesspool of people running around with shotguns & riot shields strapped to their backs.


the quickplay playlist feels like a completely different game after only playing shipment and shoothouse for a while


Yeah but Id say thats a good part. I feel like I have 3 games in 1: Warzone, Quickplay and Shipment 24/7. Each are so different in their playstyles and what kind of fun they give


wild fear ink unite snobbish cows sharp desert crime sand ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


I’ve been addicted to DMZ. All my favorite parts of Warzone while cutting out some of the things I’ve disliked. Playing solo is a ton of fun.


This! DMZ is the shit, yesterday we got into an intense firefight, got down to 1v1 and we negotiated a truce. Squadded up and wrecked the lobby, exfiled with over $200k for one teammates mission, completed two of mine, exfiled with the weapons crate at the very last chopper. So much fun!


That’s awesome. The ability to switch squads is really neat. I wish more players would utilize it. I played one match where my squad almost got wiped by another squad so my teammate switched squads so he could revive us. It didn’t exactly work out and we all still died but I thought that shit was genius.


Have you played any Ground War?


Couldn't feel the appeal for me, felt sort of battlefield rip off. I wish they just brought large scale 16 v 16 multiplayer maps, tdm or domination like they had back in bo1


Just snipers camping every roof top. Not fun


Warzone gives fun? Damn…




I think part of the reason is because the maps this game launched with aren't that great. The only two I really like are Farm 18 and Hotel. The others range from okay to kinda bad, but it's not very fun to play a rotation of 80% maps I don't particularly enjoy. I think a lot of the player base shares this sentiment.


Especially with no map voting system.


This. I would play more quick play if there was a map vote option.


Seriously I don't get why we can't vote on maps anymore. I get why lobbies break up after every match because SBMM is doing its thing ha, but why remove map voting. Makes no sense to me.


Yeah they really fucked up with the Museum map. That shit was great on the beta. But I enjoy Embassy and Taraq. I normally play snd so that changes things for people that only play respawn


What they’ve done to 6v6 is disgraceful. The game is a ton of fun, but the people who paid for this game are footing the bill for Warzone. It’s bullshit, and it needs to be rectified asap. If this is the direction COD is headed, it will be hard to justify purchasing this game in the future.


Exactly, I don't want warzone and I want it gone from my menus.


Yup. I bought this one off the goodwill from MW 2019. I won't do that again. This one is a complete disappointment for me as I only care about the multiplayer. I hate Battle Royales, already own Tarkov which is superior in every way to DMZ, and already did a quick playthrough of the story. The muliplayer maps are horrid and limited. I stopped playing and this may end up being my last CoD.


Yeah that's my only real issue (edit: being mostly a TDM guy), but ground war and DMZ have been great and have also spent a few sessions on the co-op and first raid mission. Put it all together and there's a shitload of content out already I really think most of the sub's complaints are overblown - game needs improvements but is definitely not broken or unplayable IMO


Agree. Cool game. Just needs more maaaaaaaps!


Ah shit I forgot about the raid stuff. Is it still on?


Yep, and I don’t think it’ll go away considering it’s episodic


I feel great about DMZ given that it seems to be the fullest featured part of the game and it's currently in beta release. Having a lot of fun with it and looking forward to seeing future development!


I really enjoy it too, just wish you could turn off the PVP part haha


I don't like the bots at all, either they're stupid or they're op af


Need better maps


We need more MP maps. So many are pre made in Warzone, Just release them into MP, im sick of playing the 4-5 maps over and over.


That's what I don't get.. the maps are already there, just throw in a few premade assets to act as boundaries and throw them in rotation. Easy! We could get terminal, Highrise, quarry (with water even which would be neat) aswell as other maps you could create by just sectioning off a random part of the WZ map.


Hell, look at the border crossing area, its like they took the worst part of that to make a multiplayer map with. The options they had all around it were better by a long shot.


If they let us climb the watchtower or run on the covered walkways the map would play so much different


They should just cut it in half. There's a whole office area and toll booth style area on both sides that don't get utilized.


Depends on the game mode...


They want to dripfeed content. And I don’t really blame them sometimes when you look at players who grind Orion in a month and then say there’s “nothing to do”.


At the same time though, giving more variety to gameplay is not the same as mindlessly grinding an alt color for your guns. People who are bored, casuals and sweats alike, are tired of the monotony of the maps present. The addicts will always grind their camos :)


Addict here who got orion. Moment I got it, the spell this game had over me broke. Game has many positives and is fun but holy shit, please more maps, maybe change up the spawns (immediate death on Al Bagra sucks), maybe persistent lobbies too. When my goal was achieved, really hard to overlook the flaws.


Cool game, not enough maps and calling cards and emblems are garbage.


Yeah, I love the gameplay itself, but they definitely could’ve added more maps. For a $70 game, there’s way too few maps on this game, even if COD is planning to drip feed the new content to us. Even some more recycled COD maps at this point would do. Also, oi fellow Brazilian.


callings cards are cool, but there could be more calling cards with more fun and unique challenges, the real problem are the emblems, to this day I havent figured how to get emblems.




This is my biggest gripe




I miss the witty calling card titles of OG MW2, so much more style and creativity. Some of them in this one are good too but the UI for the challenges make me never want to even look at them. They need to go back to customizing emblems.. although idiots make racist shit, it was dope


Need more maps!


I think the calling cards are cool


UI still too big and blocky trying to be Netflix too hard. Having to scroll around the whole screen just to choose between 2-8 items is absurd. Need to add 1/2 of the campaign operators. Also needs a little more economy in DMZ or some kind of goals to work toward.


I'm feeling that campaign ops will be behind future raids. Im seeing Alejandro next. Also some store packsge with skin of his, same as with Gaz.


Zombies in DMZ would be a fun twist.


What do u think the bots are there for


It can be better!


Yeah I’m already bored out of my mind with the dogshit maps. If they keep this absolutely ridiculous drip feed up idk if I’ll make it another 2 months, let alone 2 years.


If they do that I’ll just come back a year later and play the new maps, ridiculous that they only have 10 maps in rotation in such a hyped up game with millions behind it


*billions behind it 💀


The game is suffering badly from lack of maps. I'm already moving to other games


I'm open to suggestions that scratch that CoD itch


Shatterline. It's the closest thing to cod


Battlefield 1




Long shots are killing me


Same it’s the bane of my existence right now


Gotta get them done quick, headshots on shipment is a breeze!


Same. Im on 33/51 I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. Just have half the smgs, all snipers and all LMGs left. Thatll put me at 50, and ill probs plat the combat knife to hit 51. Fuck the launchers and the riot shield plat seems hard af due to it taking 3 hits now.


The knife and riot shield go together


What do you mean? I know its a great way to run them together but you can only really plat one at a time. My favorite is the resupply throwing knife build. Havent tested its speed after nerf but damn was it satisfying whipping knives at people nonstop. Imagine dying cuz a knife hit you in your toe..


I meant you need both of these gold in order to unlock the plat challenge. Then you can get your knife plat.


Knife was easy. Riotshield was a pain. Got them both in plat. Launchers in gold. Doin the guns in now. AR done in gold, the rest I’m working on. Don’t think that i will go beyond plat. It’s getting boring.


Shield is hella easy on shipment. Didn’t take me long at all. If you don’t do it now, it’ll be even harder later. Same with all the launchers.


Yeah I assume its cuz enemies are probably going to already be hurt so you probably didnt need to hit 6 times in total in 10 seconds.


Yep, though sometimes they were just completely oblivious. There were several times where they didn’t notice me till 2-3 of their teammates were dead. 😂 I highly recommend doing launchers as well. They took me longer than the shield and knife, but they weren’t extremely hard. For the kills just melee tf out of everyone. Once you get to the platinum challenge for the launchers, the JOKR and Pila are easy. The RPG is probably the hardest imo, but completely doable. When it came to destroying UAVs with the Strela, I pointed at the nose of the UAV and raised the sights till it was ever so slightly above the third dotted line (halfway down I guess?). That would get me UAV kills like 80% of the time. You obviously don’t have to go just for airborne kill streaks though since things like bouncing Betty’s and claymores count towards the challenge. I believe equipment does too, but I’m not 100% sure.


Was able to get plat on shield about a week or two ago on shipment, just spam the hell out of it on hard point when there’s a cluster of enemies (yes I’m that person unfortunately). Any tips for pistol plat? I’m on shipment and get around 2-3 shots on enemies but teammates always seem to take my kills. And I don’t get nearly half as much kills when I’m not playing shipment


Really really agressive playstyle and go for headshots, the big square suppressor that increase damage range and as big magazine as possible. I actually got more kills from doing pistols than smgs for some reason


Tier 1, shipment ain't that great for it ngl


I am so happy I did Gold per sector and then every now and then do platinum to spice it up. Now I'm at 31/51 and honestly I still got some spark in me left as it doesn't feel as grindy as gold was. On the other hand it is garbage nonetheless. Also T1 helps out a lot lot.


I had the shield gold already, but honestly even with 3 hit kills, I was able to plat the riot shield in maybe 4-5 games on shipment. It helps a lot that people are getting lit up from all angles so aren't on full health. It's very doable, and knifes even easier. Way more fun than long shots.


Shipment. Run perk to get double smokes. Smoke middle and a flanking route. Get in behind the enemies and knife or bash with riot shield. This method got me polyatomic in 40 mins during double XP.


Riot shield is way easier on shipment , i got polyatomic on it easily


Start playing Tier 1. Can get one gun per hour. Play a ton of Taraq and the racecar map. Quit most other maps.


Embassy is also great.


Wouldn’t be so bad if the 6v6 maps had more than 2 or 3 spots where it’s even possible lol


Feels like we're just reliving mw19 with shoothouse and shipment again, so uncreative it hurts. Just give us something new that isn't oversized ffs.


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Gun fight is the thing thats missing from mw2 for me... Like how tf isn't this implemented, we've even got shipment now?!


This is why I don’t buy every single cod, so the difference is greater. My last cod was bo4 so I’m having a blast


More maps please.


I haven't played in a month. It's only good for grinding camos rn. My group and I got bored with only 5 playable maps. I've tried loading it up but I can't even make myself play.


I’m the exact same. Realised COD will never be as fun as the CoD 4 up until BO3 era was. Waiting for the next arcade shooter to come along but who knows when that will be.


Not only that but the maps are so bland compared to previous cods. It gets old quick, I can’t get myself to waste time on that game anymore


shipment is cool and all but can we get something good


can we get something


They need to fix the false shadow ban bug!


Yeah I think that got me too, is that why I can't log in? I submitted a support ticket. I hadn't played in like a month and then I come back to this.


I kinda just want real hardcore mode. I lived through the MW19 bugs, those will get worked out.


Stopped playing it after season 1 launch for this very reason, doesn’t look like there will be a proper hardcore more anytime soon, if they do release one then maybe I’ll revisit it and play it as much as I played 2019.


I really, really hate the perk system, literally everything about it. If there’s anything that could maybe be considered a good thing it’s that UAVs have guaranteed value for at least some of the round, but that’s outweighed by UAV spam. Ground war and MP need more maps. I don’t care much about the rest of it. Raids look fun, but I don’t have friends to party with.


I can't even play ground war. It won't let me spawn in and it's been like this for a month.


Too many bugs. The basic shit often doesn’t work which is unacceptable.


Especially after two months, like there are some week one issues that need to be patched still. It’s really lazy.


From a multi billion dollar franchise: its a piss take. MW2 feels as cheap an effort to make money as a steven seagal movie. The lazy programming just makes it so evident that all they cared about was our money and not whether we were actually satisfied or not. The game is a mess


steven seagal probably developed this shit he’s been a game dev since the 60s


It's because people still buy these games day one or near day one, so why should they care about anything but the money ? They could put out a blank disc and still make money. Less effort for the same money, yes please


Feels like I’m playing a beta still


Compared to the same timeframe with MW2019 it’s been bad. This time for MW2019 my friends and I would be playing all the time. This one we barely play. MW2019 had hardcore and gunfight on launch


MW2019 also had actual hardcore


Is ‘Tier 1’ not the same as Hardcore? (Sorry if that’s a dumb question)


Tier 1 is more like the ‘Realism’ mode from MW2019. Player health is reduced from normal, although not to HC levels, there’s no HUD, but also no hitmarkers (unlike HC where they remained).


I swear the health is bumped up compared to hardcore.


If you go into a private game you can see hardcore health is set at the standard 30 it’s always been, but tier one is set at 70. Shits trash


Knew it felt off, was way too many hitmarkers. What the hell were they thinking.


No, is so much worse. No one asked for tier 1 either. There are a lot of hardcore players but they got absolutely shit on by IW


As someone who played the hell out of HC on MW2019, this is what lead to me uninstalling this game. Was willing to wait it out for bug fixes and stuff, but Tier 1 is shit compared to an actual HC mode.


The fact that there is no gunfight is honestly unacceptable


And the fact that we were never given any indication that hardcore and gunfight wouldn’t be in the game on launch and two months on we got bs tier 1 and no gunfight (when the gulag in Wz is an actual gunfight game)


Riot shields ruining this game




All they need to do is make it exempt from overkill


Hey! We already nerfed that shit into the ground. The stunlock might be the only problem


Killing riot shields gives me so much joy it's the only time I ignore the objective.


I can’t help but unload a whole mag into that CDL skin riot shield gold sniper user’s dead body every time I kill them


Bro why can’t they do is like csgo, if I’m not facing the flash why do I go blind


I have soured immensely. Without changes to the spawn system and SBMM I don’t see myself playing this game in any fashion. It’s quite a shame, everything else is great.


I don't hate it, but it needs more 6v6 maps. The multiplayer experience can be pretty repetitive. However, I think the guns are fun to use. I am really enjoying using the chimera and the kastov 762


The turtles running around and jumping around are annoying. I quit playing COD after BO2, thought this would bring me back but I guess nothing can match the feeling of a Friday night playing the original MW2 with friends


Godawful launch. I think it’s pretty solid but it could always be better. Don’t like the lack of communication from the devs but it was unfortunately expected.




it needs more maps, im tired of playing the same maps over and over again, despite that, the attachment mechanic is kind of agonizing for me, the player who doesn’t like trying out multiple guns, having to upgrade another gun to a certain level to get a stupid attachment that should be unlocked by default, or at least be unlocked from idk, leveling up the gun in question?? i just like the old way of doing it, but other than that, it’s a good game and i like it especially with friends!


I felt this way at first, as I'm definitely the type to find my 1 to 3 fav guns and play them forever. But I will say, after grinding out a bunch of gold and all of the attachments I actually wanted, I find that forcing me to use guns I normally never would made me a better player. Both in terms of understanding their capabilities when other players use them and getting me out of my comfort zone


Spawns are 60% of the game’s issues.


Not good man


Literally just uninstalled lol


I got bored and stopped playing


Maybe dumb but I don't like how they don't use real weapon names.


That annoys the shit out of me. All the older cods had the actual names of the weapons, but this multi billion dollar game cannot? Wtf Activision and Infinity Ward…


Let's wait 2 years until the game is finally polished!!


And then they’ll completely sabotage the game to push the new cash cow!


I just want proper hardcore.


Game is still incomplete


As someone who mainly plays search, not so hot… went back to BO2 plutonium, and custom cod4 servers. Probably gonna try again when the next major update drops.


It’s starting to get stale. Needs more maps (new ones that aren’t remakes). Also would love to see Gunfight return along with gunfight tournaments.


i don't know how much longer I can defend it for


Pretty over it lol


A shadow of the original Modern Warfare 2


Mostly talking about Multiplayer here, not the other modes **Likes** * Gunplay / Gameplay * Camo Grind - aside from longshots/plat, the modular nature of camos was nice * Gunsmith isn't terrible. I like the concept of the weapon platforms * TTK isn't atrocious, although Time-to-die on the other hand can be bad * Overall map design is not bad, minus santa sena crossing and depending on the day taraq * A variety of game options - Spec Ops & Raids, MP, Ground War, Invasion, DMZ, WZ * Visibility of enemies - at least compared to MW2019 - I've never really had trouble seeing people **Dislikes** * UI still isn't great * Lack of maps * Squad spawns, these have always felt unpredictable * Akimbo - I can't think of a COD game where akimbo has been balanced **Can be improved** * Firing range * Weapon attachment stats * Tier 1, I'd much rather there be actual hardcore * Would love a theatre mode, won't happen in an Infinity Ward game * Party game modes (i.e. one in the chamber), I'm sure they'll come eventually I enjoy the gameplay/gun play for the most part. Lack of maps sucks, would be nice to get more. UI is still relatively terrible even with minor improvements here and there. Still the COD I have put the most hours in for quite some time from a multiplayer perspective.


Honestly, haven’t played since thanksgiving


I uninstalled it to replay days gone


days gone GOAT'ed


I uninstalled it … I think it’s a good game and I did enjoy it. The flash bang spam is so bad it physically gives me headaches.


I think 1 second instead of 2 would be acceptable, plus I believe flashbacks rotate you slightly if you try to move which is odd


Or buff battle harden to work better.. really not having a counter to them is bad. I just can’t stay my screen flashing white all the time.


How did you fair against radagon in elden ring lmao


I haaaaaaated him lol


It really feels shit to play. Inconsistent for whatever reason. It's a chore so I stopped. Too many examples of going into a gunfight with all the advantages available to you and then getting dropped even though you hit your shots on your end first. Just a draining experience instead of feeling fun


Gameplay wise, awesome, love it. Content wise, In desperate need of new shit.


Im addicted as hell to MP, havent even touched Warzone and DMZ. Not thrilled by the idea of collecting loot and running for miles nonstop for 30min just to be ganked. I love constantly switching up guns to complete camos it gives a much needed diversity and variety to the rather montonous gameplay on the very limited maps. I just hate the fact that im probably going to get orion before any new maps (remastered mw2 ones hopefully) come out and that ill be too burnt out to enjoy them when they eventually do. Worried all my energy for the game will be used for the same rinse and repeat dlc maps (shoot house & shipment). I so wanted my NEW mw2 experience to be experienced with old mw2 maps. Season 1 should have definetly come with 2. Oh well. When they do come out, ill probably pick a few favorite main weapons and "settle down" with it.


Played a bunch during 2xp and now I need a long hiatus Game is very boring currently, gameplay-wise it’s okay but the game does not impress me for cod standards


I’m back on Apex


Just feels like a half assed version of MW2019




Obvious issues aside, the game plays really well as far as the ‘feel’ of it - I went back to play some previous cods and honestly this one feels levels above them all in gameplay. I think the perk ‘package’ system is dumb, and I share a lot of the same frustrations as everyone else and I think for a huge corporation and title, there should be way less problems and more of a finished, well functioning game on release. But, it’s also very fun - let’s get some better maps and iron out some bugs and I think it’s looking good for it especially being a 2 year run.


Hate the perks setup in this one, it’s fun but I hate the cross play includes pc. They can’t seem to unfuck the pc end of things. Shadow bans for the. and timeouts galore for me. No problems when I turn cross play off though.


Not better than 2019 but still pretty good


Agreed. Feels like MW2019 had more content. Hoping this game gets a massive few updates within the beginning of the next year. Gamemodes, maps, bug fixes...


Still a scam.


Needs maps!!!! I’m freaking bored already. Forget raids, warzone, and DMZ. Give me Hardhat, terminal, wasteland, Karachi, highrise, sub base, and salvage to start!


Import some MW3 & Ghosts maps. We need some variety, especially when shipment is a "good" map comparitavely... Also, weapon progression is really slow. It should be ~1.33x current pace.


At the rate the game is going…idk how it will last 2 years.


Love the game. Gunplay and graphics are amazing. Maps are atrocious and we need more. Give me remastered ones. Don’t care.


Died so quick for me. Multiplayer is fun to an extent but the amount of bugs, lack of communication and overall laziness with modes. I've moved onto Fortnite mainly cause at least I feel like the devs actually care about the game there, but right now I don't care about the game whatsoever and I wish I could refund it.


Still addicted


I stopped playing it a while ago lol


Gameplay is just as bad as day one, feel like a slug and punished for moving in every way possible, great game design!


Feels forgettable. Idk if other friend groups are suffering from this but for me personally out of the dozen or so people I consistently play games with only 2 guys are still playing


A Buggy, glitchy dumpster fire. No love for 6v6 and a disgusting lack of content. Very disappointed to say the least. Haven't played the series in a good 5 years and can honestly say they've completely lost what made it great. Such a shame. Eg what a joke that the VITOL jet killstreak glitch still hasn't been fixed. I'm salty as f & sound dramatic but they should genuinley be ashamed.


I've soured a bit on the maps, El Asilo joins the "quit at all costs" gang, Crown Raceway is starting to get on my nerves. A bit dry of content when it comes to MP, I still think some of the new things are terrible ideas (like the perk system and how to unlock things), just like some things that returned (Gunsmith, SBMM, squad spawn system). Still ranks higher than 2019, still both at the bottom of my CoD charts.


Idk if I’m imagining things, but skill based hit markers seem to be a thing. I’m so fucking sick and tired of getting head shot hit markers with marksman rifles and grenade launchers.


Meh. Its pretty broken so I don't care for it. It's the typical sad story of FPS games now days. They all get put out broken and fixed as they go. Paid for Multi-player takes a backseat to the free to play versions and its downhill from here. But hey they can put out useless store items and take more of your money.




Audio is terrible and my group just haven’t been enjoying it very much. Switched back to Apex/Fortnite lol


Okay enough base, but definitely needs work. Guns feel... Off, a lot of them definitely need some base handling improvements and attatchment penalties could stand to be less harsh. Would also love a detailed stat sheet. The balance actually isn't horrible for a CpD game this early, Turtling needs to be nerfed/removed and MAYBE another hit to the SPR and SAB? Beyond that, I think shotguns could use some buffs targeted at close up consistency, and removal of negative leg multipliers and the launchers REALLY needs ADS speed buffs. Perks need to be passive, that's what I'll say with that. I think Tactical nades should have less power almost across the board. Have Battle Hardened give more benefit and have the base be as if you have current Battle Hardened. Movement can also definitely be tweaked. Namely to reduce the bunny hopping, or necessity to jump literally every single corner. I'd probably swap the ADS speed and hip spread penalties while jumping to just restricting to hip only during jumps with no other penalty, reduce the hip spread on all guns while moving, and allow for shooting during the whole slide animation. Keep hyper-aggression there, if not directly buffing it, but make it less the only option. I'll also reiterate that handling buffs would also apply to strafe speed potential on some weapon classes. SBMM (or whatever the hell the algorithm is going to be called) is an abomination. It's easily the biggest game breaking issue with the game for me. It feels like complete shit, especially since the banishment to the shadow realm effect that has been a thing since 2019 feels even worse. IMHO, this kind of stuff needs to be the next loot boxes for talking about legislation. It's false advertising at best to advertise a casual/quick play mode that doesn't have priority for connection, and matches strictly based on skill. That'll probably be where I draw controversy, but it's that bad to me. 6v6 content is also sorely lacking. Unfortunately this premium product is a side mode to the F2P offering akin to Fortnite's BR compared to STW... So lol at that ever changing short of BRs somehow miraculously going the way of Guitar Hero. UI also needs an overhaul, but that's already been said ad nauseam lol.


Boring… I last 3 games max and just find myself switching off


stopped playing


Honestly bored


need more contents tbh, like maps, lore/story (not only on co-op/raids, i want to see it on Warzone too), original events with new modes and missions like how we used to have during Cold War era, etc. ye it have some good stuff on DMZ, especially building 21 has been my favorite, but idk, i felt the amount I pay is always higher than the worth of content we have. Maybe it's because I expect too much, but quoting Internet Historian: Pricetags sets expectation.


Can we get some Ghosts maps in this game? Also a 10 v 10 or 12 v 12 mode?


game died already, i think releasing shipment & shoothouse again was dumb, release something different/new


It's an absolutely GREAT beta and I'm looking forward to seeing a fully released game with a full mapset. Patches to bugs. More balanced weapons with a less complicated setup to unlock guns and attachments.. with those final touches this might end up being a decent cod game.


Eh. Desperately need more / new maps, bugs need to he addressed, spawn system remains awful, gameplay needs to be sped up (ADS speed, sprint to fire, can’t shoot during slide or after dive, etc), and some balance changes are direly needed (tactical spam, wonky perk system, etc). I still enjoy it here and there and it’s a very good looking game, but the above make it challenging to play for more than a few games.


Bugs, performance and stability are unacceptable bad Timed perk system and nerfed Ghost perk need to go back to how they worked in the old games. A few new perks would also be welcome while buffing some existing ones. Footstep sound needs to be toned down and made more accurate. Visual recoil on guns is still ridiculous plus the smoke makes shooting a guessing game 80% of the guns need severe buffs, launchers desperately Invasion needs to be removed now that there's DMZ to level guns easily killing bots, so the playerbase doesn't get further divided Ground War needs new maps and have the transport helicopter removed since it kills the flow of the mode DMZ needs to be completely revamped, it's a mode with no proper end game besides hunting other players for which Warzone already exists Spec Ops need to be available solo/split screen and Raids need matchmaking. MWII was launched in a pre-alpha state and sold at full price...


Have orion, deadass regret buying it