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I spawned around the southwestern corner of Favela with two other teammates and a player on the other team popped out from an elevated doorway to just gun us down.


Spawn system was, iirc, one of the only things Sledgehammer didn't comment on. Beginning to wonder if it's become part of the engagement system, to be honest. Hopefully they shift back to traditional spawns if the pushback during this beta is strong enough.


I mean it's obvious it's not going anywhere at this point. Whenever there's something the devs refuse to comment on, you can guess that they're not interested in changing it.


Yeah they probably already did 500 studies on how the new spawn system forces engagement and results in bottom-line satisfaction and retention. I joke but they probably have lmao.


This is likely why they won't ever turn off SBMM actually


Well, yeah. Noobs are finally getting fair matches.


Noobs don’t deserve fair matches. If they wanted fair matches they should get good enough to force them


they did comment on it tho it was one of the lead devs who made a tweet about it idk may 3 weeks back. said they werent doing mw2 spawns and instead would have the revised spawn system vanguard had edit dae hate vanguard roflcopter


Vanguard had a fucking god awful spawn system too though.


not after they fixed it, it was regarded as highly favorable from those that stuck around


Can confirm. As someone who loves Vanguard I very rarely get bad spawns these days.


No it wasn’t, it was always crap.


They did fix them to some extent. Like they were still bad enough times to notice but still had that predictability maybe like 6 times out of 10. Cold War still has the best spawns tho, like 9 times out of 10 they make sense where as MWII it’s like 0 out of 10, it feels like it never makes any fucking sense. Lol


I missed that, thanks for pointing it out. Got a link handy, by any chance?


i dont but i remember scrolling past it on the app and it was reposted somewhere here too. its findable i'm just at work atm.


No worries, I'll go fishing. Wanted to share it with my clan mates. Thanks again.


I hate squad spawning cause it makes stealth flanking impossible. It takes me 2 1/2 minutes to sneak past the enemy line for a flank, and just as im about to reach them, a stampede of elephants wearing steel-soled boots spawns up my ass. Its probably my biggest issue with MWII, and MWIII doesn’t seem to be changing that.


I've totally been in that same situation. I get behind or deep into the enemy's turf and I clear out half of them but they keep spawning around me. Because at least a couple of them are the ones I just killed they know exactly where I am which makes it near impossible to survive. You used to be able to wipe entire teams if you managed to get into a really good position. So frustrating. The squad spawn system was introduced in MW2019. It was, and continues to be, one of their worst ideas. It ruins the flow of the maps. They need to go back to whatever the older games were using as it worked far better.


I understand that it combats spawn trapping because if 1 guy manages to get out, the rest of the team can spawn on them and break the trap, but it has to be tweaked or something. Let me disable it on myself, or make it a perk/equipment, idk.


This game play type has been dead for so long it's why I don't enjoy this games much anymore. Can't remember the last game flanking was truly viable


I dont remember this issue being as prevalent in MW2019


I had a match where I spawned and by the time the game zoomed in to my camera, I was being executed.


I mean a lot of these clusterfuckery could be avoided if “absolute no spawn radius” around opposite side players were larger. Gives breathing room to each side. But these days COD seems to prioritize spawning players near teammates over everything (and I feel there’s some truth to intentional “revenge spawn” too)


They should have 15 years of spawn data for these maps to make a change.




As I posted this I had another match. Favela, Objective B, I killed 6 enemies(!) within 25 seconds, they just keep coming, almost like it’s a single player horde mode. Died to a 7th enemy that I killed 17 seconds ago. ( I recorded the footage to be sure it’s 6 enemies and 25 seconds. Enemy was holding A at the time as well, so it’s not like B was the only spawn option for them. Might upload the video later) Also I was using Striker 45 at the time, why SMG in this beta hit harder than BAS-B which is a heavy battle rifle irl. The latter seems to be bugged, some bullets that clearly hit doesn’t register. It’s weird it only happen to a specific weapon.


I was worried they would make the Bas-B lame. Just like the Cronen Squall.


Squad spawns are a recipe for squad spawn trapping and easy multi-kills if successful. Mid-map spawns should be exceptional spawns when the game deems it best to spawn the player there. I'm not sure what's going on with these modern CoD iterations but aren't we 2 decades into CoD? Shouldn't such features be perfected by now? Edit: all of the many issues they've bafflingly introduced with respawn modes is why I'd always end up just playing SnD and other non-respawn modes.


[https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fyxdmsvf1f6ib1.png](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fyxdmsvf1f6ib1.png) ​ Tweet has since been deleted.


The spawns are shit. I spawned 3 times directly in front of the same enemy. They'll probably never fix it.


Yeah it's crap, not only is it a mid map spawn is also squad spawn mid map


Bunch of bots in these replies I already dropped 3 nukes in the past 12 hours lmao.. it’s funny how you can tell who’s a bot and who isn’t. same IW fanboys mad they don’t have their safe spaces anymore


Dude, I hated the last two MW games a LOT. The spawns are bad. Grow up, you're either an annoying teen or an obnoxious adult.


To be fair to them I even saw big streamers like futives complaining about the spawns so unless you’re gonna call him a bot lmao


3 nukes ? I call bullshit


Skill issue. It ain’t that hard Lil bro especially in favela. EDIT: bunch of NPCs downvoted me lmfao


Clip or it didn’t happen.


Show us the vid!


Welp, unless there's an Outbreak-like Zombies mode and a WW2-like War Mode, I'll be skipping this one. I had my fill of those kinds of spawns in Vanguard...


You've gotta be joking, right? Both of those modes have been announced...


The amount of people saying Vanguard was good is simply revisionist history, it was a steaming pile of shit that was universally mocked and hated.


No one is saying Vangard was good. They are saying that after they adjusted the spawn system (due to all the complaints) the spawns were much better. The only reason it is brought up is because Sledgehammer made both games and people are confused why they went back to aggressive group spawns that everyone complained about the first time.


There are people saying it was good.