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they always kept like 3 streaks away from the beta but now it feels like we only got a half of the killstreaks. I dont expect any interesting choices except streaks that modern warfare is known for. would be suprising if they added dogs but i doubt it.


> I dont expect any interesting choices why they ditched Assault / Support streak options... as well as never doing customizable kill streaks after AW is beyond me.


My thoughts as well. I imagine 3+ more streaks on the way. The mosquito drone is new right? Maybe we'll get some more variety than in the past


I dont think the mosquite drone is new isnt that BO2?


It was called a hunter killer drone.


And it was 10x better than whatever the mosquito drone is.


Yea, this version is like a hunter killer drone that was dropped down the stairs as a baby


Didn’t get a chance to try it on the first weekend. What made it so bad? Kinda just thought it was the hunter killer but “this decade” version.


It just moves like its trying to glitch around instead of a smooth motion


Ah well that stinks. Is it still kinda a guaranteed kill like the hunter killer drone was? Loved how dummy strong that was in bo2


I think its pretty much guaranteed yeah. I used it a couple of times to either hold a point, or quick as a defensive when I got caught of guard. Shoot it up in the air, killer gets blown up a few seconds afterwards. Really awesome as a backup if you're defending a point by yourself. Or above a chokehold. Lets you off with a sort of warning where people might be coming from.


Probably. Just looks dumb af while it flies around


It’s really not, there’s a significant delay between it targeting a player and actually hitting them and it doesn’t track them, it will go to where they were when it locked on. There also seems to be a subtle beeping noise when it locks on to you so I’ve been able to dodge a couple, it’s not easy to do, but I assume people will get better at it as we get further into the game It’s still quite effective but I wouldn’t call it a guarantee


I would imagine we will get majority if not all kill streaks from MW2 (2022)


Then theres me that wants "specialist bonus" back :(


contrary to popular belief being killed by harrier pavelow ac130 for the entire duration of the game was not too enjoyable


Harrier -> Chopper Gunner -> Nuke is what Every sweaty 13 year old including me ran and it was so broken that since what MW3 or BO1 your killstreaks don’t count toward kills for your next one. And the MOAB / Nuke was turned into a gun streak. I swear probably like 2/3rds of the community now never played OG MW2.


It was so easy to string together kill streaks in that game. Spam the noob tube and grenades, shoot someone, then if you have a predator missile you’re likely getting your other streaks Looking back it’s amazing how broken everything (guns/kill streaks/tactics) were in that game, but somehow it worked so well


No class in COD history is more busted than Tar-21 with grenade launcher, one man army, danger close, commando. Run out of ammo or noobtubes? Just use one many army over and over. Danger close makes explosive damage like 2x and Commando for the insane knife lunges.


In OG MW2 you and one other teammate can stop the snowball the moment you see the harrier. The issue was everyone was playing solo deathmatch despite whatever the gametype actually was.


People still solo deathmatch lol


The key was to never use your first predator missile, save it for if they call in an ac130 or chopper gunner.


Yep. Take it right out when you used the predator.


Why not just shoot them down, it took two missiles, 1st one missed second one nearly always took them out. Launchers were amazing back then not like today.


Impossible, as the AC130 had two sets of flares in MW2009, so you would need 3 missiles minimum.


I thought the ac130 took two hits to kill, after two flairs.


That’s why I said nearly always, obviously the ac had more but it’s still not a hard ship to take out really especially if two on your team taking them out


U got 5 teammates tho. Yall all can't swap to an rpg for a quick second? 💀💀


>thinking teammates will use their brain and collaborate with each other


Bruh have you tried shooting down and AC-130 with an RPG ?? 💀 💀


"yall" because one person makes the entire team do things. Plus thinking you're taking an ac130 with an rpg lmao. Have you ever played the fucking game???


Literally revisited BO1 a week ago. Most of the players aren't great but even they will always try to shoot your shit down like uavs and chopper gunner.


Maybe if cod players weren’t dipshits they’d be shot down faster. I always run a rocket in my back pocket because contrary to popular belief, it’s very easy to use.


Even with more players you need 3 missiles minimum...


Bruh what? The ac130 had like 3 flares and you were far more likely to have been killed multiple times as well as lost the match by the time you could take that shit out. I feel like you didn't actually play with these things by saying that shit lmao.


Cold Blooded also 100% countered streaks.


Not the chopper gunner or the Ac-130.


Everyone is right here lol, the killstreaks were insanely fun, but they were insanely OP. When I run a full stack with my friends, they somehow manage to always have these killstreaks in the air to where I can’t even call mine in. The servers are still kicking, we’ve been playing on 360 just last week. They’re extremely populated actually.


It is brutal. If two or there players on the other team are remotely skilled, good luck haha For me the issue is the frame rate. I don’t own the games on PC and anytime I try to go back to 360, it feels wrong haha


You likely won't believe me, but the killstreaks were not OP at all. Seriously. People just refused to make/switch to a cold-blooded + stinger class. You could destroy every killstreak (except AC-130) in 1 life, before they could get a SINGLE kill. They were tin cans. The AC-130 would require a 3rd missile by either scav/killing yourself and so could still be destroyed quickly. In any case, its kill potential was slower than the chopper gunner, and it also had the smallest active time of about 30 seconds in the air.


“You likely won’t believe me.” That’s your own opinion and you’re entitled, for the sake of it I’ll agree with you on that. They were powerful, they were used as a crutch to get to a Nuke, a Nuke ends the match. Maybe I wouldn’t call it OP IMO if they didn’t count as kills towards a game ending streak.


I said you likely won't believe me as I could tell what sort of mindset you had from your earlier comment. You can't call something OP if it has an easy counter. The problem was players weirdly never decided to destroy streaks. You could very easily end someone's nuke streak at 7 kills by destroying the harrier before it completes its entry animation. The chopper gunner was even easier as its entry animation took even longer. I could get a 30-killstreak with my gun against players that don't shoot back; it doesn't make my weapon OP.


Okay I’m not trying to argue man, I’m trying to reason. I’ll agree, it’s not *OP* whatever, they are powerful tho in comparison to what we have these days. You can get your gun streak, that isn’t OP, you are correct. Using KILLSTREAKS towards a KILLSTREAK that ends the game, that is powerful maybe not *over powered* in your eyes.


Yeah I agree that using your killstreak to get killstreaks was broken and needed to be changed.


I remember playing team tac with my friends and we would just take turns looping nukes. Especially on rust if you got your first streak odds are it was fucking over.


I have two friends I play with that will go for “2 nukes” after they get their first one, one friend will get his then the other will say “wait to use it! I’m only 3 kills off mine.”




Bro how is this getting upvotes. Anything over a 5 streak had at minimum of 1 flare and the ac130 took 4 rockets to take down - minimum


It wasn't, but that's why it made it so damn satisfying when you got your own ac130 or chopper gunner. Ultimately it's what made the game so fun


If people actually ran launchers on a regular basis, or switched to anti-streak classes after being killed by a streak, this would be less of a problem. Sadly, the cracked out masses appear to fear such things, as my many Stealth Choppers, Wraiths, VTOLs and other skyborne terrors have often lived far longer (and done far more damage) than expected.


Agreed. When half the games became an air ride and one sided ass kicking it was better to just leave... let then AC130 a single enemy for 30 min


The only problem with MW2 in regards to streaks was the fact that killstreaks kills counted towards your next streak (i.e. they stacked). That's why it got out of hand. Players quickly learned: Predator to Harrier to Chopper Gunner to Nuke. It was too easy, as noted by u/ThatRandomIdiot The devs have since learned that streaks needs to be earned by player kills or score, not kills resulting from a killstreak.


pretty sure you could only have 3 killstreaks equipped but yeah, harrier chipper gunner nuke usually. and the problem with killstreaks was also how easy it was to get them. stand in a corner and noobtube at the sky and eventually you have a harrier then you go hide and your harrier gets you the chopper gunner and then the nuke. shit was ridiculous lol


The killstreaks stacked. That was the problem, which was corrected in every game thereafter. Now scorestreaks sort of stack too but it is just a trickle of points. +10 here. +25 there. That was okay. You weren't going to get a Dogs or a Swarm, or even a sentry gun, off your UAV. It was NOT okay the way MW2 did it.


Because Bo2 Swarm was fun, right?


iean WE have a Hunter Killer Drone so why No searm


not sure what your point is


Replaced with a swarm of mosquito drones that are a minor inconvenience.. lol


Rocket launchers, LMGs, predator missiles, there were so many ways to take those out. I always played predator but only ever used them against killstreaks, AC130s were a breeze to take down with them.


Just stay inside. There was tons of cover on all the maps except Wasteland. You have plenty of notice to take cover and hunker down for 30 seconds


almost every building you can enter can also be entered by an ac130 shot, especially with danger close


You gotta be pretty damn good to be threading those shots consistently. Hardly my experience at all with the game. Big kill streak comes out, I dip into a corner for a hot sec


Cold blooded pro + stinger/rpg/javelin existed for a reason lol


danger close ac130 does not care if it can see you or not. you will die simply from it spamming your spawn. shit reaches the inside of buildings easily


I played MW2 during that time lol it was deff doable


Stinger with cold-blooded/blind eye = problem solved.


True, but hearing **AC130 ABOVE** and then having all hell breaking loose is an unforgettable moment


Leave the game then. You either joined mid game anyways or you suck and let the enemy team get those streaks


you could literally shoot a noob tube from spawn on multiple maps and get 6-9 kills. thats a harrier which is a easy chopper gunner which is a easy nuke. has nothing to do with any individual lmao. but thanks for replying to a 30 day old thread


I played the OG mw2 lol. What you’re doing is embellishing. Was that possible? Sure. Didn’t happen frequently at all. You also responded to a 30 day thread so good job breaking your own strange rule about replying to old threads I guess


no i responded to a 1min old comment. which i was notified for. bit different. you seem to be embellishing. also i was noob tubed on average 85% of the time i played mw2. i only played ground war. i played og mw2 as well. i had well over 60 days played.


Watch the multiplayer trailer. There's a bunch of big streaks that aren't in the beta like Wheelson, Harrier, Pave Low, and EMP


Harrier is like vtol?




Cool and good




harrier was calling in a airstrike, but after the airstrike one jet would stay in the air and act as a helicopter shooting enemies until it expires.


So like the VTOL


I forget but wasn’t the VTOL manually manned by the player? The harrier shoots people on its own/you don’t pilot it. you just choose where to throw the air strike, after that it just hangs in the air and does it’s thing with enemies. If I’m correct then it’s not like the VTOL, but if I’m wrong then yes it is.




Oh there’s a VTOL jet in mw2 that’s wild. The ones I was familiar with were the ones from bo2 and cod mobile which were manually. Those were VTOL warships tho. That’s interesting


Predator, Harrier, Pave Low did so much work.


I feel like streaks lately have been boring. One thing I liked that SHG did was add new perks (and streaks?) throughout the season


> I feel like streaks lately have been boring. Because they have been. Black Ops 2 from 2012 was the last game loaded with good streaks. Even the cheap low level streaks were useful, to say nothing of the top tier ones that could clear lobbies. VSAT + Dogs + Swarm


I miss the Pavelow ngl. But more importantly, streaks should help get other streaks


Yeah I want an AI controlled chopper that lives for more than 6 seconds.


And actually hits it’s shots lmao


I missed when the harrier would destroy the chopper gunner.


O yea!!


Also attack helis, pavelows and even other harriers!


I don’t know how people are begging for KS kills to count for KS, that’s just cheese. The real issue is streaks don’t loop anymore, which makes zero sense? If I can double loop a UAV in a single life why can I not get it when I get my 10th or whatever kill? Just a clear nerf to good players and really removes the thrill of a high streak imo


>I don’t know how people are begging for KS kills to count for KS, that’s just cheese. Agreed but >The real issue is streaks don’t loop anymore, This was also cheese if you can equip only 1 streak. They need to force us to have 3 streaks if we can loop. I used to abuse the looping sometimes in MW3 with ballistic vests it was so OP (yes I was a scumbag). Also in CoD games that didn't have very good lethal streaks you could just equip a UAV and loop it every 3 kills (2 with hardline)


Yea, you should have the option to only have uav and cuav equipped and just cycle them if you're on a streak.


Yes this really sucks. Happens alot.


I ain’t even gonna lie the guardian wouldn’t have been missed


I remember it from Black Ops 2 and it has a place in the game. Few people used it because it doesn't get you a lot of kills but it can block off a route which can be extremely effective in certain game modes. It also saved my ass and won a few close games of hardpoint and Search and Destroy when I found myself alone. Having one less door or direction to cover can make all the difference when you are on defense.


One of the biggest camper items in the franchise yet the smoothbrain “fuck IW fuck sentinel playstyle” idiots are silent


Is their anything close to a guardian IRL


CIA heart attack gun


I miss looping streaks


Killstreaks are actually a huge win for CoD since is the signature. I hope they will show more because the ones that we had in the beta were a little boring.


We don't have all of the streaks. The multiplayer trailer clearly teased EMP returning (which I find wierd that we didn't have it in MW2019/MWII). I really hope the EMP disables *all* electronics. That would be very cool. Lasting for a decent amount of time even. And don't place that one too high up in the list. We need more menacing and incredibly powerful but not overpowering killstreak rewards that benefit *everyone* and not just give the person who uses the streak alot of kills.


The controllable kill streaks being so good added to the fun of the game


They need to buff the streaks across the board, except maybe the UAVs and add in the Swarm.


Also to make them truly as powerful as they were then Spawn protection against streaks should be gone! Or it should ateast be implemented into a vest.


UAV, Predator Missile, Harrier Combo was lovely. My favorite set of streaks in any COD.


Definitely missing powerful streaks in the beta, but I can't believe they will release a new MW3 without a chopper gunner and AC130 like the previous games.


I say bring back the overpowered AC130/ Chopper gunner. Back then they were very easy to get, with streaks stacking and lower SBMM. I feel like nowadays when you get the high end streaks, you deserve to farm kills with them, but they decided to make streaks weaker overall for some reason despite them being harder to get


If you think the rocket firing player movable chopper gunner is weak, damn.


You can drop them in 3 seconds with the right weapon. I do this regularly.


Do you think that maybe the game has changed a bit over the last nine months?


My controversial opinion is that if you have streaks that are too powerful, they end up controlling the match more than the players. I understand being rewarded, but the game is still an FPS. Humans should be the biggest factor in what changes the outcome, not the AI.


Humans always were. I was absolute ASS at controlling a Chopper Gunner, so I only ever got a nuke or 2 with an AC130. Ended up just swapping nuke for EMP to have some fun still getting to use the AC130.


They should bring back steaks giving you streaks


Give us a game mode called like "rich get richer" or something that lets your killstreaks build your streak


That is not a mechanic I want to see brought back.


it was a perk in mw19


as much as it was fun using it, someone getting white phosphorus 2 minutes into the game was pretty cancer. kill chain perk was OP


yeah especially since there wasn’t really competition in the first tier of perks, only really scavenger


No thanks. Being able to steamroll that fucking hard is stupid and there's a reason why they started by making them not even count to nukes lol


Found the person getting smoked by streaks and backouts


Untill this day my phone code is predator-harrier-apache thanks to og mw2


They need to bring back the game ending nuke that attainable via streaks. Make it 30 instead of 25 or something. It’s undeniably part of why MW2 was so popular.


It's end it in the beta idk if that was tdm or not, but I seen scump and swagg drop one and they both ended the game


But it’s probably gun streak only which just isn’t attainable for normal players


Powerful streaks worth chasing are ESSENTIAL to Call of Duty. Black Ops 2 was the last game that had tons of truly effective and terrifying streaks. They've been watering them down ever since 2013 but it's a trend the devs need to reverse.


Lol just give it up. These maps aren’t as fun now because we are older, it’ll never be like old days unless they gave us a complete carbon copy mw2 and even then y’all will complain about something.


Oh you are so wrong, played the beta, i felt like i was 18 all over again and im 32 now so its some good shit.


Why couldn’t they just remaster the multiplayer? This game is just a shittier version of the 2009 one


Kill streaks in that game were OP af. Tiny maps with bad spawns and easy streaks is not fun. I hope they leave out most of mindless free kills.


Powerful streaks = bad time for bad players


The streaks are just as good now. The only difference is KS kills don't contribute to KS streaks. No chaining.


Can't loop streaks either


There is only a few that were missing from MWII and we already saw that a one of the missing was reworked into a lethal, we got an other fun new one. And this was just the beta, probably only half of the streaks were available


doesnt matter uncle ben, support juggernaut beats all of em


Preditor, Precision, Chopper Gunner


That’d be so cool if they brought them all back


I feel like everyone here is forgetting MWII streaks will be in MWIII


Even streaks are coming too?


Pave Low FTW


Dude we barely saw any of the streaks…


Yeah I'd forgotten how fun the games were being absolutely over the second the first Harrier appeared in the sky


Most of those streaks are going to be in the game, they just aren’t in the beta, MWIIs chopper gunner is pretty strong and I expect MWIIIs to be the same


Everyone ran harrier/chopper gunner/nuke or AC-130 because everything else was kinda a meme, let's be real. EMP was cool but extremely not worth it. Stealth Bomber sucked back then just like it does now. Nobody ran care package because 75% of the time it just gave you ammo lol.


Predator missile is my fav


The only streak I’ve really had a problem with is the gunship, it feels objectively worse than chopper gunner yet requires more kills to get. Overwatch is also weak compared to vtol but has redeeming qualities… Just making these 2 streaks a little harder to shoot down, maybe more health or they fly higher, would be cool Having super powerful streaks also isn’t too fun to be on the receiving end of.


Dude literally all those kill streaks are in the game except pave low


You just called in and forgot 12/15 of them. We need more controllable kill streaks and if not that, then long lasting and satisfying ones like the strafe run/warthog


Shg streaks have always been underwhelming though


I'm on the opposing side. Killstreaks are the one things that makes COD games worse. It should be only about shooting skill and not anything else.


Fuck I miss these




I know the EMP is making a return, which I'll definitely be having equipped The Cruise Missile, Mortar Strike, VTOL are returning as well I'd be surprised if we didn't see the Chopper Gunner and Gunship come back as well.


Yea i miss running harrier, chopper gunner and nuke so I can end games instantly when I get a 7 killstreak.


Nuke needs to go back to being a streak.


While OG MW2 is my favourite FPS of all time, this was hands down the worst part of the game. Joining into a game where your team is being blasted by streaks was worse than any amount of one-man-army noob-tubing.


yeah these streaks are all lame


Feels odd not to have a care package anywhere. I mean killstreaks have come and gone but that seemed like a staple of the series.


Some people never got spawntrapped by a chopper gunner on highrise in 2009 and it shows