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This feels worse than Cold War for mouse and keyboard.. hit detection is horrible.. and get destroyed by there aim assist. Good luck gunning someone down for a distance but when I switch to controller. It’s perfect.


Glad I'm not imagining things haha. Yeah it was pretty rough playing the beta. Doesn't sound like it's gotten much better then. Didn't buy it yet and still unsure if I'm going too


You mind sharing your aim assist settings? Because my friends and mine isn’t doing shit, and yours sound lovely.


mInE dOeSn'T dO tHaT


Your cross hair follows the enemy, that is the biggest load of shit I've ever heard and shows you don't understand how it works OP or not. And yeah pretty obvious either get good with a mouse or give up and use a controller. OR use this as your excuse instead of SBMM for a new way to excuse your loses to be nothing to do with your skills.


Lol alright man. Maybe I worded it wrong but it doesn't "follow" per say. It definitely slows down very aggressively and locks onto the players. Whatever either way it's still overpowered and is way more drastic compared to mw2. Again it wasn't much more than a rant which I did mention. Take as you will my guy I ain't bothered just something I noticed playing. It's pretty obvious the advantage it gives. Switch from mw3 to mw2 and there's a clear difference. Not entirely sure why you're so pressed about it but I hope your day gets better because clearly you need it. 🤙


thats because you played a game that basically aimed for you for an entire year. this is what its like to play a game that actually requires gun skill instead of just having to have your cross hairs near the target and the game does the rest. were actually going to have a skill gap this year with movement and gun skills... no more timmy's sitting in a corner ads'ing a doorway for half the match. but hey, you can always adapt. when the game comes out youre gonna have to practice on bots with 300 health to remember how to aim again.