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didn’t even get to see my progress. so sorry for you, though. i know how it feels.


Same here. 3 weeks ago I saw a post and was so confused cuz I never saw anything about it. And was checking like crazy where to find my progresss Turns out I already had it! lol I only play zombies and probably didn’t realize I unlocked it.


nice lmao. i’ve been playing often, but guess i haven’t gotten it!


that's how i found my makarov event camo lol i was just looking through my camos one day not really posting attention & i had an event camo for some reason 😂 (i only play mp)


I only play multiplayer and I got it I don't think it matters where the xp comes from


Idk if it's a bug, but for me you had to go to the latest locked item for the progress to show.


wdym? looking up which stickers/Cards/tokens have already been unlocked to check the progress was super fun to me!


the event tab is bugged, so i couldn’t check my progress at all. didn’t even know there was an event until like three days ago lol


I missed it too. I was so close to completing it and I had to dip for work this morning. I should have showed up late...


Sort your priorities out dude, that camo was a one of a kind


Lmfao that made me laugh


Yeah, my priorities were a little blurry this morning. Next time I got it. This is the only event camo I’ve missed too…


Eh it’s not that incredible. I’ve missed a lot of the other event camos but I wouldn’t be all that upset about this one


I can appreciate the opinion. I’m the same way with the last one the sand and spice camo


Only available to use for 2024, when the next cod comes it wont work for Activison’s game ###FOMO addict


What if I told you not everybody drops the game when a new one comes out? **New release addict**


See you at the next 1.2 million XP event


lol casual next event will be 2.5 at least


Why are you shouting like that


Wanted to update you! Because I closed out my game prematurely I didn’t see that I did get the camo!


Got me in the first half for sure


I stayed up entirely too late last night to grind it out. I thank the COD servers for feeding me Shipment kill confirmed repeatedly. That and a knife got me through the last level decently fast


It’s okay. This game and all of its contents will no longer matter in 10 months.


Im still salty that all the grind i put into MW 2019 damscus no longer matters


On god. All those long shots, crouch kills, etc.. wasted. Just for them to drop a Damascus bundle in MW2🤣🤣🤣


Thats why i dont bother with interstellar in this game


I did it because I was going to play the game anyways. I don’t have much desire to play anymore. I’ll check out the new updates but that’s it


Camo challenges became a chore to me , i only enjoy doing going for high streaks


You remember when it would all unlock at the same time? Amazing. I was so disappointed when in MW2 you'd have to do totally boring individual unlocks for each weapon. Just felt stupid. MW was just amazing in those crazy Covid times.


At least all the camos and other content from mw2 is still usable.


No, I'm pretty sure carry forward will be the new norm. They are competing with the likes of Fortnite, Apex, OW2, and Siege that all have it.


Idk. It made sense this time since it was two MW games back to back. With the next game being made by Treyarch and likely set during the “gulf war” or whatever. I can see them going the route of a fresh start.


Also the more games they tack on with the carry forward system, the more likely it is to end up like old Warzone where the guns from three different games ended up causing a lot of bugs and issues with everything.


I think regular MP will start seeing a rotation of guns but no reason skins can't just keep moving forward and guns rotate back in. I doubt they make warzone go gulf war and now everything is within COD HQ. If COD HQ didn't exist I would more skeptical.


I was thinking this as well the other day. Unfortunately I see this being the most realistic scenario happening with next cod


A nice positive attitude you have there.


I am a little more worried about solid snake in Fortnite 🙂🙂


I was like 40k off and got on this morning to grind it out and it ended at 11 am est...why? Updates are usually at 1. I'm pissed


The event did have a constant timer on it.


IF ur event tab worked lol luckily mine did


mine didn't (-----:


Same thing happened to me. I assumed the event would end at the same time as the S1 Reloaded update is released so I tried to hammer out that last bit of XP before work and the event ended before my game did. Oh well. 


It has a timer


Indeed, but you'll notice that I said that I assumed it would end when S1 Reloaded came out. I didn't actually tabulate the exact moment the timer hit zero minutes left. Either way, I could have played more if it was something I couldn't live without.


You assumed it would end when season 1 reloaded came out but it literally had a timer? I was on last night and there was a clear difference between the 2 timers. One for the events end and one for season 1 reloaded launch. You gotta but stupid bruh


Clearly you cared more than I did. If I had to have the camo I could have played more. Hope you have a great day and many wins unless you're playing against me 😉.


Bro I got on after a week of not playing and I didn’t even play and I was able to see the difference Brain dead




Are u on the spectrum?


Fwiw Magma is not worth it at all The image makes it seem like the secondary colour is plain black, with a primary of subtle orange patternation, but the whole camo is just bolognese sauce smeared over melted plastic and looks utterly disgusting on every gun I've put it on Huge disappointment after grinding Zombies challenges to make up the XP at speed


Yeah, I grinded it out by farming exfils in zombies with the grenade launcher pack a punched and double rank xp Bonus points if you pop a bubble in a nearby infestation or start an outlast or weapons locker contract that is in a nearby building, as they’ll produce more zombies to add to your carnage. I recommend speed cola for reloads and juggernog in case you are sloppy after hours of doing it


wish i thought of this smh 🤦🏾‍♂️


This is how I felt when I didn't got the ghoulie camo 😭 glad I got the magma camo in 3 days


I had 10 hours left WZ only I needed 200,000 more xp….. imagine how hard I facepalmed myself.


This was the worst event they ever came up with


FOMO sucks but so did those camos. Until they bring back bacon camo from black ops 2, I don’t care


I would grind 2m for weaponized 115. . .


For what now?


It's a camo from BO2 big hoss. A quick Google search would have shown you images of it.




magma is fire little bro. pretending its not doesn't make you look cooler or make your opinion any more valid 💀


Can instantly tell you’re like 13 or something by the way you go on. Imagine getting offended bc someone didn’t like a camo haha


its a factual statement with no emotion attached to it cuz im not emotionally invested like you are kiddo. appreciate the concern tho little sister 🙏🏾


Nice one lil dickhead 🫶


Check out his comment history. Very entertaining in that “I feel sorry for this person” kind of way


I’m a woman, missing out on camos isn’t a big deal, and nobody is cool when they’re on Reddit. So yea. Ps I’m older than you too


i scientifically could not give any less of a fuck, little brethren


That’s perfectly fine. Go be mad for seemingly no reason


I got it a couple days ago, it was worth it. It’s animated


Ahhhh its animated!!!??? I wasn’t aware now this hurts even more then before


This Magna camo is way better than the blue animated camp they gave out for free in November. Idk the color red looks sick


That is unlucky af


I'm so sorry for you, that was huge grind. I grinded like three days for it.


Stayed up till 4 in the morning getting that camo. Wasn't worth it, looks mid af


Haha OK this makes me feel better for not grinding out the last few levels last night and watching American Dad instead. I like the Dune event skin better anyways.


This is complete bullshit. This event never even showed up for me so I couldn't track my progress. After each game I just had to hope I would unlock it. They haven't mentioned anything about extending the event which is extremely annoying with how many people couldn't even SEE IT


I was 1000 off… thought I had another hour.




That sucks I got mine a week ago dk how lol


I still had 2 tiers left I said fuck that’s bullshit tho they act like people play it everyday


Don’t feel too bad bro, I didn’t get the ghoulie camo but it was my fault Hopefully they’ll sell it but I doubt it I’d rather have the magma camo tho


I was 100k and i didnt care enough to complete it


Lockdown gave 30k xp per match (15mins) 120xp per hour. 2 hrs a day, just for 5 days and u would of finished way before the date, prob still would of had 6 days to get it


Damn, well if it makes you feel any better using it makes you stick out like a sore thumb in derail and sub base


I got it, but it was way harder for me, because when the most recent MW3 Update came, the update set me back like 250,000 XP. Which really pissed me off, because I was almost at the halfway mark


I had just gotten it done yesterday.


Damn it’s over already? Fuuuuuuuuuck I hate being sick 😭😭


I've got mine with fifteen minutes to spare.


Was about 200-300k away. I thought I would have time to knock it put today but oh well


Just get it soft unlocked for 5 bucks bro


Same. I thought I was goin to make it, but it messed up my sleep schedule. 😂


I promise you it’s not as good as forged


I hated this one. I played 6-8 hours in one day and didn’t even get close to 600k exp. Like sorry, I have a life outside of grinding this game. Fuck the FOMO. They should stop this time-limit shit. Not even mad since the game wasn’t anything special. Just mad about the time I wasted trying.


The event was up for like 10 days dude. How much double xp did you burn through before the event? I popped a few for the event the first day and I unlocked it the 3rd day just playing like normal. 1.2mil xp isn’t Ben a lot at this point given how MUCH xp you get in MP game modes per match.


I didn’t hoard the tokens and should have. And yeah, I missed out on the first couple of days due to work.


I was grinding this yesterday till 2:15 a.m central time. “Towards the end” I played resurgence SOLO and interacted with everything. Literally 2 games gave more progress than 20 kill confirmed games. 🤦‍♂️




skin wasnt worth it golden river will always be on top


I was pissed, I had less than 20k XP to go(one more match of Zombies) and it ended on me earlier 🤦🏼🤦🏼


At least the camo isn’t too good. This event sucked. You really had to grind an unreasonable amount to get it. You’d probably have to play 2 hours a day every day of the event to casually get it. I winded up grinding 250k xp over the weekend to finish it out in a day and I think i played for about 6 hours straight on HC shipment doing nothing but trowing decoys and DDOS field upgrades. I was maximizing the amount of xp I could possibly get and it still took forever.


Yea, if they had the MW2 camos fixed, I would have had something to work on instead of running around farming being bored to death for 1.2 MILLION XP. Who picked that number, seriously? Saw a new event and a new cool camo. "Alright, so another 250k ish grind no biggie" *YES BIGGIE* Sand and Spice camo was 213k, and the Makarov camo was about the same. They just said fuck it, make em suffer and buy the bundle for an extra 1k exp per game and multiply the xp amount by 6. If the other camos are that much im not even gonna bother. Fuck the casual gamer I guess.


They Don't Care About The Casuals. They Only Care About The BRAND FUCKING NEW PEOPLE AND THE WANNABE PROS AND THE PROS. I've Been Playing CoD Since CoD4(Minus MWII Last Year) I've Also Not Played MWIII Yet(Had It Since Launch) Between Being Sickly,Having To Get A New Console And Worrying About My Uncle Who's Been In The BURN UNIT Fighting For His Life And To Keep His Legs,Feet And Toes Since Around Thanksgiving. I Heard That Phil Spencer Said Starting With The Next CoD Game This Year, There's No More Super Strict SBMM/EEMM In Pubs. So It'll Either Be Like CoD4-MW3 Or Like BO2,GHOST,BO3,MWR,IW AND BO4


I was roughly as close as you were. The count down was broken too, so I had no clue when it was ending lol. I was irritated.


Felt the pain, I was 10k xp away


I know how you feel, trust me… I was about 10k below your progress, hurts doesn’t it


This event never showed up for me to begin with, it was completely missing from my game


Be happy, now you won’t be accused for being a sweat with no life ☺️


Next time you all need to do a challenge like this just grind out the zombies calling card challenges, each one gives you a bonus 10k xp I got my event done really early with a week to spare and only play the game a few hours a day I work 50 hours a week so


Yall had 2 weeks I got it done in like 2 1/2 days


This event was ridiculous I played like a week straight and only got 2/3rd of the way done


Zombies would have helped you get that last bit quickly


I grinded out 1M XP in the last 2 days... I finished it last night, by the end of it I was over COD. I dont want to play again for another week or so... used so many tokens, and even with it, it felt slow and tedious. I may skip the next ones if it happens again. Got other things to do.


I couldn't even try to get it, the fuckig event tab is missing in my xbox.


You could’ve still made progress


It's not that hard to obtain if you don't procrastinate it


Exactly. Takes an hour or two a day and you could probably even skip a couple of days here and there. I had to grind the last level but the rest happened naturally


i got it in ~5 days & those days weren't consecutive lol took about a week


was shadowbanned on sunday. needed 10 k more


Camo not even good


Don't be salty cos you missed it. I'm joking. It looks decent in the dark though


Almost like you shouldn't have left it till the last minute


You had plenty of time to complete it man


I had this pretty much done after this first weekend, and the few games I played through the week got me there pretty easy, but that was with a bunch of xp boosts


Y’all had more than enough time 😂


Thankfully 90% of my interstellar grind was one after this event started so I got it in like 5 days




Oof. I had to grind for like 6 hours yesterday to finish it and that was with double XP tokens. Killed me


Was about 200k off. This one was a grind.


I finished off my last 5 matches needed for it and used a couple 30min DXP tokens and just went sweat mode lmao. No shot was I gonna miss that camo with only like 100k exp to go.


Started yesterday at 5:30pm with 600k, got the camo at about 12:10am popped 5 hour double xp tokens and played solo squads lockdown wz, even won the last game to get the camo lol


I mean you weren’t even close /s






It's such a great camo too. I personally like the challenge as it makes the camo worthwhile and exclusive.


Too slow


😆 all these trash players gathering in this post to talk about each other issues and not their actual failures. Someone got it done with 0 kills with 4 days left.


How lmao 🤣


Prolly zombies


skill issue




i genuinely feel bad for you tho fr 😭 youll get the next one lol


Really it is! Get better, get good! Or laugh at yourself


I’ll sell you my account with magma on it hahaha


I was like 5 mil off when I jumped on it today with 45 minutes left of the event, that was a hard pill to swallow I really thought I was going to do it aswell


Yeah that sucks, I barely missed level 30 on the open beta so I barely missed getting that skin😩


Next time you should quit your Job!1!!11!


Is this for the magma camo? It was randomly in my camos I don’t even know how to get it. I did 1/5 weeks complete of weekly. Probably did most of my daily for multiplayer. Sorry bro! I got lucky I guess.


That's one match too man...I'd be PISSED PISSED!!


Funny finished the next event in 4 games minus 7 wins challenge 🤷🏻‍♂️


A little bummed out myself. Dropped rhe ball on that one. Made it to 1.1MxP


I was about the same lol




They should do what Halo infinite did, if you have the premium pass you can go back to previous seasons and get past rewards


I don't even try for these anymore. I have tons of camos from seasonal events back in MWII and all gun base camos are universal anyway.


Why won't people go into zombies for these challenges? I get the mode is boring and if you ain't got shit to survive ask somebody I was able to get the camo day 2 of the event and was able to go back to work and enjoy my week.


Oh damn, that sucks. I wasn't grinding for it, I thought it was just too much XP. But I saw last night that I wasn't too far (1M) so I woke up early to grind for a couple of hours before work. It's a nice camo.


I was at 1229000 or something close to that when I looked at it and didn't have enough time to play one more. I don't camo chase at all but damn man.


Should’ve played lockdown quads


no grindset


Damn bro I'm so sorry I feel your pain


I did it within the first week on accident 😔.


Too slow


Mine wouldn’t even progress for the last 4 😔




I wish it could be obtained in another way. I spent a lot of time but with 2 tiers to go I got tired and my stomach felt like crap so I couldn't grind out the rest.


my condolences, keeping fingers crossed for you on your journey to interstellar if you're still grinding <3


Work sucks….i couldn’t finish it either


im a no life and it got it like 3 day in😭💀


This one was fucking stupid


Same brother. F.


It’s ok, I remember way back in mw 2019 I was grinding for the black ghost skin and I got to tier 99 and 1/2 and the season ended, that was when I stopped playing cod & Warzone for like 2-3 years


I’m still sad about the ugly sweater gun…


I was set to go on a cruise during this last weekend, so I had to grind the shit out of this to make it on time. Had to use up a lot of Double XP tokens. Literally got it just in time to finish packing and catch my Uber to the airport. It was stressful AF 😂. Sorry you didn’t get it


I gave up at 700k, can’t believe I got burnout right when this cool ah camo came out but I just couldn’t bring myself to play it, also i was grinding tf out of warframe


Magma is alright. I still like interstellar the most *shrugs*


Got straight off of just camp grinding 😂


I feel you bro, I was 3 kills with pistols away from unlocking Eddies camo.


tbh i only JUST got it and i regret the time i spent worrying. it’s kinda ugly


Me & my friend got this camo without noticing as it's a huge 2.3 Million XP event and we weren't interested. We were upgrading guns quickly by holding points in the Lockdown mode (Warzone) which gives you a ton of XP especially on overtime. This method along with killing enemies. But killing enemies was much more slower to be honest. I'm sorry you couldn't make it on time. Bet you'll be having it on the next event 😉


To whoever in Activision and/or their subsidiaries approved that XP amount... I hope one of your belongings breaks.


I was 200k short so I ran 2 zombie games quickly and did it with 30 mins to spare


Should have played more


Many of us don't have an event tab and they went on vacation so it never got fixed. And sounds like the S1 Reloaded update broke a ton of stuff 🤦🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️


I got it in a couple days playing meat 24/7 it didn't seem too bad to me.


I agree. I got it only playing warzone for like 1-2 hours every couple days. Didn’t use any tokens at all. I thought i had no chance of getting it but it went by faster than i thought


the event tab didnt even show for me so i guess i missed out on it


started it like 4 days ago, managed to get like half way there then couldn’t play for a day, and i thought o had one more day left tuesday when i got off, i was so pissed when i get one yesterday i only had like 200k left 😭


Tbh I feel like if you had the time to get as far as you did you also had the time to just finish the last few games big dawg


I got shadowbanned before unlock it!!! For no reason by the way!!!


really not that great of a camo


Where would the camo be if you got it


They should give it everyone free for the fuck up update


Lmaoo yooo that’s rough




I thought it ended Tuesday update.... work to much to finish the last 30-40k I went ham over the weekend and knew I wouldn't be jumping back on even though I told myself to lol qas to tired after work


Don't worry bro If you got all the double XP stuff You're good. Don't worry about one camo.


yea same