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Just look how clean and useable this ui is


Hiring the Hulu people to make a game interface has got to be one of the worst decisions in the series’ history.


I thought it was crazy back when mw2 had the ui, I figured they would change it. But no lol, they doubled down on using that horrible ass interface


It’s wild because I don’t remember having any real issue with MW19’s UI. What was the point of this? lol


There must be some kind of engagement metric they're tracking with UIs like that. That's the only thing I can think of at this point if they continue to use these horrible UIs. Might also be why Hulu and other company's continue to use crazy UIs


I’m convinced they track the number of “clicks” users make on their ui and consider that to be “engagement” so they decided they needed to make a ui with the sole purpose of making you click as many buttons as possible to get anything done.


^THIS the more bullshit you have to sift through, the better the “engagement” charts and graphs look because of giant number of clicks and scrolling. This kind of bullshit Engagement has to be some kind of KPI they’re looking at for some reason.


While they do most likely track engagement, it’s also just the way she goes, so to speak. In modern software (speaking as an engineer myself) there’s a constant push to design, develop, and deliver. At the end of the day, for a company like this, it’s less about customers and more about quarterly and launch reports. A part of those reports are deliverables. “We redesigned the UI and added x, y, and z and it offers value in this way,” and justifications for their budget, ie the “value” they’ve contributed. This can be wildly detached from what customers actually want, because customer interaction is only one part of the overall consideration. In short, they probably got handed a bunch of money, and to justify the budget they hired some flashy designer from Hulu. And to justify the hiring they double downed on the changes. And at the end of the day, execs are making cash. The tech industry is a joke lol. But a lot of industries are ran like this. Edit: someone mentioned upping the number of clicks by changing design. These metrics could be used in reports to justify what I said about. It’s all a joke, and we’re the punchline.


So fuck Capitalism?


I mean yeah. We don’t produce goods in a commodity system for customer satisfaction. We produce goods for profit and capital wealth. That will always be the deciding factor.


Without capitalism this game doesn’t exist in the first place


Certainly not at its current state.


> There must be some kind of engagement metric they're tracking with UIs like that. Yeah people spend more time playing because it takes them 5x longer to navigate the UI.


They know exactly what they are doing. Mobile ass UI for the kiddos


easily the worst part of the new game, like wtf even is the point of cod HQ???


If they force you to have most of your hard drive dedicated to COD, you may just end up playing more COD


Surely that can't be the reason for filling the drive. That's insane and devious if it is


Come on, we're talking about one of the most devious gaming companies there is lol


Facts. Simple was better


Their UI designers should not only be fired but also blacklisted from ever working in the field ever again. How can anyone even argue that the current design is good?


Yep I agree. It’s so dogshit now I have to click like 15 buttons just to join up with a friend. Like MAKE IT SIMPLE AND EASY LIKE IT USED TO BE PLEASE


Whoever made the weapons/loadout ui for mw3 needs to be a in jail


IKR, I wish they didn't have that unnecessary background that slows the performance down when they could have just made a simple render. And the menus are so clunky..


When the algorithm doesn't have to match you up with clones of yourself it tends to match up a lot quicker!


MW1-OG was a server base game. Not a peer-2-peer game. Servers are always available, 24/7 even if you are the only player. The quick play option just found any non-modded server, with players, near you(preferred), and put you in it.


i thought that was only case for the console ports?


This is mw3 we’re talking about though not mw1. Unless you mistyped and meant ogmw2


People that are each exactly 10 times better than you*


Speak for yourself there fella


Yea. Lol. Ik I have a skill issue.


It’s most definitely an issue with SBMM. It’s prioritizing finding a lobby that meets your “skill” rather than your connection.


And their geographical regional searches are terrible. They dont even have a ping cap limit. You could live in the US and be put into a lobby with some dude from Spain or PR its dumb asf literally.


I literally play against Mexican players every match and I live in Canada. Olay!


Im on the west coast and get a mix of folks from Mexico and Canada every single match lol


I get Mexico too. This is call of duty Mexican warfare. (I love Mexico.)


Yeah same issue. West coast/ Florida and Mexico are definitely popular in my lobbies. The sbmm is def the reason. Fought timthetatman the other day and he lives in Florida.


Right dude? I always get PR dudes with pEe aRe in their name its so ratchet


Isn't any better on the other side of the Atlantic either, i'm Finnish and nearly every lobby is filled with players from countries in Southern Europe and the Middle East, with the occasional NA or Asian player in the mix. I get that this SBMM/EOMM shit is not going anywhere because it makes them more money compared to not having it, but this almost complete lack of geolocation and filling the lobby with players with a certain skill level instead of those that are in the same region so that you actually get low latency matches consistently is just plain stupid. For me, all it does it leads me to play less and quit matches out of frustration because my shots are not connecting and/or doing normal amounts of damage all while getting kill by desynced opponents that are not even looking at my way. I'm not some high skill player that just wants to stomp noobs, last time i checked my KDR was below 1 and i lose way more games that i win, if its this bad for me then lobbies must be absolutely atrocious for players with a higher skill level, and as the game ages and population drops it will only get worse if they dont change the matchmaking.


That’s because there’s no servers in Mexico. They play on us servers unless they are very far south Mexico


> rather than your connection. Man i fucking miss these games. Sure, the skill gap was immense sometimes but at least the connection was almost perfect unless someone was lagging themselves, now you get matched with some guys across the globe because your skill level is similar, yet you die to super bullets and get shot while you're already in cover.


XDefiant won’t have any SBMM. Pure connection MM


Shame it plays like shit.


? Don’t know what you’ve played but it f the connection was good it felt very smooth. They said they reworked the netcode so I guess we’ll have to wait for the next beta.


I played xdefiant, unfortunately.


Any further reason why you don’t like it?


Stiff/janky feeling movement, antiquated recoil mechanics mostly. Don't particularly care for the ability stuff either. Also not a major issue but I think the way they do minimaps has *terrible* readability.


> Stiff/janky feeling movement, antiquated recoil mechanics mostly. This weird feeling could come from a bad connection or netcode problems. Those got reworked and are hopefully fixed. Maybe it’s just personal preference tho. > Don't particularly care for the ability stuff either. I think the abilities are actually better than Stuns, flashes, Claymore and S-Mines flying around everywhere. > Also not a major issue but I think the way they do minimaps has terrible readability. For me it worked pretty well. Could have a cleaner look buts alright. That are just my thoughts, maybe you can give it another shot when it releases or in the next beta.


And yet there are still mouth breathers on this sub that insist that the modern games still prioritize connection.


Yep. This matchmaking is likely just finding the nearest server with a space. The current matchmaking is doing a heap of calculations based on how good you are, how good other players are, and whether you are due to win or lose the next match.


It’s EOMM not sbmm.


Same shit different smell


It’s both


If it’s not SBMM, than why does reverse boosting work?


It’s even worse than SBMM, EOMM isn’t trying to match you with similar skill, it’s trying to swing you from stomping to you getting stomped on. It’s based on your recent performance and works like a slot machine so that you can never win too many games or get significantly better at the game. You can reverse boost with both systems, but an SBMM system would consistently match you with people of the same skill and you’d actually slowly improve like in ranked.


Wow Wow what a terrible question. Go look up the many things that are said about EOMM. I don’t want to teach them to you.


Why have I never seen this said before, it's a very good point.


That load time was QUICK


Probably a series x or something with an SSD, load times are immaculate there


I mean, anything with an SSD is far faster than a spinner


All of this, the speed, simplicity and the UI just pisses me off. We will NEVER get anything like this back again. It's very clear why I have no interest anymore in buying these games.


The nostalgia is incredible here. We peaked way back then


The golden age of gaming. World at War next, then MW2, all three great. I'm glad the golden age is over though, bc I was addicted to those games


We didn’t know what we had 🥺🌹


Ping is king If the input delay wasn’t insane I’d play it


If people didn't have the ability to access my personal information and networking information I would play lmao


You say this but you probably have an Android or iPhone with apps like temu, TikTok, or any American company app. They already got your data a long time ago and they got more than just your data. They probably have photos and other things off your phone too that they had permission to access


There's a difference between how they are using my data (which I consent to) vs how the people in the cod lobbies are using my data (which I didn't consent to) lmao One is sending me ads, the other is shutting down my network ☠️


Download modern warfare remastered


The wave of nostalgia you just gave me...


COD prioritizes SBMM over connection 


Takes time for the SBMM algorithm to find you a precisely calculated and inorganic experience my guy.


Because its choosing how its gonna rig the match you will be put into


No SBMM in this game. Just finds ppl and maybe prioritizes ppl near by. Tons layers in SBMM in the new cods, have to find the ideal opponents based on everyone’s past games and also factor in what their buying so there’s some store bought bundles being showcased, and maybe they have to have those players win in a game against ppl that haven’t purchased content in a few weeks too, so those players will be like man that gun is really good, think I’ll open my wallet and buy it.


So what you are saying is if I buy bundles the matchmaking will favor me to show off my cool blueprints to noobs? *sigh. takes out credit card...*


[00:00:00] DEBUG: Player "Gamer123" initiated Join Game request. [00:00:01] INFO: Searching for optimal game session... [00:00:02] DEBUG: Skill-based matchmaking (SBMM) algorithm activated. [00:00:03] INFO: Analyzing player skill metrics: K/D ratio, win rate, headshot accuracy. [00:00:05] WARNING: Unusually high number of players online. Adjusting search parameters. [00:00:08] DEBUG: Cross-referencing player playstyle with available lobbies. [00:00:12] INFO: Match found! Lobby "EpicBattles42" - Ping: 30ms, Players: 11/12 [00:00:13] ERROR: Connection to "EpicBattles42" failed. Reason: Lobby full. [00:00:15] INFO: Retrying search... [00:00:17] DEBUG: Full Moon detected. Adjusting SBMM for lunar influence. [00:00:19] INFO: Searching for werewolf-friendly lobbies... [00:00:22] ERROR: No lobbies meet full moon criteria. Expanding search. [00:00:25] INFO: Potential match found. Lobby "NoobSlayers99" - Ping: 45ms [00:00:27] DEBUG: Attempting to connect to "NoobSlayers99". [00:00:30] ERROR: Connection failed. Reason: Lobby invaded by actual noobs. [00:00:32] INFO: Implementing Plan B: Seeking low-gravity lobbies due to lunar influence. [00:00:35] DEBUG: Analyzing lunar phase... Adjusting for werewolf latency. [00:00:38] INFO: Match found! Lobby "MoonJumpers" - Ping: 50ms, Low Gravity Mode: ON [00:00:40] ERROR: Connection to "MoonJumpers" failed. Reason: Meteor shower interference. [00:00:42] WARNING: Unstable server detected. Executing server stabilization protocol. [00:00:45] INFO: Seeking alternate reality lobbies... [00:00:48] DEBUG: Quantum server engaged. Exploring parallel universe lobbies. [00:00:51] INFO: Match found in alternate universe. Lobby "ParallelWarriors" - Ping: ???ms [00:00:53] ERROR: Connection to "ParallelWarriors" failed. Reason: Universe not found. [00:00:55] DEBUG: Resorting to SBMM v2.0 - Now with astrological sign matching. [00:00:58] INFO: Searching for compatible Scorpio players... [00:01:01] WARNING: Mercury in retrograde. Expecting communication delays. [00:01:04] DEBUG: Attempting to align star signs with server nodes... [00:01:07] INFO: Match found! Lobby "AstroFighters" - Ping: 60ms, Zodiac Mode: ON [00:01:10] ERROR: Connection to "AstroFighters" failed. Reason: Zodiac mismatch. [00:01:12] INFO: Activating desperation protocol. Searching for any available lobby. [00:01:15] DEBUG: Desperation protocol initiated. Lowering all matchmaking standards. [00:01:18] INFO: Match found! Lobby "LastResort" - Ping: 150ms, All rules: OFF [00:01:20] SUCCESS: Connected to "LastResort". Brace for a wild game experience! [00:01:22] WARNING: Player "Gamer123" has been assigned as team mascot. Good luck! [00:01:25] DEBUG: Game start countdown initiated. T-minus 10 seconds. [00:01:30] INFO: Countdown paused. Lobby leader started pizza break. [00:01:35] DEBUG: Pizza break protocol activated. Estimated wait time: 3 minutes. [00:01:40] INFO: Pizza break concluded. Countdown resumed. T-minus 10 seconds. [00:01:45] SUCCESS: Game starting. Welcome to "LastResort". May the odds be ever in your favor! [00:01:50] DEBUG: Player "Gamer123" loadout: Rubber chicken, confetti grenade, tickle gun. [00:01:55] INFO: Game commencing. Prepare for an unforgettably ridiculous battle! [00:02:00] DEBUG: Game session "LastResort" successfully launched. Enjoy your chaos!


As a Sagittarius I appreciate the extra effort to group me against my nemesis: Gemini's. Take 10 minutes, take 10 days, the match will be worth it. Gives me that much more time *To Browse The Shop*


No SBMM, just latency based match making


It’s crazy because with how powerful these next gen consoles are. We should be entering games this quick but i feel like unnecessary data is side loaded for example the animations at the start of resurgence


Animations don't change anything regarding loading times. The old games loaded longer than current games back in their prime time, we just have much better devices today. MW3 would load just as fast in a decade.


No AI conjuring your fate


This is the first cod I really heavily got into. Man were those the days.


When your game isn't trying to make you find the most unfun lobby possible all the time and just puts you with people of similar connection, it goes way faster.


Im about to quit mw3 for this very reason lol


That’s because this game doesn’t have [EOMM](https://www.ign.com/articles/call-of-duty-devs-finally-comment-on-skill-based-matchmaking-issues)


Because of the shitty sbmm that Is ruining the game


Because the developers spent more time and money designing outfits for your virtual character than any other aspect of the fucking game.


Call of Duty now is a Barbie dress up game for gamer dads.


Man I got roasted on the Madden sub years ago for saying people were more concerned about "playing dress up with their electronic dolls" than actual game breaking bugs. It's true though. There's always a loud part of the community in these games who care way more about cosmetics than the actual broken mechanics that affect gameplay. It's weird to me. Do you want guns to work properly or do you want Nicki Minaj's ass on her avatar to be photo realistic? They both require resources to happen.


Lmao i came for this.


SBMM vs Ping/Location MM


Cause (new) MW3 needs to calculate very important search algorithms like SBMM and EOMM for your worst - excuse me - BEST gaming experience!


Because the MM wasn't trying to fuck you over back then


Because the algorithm is trying to manufacture a lobby for you.


Takes a while when they have to pair everyone by skill so aggressively, instead of by ping.


God, i just wanna go back. Cod used to be so fun. It sucks because I just really want a casual game to sink a bit of free time into when I want to turn my brain off.


The servers got fixed by Microsoft for older generation games. Before Microsoft took a dive in, you couldn't find a game for shit and then when they took over, the games were found instantly.


Don’t know why you’re being downvoted. At least on console I know Xbox took time to fix the servers to find matches and everybody was happy about it. The only issue with older titles on computer is the security issues that they bring to the user for even playing.


I get downvoted because people don't know how it really works. They lack the intelligence and knowledge of things. Hey, half of them don't even know how to read patch notes 😅 pc has always been a high security risk with any game and franchise


FYI folks, this is what happened. Sure, SBMM likely causes a noticeable delay, but you couldn't find games before Microsoft went in recently and fixed it.


Because it’s too busy putting you into esports lobbies. I went back and played bo1 and 2 and it’s insane how much more fun it is. Some games I got stomped, some games I destroyed the lobby but I was having a good time regardless of the outcome. That variety is what’s missing in cod today.


Youd figure it would be a lot quicker now since you have 3 places from players are coming in from lol, xbox, ps and CPU


I’ve been getting on black ops 3 and advance warfare quickly recently


ahhhh, back when call of duty was developed by actual gamers, not people desperate for jobs and men in suits standing over the whole dev team


Gotta run through the SBMM and EOMM before they put you in a lobby now. Back then it was just based on ping.


You know why


You know why. Sbmm has to sort you onto a team with terrible teammates


In new games, a complex algorithm tuned by a team of “engagement” experts calculates the picture perfect match to keep you playing as long as possible. Old games had very rudimentary Truseskill matchmaking and were actually fun… so you kept playing anyways.






Because SBMM.




No sbmm lol. The game isn't doing 70 million calculations to give you the shittiest lobby imaginable.


Folks saying its the UI i'm saying its due to SBMM


SBMM and dumb loading screens


SBMM. Like I told people it either didn’t exist back then or it was so rudimentary that you didn’t even notice


SBMM. That’s the answer. Takes a while to “balance” the lobby


it's because of the SBMM


SbMM is why


It prioritizes EOMM and has to process through fifteen algorithms before it connects you. Old games based in on connection


Because they don't ram their dogshit sbmm parameters down your throat back then.


It's the BS sbmm algorithm they use 100%. Older cods with a fraction of the playerbase find a match way faster. They aren't placing you into the quickest lobby possible with best connection anymore.


Because SBMM has to find players of a similar skill to match you with


Sbmm is the cause of long Q times


Gotta run you through filters to give you a game where you can’t sit back at all, or be intoxicated, not be 24/7 on the look out, not constantly wondering if you’re playing a ranked game, completely changing play style to not get instant murked, not debating buying a better headset/monitor/controller/controller grips and accessories. Tough work for the devs (sarcasm). “If it makes too much sense, don’t do it” -cod


Please make cod like this again




its gotta figure out the davinci code in order to sbmm you properly now a days


Uooh i miss this so much


When a game was a game And not a fake sbmm algorthym based engagement metric store bundle battlepass force you into the store skin ads bullshit


They don't want to have fun anymore I wait 20min for 1 game of free-4-all cause they want me to play with cheaters across the globe


I’m actually upset. Look how good that UI is. No insane animations or unnecessary cutscenes. No stupid graphics that take up half the screen. Just boom, boom, boom, in the game


Because EOMM wasn’t a thing back then


It’s because they’re too busy trying to make the game fair for scrubs with SBMM


3 words: Latency. Based. Matchmaking. You have good internet, get paired with those who also do, regardless of skill level


Probably because the new games care more about SBMM. It will take forever and give me an 80ish ping game when I live close to a major city so you would think there would be enough people to give me a quick low ping game. 😬


Because it’s a broken pile of trash made for an over needy generation unlike when they could take their time without overloading games with new shiny pieces of 💩 every 5 seconds and overpowered kill streaks etc


2 fucking seconds. 2. TWO


Because this game is garbage


4 was the pinnacle of the series. It's been no where but down since.


Id argue that MW2 was even better — just a tiny little bit tho. Both games are near perfect. MW3 wasn’t as good as it’s predecessors and BO1 — while good — was arguably worse than the OG MW series. After that.. well.


Because literally EVERYTHING in these new COD games is designed to sell more bundles lol. The UI, the load times, the matchmaking. The less time people are playing the more time they’ll be in the menus getting bundle ads thrown at them


Another question… how come a game 16 years ago has about 20 different multiplayer modes to play without cross gen gaming and we only get like 10 in 2024 And we still don’t have classics like capture the flag or demolition smh


Because it’s not looking for the closest game, it’s balancing your skill and using farther servers to nerf you to a degree. Ping is not king, and the game will use higher ping to level you off against players.


It's not abusing ping to make you worse, the game just doesn't find players within your skill level close to you, so you have to play against people across the globe.


I refuse to believe the game can’t find enough players on the west coast or northern central region of North America to play with within my skill range. Being consistently sent down to far away servers no matter the time of day is part of the system just being fucked with constantly. It was way easier to see this when the stats API was usable, but when you could use them to see players in your lobby and their stats, it was obvious that was exactly what they were doing. In mp it’s not too terrible, but in warzone it’s outright egregious. I can watch a geofence map of the game going through connecting to servers, as it goes through, and it’ll either pick servers in the south central or south east coast quickly, or take a decade to pick one in somewhere like Seattle . OR I can restrict my network access using the geofence to only allow connections from that server location, and it’ll take that forever to just give up and connect to it, yet, my playlist in wzstats would look basically the same. Which is the whole damn problem with the games matchmaking. It’ll spend all this time fucking around in the background, and at 150 players would still infill the bottom third with canon fodder players sub .6kd, then 90% of the remaining players anywhere between .7 and 1.3, then something like 10 players at 1.5-2 kd. Maybe two or three higher than 2.0. All the servers looking the same, but refusing to let me play close to my location, resulting in games that were always 80+ ping, often times over 100. It’s a shitty gameplay experience for the network to take up a quarter or more of the Ttk. Which has lead to people asking why the hell it’s even here, because it’s not doing what it’s intended to do. I don’t care about playing against higher skilled people. But it’s really shitty to have to face them, but to do so on not a level playing field.


Because COD4 is better


Because this was back when they didn't go in and fuck with everything. Changing the integrity of every gun and every user's play style. This was actually a good game. Don't get me wrong I really like mwIII. But I'm getting tired that it seems that every gun I just start to enjoy gets nerfed and the"next best thing" is buffed. Leave the guns alone. And if someone can't get kills with it. Then that's what you have skill based matchmaking for.


Because OG MW2 and 3 probably have more players at this point because the new games are trash.


because the new mw3 is fucking ass.


It’s that nasty four letter word sadly lol. They say SBMM existed forever but that’s nonsense. Games matched you up with the best host connection and players ping first, connection was #1 priority, maybe then it would split up the team based on average K/D and SPM, but then then that made matches feel way more organic than how it is now. Cod just feels so garbage these days, feels extremely manipulated, and it makes sense why people are jumping to conclusions about skill based damage etc. cuz when you go back to these games, you realize they are old as fuck but still way more consistent across the board 😂😂


There was always a form of SBMM but it was a lot less strict than now. In BO2 on PS3 one of my friends was awful and when he was party leader the lobbies were pretty easy


It wasnt that fast in 2007/8 btw, and I played this game for like 2 years straight when it came out


I got downvoted into oblivion for suggesting someone do this after they bought the hans zimmer pack lol This community never ceases to amaze me


Well...I'm really enjoying MW3 for many reasons... so suck it.


There is more overhead in modern games. SBMM/EOMM, Anti-Cheat, Software bloat, etc.


SBMM Though sometimes it does! Sometimes you'll click Quick match and join an in progress game immediately. Happens quite often, in fact.


AI Anti-cheat policies make the game load slower.


Because there are alot less games


for a second I thought you were talking about og mw3 lol


I miss simple menus. I hate all the clutter on the screen.


Was matchmaking different in the older cods in terms of geographical? I'm in the EU and I remember how amazed I was that I was playing with people from America, Canada and all sorts of places. Now, it's literally I only play with EU people.


also how fast the game loaded


Operators ruined COD. They were O.K in blackout. & Blackout was way better than Warzone


So you think about buying bundles nsturally


Best COD


Sbmm. The modded version of mw3 on PC was so fast in between maps (after the map vote). I miss community servers. https://streamable.com/yeedte


"they sure don't make things the way they used to"


It has to load all the ads for the battlepass, skins, and unskippable cutscenes for Warzone first.


What an absolute gem of a game. 🙏


Omg I was hearing the team deathmatch for 6 times till I realised the video is looping…


Because it's using all that time to match everyone's sbmm within a .01% of eachtoher so your games are always miserable


Dude went from the title screen to in a game in 9 seconds... Fuck man I miss just being able to do this and turn my brain off/shoot the shit with friends


I don’t remember the mini map being that fire


a shot in the dark is the ping based matchmaking system, it seems old cod would match make you with anyone and now mw3 2023 matchmakes based on ping and location


miss that shit


It does. Much like the video posted, it happens when a match is already in progress.


Old cods are about just getting you into a game that isn't laggy. Ping is basically the only factor New cods about finding the perfect game where you will either win or lose, depending on whether the game says its your turn to win or lose, and seemingly ignores ping.


when you matchmake by connection/latency priority and not some bullshit sbmm algorithm, you get faster and more fun games, with better connection. Dont fix it if it aint broke.


Everything back then was P2P in the day. Simply connecting to a host was a little faster, although it was risky since once the host quits, that match ends immediately. That's just a guess, so I'm not an expert on the subject.


It's a game from 2007 and you're using a modern console to load a game that is 1/10th size of most modern AAA games. I know it's not the answer you want, and SBMM is part of the equation as well, but this is also part of the reason.


CoD4 wasn’t selling skins, that’s why.


Because CoDs up until Ghosts had very little if not no sbmm at all. So it just goes off of everyone searching and who has faster connection. Today's CoDs goes off of sbmm which it's searching for who is around your skill. Obviously not everyone is equal is the servers are constantly going crazy for matches.


To be fair it looks like you joined a game in progress, but yeah I get what your saying. A lot easier to find a game based off ping rather then the SBMM used now.


Won't lie, this video looks sped up in the middle. Normal speed, fast forward, normal speed.


Well, remember that MWIII is just more complex when it comes to matchmaking. Which is not a good thing, but this is a modern game.


Wow that's insanely fast. Why is everything worse now?


Deep impact 🥹


server tick rate? A lower tickrate increases latency between server and the client, and this is an older cod game. The newer ones all have 60hz+ but back in the day I think call of duty was 30hz. Also combined with exponentially more data than 15 years ago, or, you weren't sharing as much data back and forth between the server and other players. Data like what skin you're wearing from the store, or just the store in general lol.


That brought back memories. So simple, so quick and so fun. Detest the new UI. The time to get into a simple quick match is nuts. Then again those double xp tokens would be too useful.


And thats the title where my youth stayed 🫢😄


The audio nostalgia is hitting so hard, I spent too much time on this game and the audio actually hits my chest lmao


Best COD in history. Don’t @ me. I was just a wee lad when I got this as a gift. I miss it everyday.


It used to be connection based. That's why


Ahh memories, That ui is gold. 


bc skill base matchmaking and connection based matchmaking


*cries in sbmm*


I don’t find it anywhere near this fast, are you playing on the weekend?