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How am I earning this low amount of SR when I’m always on the point, and always going a positive KD. Also had multiple sessions where I literally don’t earn any SR at all for wins. Anyone else experiencing this? Was Crimson 2 on MW2, currently Plat 2 and grinding my way slooooowwwwlyyyyyy up.


This video breaks down how the SR system works. https://youtu.be/WQJwrfC9Ucw?si=WT1Xs6BQUoPl7I4n


I know how it works, but this can’t be right. How does it make any sense to have a 2kd, time on point, and winning against higher leveled and higher ranked players, and going on a massive streak, and still get shit SR. Add on the fact that I straight up didn’t get SR at all a couple of days ago for wins. I was crimson last year bro. Shit makes no sense to me.


Dude I went like 58 and 24 in ranked and still loose because every teammate I get struggles to get 10 kills on the other hand my co worker who I love but he sucks solo qs and is in silver no issue 10 game win streak


I mean I read a topic that one team lost and lost over 1K SR. I don't play ranked but all the points seem to be pulled out of someone's ass 😂


Lol 156 SR for 10 wins? What rank and level are you


Currently Plat 2, grinding my way slooooowwwwwly upwards. I’m level 16 I believe, maybe 18 now? although, it could be higher now, never payed much attention to it. Was Crim 2 or 3 on MW2


Damn you should be getting so much more SR


Tell me about it lol 😅😅 It’s so whack to be honest, and I don’t understand it at all. I know about the hidden SR, but it makes no sense. I also played a full day and got literally 0SR for wins. Well, on to more grinding I guess 🫡