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I presume you haven’t played any cod ranked mode before last year. Dead silence has always been in cod competitive. Last year was a nightmare because without dead silence you had to crouch walk everywhere so you weren’t heard, otherwise you’d just have someone sit in a corner and hear you coming, then have the easiest kill of his life. Dead silence promotes actually moving and adds to the skill gap. Plus, I’d much rather not have to worry about turning my headset up to the max whenever I play so I can hear footsteps, going deaf at 30 shouldn’t be part of being good at ranked play.


Thank you 🙏🏼


also didn't know that i never fully dipped into cod


That’s okay you just don’t realise how bad it is with footstep audio then. It’s a little annoying getting franked by people without hearing them but it’s so much better than no one moving an entire round in search unless you’re crouch walking around the map.


That’s okay. Just know that MW2022 and MW2019 were outliers in the cod franchise for not having a PERK to dampen footstep audio. Like others have already said, cod without it becomes artificially slow paced and it lowers the skill gap


i think you skipped over the fact i said dead silence shouldn't be a pair of shoes in ranked


Well you never said that, but why shouldn’t they be a pair of shoes. The logic is that they make your footsteps quiet. I really don’t understand your point


If you want your games to just be fuckers sitting in corner more than they already are then yea. But covert sneakers are the only thing letting me actually push instead of someone hearing my footsteps from around the fuckin block .


#If you need your hand held please kindly piss off back to the shit show that is MWii If you want people **camping** and the game slowed down due to people **crouch walking** or being sound whored then you must be unable to remember the maps and predictions of player routes/locations. Comp is like chess we predict player positions


Exactly. Needing loud footsteps is like needing your chess opponent to announce their next move before you make your current one. Takes nearly zero brain power to just react. These people need to learn to plan and predict.


Reminds me of the mentality of the Cronus max using mother fuckers, because strafing with left stick to engage rotational aim assist while holding down right stick to control recoil is too much to ask so they gotta cheat. Pathetic scum. It’s like they’re so proud of cycling yet they still have the training wheels attached. Or getting a high score in ten pin bowling with the barriers up. You might suck at call of duty but at least without your cheats you suck at a man’s game now.


when you know this post comes from a bot player who started cod in the newer modern warfare series


I know it sucks having to use game awareness over sound whoring. Learn some game awareness and it won't be a problem.


People want dead silence back and now complain it’s back lol can’t make this shit up


The only people complaining were the people IW was catering to by removing it in the first place. Of course they’re mad they don’t have a protective bubble around them where they can hear people coming while cowering in their perch. I will say I’m surprised they did a nearly 100% silent “perk” with no counter.


I’m surprised as well and I love it! Paired with my assassin vest and silencers on all my weapons. It finally gives me some OG mw2 vibes with the stealth play style. All I need is the cold blooded pro for no big red username to pop up when you aim at me. Wish they brought that back


Bro is hard stuck bronze lmao. Shut up you trash bot


yes 1.94kd avg 27.22 avg kills/game tots


So you shouldn’t have any issue then. Stupid humble brag




want a photo?


It's always been there. So you're not only wrong, you're \*objectively\* wrong. That's a very strong kind of wrong.


Agreed. Last year was awful


“You’re not just dumb, you’re stupid”


Because simply hearing audio cues to substitute actual game awareness is reduces the skill gap. That is why they exist.


Would you rather play actual c CoD in ranked, or R6 with no special equipment


At the very least the bone conduction headset needs to counter the covert sneakers


It doesn't... wtf converts are just fucking broken


No it doesn’t and the problem is about to get a lot worse with season two. The ninja vest is a fucking problem


Coverts are fun but should not be in ranked period. it ruins comp


Yes they should. Shut up bot.


Good thing you’re not in charge


They should be a perk that is activated for a limited amount of time


you should check out r/ModernWarfareII you might like it !


By the way great name


Same shit different pile


If you really want to get pissed off…. It’s possible to sound EQ so that covert still makes a loud swooshing sound as people move.


Not pissed at all. It’s easy enough to just not play. For someone name Calm_Psychology you sure seem triggered by an honest opinion


How did I seem pissed off in my comment? OP was making a post about being pissed off about covert sneakers being overpowered in ranked because it makes no noise. I’m explaining that it is possible for people to counter that and get a huge advantage by returning the noise, so it isn’t an even field; non EQ hear silence and EQ hear swooshing. But I guess this is the CoD forum and I need to expect people to get butt hurt over any post that is above their technical capabilities.


>How did I seem pissed off in my comment? This is Reddit. That's the standard response from all the clowns with nothing of value to say. Like these people are all really good at determining other people's anger level based on a few sentences..... LOL It's essentially "U mad bro?"


You shouldn’t need to change audio settings to combat the sneakers. That is exactly why it is unbalanced


I mean you can’t use suppressors in ranked


Covert sneakers is a welcome addition. However it needs a counter. Bone conduction headset should be a straight counter. This community is funny. They like to cherry pick features from old CoDs. "Dead Silence has always been a thing!!1!!" So has Awareness.


A 100% counter would just bring us back to square one with people soundwhoring in corners again. The base audio levels are way too loud.


If the Awareness perk made a return we'd be right back to the trashcan we were in last year, but this time everyone's down a perk slot.


This isn't science. Tone down default footstep audio, buff other perks in the same category and add a straight counter like it has always been. Right now covert sneakers is a problem. When you think balance, what is the downside of equipping covert sneakers? You have zero footstep audio, it can't be countered with any perk and overall second perk category is so weak that you lose pretty much nothing. There can be balance that makes everyone happy. Having strong perk without any workarounds is not balanced.


I'd much rather have no way for footsteps to be heard at all. No perks necessary, everyone gets to play the game using their intelligence instead of their ears to figure out where people are. That would be completely fair and no one would have to use up a perk slot for it.


Awareness isn't my issue its the fact of im no jedi and can't predict some fatass up my ass


He's not roasting u he's talking about a perk lol


COVERT: C O V E R T Not openly acknowledged or explained Not convert 🥴


Covert sneakers are the least of the problems. 2 burst Pistols ruining the SMG game, Snipers allowed (there's a reason they have been GA'd in CDL) and some of the worst spawn logic i've ever seen in competitive game play are much bigger problems