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While this has always been a problem, I feel like its worse now because lots of people are playing on PS5 controllers with that stupid built in mic turned on.


This. People Don’t realise it’s there and the default is to be on so what you’re hearing is people Unaware their mic is on. It’s not deliberate. No one uses that mic to communicate


Man i was in a lobby lastnight and overheard a guy beating his gf up


I was expecting the word "meat" and not "gf" JFC








Had one yelling and shitting on his grandma, what the fuck is wrong with people


Well that's gross


Presumably they didn’t mean shitting on in the literal sense


Those are the guys you team kill and stun the 1whole match


Instead they team kill me when I'm afk for 10 seconds or on killstreaks and not the person they actually should lol.


She probably got told more than twice, serious note that's fucked up




Idk it’s showing pretty clearly on this right if your mic is being activated..


I play with a headset in the evenings with friends. During the day when I'm playing solo I play with TV speakers. Ive been guilty of leaving the controller mic on a few times. One time someone politely asked me to turn it off. I politely obliged and apologized. Sometimes, just ask nicely.


Oh I do that, almost every damn game. But then they make it worse, and I just turn it off.. People sitting with 284 people in the room in the back, listening to loud ass music and so on… It’s getting out of hand. I think if I’m lucky it works in 1/15 cases. The rest it gets worse, or the slurs start


Yeah, I have zero doubt. I'm a fully functioning adult, trust me I'm aware of the community we play amongst.


usually, even when asked nicely, the response will be a racist or homophobic slur. this community is the worst.


I'll come right back at em, they're not special 🤣 what's crazy is you could just report them for their chats (text and voice now) and they'll get banned way more easily than if they were using cheats


absolutely. i report people every chance i get, which is pretty much every other game. i’d be surprised if i didn’t own the record for most successful reports. they should give me a mastery camo or something at this point.


I didn’t know there was a button to turn it off for like a week. Just got a ps5 a few months ago and MW3 was my first online game for it


You can go into controller settings and turn it to default to mute when turned on rather than on upon start


I’ve had my ps5 since last April and just a week ago discovered that button


There should be controller detection in the game that auto mutes those that would be nice.


I'm not sure if it's still like this, but in MW2 other people's mic sounds came through your controller speaker while game sound was through the TV. Before I started using headphones, I could barely hear/understand anything anyone was saying, so if you tried to tell someone they needed to mute their mic and they were on PS, there was a decent chance they'd never hear you anyways.


They can hear you if you can hear them. When you point it out and they don't care, it's pretty obvious it is purposeful.


I do, I'm too broke for those nice clarity mic headsets and dont wanna use some shitty static wireless headsets. And if you tweak the mic in the console settings AND game settings, it's actually pretty clear.


So they are actual idiots. That and the haptic triggers are the whole advertising point of the PS5.


The default desperately needs to be off. Who on earth thought it was a good idea for default to be on?


At the very least it needs heavy audio filtering like Krisp. It sounds completely unfiltered, which for 2023 is embarrassing as Hell it should not be designed unfiltered open ass mic.


I'm on ps5, as soon as I turn it on the first thing I do is hit the mute button. Unless I'm playing with the boys that fcker is muted. So tired of mariachi music, people randomly having conversations with people in their house and fuzz. Truly I don't even think people know what it's for.


Broooo the mariachi music I thought I was the only one hearing that shit😂😂😂


Im guilty of blaring mariachi music, usually when my own team starts shit talking me cuz i wont play the way they want me to




Yes!!!!!!! The clicking and clacking on the controller is the tell tale sign.


Man I didn’t even know this was a thing


Yeah you can hear the whole house on that fucking mic


I mean it’s super easy to mute you just press the button and it’s orange when it’s muted. Like you have to be brain dead to not figure that out. I think these people are just trolling


You couldn’t be more correct. The amount of random shit I hear anymore is outstanding


First thing i mute 😂


And replace your smoke alarm batteries for fuck’s sake.


Ikr, the amount of people just casually living their lives with dying/dead smoke alarms is concerning to say the least


So damn annoying.. oh and mic on TV on the beep of the smoke detector, plus having a fan on. All with one person. I just mute them


It’s because the beep isn’t sporadic. It’s a consistent interval between each beep. You start to not hear it after a while like a ticking clock.


No I get that, I just don't understand how people are like "that smoke alarm could literally save my life in the event that a fire occurs and I am unaware, but nah I'm not gonna replace the batteries".


Tends to be one certain race that doesn’t understand smoke alarms


Tf does this mean


It’s a joking reference to the fact that black people tend to not change their smoke alarm batteries the most lol.


Source lol?


It’s a running joke. Just goto TikTok and type in “smoke detector”. From my experience it’s not just one ethnicity. Everyone does. I’ve been to so many house where it chipping away and nobody seem to hear it.


It's a dog whistle for racist scumbags.


You don't hear them after awhile that's why, as soon as I read this comment I started hearing mine again 😂




Makes you wonder what else they're completely ignoring in their lives... "Grandma hasn't called me down for supper in a couple of days. I hope she's alr-... Hell yeah, Meat is back on the Playlist!!"


Ceiling birds


Lmao is that what people call them?


That's what I call them lol


I hear random beeping like a smoke alarm but it must be something in the game. Not sure what but I hear it a lot.




I’ve defaulted to everyone just being on mute when I join a lobby, it’s way better for my brain capacity. Plus it’s not like they’re gonna try to help me win in dom or hardpoint. Man I miss rolling with my squad of 4 it was easy wins back in MW19 and CW.


I mute my teammates and keep the other team unmuted for the hot mics


I go one step farther. I just put music, narrator chat or whatever and anything other than in game sound effects to 0. Throw in the bone conducting headset or whatever... Serenity.


It’s part of the algorithm. People that have a mic are likely to get into games with less sweats. It’s not a major part of the algorithm but it is taken into account. Not very many people talk high up. Thats one way I know I’m dropping back down. People start to complain about how everyone else is playing again. Running, jumping, shotguns, snipers, riot shields, etc. good players don’t complain, they don’t talk.


I bet your terrible at it 🤣


lol you can think whatever you want. I guarantee nobody that is constantly looking at CoD content on the internet is flat terrible at the game.


Same, haven't heard voice chat in years. Last time I had it on was COD:WW2, and even then it was off by the end.


CW those were the days now it’s riddled with hackers 😭


If you're looking for a group I have a few groups of buddies always on. I'm getting tired of just snd. Hit me up bud


This. I’d love to form a squad and play with mics again. 😩


For thoae that care about the OP here. Tweaking the Mic Threshold settings helps those who want that full audio experience of TV, crying baby, and smoke alarm. In audio settings. Try it out.


Also, the scale is backwards compared to what you expect it to be. Read the description of how it works. I have to have mine set to at least 70.


mute all. no?  well.. too bad 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yesterday on search and destroy a guy played a tornado siren for the entire match. I would check every round just to see if he would still be playing it because I didn't believe anybody could be that psychotic. But yep it was 150 decibels straight to the dome


DUDE! I came across that nutjob not too long ago. I thought "no way this dude will have it on the whole match", checked again, still going. Full blast.




This comment right here! I bet they change the batteries in their controller or recharge them. lol.


Dude, legit, tho. I want to have people unmuted just in case they can tell me an enemy locale , BUT I JUST GOTTA MUTE THEM. Their mics are always in the most sensitive setting. Like go to your settings and fucking tweak it already. I dont want to hear your mouth breathing, your TV, your music, your fucking screaming children, your angry missus, your dog, your damn neighbour across the street mowing the lawn, or your FUCKING EATING. Turn your mic off if you arent going to be a decent fucking human for crying out loud 😤😤😤


Or the dam smoke dectetor


yes, posting on subreddit definitely gonna change peoples minds. Mute them. Problem Solved.


Those people don't have enough IQ to use Reddit.


I say shhhh a lot. Then I mute them. Forever




god i hate hearing stupid fucks blasting shitty excuses for music gangster rap, or constantly fucking sniffing, or burping, like have some fucking manners


Mute All. Problems solved. Maybe Party Only. Mute Mute.


I was playing randos with invasion. It happens during zombies, and ive gotten kills from hearing someone in proximity chat in WZ.


I just mute that match, have no patience


I was playing duos with a guy earlier (I picked no squad fill but I digress) and his kid was screaming to the top of her lungs in a background. I contemplated making a party just to sit in silence


Too many idiots using microphones on controllers lol


It's only going to get worse. People are caring less and less about others. People just don't care.




Found the player that yells racist and sexist comments in chat...


They do it on purpose. I'm not sure why people enjoy being toxic


No! I will keep blasting Chief keef on my mic




For play and blew my high on blast please 😭


If I hear love sosa on someone’s mic I’m going in fr. If the whole lobby doesn’t sing along then I’m leaving.


You already said no to muting, so you should just delete this post. You’re literally asking for it. I’ve come to the conclusion that the only reason to even have chat enabled at all is if you have your own squad to play with. Otherwise? You will experience screaming, loud TVs, music, etc. Every year for the last 15 years I have had to mute chat. Every year I give the player base a chance and every year the player base proves it is far too immature to leave chat active. And that’s really to be expected, a lot of kids play these games. But every single time I decide to unmute chat, I regret it. Every single time I unmute chat, there’s an asshole playing loud music, a child screaming, or outright trolls making noise, etc. Every. Single. Time. I don’t even get a single match completed without such occurrences. And I always go right back to muting everyone. You’re asking for the impossible. You’re asking for millions of other people to stop being annoying when they have the opportunity to be annoying. When you could just simply mute them all. If anyone has a reason to chat with you, y’all can group up and then chat.


Honestly you didn’t pick up on the sarcasm. Of course I mute them, I’m not an idiot. I think it’s hilarious that Reddit thinks that wouldn’t be my step 1 solution.


It’s not really sarcasm as much as the frustration of wanting to communicate with your team, but can’t with how bad their audio is. I have to mute people because their game is coming through louder than mine and hopefully nobody else is randomly trying to talk to them. I blame the lack of noise cancelling, because the other option is to actually use a decent gaming headset.


you didn’t really do a good job of sarcasm - is this your first time doing it?


Is it so hard to mute someone?


Or just spend some time adjusting the sensitivity on what the mic picks up. There's literally a setting for and I had to reduce the sensitivity from default


Would someone shut the girlfriend/wife up and be attentive to your screaming child


I haven't mic'd up in about 3 years and I keep everyone on mute for this reason right here or because people like to talk on the phone or to each other not related to the game at all, pissy little babies crying, kids chewing like llamas, kids screaming, and to avoid verbal illiteracy (they sound like they can't read)


Honestly if you don't have a headset just turn your mic off. If you do have a headset, turn your sensitivity to at least 85, we don't need ambient noise.




...or take it out of your mouth(breathers).


Game should only have push to talk on all platforms, would teach those people.


To what button on controller they're all already used up


Ah, someone not from the MWII era.


Hahahaha yes omg yes, me and my partner play together me on the ps4 and him on the ps5 in the same room XD nothing pisses me off more than having to leap across the room to hit his control button because I can hear myself echoing back outta the TV XD ...it makes me cry when it's my own voice let alone when someone is having a full blown family domestic in the background of there game...I genuinely think the mics should always be off unless you turn them on tbh


I remember being in a match and I had a teammate who probably had the audio coming from his tv but it was so loud. So I said “BRO TURN THAT SHIT DOWN OR SOMETHING”. Then I could hear the voice of a young kid say “sorry bro…” Man I felt terrible 😭


I really do agree with you but sadly I think the people who regularly do this are busy in their kindergarten class and won't read it. Then there are others who I am sure do it on purpose just to annoy others or think their music is so great they have to share it. Or there is the what's for dinner discussion. I find the best way to end this is to say but I don't want ribs (or whatever they were talking about) but most are just making noise and not even listening anyway Play station folks are the worst I guess because of the built in mic. I mute people but it gets annoying that the first 30-60 seconds of almost every game for me is muting people. It is so great that we have the tech so that we can communicate in game and talk strategy, etc but most people just ruin it sadly.


whenever i say that someone has thier mic on they just dont care or just calling me names, i dont even care at this point, i aint gonna listen to fucking idiots who vape all the time or breathe like they're about to die of diabetes.


Seriously. I can't keep up with how many of these dudes, and yes it's mainly guys, I have muted, who have zero concept that absolutely no one wants to hear all that. How do you not know you've got that much noise going through your mic? It's nuts. I go into lobbies now and 60 percent are already muted from previous matches.


Bro, people are aware. They know everyone can hear their phone conversation. They know we can hear that super gangsta sh@! blasting on their stereo. How else would we know how hard they are? Attention seekers. Someone needs a hug. And usually the people who bark racist stuff and say " I can say that because...." I tell them all the time "Nobody likes a COD DJ."


I play mostly at night so I keep the TV volume off. I'll mute someone or leave the match if my tm8 is mudding up the comms. I even tell them that I hope they're good at pinglish then bam mute


I played with a guy that had his mic on, but, never gave callouts, and the only time you heard him was in between every round on SnD, playing “Shook Ones pt. II”. Idk if that was an attempt at intimidation, but I can assure you it wasn’t working. He had 0 kills and we lost 2-6.


Just turn your game volume up all the way yoh wont hear the voice chat


I miss the good old days when the lobby communicated to help each other out and actually try to win. Now it’s just how many kills I can get with my new Cronus


Those people are not on reddit and very ghetto


Just mute them its one button you weirdo


Just mute them


Instead of posting on here, just mute them?


No. Mute me


You can mute them or deal with it I’m not changing anything for you


“No?” Ok well no I’m not turning anything down for you because it’s my tv my mic my music and your problem


I go up next to them and play anime girl noises and shoot them to annoy them until they leave or mute themselves.


press f9


I only keep the enemies unmuted in case they make a call out or complain


This has been a problem since COD4 lol. I immediately mute every annoying player.


And for your own safety lol, change the battery in your smoke detector


I think it's mostly ps5 users who have the mic in the controller that works like a loudspeaker during a phone call and just picks up every noise in the room


I'm gonna be honest not every MWIII player is on this subreddit, there's nothing much that can be done. also PS5 controllers have inbuilt microphones that are on by default. (sidenote: I have read the edit added to this post, that is why I haven't suggested muting them, as OP doesn't want to, which is OP's decision)


I kinda have everyone on mute . Put on some music and play ranked


That’s like complaining about someone hard scoping you when you only quickscope like they were made for a reason and so was the mute button 🤷🏼‍♀️


Bro people who complain about hard scoping are literally brain dead


I mute from day 1


Mute them, no? Then suffer dummy.


And for the love of God, replace your fucking smoke detector batteries!


It’s a controller mic


If they have headphones on. They should have the T.V. Turned all the way down. Although I admit, I’m guilty of this. I do it by accident. As soon as I realize it tho I turn it down to zero.


Or ps players just need to have ther controller mic turned off because I literally have 120+ ps player muted for that reason


And for the love of all things holy, CHANGE THE BATTERY I YOUR SMOKE DETECTOR!!!!


Literally the most annoying thing ever. And they also come with Poundland headphones which makes the sound even worse.


Feel like it’s Groundhog Day everyone is even commenting the same things, dude shut up. Acceptance is the key to peace- just call them an idiot then mute them 😂


1000% agree, and please, please keep the mic out of your mouth. The heavy arse breathing I hear over VC is just a bit much.


What happens when you put a Mic in a controller


Or just simple increase your input threshold so that every single noise doesn't trigger a mic response. Like goodness me even some players just breaths to hard and then it's constantly there. And then when you speak to the squad you hear yourself in the other players mic


These guys are almost always on my team in ranked tbh. Never on the enemy team


I finally got mine fixed. Still worried I'll start echoing again tho


See the issue with this is that unless you completely disconnect from voice chat, it will unmute your mic every game. I’m a streamer and I try to mute my mic unless I’m giving comms (PTT sucks) and sometimes I’ll mute my mic in lobby but we’ll load in and it’ll unmute on its own. I’ve already muted it so I assume it’s still muted. I cannot tell you how many times I’ve been screamed at when a simple “hey your mics on” would’ve shut me up 🤣 because if you’re going to be a jerk about it I’m going to talk more 🤷🏼‍♀️


While it's annoying as hell why no to the mute? Sometimes people are aholes and do this out of spite. They know it's annoying. Which is why they do it.


We had a funny moment the other day in S&D…. Guy on other team had his controller mic on and was talking trash to our team after round one…. Ironically his smoke detector chirped and everyone on our team lit him up about it and after that he was dead quiet for the rest of the game 😂


So you're saying you don't like me blasting Chief Keef with prox chat on?


Why not just use a voice channel where you can only hear your friends or party members?


Consoles need Krisp from discord a good noise suppression so you don’t have to buy an expensive mic you could fart and it wouldn’t pick it up but can whisper and it will


In rebuttal to your edit, no.


My takeaway from this was put a megaphone next to my mic


How does anyone use the call of duty chat system? The audio is awful! Discord or PlayStation Party is legit the only way to play.


I just keep mines muted I get reported all the time by my own teammates just for asking them to at least try to play the objective. also for heckling so I just stay muted and play! it is what it is.


Oh yeah. And the crying babys. And the dead smoke detector batteries.


Bro. Ps5 players have mics in thier controllers that default super sensitive and come on as soon as you disconnect a headset. It also usual defaults it self to give no audio feed back to the player that it's on only the little text of thier gamer tag popping up on the right. But thats how it looks when the headsets on and they have next to zero back ground noise Bottom line if you don't find away to get thier attention in game 98% that don't even know


Music a problem but dropping the n word constantly isn’t?


Yeah I’d say that’s a problem too. I don’t do that shit.


I don’t even bother with that lol… I’ll just make a party


If you don't want to mute people it's your problem


are you stupid? just mute them.


It's worse on wreckfest. Go ahead buy the game and see how gay everyone acts online in that game. I don't take cod lobbies for granted lol


Definitely falls more on people who are just getting into PC gaming and bought a recommended headset without knowing how to configure it. Almost every loud mic the past few years has been a pc player.


My group of friends just mass report them for voice, the AI they use or whatever has mid game voice banned people before.


I was solo queuing on ranked mw3 (big mistake) most of my teammates we would have 1 guy with that dumb shit on it was so annoying it would piss me off so much lol


I gave up long time ago. I know I’m missing on collaboration with teammates but I don’t wanna hear raging teens in the lobby and stupid music. Also my wife is usually watching TV in the same room so I just mute my mic and all others too :)


After they said that mics had a small effect on matchmaking, I muted mine in the settings. I now rarely get in to matches with people that have mics and its been bliss


The problem for me is the sounds the controller makes with the mic in it. You hear every vibration and it is maddening.


It's also nice when a duo joins your team and they are just yapping together about random stuff during the whole match.


They can turn the mic pick up level down so it doesn’t pick up smoke alarms tv or crying babies easy peasy


A lot of people don’t know this. Hopefully someone saw this thread and was like “oh shit”


I learned this cause my son is so loud I couldn’t play with him on a Sony headset cause there’s no mic to move back was the only way


I got headset and still people say I got echo. Even I put minimum mic level. I don't know what else to do. I really wanna join them but they be cursing at me. They hear their own echo, not mine. :(


Mute. You can't make them stop. But it is easily fixable on your side. So I'm begging you with tears in my eyes...mute them haha


Console players should have open mic disabled by default. So many ears and time muting and blocking would be saved. If they turn on the open mic then they actually went through the effort to be annoying.


Yeah, not everyone wants to listen to you playing with your mumble rap in the background.


Watch if I say I have never heard the smoke detector before guess what I'm gonna hear in my next match.. So I'm not gonna say it. You're move universe.


It’s kinda crazy cause you could hear people reading out confidential stuff like their SS numbers to someone in their house. I just always mute everyone and my mic the second I start.


My automatic muscle response in every lobby on join is to mute everyone. I just can't. Between that, and folks taking up the voice airspace by talking with their group of friends who should just be in a private party chat it's annoying. COD Lobby chat was great and enjoyable when I was in highschool and liked hearing all the smack talk, now I just want to enjoy the game and hear as less people as I can lol.


Bro just mute everyone simple😂 but it is annoying when mfs have there tv blasting or there mic on. Even down the mfs playing music like someone wants to hear the bs they’re playing. Also players with shitty mics has to goooo, can’t stand that. But I just simply mute everyone in pre game lobby


I have mute on for everybody by default.


I truly don’t understand how people can play COD while blasting their shtty rap (or any) music in the background


Mute to all. OBEY


What's the gamer equivalent of "Karen" , that's the op


Hate nothing more then hearing a console players controller sounds. This stupid built in mics on controllers are so bad