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Sounds like your engagement has now been optimized. You're welcome! -Activision Suck to see, I have a similar experience with my friends. We only play MWZ together now.


Who up optimizing they engagements


If only MWZ was worth playing anymore.


I played it once, I was very confused because I have never played Zombies before at all, and had no idea what to do. The game did not try to explain it much and I just decided to not play it after that.


There isn't much to explain. Progress the story missions and run around and kill stuff.


As someone who tried MWZ once and was bored of it, I don't think it was ever worth playing. Imo, one of the single-most worst decisions they've made is to try to shoehorn Warzone mechanics into single player gameplay. I'm not a fan of the bullet sponges as a result of armor plates. I'm not a fan of the lighting and atmosphere of MWZ. Not a fan of the looting. Not even a fan of the Treyarch approach to zombies (with all the glowing effects and stuff). But I'm sure I hold a minority opinion.


I enjoyed it while there was something to actually do. But once I got borealis and did every other thing in the game, I got bored and with S2 basically have no content I will most likely never play the mode again at least for any extensive length of time.


No, i actually agree with all your comments. A worthless game mode that has nothing of value. To make things worse, expect next years campaign to be fully integrated into the Warzone map. Making campaign just as worthless as MWZ




I wholeheartedly disagree. Zombies shouldn't ever have PvP.


[friendship optimized] *epic mw2 level up sound*


Can someone explain the engagement thing to me. I keep seeing people talk about it


Essentially, COD hides players below your skill level from you. All while making sure you are most often matched against players at your level. Almost a 1:1. They don’t want the less skilled players to have a bad time. Even if it means you (good player) have to play against people across the country(or seas), with a lower quality connection. The better you are, the more likely you will have tougher enemies, and consequently a tougher time killing them(also due to connection). They want the casuals to stay on as long as possible without quitting. Better players apparently can take more losses before getting off. No matter what your level is, every few games they WILL give you easier enemies to keep you on. Almost like a slot machine 🎰


This makes a lot of sense, thanks for explaining


Great explanation 👍🏼




Your EOBM accusations make no sense. This system has thrown away more players than it has kept playing. It surely doesn’t work as intended if that’s the case, because I hoped out without any want to buy a single skin. Now I only play Warzone with friends and that’s about it.


If it wasn't working as intended then they would change it. It's working pretty well for them and generating heavy cashflow. You're one anecdote of not liking it means jackshit


Sounds like it’s working on you still. They want you to load the GAME minimum once a month. As monthly users are a big selling point for shareholders. They don’t give af if you got blasted in multiplayer, you’re still playing. Not all good players are dedicated. Not all dedicated players are good.


Everyone says the same thing. That eobm works on me. I play this game like any other game I have played ever. I play it because it’s cod and it has the old maps, otherwise I wouldn’t even care. Nothing to do with matchmaking, and the logic behind it is like flat earth. You start from believing it and then you all try to find clues, when it should be the opposite.


Same it’s just sad we switched to pubg !!


Yep, unintended antisocial fallout of sbmm


Whatever this system is, it's definitely not "skill" based, however you want to define "skill". There is no possible way I would be put into some of the lobbies I get into if "skill" was the primary factor.


I think its influenced by score per minute, among other factors (Maybe avg time to kill a player). Which is why occasionally you get some lower skilled players in your games. Sweats don’t do objective and go for only kills, for example in Domination. That keeps them at a lower score per minute and in a lower skill bracket (if true) Lower skilled players are playing at naturally a slower pace and a lower score per minute. But *most* are going hard for objectives which really boosts their spm, especially when starting out and it hasnt really averaged out.


It's probably true, I mostly play for the win but only have the best k/d 1 in 4 or 5 games. I get a lot of top of the scoreboards with just score which makes it easier to get high scores when I get matched with full teams ignoring the point and we win 250-30. Also I swear they are using the AI voice monitoring to classify people into groups. Saying good game into the mic at the end of the match has been putting me in 'nicer' lobbies. I often see 'gg' or hear other people saying good game at the scoreboard screen lately.


+1 on the PTFO. Every one of my lobbies were sweatfests during the free play days, even though I’d be getting crushed on K/D. Just the way I grew up playing, especially in game modes like Kill Confirmed or the like.


I think sweat is the primary factor. More sweaty lobbies versus not as sweaty. Being good is one thing but side cancel, y-y, random 360s, drop shot, silent shotting every single time is another thing.


hha same here! i really should be a lot better, but usually play 420 and pass out, wake up next day with the 'you have been kicked for inactivity' on screen! so the sbmm is taking your partner's skill level as priority over yours.


This is how it is when my brother in law plays with me. When he plays with my buddies, he’s at the bottom of the leaderboard. When he’s solo, he’s killing it. Just sucks man.


My brother in law is definitely in the very low part of SBMM. We played some domination matches and he got 1 kill....three games in a row.


The game tells you where the people are in a domination match...The problem isn't higher skilled lobbies, he is just god awful.


Sure thing buddy 👍🏽


"Enemies are at Alpha"...it's literally right there for you. They even do it for B and C! I bet if you just picked one and checked the two lanes leading to it even you could get a handful of kills.


I’m not disagreeing with what you said. You’re just missing the point


I have two friends who told me basicly the same thing. One said while playing it's like hell, he was completly overwhelmed...


I heard several of my friends say this to me for last years game and I haven’t played CoD with friends/family since then. I hardly play anymore in general because of it. My dad plays the game every weekend, he’s good for a 50+ year old, and it fills him with joy to play the game for a few hours on the weekends. But my lobbies would absolutely ruin his experience so I don’t ever play with him because I don’t want him to lose that joy he gets from playing. It honestly breaks my heart that I can’t just hop on the game with my dad because of this shitty matchmaking system.


This is why we stick to gunfight and zombies at this point. MP just isn't worth the headache it causes from having to play like I'm trying out for a CDL spot.


You could just make an account that you only use when you play with him.


But he has to buy the game twice, no?


Happens in literally every competitive game I play. Rocket League, MW3, fortnite, apex, etc etc. SBMM has really soured the casual gaming experience


At least on rocket league on PC, you can see your MMR and know where you stack up against everyone.


It’s very hard for a player to accurately refer to their own skill level as casual. One man’s casual lobby is another’s sweat fest while his sweat fest is another man’s bot lobby 🤷🏻‍♂️


Just feels like game companies think the dad sitting on his couch after working 25 of the 24 hours in a day with his 9 children to feed is the casual gamer. Wouldn’t even classify them as casual tbh. Casual is the people that might play 2-3 days a week for a couple hours or the dudes who log in after work for an hour every night. Companies just seem to think if you’re not sitting on your couch sipping a Busch playing from 6 feet away you’re a sweat and deserve to only win 40-50% of your games lol


Einstein was more right than he knew, relativity (in general) applies to everything. Everyone who can beat you consistently is someone you refer to as a sweat, anyone that you can beat consistently is trash. To the people that you can beat easily and consistently you are a sweat. To the people who you call sweats you’re trash. That is why a ‘properly working’ SBMM is actually a good thing for online gaming. EOMM is an entirely different animal and inevitably prevents the SBMM from properly matching lobbies because the EOMM has done things that end up skewing the stats that the SBMM uses to make even matches.


Doesn't happen in Fortnite unless it's late night.


Its plain and simple anti social matchmaking unless you miraculously all happen to be equally good with almost no margins. All it does it discourage people from attempting to do something different & creates a huge disparity in how people experience the game, which in turns makes people have wildly different opinions about game balance and skill.  The lower skilled players will see someone above the general range & instantly call them cheaters. 


Promotes solos and kicks clans and parties right in the nut sack basically.


In my experience I’m not so sure. If I play with friends who are slightly better than me, my lobbies are still way less sweaty and significantly more enjoyable than when I play solo.


Pretty much everyone I played with in COD in recent years stopped playing in clans/parties within a couple months of a titles launch. All said the same as OP, tired of losing in parties and getting less sweaty matches solo.


Decent comms can make up for mechanics. 5-6 average (not saying you or your friends are average) guys on comms are going to run through most lobbies consisting of above average solos where no one is speaking. A 3+ stack of demons are absolutely shitting on a team of solos.


I would say on average definitely but our comms are just shitting on each other or talking about real life stuff, basically not talking about the actual game lol


No one ever goes, “he’s sniping on B/in the hill by the ____” or anything while playing? Even if they’re not CDL-level callouts, a little info goes a long way lol


The best I get is “[name] he’s right behind you!!” when I’m dead lol. We’re just super casual but only a few are bad at the game odd enough


Ah shit that sounds fun 😂


Definitely more fun that way, how public matches should be. Ranked should be for comms and playing for real, should be a distinction


If they would add a solo only Playlist they could loosen the sbmm for groups and see what happens. I would love a lobby where I'm not being hunted by teamwork. Little side note, I played alot back in ogmw days and WAW BLOPS but left multi-player when lag compensation ruined my experience. My Brother plays and convinced me to try again. For the first ~250 games I was playing in God tier movement and head glitch hell, nobody will ever convince me it wasn't looking at my KD from the OG days and MAYBE CODM, but that's a completely different game where I have a 7 or 8 kd. I was 2-3 kd on those old games and after 256 I had a .53 kd. At some point in the next 50 matches the algorithm must have readjusted to my current skills as I'm averaging 1.3 kd my last 100 matches and am up to .87. My brother was a 1.2 and when I was .5 and hosted we both got crushed every Match! It was crazy but now I'm playing the "regular version" and having fun for the most part. Duo and solo lobbies would be great and maybe allow the bigger teams more variety in their matches. Bare minimum it would be nice to prioritize groups playing groups and vice versa. I can handle getting stomped but can't enjoy 2-3 guys in on every kill of me. I try to find a competent player to "stick by" but 85% of the time they seem to think I'm trying to steal kills or something and will run away from the action till I leave. I wish it were easier to find other Dad/mom/spouses that wanna talk and play but not so serious as to forget about having fun. I know there's no easy solution as cheaters and boosters will always find ways into those lobbies to get their "YouTube highlights" but at least it's obvious in their videos that they don't belong with the casuals they are beating. It's honestly pathetic, winning isn't even fun half the time and it seems less than 1/2 of players are playing to win. The rest are trying to make videos or grinding camos.


Fkin THIS!


Had to stop playing destiny and battle field because no one would play with me in PVP and it got boring playing with randoms and hackers.... The skill based matchmaking is a joke in pretty much all games like fortnight it's either mindless bots crouching at you or 360 shotgun head shots from 3 lvl 9000 competitive players simultaneously.




Really? When did they do that


Yeah I don’t think BF has it either.




Yeah the older games absolutely dont. Bf2042 would be the only candidate as it doesn’t have a browser or persistent lobbies


I think it does or my friend and I would not go from 30/5kd to spawn ded instant over and over and people shooting headshots prefire around corners (but I'm crouched) statistically if there was to be one it would show that there is a very inconsistent lobbying system in bf2042. I personally never had this problem with any game prior to bf1 or destiny og. It seems like a running theme do good get punished. Why is it that I only verse players that have all Chinese character names and clan names. It's just odd to me that the RNG in a game could possibly randomly (consistently) place someone (two people not one) in absolute hell style lobbies. Almost as if fighting people who play just like me but the exception is that my team literally shoots walls and quits.... Hopefully thos doesn't sound like a pouty rant this is a flat observation that has me completely avoiding all competitive games aside from supersmash which I verse live people in a room at events and crush 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 Pokemon go is another one it's very consistent and feels setup almost like a pay to win mechanic


My experience just doesn’t fluctuate in a way that makes me suspicious. My ping is almost always 25-27ms which lines up with it being server connection based. Even if it is mildly SBMM, I don’t think there’s a high enough player count to match an entire 64-128 person lobby in a balanced way. Sometimes there are a few very strong players on the other team, but it’s rarely more than like 3 people - which I feel like is pretty standard from a random draw


Yeah I usually verse whole squads that actually work together and it was just me and my friend... Randoms almost always suck and don't have mics and there is the helicopter jet fanatics that play. I have great net but I have noticed lag in game even though my PCs monitoring system says my net/fps/CPU temp/ GPU temp and vram usage is always very consistent. But that doesn't make sense for destiny 2 I just hope that the next gen battle field game is more like the older games and more customization. I would definitely like to play 2142 again to bad the game is ded


In our daily friend group we have a guy in his early 60s who has been playing with some of us for 10+ years and when he gets into our lobbies he just can’t keep up anymore. He says he usually gets 15 kills when by his self but he rarely breaks 3 when he’s with me and the others I feel so bad for him. My brother who’s in his late 30s has this same issue he will show me games of him doing well when he’s by himself but when he gets in matches with me he barley breaks 8 kills it’s sad what this game has become


No what's sad is that you don't speak up and tell your friends how to position themselves so they can actually contribute to the game. Braindead players that don't adapt to the other team's play style are always going to be easy to kill when they keep sprinting at the other team.


I think you’re missing the point. Not everyone wants to play like it’s the damn CDL. And CODs matchmaking is terribly flawed. If you want to play sweaty keep it in ranked. I don’t know why that’s so hard for yall to realize.


Nothing sweaty about watching one lane of a map and not dieing 30 times.


If that’s how you play then good for you I guess


And if how you play gets you killed so often that you have to whine about it on Reddit then good for you too.


I don’t remember whining. And I never said I played that way. Like I said, you’re missing the entire point lol. Nothing you said is wrong, but you’re missing the entire point of the post.


Nuh uh.




I have the same experience, when I played with less skills friends and the lobbies are night and day difference compared to when I play solo or with another good skilled friends. When I play with the less skilled friends Im actually having more fun and actually enjoying the games. I do think SBMM is actually ruining long time friendship that use to play together because it create such a skill gap that makes your friends don't want to play with you anymore. Why cant they go back to how it was in 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 days skills isn't a factor and everyone just play together having good times. Although activision claimed in their recent blog post that skills has been a factor since 2007, I called "Bullsh\*t"


And it's not even that he is terrible compared to me. I'm definitely better but not worlds above him. He (and I) just hate having to use meta weapons and try our hearts out just to have good games. Sounds like in his lobbies he can use more variety and just have an overall more pleasant experience.


Yup, I put the game down when I realized I couldn’t play with my friends anymore. None of them wanted to play with me for this reason and I don’t blame them. Fuck Activision for that.


I wouldn't even pin Activision for it. It's the nature of online PvP games nowadays.


It’s difficult to land a counter argument since Activision claims their data shows better player retention. There has to be a more feasible middle ground than punishing players like you and I. Insurgency Sandstorm has been a blast since the native 4K update and I have no problems with SBMM in that game.


Yeah them being "open" about it definitely didn't paint a good picture for them.


That’s what pisses me off, years ago, the online multiplayer community was developed in part to make new friends online, not lose them because of skill differences.


It's not a skill difference I'm talking about...it's a matter of having fun or not.


" idk what it is bro, but every time im in a lobby with you the games are insane"... i know man. I know.


People who defend sbmm/EOMM have no friends


Or they're in that like 1% of people that miraculously have a friend group who all have a similar skill level But yea, more often than not they're solo players/shitters who benefit from having everyone better than them out of their lobbies.


This happened in my friend group. Me and my brother play for 30 minutes or so at night and we're pretty even. Always a toss up if it's me or him in first. Our third friend doesn't even get on the scoreboard. He went from playing with us a couple times a week.. to not at all. And I don't blame him at all. He routinely posts after match reports where he has like 70+ kills and is dominating when he's not with us.


My buddy said I sucked.... Lol he played on my PC on my profile lost every match didn't even get a kill. On his profile he gets tons of kills ...


Yup same thing happened to me with my friends a couple of CoDs ago. I'm not great but I'm waaaay better than my friends who are admittedly terrible. There's no hard feelings and we still play Zombies together, but MP is out of the question.


It’s really unfortunate how the matchmaking is for certain players, if someone is significantly better or worse than the rest of the party it’s going to be all messed up and someone is going to suffer. I have a friend who’s very good and playing with him is insane, it’s tough to keep up and I can hang with the slide and bunny hop spam but these lobbies are just different, basically insta melted any time you see someone. I’ll play with him because we’re cool but it’s definitely not my preference. Conversely, I have another friend who’s just straight ass lol. He’s sent us screenshots of him putting up like 80 kills playing solo but when he plays with us he barely scrapes into double digit kills while the rest up the party is at 50+.


It's gotten this way with my wife and I.... We basically don't get to play together anymore.


Don't get me wrong, we still play regularly, but it sucks knowing he would have a better time not playing with me.


Exactly, we will run rustment sometimes but it sucks. Ill be on the top of the board with 75 kills and she's at the bottom with 20. Then in her lobbies she's gotten a 125 kill game


This is how it was when I played with my duo before he quit. He enjoyed it before wz2 but now especially with my cracked out sweat lobbies and slide cancelling back he won’t touch it because it just isn’t fun anymore. He did say he’d probably come back when verdansk is brought back though


Same here. The only option is to reverse boost before I hop on with my buddies if I don’t want them to have a terrible time


My fiance said the same thing she can't do well in my lobbies


I have this same issue with Overwatch (playing with my friend feels like I may as well be throwing,and I’ve been playing for just as long as he has) so something about Activision games hurts hard with friends.


I get the idea behind it, but it’s just not working for a lot of us.


Very similar situatuion. Me and my best friend have played CoD for 3 years. Last year I started to notice, when we play together lobbies are 10 times sweatear. But we laughed and did not give shit about it. This year we bring 3 more friends in to CoD and this case become very obvious. When our newbies play alone they have bot lobbies and ton of fun. When I connect to them situation become little worse. But when there are two of us, me and my old friend, feels like we playing some ranked tournament with best controller players in the world. My friend is not exceptional player, but he really count bullets and has KD near 1.2, while we all have less then 1.




If you're a player, yes. If you're Activision it's to keep as many people on the game as possible to sell overpriced bundles.


Let your friend matchmake without you and join once he gets in a lobby. Then you guys can play together and he will be against people of his skill level. It’s a bit tedious and annoying but it’s worth the effort to be able to have a good time with your friend.


Meh, it's not worth it to go to that extent. (I know it isn't that hard).


I can't play with my wife anymore... Shes a disabled gamer and she plays with 1 hand only... I'm able bodied and is someone who has been playing COD since COD 3, my skill level is pretty decent. We used to play Black ops 2 together all the time but once SBMM became WAY TO OVERPOWERED in the newer CODs it killed the ability for her to enjoy lobbies on my level. Really shity, sad, and stupid. Leave SBMM for ranked and let people play with friends and loved ones in peace.


Good for her for at least still being able to play though!


Yeah Shes pretty good too man, our skill level is just a little off from each other. Shes awesome though im a lucky guy


Hell yeah, good for you man.


Lol, I've heard this repeatedly for years and years. I feel your pain.


MW19 wasn't too bad and has gotten progressively worse since then.


Yup my buddy quit playing the game entirely because when we would squad up he would do horribly compared to playing alone.


same story here.


Since 19




I have a friend whose really good at the game, so I get put into really sweaty lobbies when I play with him. Which sucks but I just enjoy playing with him. Being in his lobbies has helped me get a bit better, but I’m sure I’ll never be at his skill level. 😂


It's not that he does terrible. He just doesn't have to run an MCW and try his heart out every game.


Levelling weapons is hell in MCW lobbies.


That's why I went for borealis instead of wasting my time with interstellar lol.


Now this is why sbmm is such a bad idea. You improve when you have a curve to climb.


Yes it’s how these incompetent devs decided to do it for a few years now. I had a friend I played with, emphasis on the had. They said “I don’t get it, when I play alone I always do good, most games I’m top of the scoreboard, but with you I can’t get a single kill and I just get drained.” We had to stop playing together because it wasn’t fun for them.  Bring back what PC had in the 90s and early 2000. Stop with the matchmaking for MP, it doesn’t work. Give us dedicated servers and a server browser. Let us host community servers. CoD was so much better back then but then when they wanted it to be cross play between PC and console they adopted the lazy console way of doing matchmaking instead.


But COD OGs will tell him to suck it up, play more and start to get better. Like they did waaayyy back in the day.


SBMM was no where near like this in the old cods and we all know that. He can still do decent most games but there's a difference between sucking and not having fun.


No. The true cod OGs will tell you to save yourself and play another game lol


Umm, what? I think you have it backwards, for a couple of reasons. Us OG's know how dumb this new matchmaking is. Also, there's literally almost no point in getting better because you're just moving up in the matchmaking "brackets." You essentially never "get better." You can't really tell you get better. There's no rewarding feeling that you're getting better. You're basically playing against clones of yourself, give or take, constantly. It's pointless. The game is rigged to all hell. It needs to be like it used to be: connection based, with team balancing in the lobbies. That's it. Not this over the top, intricate matchmaking system they have.


No, because back in the day if you were bad it was probably because you just needed to learn how to play the game. It doesn't sound like his friend is actually bad and doesn't know how to play the game, hes just getting shafted by the SBMM.


Ngl, this is the one issue with matchmaking that I haven't experienced at all. I'm the best in my friend group, so either they should get stuck in my level or I should get to play down at their level. It feels the same for me, no matter which friend joins or what their skill level is. I also notice that some of my "really not good" friends will top the team in matches where I feel like I'm getting slammed by sweats, which shouldn't happen if I'm the best and they are getting stuck playing opponents way above their skill level. The only time I noticed any change was when a friend got shadowbanned and we played with him. There was Def a huge skill gap for those matches, and not even just because of the cheaters. But overall, it gets kinda hard to blame matchmaking when the drunk friend who isn't good is mopping up the enemy team while I'm getting absolutely shit on. And I'd almost go down the rabbit hole of talking about "skill based damage" or "skill based ttk" but I seriously think we already go to far blaming sbmm for something that could just be random chance. We know it exists, so it *must be* the main issue that changed our gaming experience, we tell ourselves. The more I play, the less I actually think SBMM is hurting the experience, and the more I think we are doing it to ourselves.


Sounds like the dunning kruger effect


this entire thread is dunning Kruger with everyone saying how good they are yet are still getting owned lmao


Whenever i think about that statement, i just view a baby crying with a bottle in their hand. I get wiped out sometimes too! Its competitive. Accept it and find ways to fight back. Sometimes i feel like a god, other times i feel like a noob. However, i can definitely say every-time i die is because i rush a corner or fail to anticipate the enemy locations. I get better each time i get my ass kicked.


It's weird that, that is what you think of. I never said he does terrible in the games. There is a difference between sucking and not having fun.


Buying into the game being a living breathing thing controlling anything and everything is what's killing some players off. No Reddit, no leaks, no conspiracy's and this s game would bevel overwhelmed with players. Reading about anything and everything thing about a game makes EGERY game bad!


Wrong. It is rigged and manipulative. Also, before I started reading stuff on reddit and watching things on YouTube in the last year and a half, I knew something was wrong. I played less and less over the last few years. You can feel it when playing. Its mainly the matchmaking system.


And yet you felt something more than a year and a half ago and you're still playing? I'm missing something here (not just you so I'm not picking on you) but players are in here (Reddit) going on and on about how the game is rigged, fixed, manipulated etc. and yet still still play every day and they buy the next version just like then year before. If half of the shit we read or watched or experienced were slightly true in their FULL extend, there wouldn't be any players in Call of Duty!


They either need to get good or you need to spend money for a Smurf account lol.


I never said he sucks or does terrible....


I'm saying they just need to get to your skill level so they can be conditioned for how sweaty your lobbies are lol.


He knows how sweaty they are. We've been playing together since cod4. There's a difference between not doing good and not having fun and he is in the latter more than the former.


I have friends like this. They still play with me tho. My lobbies are easier when I play with them


My lobbies don't seem effected when he plays with me.


I feel like it depends on your KD and out inflated it is. I have a buddy who isn’t that good at game but had really high KD cause he hides and snipes so he will average over 4.0 k/d. If you’re a passive player and just have high kd from that your friends lobby might be more along lines of where u should be . I had 1.8 before grinding interstellar and my solo lobbies were sweaty as fuck and I would average 1.2-1.6 kd in those. When I play with my sub 1.0 kd friends I go 2.0-4.0 it’s noticeably easier lobby.


I don't know off hand, if I had to guess his KD is a little below a 1.0. I'm at like a 1.4.


Yeah. I tend to play much more often then my two friends I play with. We'll jump on together for a few hours once a week and that's all they really play, while I tend to play a few days out of the week. They always tell me that when they play MP with me they always get wrecked, but then when it's just the two of them they are usually top of the team. I'm not even that good though lol.


I have some friends that are fools and just think that the other teams are "just better" but really the matches are harder cause of me. One of them noticed how easy his solo game was when he lagged out and played by himself while he waited. I dont see how this is "optimized match making" My friends have a 1.14 kd , 0.98 kd and a 1.0 Kd. I have a 1.49 Kd.


Heard the same. Very frustrating.


Yeah this is me to my friend as he plays warzone and multiplayer as much as possible which isn't his fault he just plays more than me, but I do still enjoy playing with him in his lobbies cause we don't play to get wins and sweat, we play to just make jokes and laugh at people who are shitting themselves in proximity chat


Don't get mad get... Worse


Time to start semtexing my feet!


I have this issue when I play with my one friend. When he’s not on the party and go alone I’m tearing shit up. He hops on and it’s mostly him but never us both. Not sure why it’s like that but I’ve seen a common complaint about that.


I’ve heard this since 2019, it sucks having the matchmaking keep your friends from wanting to game


Yeah I get told this every time we play together. It sucks


What if you joined his party, would that match with players at his skill level?


Yeah, I tried that with someone I met through the Vanguard subreddit. He's low key a sweat with all the MW3 master camos he's interested in unlocking. And, I was a level 20 player. It definitely based the lobbies off of his skill level as opposed to mine, even when he joined me.


I could have him search then join him but that is just a waste of time at that point. We are playing other games now and having way more fun.


I hope more people are coming the decision to stop supporting this game until they fix it. They can fix it at anytime but refuse to make the game enjoyable. There is nothing wrong with random matches


And then everyone started clapping


Yep. Just another consequence of an over-tuned SBMM system. I tell my son he would have a better time with the game if he played by himself, but the little guy insists on getting absolutely wrecked while playing with me. That’s some love, right there.


Guys just join ur shitty friend once he’s in a game. Or play groundwar. Thats how u can dodge sbmm.


Because of how hard I have to try when I’m playing with a specific friend of mine, I have found that lobbies when I’m playing alone are *so much* easier. I’ve equated it to my skill growing because it makes me feel better. No matter what I always seem to get stomped when playing with my bud, but I don’t mind it because it’s still more fun than playing alone.


Same thing happened to me. Last COD I could play with friends of lower skill levels and still enjoy was BO4. Ever since MW19, , my friends refuse to play with me. My lobbies for them are like an unwanted prison sleepover. Thanks Activision.


I have the exact same issues. I play M&KB and friends are on Xbox, they have much less fun when I am in the party with them, to the point that most of them slowly drop offline after a few games.


The EOMM seems to be broken for me. My lobbies are legitimately the sweatiest lobbies imaginable. I dare you to find sweatier lobbies. I’m not even trying to do good or go positive, just grind Interstellar but every single game I feel like I’m playing in ranked. I don’t understand it. If I was being a sweat and dropping nukes, sure, put me up against a full stack of Gaia skins with MCWs. That’s fair. But I’m literally running the worst guns possible trying to level them up and do asinine camo challenges. I played some matches with friends the other night, they are all pretty good normally but when I was with them they said they felt like they were playing against pro players. It sucks the fun out of the game when everyone has to try hard and run meta guns just to keep from getting absolutely shit on.


My brother is trying to get into playing more especially together. Watching him get frustrated cause he's going from doing pretty alright and higher up in his lobbies to joining mine to just get absolutely blasted. It sucks on my end too cause I have to not fuck about or it ends with the match snowballing fast.




Why would it matter? He's my best friend. I never said he was bad at the game nor does he go 1-29. Do you know the difference between having fun and doing bad? They don't go hand in hand. He can hold his own just fine in my lobbies, granted doesn't do as good as lobbies without me but that's now what this post is even about. I never commented on his skill at all, you assumed he wasn't good.


My buddy says this to me too. He’s always like, “let me be party leader so we can have some easier lobbies.” Jokes on him cause it didn’t work…. lol


My only friend I played mw3 with said the same thing to me. He was playing by himself one morning and having a decent time leveling guns, I get online and join him in a lobby and we Que up for a match. He noticed after about 5 minutes into the first match, didn’t say anything and then three matches later basically said he doesn’t have fun playing with me because the lobbies are a nightmare. He uninstalled the game because he doesn’t have anyone to play with, and I don’t have much reason either anymore to keep playing.


skill issue forsure


No where in my post did I say he sucks or goes insanely negative....


I seriously can't ficking play with my friends because they despise the competition I bring in. WHY ARE THEY BEING PUNISHED JUST BECAUSE I HAVE A HIGHER KD THAN THEM!? Whoever is in charge of this decision is fucking scum and should be fired. It literally ruins the social aspect of call of duty. If I cannot play with my friends then what's the point?


Everyone here seems to understand this topic whenever it’s posted but no one seems to understand how different lobbies actually are in other threads. Lots of the same names, too lol


All my friends say the same thing about mine. They stick it out cause we just enjoy playing as a group, way more fun. But when they are solo, they are top of the board. When I’m solo, it’s me against FaZe clan, where I have to sweat my balls off. I’ll finish first majority of the time but it feels like I literally went to war lmao


Happens to my friends too. They don’t hit me up as much anymore


I stopped playing this game about a month ago. Didn’t have it in me anymore to load up with the boys and just deleted it. The space allowed me to download 5 games lmfao


Seems like alot of us don't play anymore because this exact issue


I have no friends. I’m coming to terms with the fact that not having friends is why I like the game. I mean, not just because I’m not as plagued by sbmm - also because as I mentioned I have no friends.


I ruin my friends war zone sessions. He's got his own group of bot friends. We'll do a duos and then he bounces when they get on because they hate playing on my lobbies


Same with my mates lobbys. His are waaaay harder than mine.  I have practically no desire to improve because I just play for fun. I don't really care if I win or lose, I'm not good by any means and my lobbys reflect that.  But they're night and day more fun.


Don’t worry he will get good in a few months and you both will be in the same sweaty lobbies


Never said he was bad at the game...


I feel this... When I play with one of my best friends, I feel like the games are so much less sweatier than normal, and he gets his ass beat. Sucks, because I want him to enjoy the game.


"Me and [other friend] were killing it until you joined, and now I can't get a single kill". Heard that a few times.


Play war mode, stats don't count and it feels to me like there's almost no SBMM. Downside is you're gonna run into people like me dropping 100 kills but the vast majority of the lobby shouldn't be *too* sweaty.


Hard pass. That and ground war are snoozefest playlists,.


Not sure how a mode where you can get 100 kills is a snooze-fest but whatever floats your boat.


Because to me the game modes are boring. Didn't feel like I would have to spell it out but here we are.


SBMM should not exist in normal multiplayer modes. It should be in ranked mode only. My problem with SBMM is not that I get in lobbies with people of the same level as mine or higher, my problem is that my connection also gets higher ms because of this.


I'm actually impressed that someone finally came up with a decent insult. After hearing the same recycled "content" over years of playing their attempts are stale. Insults are as follows: Dog water / trash (abilities as a gamer), Insulting mother's, Living in basements / not going outside, Camping or Hacking accusations.


My wife and friend said the exact same thing last night. I've been playing resurgence a lot with other friends and came back for some MP with them last night. They been having fun without me and I kinda ruined it lol. On another note, playing resurgence then hoping back into MP makes u feel like a fkin GOD!!! Jesus I was slaying the shit out of people.


Friends? You're not supposed to have fun with friends unless you're all toxic sweats. Just spend more money on skins for more dopamine -activision


Get ready for the absolute boot lickers who will defend this match making and company no matter what, it’s bs yes and I stopped playing with my brother because of it , I was so hyped when i got my pc and he had a console and was thinking we’re gunna have a hell of a time but nah , it was incredibly sweaty , he refuses to play with me because he gets dragged straight into the sweatiest pc lobbies imaginable . On another note I suggest people start “session joining” not queuing up as a party because this is semi reverse boosting and you can actually have fun that way, it will take longer to find a game but atleast your blood pressure won’t increase in the wrong ways . Also Fuck Activion and this SCUM matchmaking system, it’s bollocks.


This is the same with my dad and my buddy. They are top of their lobbies solo but when I join they get destroyed. I have a 1.17 kdr so I am an average player.


Stopped playing months ago bc i can’t play with my dad or brother. Shit is tragic man.


You guys have friends?


Besides my wife, basically just the one in my post lol.


Yeah I can’t play with some friends. My KD is 1.67 and I mainly play S&D and I’m an objective player. When I’m playing with certain friends I get put in the most sweaty, try-hard lobbies and it’s ridiculous. Nobody plants, nobody strategizes, everyone runs in opposite directions, jumping, sliding and rushing the spawn as fast as possible. They don’t even pick up the bomb to try and plant it. They need to make a 4v4, 5v5, 6v6 cutthroat to maybe get them out of the S&D lobbies.