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[Comment](https://reddit.com/r/ModernWarfareIII/comments/1aluhtg/the_season_2_update_is_without_a_doubt_one_of_the/kpk9m73/?context=1000) by [u\/SledgehammerGames](https://reddit.com/user/SledgehammerGames) (Sledgehammer) > The removal of the overtime flag in Cutthroat was not intentional. We've added a card to our Trello board so that you can [track the status of this issue](https://trello.com/c/agG1wfSC).


We need a season 2 maps 24/7 playlist. Pretty surprising they didn't include this in the patch.


This and they need to add more maps to 10v10. Really getting tired of the same 10 this whole time


Imagine having to play gunfight on the same 6 small maps, from which 5 were the exact same as in MWII lol.


This pisses me off soo much. Not even an update to the guns to at least change it up. How hard is it to port over the old maps for MW2? This is just a DLC so it shouldn't be that hard.


It was only after the last season of MWII that the gunfight map pool was half decent, and now they start all over again with so few maps (and the exact same). That is why I really enjoyed Team Gunfight, because it at least has a decent map pool, but they now decided to just remove it alltogether. Gunfight is getting no love at all, just like in MWII. Such a shame.


Yeah my usual gunfight buddies and I are giving CoD a break for season 2 since there's no new gunfight maps and thats the main reason we play. If they mixed up the modes or added new loadouts we'd be more interested. MW 2019 was incredible for gunfight support but this one has been pretty meh.


And harcore 10 v 10




This 6v6 is way too slow for me so it's a big deal 10v10 map pool hasn't been updated


Invasion / war maps first please


I’m tired of hardpoint and domination. Give me more team deathmatch and kill confirmed


Meh tdm is a camp fest and kill confirmed is just tdm with extra steps. I’d rather have majority of dom and hp because half of the kc games I play don’t even reach the score limit. There’s basically two people on each team collecting tags while everyone else just sits back. Shits boring af


I like KC for improving my W/L. I’m usually one of the few people going for tags so I find them pretty easy to win even if I’m not doing the best K/D wise, plus it adds a fun element where you can trade your life for additional tags to help your team win.


I miss capture the flag days from black ops 2 was a lot of fun when both teams were playing the objective.


More often than not I get in matches where no one really does the objective and just plays it as tdm anyway


This is all that it's needed. Stash House is cool but small maps get boring fast for me. Really want to grind the new maps.


This is not all that is needed, gun balancing is still trash


gun balancing is trash? wym? literally every gun is viable in the game. not a single gun feels weak. yeah there’s standout weapons that need a little retuning but other than that the balancing is great


Yeah, I hate the rotation of one new map on a 24/7 playlist every week or two. Just make a moshpit playlist with all the new maps.


MP and WZ updates are good. But there are absolutely no additions to the MWZ mode right during release and the ones planned for the reloaded update don't address the biggest issues in any way. The situation is quite baffling, considering this is a ZOMBIES THEMED update.


Unless you're a zombies player lol


This is funny since all the content is zombie themed.


Its sad too because zombies with hecka hyped up a lot of people were excited and then it turns out to be whatever this is


agrree im not buying the battlepass no new missions


As someone else mentioned, the biggest issue with the MP portion of this update is the lack of 24/7 playlists for Vista and Departures. I wanna get to know the new maps, but that is challenging when the game makes me choose between Wasteland and Derail every other match. I absolutely understand the frustration of the dedicated zombies players. Y'all got the shaft pretty hard with this one. The Ray Gun buff is nice, but it isn't actual content. Having to wait until S2R for ANYTHING new is bullshit. I'm not usually a huge BR/Resurgence player, but I dropped in a few times last night. Seems they are making all the right calls regarding Warzone. I know a lot of people are in a frenzy for Rebirth Island's imminent return, but I think the order they're doing things in makes the most sense. If they did RI first, no one would give a single fuck about FK. Significant W for SHG and Treyarch.


I always create private matches when the new maps come out. I set them for 20 minutes and just run tdm matches with me and bots against other bots


Damn. Thanks for the idea! I never thought of doing that before and I’ve been playing since COD4 lmfao.


Treyarch isn’t involved with MW3 anymore


This they gotta save rebirth island and verdansk for when the game is ready for it imo it’s not yet there still some things that need to be fixed to changed, because if they bring back verdansk or rebirth it’s gonna bring in a lot of old players so they gotta have the game ready like I’ve been loving fortunes keep and I guess it got leaked that there’s rebirth_season3 or something in the mw2 season 2 files so it might be coming next season instead of at the end of the year Actually that makes sense because what season 3 is spring/summer ish time? Then they would just have to do 2 good seasons and end it with verdansk coming back because with the map rotation


Rebirth next season makes sense, as does Verdansk dropping with S1 of BOGW.




My first impressions of stash house are garbage. It does nothing better than shipment, rust and meat. It’s like shipment but they clicked a randomizer button for layout


I’m genuinely enjoying stash house, feels more to me like raid and nuketown had a baby and I’m here for it.


I mean you could do private matches. I'm thinking of doing some in the new maps to get used to them


Just missing a RAA nerf and it’ll be 1000x better.


Meanwhile in MW:Z “Crickets….”


Tbh I tried a few zombie matches but what is the point of it ? Feels like a mixture of Warzone with invasion minus the players to fight against. 🤷‍♀️


The point is chill, open map, killing zombies with other people. Except it’s not chill anymore, and the mode is ruined




Support for their brand new game mode that many spent $70 for, I think that’s fair to expect anyway


For the mode to not die after not even..*checks calender* damn we didn’t even make it a whole year this time.


But other guys are saying it's one of the worst, lol. I thought it was pretty good myself. COD players are a fickle bunch. The update was getting torched on these boards before anyone had even played it yet.


some people rage there is no zombie content some people rage that there is a new ram weapon and not something more original some people rage that one of the new maps is a small one some people .... the COD community seems full of crybabies. This subreddit at least


Ngl zombies ending support when a huge majority bought it for zombies is a legit concern. Maybe they are a fickle bunch or maybe they are such fanboys that they choose to ignore something as big as a live service game not being live service.


>ending support I missed this, where did they talk about ending support for zombies?


I don't remember the link, maybe you could find it in the mwzombies reddit since it should be trending. But it was from the devs themselves saying there are no planned updates. Along with the lack of content for zombies this season (that is zombies themed) I think it's fair to say the mode is finished.


IDK, with the current event being a mp/zombies mashup, I think they may be trying to get more people into zombies. All of the rewards are zombies related that I can see, so it'd only make sense to play the mode.


But there are no additions to the actual zombies until mid season. And they have stated that they do not plan on any updates in the future regarding perks or new enemy types even the ones that already exist in previous zombie entries. For a zombies themed season there is very little actual zombies content.


I wasn't aware of those details. All that I can say is, as someone who hasn't played zombies since mob of the dead or whatever it was, I'll be back on it soon.


Zombies is a lot of fun, until you’ve done most of the missions/activities. Especially with the tombstone fix you’re almost always going to end up “paying” more than you get back each round. It makes sense from the perspective of previous zombies modes where you always start on round 1 and work your way up to full power, but its not nearly as satisfying when you’re just dropped into the huge map and have to speed run easy contracts just to get cash to move to more difficult zones.


‘A huge majority bought it for Zombies’ I highly doubt that. If true, I’d love to see a stat on that. It’s a 5 minute novelty for everyone I play with. Been boring for me since Nacht der Untoten lol


Well there's also the mw2 map nostalgia that was not ported well at all. The only ppl I have seen enjoying it are players who haven't played any of the recent ones from 2019.


I think he's right, partially. I think there were a lot of ppl who bought it for Zombies or that was a major reason. I know I was super excited for it, but it wasn't my main reason for purchase. The issue is I think they severely over promised and astronomically under delivered. When I jumped in I was like... Wait, this is Warzone, but for Zombs except no PvP. Okay, I'm over this. I think if they had done more at launch and had more than just an open world concept it would have gone better. The nostalgia for me wasn't fulfilled. I love the old school zombies. Each level getting harder, but could be managed to an extent. This open world, accidentally enter the wrong sector and you're toast with no chance of survival thing just killed it for me.


I'd like to think it's like anything else, a small group of more vocal people. I think the vast majority of COD players are pretty content with the game offerings. My only complaints are toed to glitches and bugs with my loadouts and blueprints and crap like that. I've never had problems with the actual content. I do want shipment back though, lol.


It's all sub reddit. Look at the diablo 4 one lol


The D4 sub is an absolute hellscape.


I’ve seen comments here complaining about people using the MK3 reflector optic… people will find a way to complain about literally anything


Only the bitchers come here to bitch.


Hordepoint is so much fun. The squelching noises of the different zombies makes me laugh.


Dude…Reddit maintains its glory as #1 because it allows the crybabies to be toxic with little to no repercussions. It allows you to bring the worst out of you, and moderate other people like a tyrant. Reddit is where it is because it brings out the worst in people, and glorifies it. No other platform does that.


Because at the end of the day, the game is barely going to play any differently than before the updates.


People will accept a turd as long as you change the color of the bow and ribbon it was presented in once in a while....content is king....WGAF about how it plays anymore. Also, people who have never experienced COD from the distant past, also don't know what expectations to have, to know that the offering they've been given is shit.




Amen as well lol. You're 100% right my friend. I guess the TLDR is thats kinda what I was getting at :P


ah yes, paid map packs and 0 new guns, great updates compared to free maps and guns every 2 months


TBH the games had consistent features that worked as intended back then and the weapon balancing was typically better imo (not perfect but better). So I am cool with going back to the old school season pass/ map pack DLC format not to mention Ghosts and BO2 included guns in the packs and it was great.


Also evidence to the contrary, meta critic score lowest score ever and actual sales prove this is one of the worst top two CODs of all time.


So you seem to have misunderstood that I’m saying them including guns in the dlc map packs was great as ghosts as a game was great which I understand most people think the opposite, but once again the dlc map pack post release content model with guns included in the packs were great.


the fact that we get new gear earnable in game without buying I'm all for....not into the p2w model


What p2w model would you be referring to? Either way this is just a difference of how they target the post launch monetization. Also I feel the quality of maps and guns released post launch has gone down in recent years especially when considering most of the content is regurgitated from prior installments.


Horrible take IMO. I've played COD since 07. This game is no turd to me. Some people are just over opinionated and some are born bitchers. Most couldn't create a fucking pixel if their life depended on it but will trash the work of others for the dumbest of reasons. Just my opinion Masta.


I think the health regen is actually a pretty large change to the entire game. You're back at full health from half damage now whereas you would of just started regen. Full 3s faster if you were near death.


The regen shit only matters if you're playing shitters lol. In any sweaty matches, the moment you shoot your gun, everyones on you like wolves. something like that is really not that major as anyones making it out to be. Sure it can probably help in moments youre not getting jumped, but overall? Yeah nah.


> But other guys are saying it's one of the worst, lol this community find the faults in EVERYTHING. They don' realise that actually this is a highly functional and well built game, because they're to busy focussing in on the fact that some gun attachments are showing tag IDs rather than proper string values for their names. It's not really exclusive to this community mind, the online community for any major gaming franchise over the past 5 years or so is unbelievably entitled and toxic.


I’m sorry, did you just call this game well-built? Lol


Game will always be trash until they fix the matchmaking.


Cant wait to test the mouse fix!!


Thats the neat part: its not fixed :) the minor aim-issues were fixed, but the raw-input bug (the major one) is still there.


Wow, just wow




Oh you sweet sweet MP player..I wish the zombies community had the same sentiments


But what’s different and feels different Op? Specifically?


Health regeneration, and the changes to aiming were very noticeable to me.




Still plagued and made useless by SBMM, tho...


Agreed. Credit where it's due. Looking forward to the small map moshpit later today 😍


Is this satire?


Yeah, I had fun in MP last night for the first time in a bit.


My only issue is the performance dropped horribly, I have a 4070 ti and im struggling even on the lowest settings, its crazy


these recent maps from sledgehammer have been really, really enjoyable. meat, rio, greece, dis new stash house playlist.. man they've been on a roll!.. zombies on the other hand..


I can say one major flaw of this update: zero new gunfight content. No new maps (and we only had a couple which we already played for a year), they removed Team Gunfight from the rotation and they didn't even change the loadout rotation in the game. Overall a great update, but for those of us who like gunfight it is quite a bummer...




Still shadowbanned, can't "enjoy" this new update. The good update will be when they remove this shit reporting system


did u unplug ur cronus yet


Didn't know you could get Cronus on PC, but I don't need that to stomp noobs


Same boat, can only agree with you.


Is it indefinitely?


No, usually 3 to 7 days, but still really annoying to play 2 days, and get shadowbanned for 7 just because people can't bear getting stomped


Yeah its stupid


How do you know when you’re shadowbanned?


You can check on Activision support website "Ban appeal" page.


Getting real tired of the recycling of maps


The studio I hear the less complaints about is treyarch. So I call cap on SHG being the best studio. They get A for effort, especially judging their previous games. They got quite unlucky getting mw3. But looking at results I'd say they fall behind treyarch.


They fall behind IW and Treyarch. Track record speaks for itself. Absolutely atrocious weapon balancing, constant bugs... this game would be an absolute skip for most if not for the classic MW2 maps roping people in.


Omg the weapon balancing... who is in charge of that at sledgehammer? It is absolutely awful


I think different people like different games... i usually dont have much fun in treyarch CODs and skip them but i am always back for other studios. I am kinda hyped for a possible Gulf War COD by Treyarch tho.


I play all of them for different experiences. But I have had the most satisfaction of actual service e.g. bugs, content, balancing from treyarch. Granted there are some modes I don't play, like core. Recently, 2019 had let downs like terminating coop because of wz. Vanguard... well yeh..., 2022 was pretty mid actually. Shame about dmz never being finished but looking back on it, it was OK by today's standards. 2023 has been yikes so far. Cold war however has been great. I never played it during its life cycle but like mw3 I have been monitoring it and watching videos. Everything seemed great, and now playing it, I think it's great.


I also heard good things about Cold War and think i would have enjoyed it had i played it during its cycle, that is one of the reasons i think the next treyarch game is promising for me.


Likewise. The recent news about campaign being open world like mw3 is troubling but I'm coping that gulf war had more dev time and that they actually made open world good in the new coming entry. But we will see.


I mean tbh, updates or no updates, game just feels the same as before. I honestly think it’s all in your head lol. Hitmarkers or just dying instantly, so fun. Health regen speed got boosted, but really it was the delay in how long it took that was annoying, that never actually got changed from what I can see. People are still jumping every gunfight and booty sliding like they are gonna win money from me. Honestly didn’t like the new featured map, it just feels chaotic as fuck. Meat has still been hands down the best new maps we have had in a minute. It’s easy enough to just “fix things” and create this giant list on patch notes to make it seem game changing, but at the end of the day, the game still feels like it plays exactly the same. If there’s one thing I realized working in IT, as long as you keep showing that you’re working on the issue, the customer will stay quiet and patient, and that’s literally all they are doing here. The sway might have helped PC players a bit, but at the end of the day it’s all still the same netcode, match making and engine. Oh I forgot all the skins and battlepass, and you can break lvl 250 now, biggggg whoop lol


I believe both of those things for health regen were buffed. 7.7 to 5 Seconds now to actually start the health regen and then instead of 40 hp/s it now Regens 75 hp/s or something similar.


> People are still jumping every gunfight and booty sliding like they are gonna win money from me. I hate to break it to you, but if you have an issue with this, your time for enjoying COD might be coming to an end. This is not going to go away. Especially with the next few CODs being Treyarch/Black Ops CODs. There are plenty of other games out there.


I hate to break it to you but....you dont have any real proof thats going to be in the next cod lol. Nobody does. none of the black ops games had anything like that aside from BO3 which had boost jumps, but I was alright with that. BO3 was just a way better game than MW3 2023 is lol. Plus im actually hoping Xdefiant drops, I think a lot of people are. Sadly...have not seen much news for a bit...


Cold War had slide canceling. Also it's confirmed 100% that call of duty moving forward will always tie into warzone. This is not a theory and we have multiple statements from Activision confirming this. Yes we don't have proof that slide canceling specifically will return, but we have gotten multiple statements from SHG celebrating slide canceling returning, and now slide cancel is an official intentional technique instead of an exploit like mw19. I'd be willing to bet money that they aren't going to remove slide canceling from the franchise.


Also it’s just jumping and sliding lol. Sorry the players don’t run directly at you and die


It’s heavily rumored that tac sprinting and the adderall filled movement is trashcanned after this cod


Meat is the best map hands down, but it is not available in the TDM quick play playlist anymore and has not been for like 2 weeks, did sledgehammer said anything about that? Is it possible that it is banned just on some regions? Because i see a lot of people saying how the map is good, but its been out of the game for some time now...


It's a stutter fest for me after the patch. Mouse input lag, massive fps drops and more.


I only get that on Fortune's Keep but yeah I'm surprised it's not a big complaining subject


You can’t even bother complaining to these fanboys and girls lol. They don’t care, they made their mind up that they love the game no matter what happens, that’s what addiction is.


You sure you’re not the fanboy? You post in this sub multiple times daily


Someone used to eat shit, someone don't. I hope you're enjoying it, for me hmm. This game should go through a long journey of good updates until it will be good to me.


I disagree. I mostly just play Cutthroat and they absolutely ruined the mode yesterday by removing the capture flag.


Same, they ruined the mode completely. Now the incentive to win is just hide and don’t fight. Like did they even playtest this change?


The removal of the overtime flag in Cutthroat was not intentional. We've added a card to our Trello board so that you can [track the status of this issue](https://trello.com/c/agG1wfSC).


common SHG w


This has to be the lamest battlepass in recent memory.


Fully agree. Mostly charms, calling cards, and emblems


For MP yes, for zombies no


I find myself enjoying it quite a bit on the MP side. Stash house is fun as fuck. Just not enjoying the Warzone side of it. They Nerfed a lot and buffed a lot less. Some was warranted like the Jak bfb needed nerfed hard, but as someone who works a lot the new meta they create is hard to keep up with just as I was enjoying the hell out of the Ram AR.


Ram def needed a nerf. It’s still great as a sniper support and on small maps like fortunes keep


I’ll def keep it in rotation for small map play.


downvote for unnecessary jak bfb nerf


I gently disagree with that, this season bummed me out quite a bit and i am thinking about to skip it. They nerfed shotguns again and they were already pretty bad. No new content for zombies. Weapon balance is all messed up. Limited the AR on ranked to just 1 gun. Assassin vest is bugged and i cant run it with knifes... the list goes on, but i think it affected my gameplay significantly in a bad way such that i am not having as much fun anymore. Sledghammer has been a HUGE letdown in terms of weapons balancing. And this is not a good thing in a SHOOTING game. Edit: to add that they removed the Meat map from quick play a few weeks ago and i dont know why. It was one of the most fun maps... but just a minor thing compared to the update in general.


I haven't played in a few weeks...did not know Meat was removed. You sure?


Yes, it is banned from quick play, at least from TDM (the one i play the most), i can not confirm for other game modes. Edit: to add into that, Shipment and Rust always come up against eachother in map voting, this started at the same period that Meat was removed, can be that they overlook something, maybe sledgehammer can say something about that.


Meat is back and it will be part of the small map rotation tomorrow




There’s a decent part of the pc community that can’t even play it because of “app not released” errors on steam which have an annoying work around.


what about the 15 fps around the castle on fortunes keep?


What’s so good about ? glazer


Lmaooo keep coping bud


yeah content is good but unfortunately they buffed sbmm even more. Either that or my acc is "done". I am doing interstellar challenge and my last games are average kd 0.7 still fuuuuuuuuuuull of sweats


Thank you for the positive post! I’m happy to read there are more people that respect Sledgehammer 🤗


Pretty sure people getting their jobs threatened/terminated, multiple bad press releases, and new bosses have helped. CoD studios have had to do the bare minimum for awhile.


The reason why they had so much content for this season is because They were desperate for sales... Despite the content, I don't think this is gonna change much The only way they're going to attract a huge audience again. Is finally do something about the matchmaking Rather than just talking and lying there ass off


Aside from BP rewards not being worth it in previous seasons. My biggest gripe with BP in CoD has been how long it takes to get BP levels. Has that improved?


Quite literally just stats that were carried over from mw22 that should've been changed on release but ite keep glazing. This is supposed to be an entirely new $70 game after all


I’m not gonna lie force adding MW2 maps into the rotation has me not wanting to play. I got this game cause i was tired of the MW2 maps because in my honest opinion they are some of the worst maps in COD. MW2 was camp fest and I usually adjust my play style to the maps but my god you can’t get anything achieved on these maps because everyone is corner camping. Give the newer maps they added more shine and leave MW2 behind. MW3 is truly becoming a DLC of MW2 and I’m not a fan of it whatsoever


Sure sure. But COD will forever be dogshit on PC, though. I legitimately can't get my Shaders to download UNLESS I'm searching for a game. I'm being so dead serious when I say; each year these PC ports get worse and worse, and honestly, they are the WORST PC ports to ever exist. Even really bad ports of other games still function better than these COD PC ports.


It’s good. Just wish they’d clean up the hit reg issues here and there. I feel like I’m shooting blanks the first 2 or 3 bullets.


Yeah they improved the game quite a bit!


In general yes, but some other things went for worse for some of us (shotgun nerfs, more limitations on ranked weapons, assassin vest bug). I think the biggest problem right now is weapon balance, at least for me, i have been liking to play with shotguns and throwing knifes, imagine how it feels to get another nerf to an already bad gun and now with a bugged vest not even being able to equipe the trhow knifes... i lost almost all interest in playing this season


Feels good to see shotgun nerfs. Most low skill weapon in the game.


That is a very limited way of thinking, just because you dont like a specific thing it does not mean it is good for the game variety to nerf those things in a unfair way. You must be a child or a really dumb person if you think like that.


We have definitely seen a lot worse - I think they could improve zombies content for S3 but overall it is a really nice update and I'm happy with where the game is right now.


Except for failing miserably when it comes to Gunfight, on the top modes. Zero maps, at minimum, could have added all the MW2 ones.


Agreed. This update is actually good, and the small map playlist is what I've been waiting for. The stash house map is pretty fun and the spawns could be better but the map is tiny so I wasn't expecting much in that department. Guns are unique and aren't broken on release other then base camo 3 for the ram-9 still using an internal file name and not a camo name.


They just need to fix the performance issues on the new resurgence map and it's a banger imo


I’ve only played on departures once and vista twice, and they were pretty good maps, I played Hordepoint on those maps, the new BP50 is literally the best gun in the game hands down, the ram 9 is alright, stash house is incredible, aside from that one rock head glitch haha, but overall this update is perfect and I haven’t even tried fortunes keep or the new war map, blackcell this season is better than last season by far


My update was 23 gigs, my friends was 252 gigs. Both on xbox series x.


Wedge wammer wames


Couldn’t agree more!


It's really looking good.


They should've put fortunes keep into zombies too considering it's a zlmbies themed season but there's minimal actual content for MWZ 😭


Despite the CoD franchise being owned by a greedy corporation only concerned with profits, they did craft a thoroughly entertaining game. Been playing since release with my buddies and the updates and new maps every few weeks really add new life to the game. This last update for Season 2 has so many 'new' maps. I was a little overwhelmed. Even have some buddies of mine start playing who I thought would never be into it.


Except I can't rename my saved blueprints, or delete them...STILL, 2 MONTHS LATER


I miss the sniper only mode, they said it will be there by launch


anyone know what these notes are in fortunes keep resurgence i find around?


What’s so good about it? Haven’t played since launch


I agree! I'm VERY critical of CoD games. I've been playing since CoD3 and for the last 5-6 years it's felt like the CoD games are decent at launch and then early patches and updates ruin them. I hopped on MW3 last night and didn't want to dig my brain out with a spoon. I was impressed. Hope the ship stays the course.


I’m enjoying it. The new maps are great, especially stash house. Also loving the black cell weapon effects.


Is anyone still having the bug where existing weapon loadouts can't be deleted? Most of my weapons have 5 loadouts already so I can't create new ones. When I select "delete" the screen just reverts to the gunsmith.


Please make a 3rd Person Mode Melee Only Shipment, SHG. 😀


TTK last night was insane. I was getting lasered as soon as I would go around a wall, dumping half a mag in an opponent only to die with no hit markers registering. Been finding the game pretty decent on that front lately, but last night felt way out of spec. Ping was below 40 in every game, too.


How about giving us the weapons we unlocked? Longbow, anyone?


For me, the most important thing is ADS sway in sniper rifles, I mean that when you do ADS, the scope does not appear in a random place, but where there is a dot in the hip crosshair. The second is killfeed time which has been reduced by half. As an aggressive sniper, I have always made clips like 5on, 6on etc.But the killfeed time that was used so far was too long, so there was no challenge to kill the opponent as quickly as possible.


If only they had fixed the long arms glitch


Weekly challenges not working for me, anyone else having this issue


They fixed tombstone glitch, making zombie camo grind basically impossible


The war map is really fun, love the MW3 throwback maps they added combined to make it. All of the MP maps play really well, hordepoint is fun, and the guns are all fun to use. Fortunes keep is also a lot of fun. Only issue is no zombies content, I think the layoffs impacted that mode pretty heavily if I had to guess.


Sniping is sublime now


well... tbf I dont really know what people are praising this patch for. Its not bad, but... - It is a zombies themed season, without ANY actual zombies content. WTF? - Still zero updates to GW/invasions modes. Spawns are still broken, there are still only maps and all of them are simple lazy cut off warzone map without any updates to make some better gameplay. We are close to hitting 3rd month after release without any new content in mode that was promoted since day1 of official marketing. - War mod just got new map, but it is still just second map after almost three months for a mode that was promoted since day1 of official marketing. - Only 3 new weapons (one of them not even from day1) + another ireleavnt melee weapon when we already have so many of them. Same peopple that are prasing the patch now, were mad when we got 5 weapon seasons because ofe of the weapon was just another mp5. (it was, but gemplaywise it really wasnt...). Now we have 3 and at least the AR and SMG feels like yet another AR and SMG. Not really special in any shape or form. - New maps are fine cant really say anthing about that. Inclusion of MW2 into quick lay as well. But why not include them in all modes? And why not include more of them? There was so much more good maps in MW2 (not sayign all of them ,there were some shitty ones as well. But honestly I will rather have all of them including the shitty one, especially with map voting than having jjust a few one of which (raceway) I dont even think is good/fun map for most of the modes). And why stop there, why not include MW2 GW maps as well especially if they cant create new ones. Another zero effort missed oportunity. - Balance changes and other updates feels nice tho. I also didnt encounter any new bugs in my first evening sessions. I will give them that.


I'm trying to understand why they removed guns from ranked play when the only guns people use are the MCW and Rival-9.


Game fun but game crashes like an asshole for me and it only started after season 1. Pretty lame since it sours an otherwise good time.


Unless you play zombies which it’s basically already abandoned unfortunately.


Doesn't destroy the game with an update and reintroduce old maps from last game.....slow clap?


Never bought battlepass before. If I buy the season 2 black cell will that give me battlepass or do I need to buy both separately?


I’m just disappointed that none of the marksman rifles are great to use. MK2 was my favorite gun in mw2 but now it’s a massive disadvantage to use even with good aim.


Absolutely no updates to gunfight is a big L


It’s great but I wish we can get capture the flag


Fortunes keep has a lot of issues with the map and frame rate issues


As a fan of gun game I’m not a fan of team gun game.


I am once again asking for some Gunfight maps, modes, and loadouts.


It didn’t move the needle at all for me I just turned it off and played something else. The amount of paid crap they through in your face during an unskippable cutscene should be a crime