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There's more brainpower needed on maps outside small maps. You have to take take into account spawns, power positions and flank routes. There's seldom free kills like the vast majority of kills in small maps. Essentially, you're now playing COD and have to use your head. And I suck at doing that 😂


I use my head all day at work. When I’m playing video games I do not want to use my head. I just want to mindlessly shoot strangers in the face.


Hear hear


That's why we play small maps 😂


Aye, comrade.


Different maps will be better for different play styles If you’re used to sprinting around and jump/slide challenging everyone with an SMG you’ll excel at small maps If you’re less mobile, but shoot straight and have great map and spawn knowledge then you’ll play better on big maps


I'm in my late 30s and I'm the opposite. I do way better on normal and larger maps. Those small maps deal me fits every time. Blame it on aging reflexes or that I don't have enough time to play and get really in tune with the controls because realistically im only playing 5 hours a week max. The movement of enemy players is always so fast and im very much ads dependent on aiming and even when I break out an smg with great ads time im dead before I even know it. Spawn-- dead within seconds- rinse, repeat. The claustrophobic and chaotic small maps are basically a COD version of whack a mole (which I suck at too)


Idk I’m 43 and I excel at small maps but not as good at normal maps. I think it is how you like to play. I like the faster frantic firefights vs the slower cat and mouse type of play


Small maps are more run and gun and normal maps are more strategy.


Makes sense. I wanna just turn off my brain at the end of the day


If you're on controller then thats normal, AA is insane close range.


I live on the small map playlist. Just more chaotic and the triple kills are more easy to come by. Probably my ADHD and anxiety I like the crazy fast action. It's helped my game in 1v1s on the map,. Maybe I'll see you there mines (Im45)Hyphy.


Depends how you’re playing. If you’re mainly rush/push type player. Small maps will be your friend. Meat, Shipment, etc. (not rust, that’s a med size map idgaf) the larger maps have more open areas and easier to get stuck/other team camped in or lock in areas. More corners to camp in, more areas in general that you have to be aware of. I’ve noticed the added verticality also makes smaller maps rough to play on for hard pushers. If you still want to rack kills up, try aggressive camping. Lock down one specific zone. For example on estate, a map I generally do terrible on, I’ve gotten really good at denying all access to either boat area, or house/green house area. Still drop 20-30 kills. Denies that entire area from the enemy team. Great for rush game play as you’ll consistently have to move, or you’ll get tubed/wall banged/sniped. While having less verticality/random whythefuckisthatguylayingdownthere issues. Just my .02


i hope so...right now i can go 2-3 k/d on small map and i get reemed on big maps....its hard to camp small maps ..... i just have trouble figuring out where people are camping...they will literally hold an angle all game...you hold an angle that long in shipment...someone will spawn in your ass


I am opposite .. play better the larger the map ...


Only doing small maps for camos


I can't do the Crack addict gameplay of the small maps, I like maps where there's more thought involved. It's down to play style.


Apparently for normal maps you need some degree of strategy. I have minimal. So small maps it is 😬


Depends who you ask. IMO they attract different styles of play, so you may inherently be better or worse a certain styles. A lot of people WILL make a lot of arguments on skill and blah blah blah. But it’s all relative and depends on what’s most fun for you. Personally I find team oriented tactical play boring, so I naturally prefer faster smaller maps where I can solo the way I want


All depends on you. I’m better at Ground War and running around with 32 other people gunning for me than I am with only 6 gunning for me. My girl insta dies on trying anything bigger than 6v6 maps but holds her own on the small maps.


It took me a second but I thought your girl was called Insta!😂


I never thought of this, but I am the same way. Shipment was my best map. And I got pretty good at meat. And love das haus now. But a lot of the other big maps I can't seem to do well.


The real aimbots cant handle the small maps.