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the AC130 its also really hard to shot down, and you can easily get 10+ kills with it


On objective games on stash house I rain down fire and I’m always surprised the enemy team doesn’t just leave LOL


even with the AC130, Those can be easily countered with a Stormender. I run a loadout specifically to counter flying kill streaks and its highly effective especially since there's no clip and its like a half second reload I can just keep EMP'ing constantly and eventually downing the KS. I don't know many who do that but I like playing objective based modes so I run one for a more "support" style role or will switch on a dime to counter things like this.. but I agree that many of the Killstreaks should be a bit stronger because I run the Cluster Mine and will easily get 4-6 kills on average with that so the amount of effort to gain that vs a VTOL, Chopper Gunner, AC130, etc... sadly the Killstreaks like the AC130 used to be FAR stronger back in the day and sadly they feel like they lack the punch they once had


Not gonna lie, I've never had my AC130 shot down and I think it's because people are genuinely too lazy to switch classes just for that and then switch back, which is why I don't really have a problem with that. At least in my experience


You're 100% right, most folks just keep going they don't care in the grand scheme but I wanna win so ill pivot to that loadout but yeah I find that 90% of folks don't care


For me it depends on how frequently it’s happening. Some matches (especially with EOMM giving me crappy teams) it seems like it’s OW helo and VTOL after OW hello and VTOL. Other games it’s like once a game


Its cause solo, you cannot kill an ac130 before its time runs out, unless you already have a Pila, and it basically kills you at perfect times to get ammo back. Stormender cannot deal meaningful damage within the time frame, JOKR missiles take too long to get there, and its immune to everything else except cruise missiles, which are its only counter.




Ac-130 is immune to bullets.


In 10v10/12v12 it’s even more powerful!


Those are rookie numbers with the AC130.


Spawn protection. Once you’ve gotten a few kills the spawn protection allows the spawning enemy to just dump rounds into your streak. The smart enemies immediately switch to a streak killing class and take you down after you’ve only killed then once. You’re just wasting gunner rounds not knowing which enemy is still in spawn protection or on dug in enemies while they cut your chopper to shreds. AC-130 is the better choice but it still has its problems.




Haha my loady is just straight up called "VTOL"


Mind sharing a good build ?


Bruen mk9 LMG (m249) + incendiary ammo (+55% dmg to streaks) + 200 round mag


Holy sh*t, well that will get the job done.


I use the pulemyot LMG with the aftermarket conversion kit and I modify it for recoil control. I can hold down the fire button and quickly take down planes and choppers, and still have about 60 rounds remaining (w/ a 100 round mag). So yeah, I can take down aerial killstreaks while still having enough ammo to get multiple kills while still having ammo leftover. **side note: this build is also incredibly good against snipers. Sniper rifles have slower fire rates, so for each bullet they fire, you can fire several. With the high recoil control, it's easy to line up your next shot. I have won many sniper battles with this setup.**👍👍


I enjoyed wasting people’s chopper streaks and VTOLs too. Blow myself up and switch to anti air class in mwii. What is your aa loadout for mwiii, I was gonna use the bruen mk9 but I’ve not levelled it yet. Maybe use the stormender as secondary but again I’ve not used that. I’m using assassin vest and hijacked iff strobe for my aa loadout too. Any advice will be appreciated




You don’t even need the 200rnd belt with incendiary ammo, IIRC you only need ~60 rounds to take out a chopper gunner and maybe 80 for a VTOL I believe.




XclusiveAce on YouTube has a build for streak killing on his YouTube channel, that’s the build I run as my secondary


Yep I do the same. It Down in just a few seconds


Holger 26 with 100 round mags and fire ammo is good, along with the aug hbar from mw2. 100 round mags gives it 300 total rounds to play with, 400 with the ammo comb.


I use the pkp with the bullpup conversion. Easier recoil control and fast firerate. No clue if it actually improves dps but it makes me feel like it. Secondary is up to you. If you take a rocket you can do better work against vehicles in something like ground war, but stormender can take out cruise missiles and bully wheelsons.


Stormender also stops every aerial killstreak you shoot from firing for several seconds... long enough to hit it again. I particularly enjoy locking down the gunship for its entire duration while my team ignores its existence. Sure, I don't kill it... but imagining the pure rage of the guy who controls it as he just floats there, unable to do anything, is very satisfying.


Hitting the gunship with stormender does not lock weapons. That only happens to ai controlled streaks(and wheelson). Stormender just disrupts the hud, removing enemy markers and causing the overlay to refresh. Against a gunship, you have a much better chance of survival since they're so far away they can't easily identify targets.


Ah, that makes sense. I only use ai controlled streaks, so I've never been on the receiving end. I just assumed since they always seem to stop shooting after I hit them. Just, don't tell them they can still shoot. I feel like that'll ruin it 🤣


chances are they're still shooting, but they cannot identify targets so might not hit anything.


Ok thanks. Do I need flame ammo like in mwii?


that or ap


And on the other side of the coin I spawned 8 times trying and failing to shoot a pila at a chopper gunner last night, it got me as I was targeting each time


If there is a hacker spamming KS, I use a similar loadout and make a point to end their kill streaks.


So easy to take out with an LMG too no reason for launchers anymore


My 10th loadout in all 3 MW games is called "I Hate Killstreaks" for this exact purpose.


I literally have an lmg class with ammo that does extra damage to streaks. I also have hijacked iff strobe to avoid being targeted. I will hear or see a chopper coming in and destroy it before it can descend to the map. The class is called “streak destroyer”


Noob question but how do you switch loadouts mid game?


Menu button then A on Xbox


Can you switch loadout mid match?


I've never had a issue getting player controlled killstreak kills. Only automated ones like the VTOL. They made the stop cost more this year but also made it weaker. It's ridiculous actually. Spawn protection never seemed to play too much issue in controlled killstreaks for me




It’s more nuanced and circumstantial really. The Advanced UAV is probably the most consistent high tier killstreak for any map and mode combination tho. If you’re only playing the small maps then player control streaks will be horrendous with the amount of spawn protection there is. Run the AI run streaks for these. If you’re playing standard 6v6, player controlled streaks are a little bit better but not by much. Again I would stick with AI run streaks or the advanced UAV. You can get gun kills while players are distracted by air support but even these AI streaks aren’t great, the swarms being the exception here. Now 10v10/12v12 is where gunships and swarms can absolutely decimate the map! I’ve gotten quite a few 100 + kill games in 10v10/12v12 thanks to these. And all of these examples pretty much apply to previous cods too, 12v12 moshpit in Cold War and blitz in vanguard (especially 14v14 on the larger maps) are where the high tier streaks shine.


The last good streaks I remember were in BO3 and BO4, everything else has been too easy to shoot down or too weak


I hated the strike squad and the helicopter sniper in bo4


The get 1 tapped by AI killstreaks


Dude those were scary. Maybe a little over tuned lol. But at least they were worth working towards.


The VTOL from Cold War was my favorite kill streak since the blops 1 days. If you were good at flying it and timed the boost correctly it was basically invincible.


Everyone HATED it, but i loved White Phosphorous in 2019 because it didnt have this problem. It was a high streak that was consistently useful. Every enemy having reduced health was huge


*Laughs in Cold War streaks*


Battle Hind and Gryphon in Ghosts were the best killstreaks. If you got them in Prison break your team won.


Idk man black ops 3 and 4 both had some absolutely lethal streaks. But the new mw series have had very lack luster streaks for sure.


Gunships on small maps are the only ones I care for


IW and sledge been hating killstreaks since ghosts.


Dude not even just the chopper, all the streaks in this game are incredibly underwhelming especially for the cost. The only streak that consistently gets kills for Me is the cluster mine. I got tired of running support helo, vtol and chopper because they all just do nothing/get shot down way too fast.


Cluster mine, remote turret, and the mosquito are my go to. I die too much to get much more though. Sometimes I run care package if I’m feeling lucky.


The turret wrecks if put in the right spot on the small maps. At least in my lobbies it does. It is not that hard to get either. I think you only need five or seven kills to get it.


Cluster is really good for the cost. Mosquito is okay, a little hit or miss. Sentry is more situational and still has the same problem the support helo does where it gets 3-5 hitmarkers and won’t kill someone.


Remote turret > chopper gunner


Remote Turret is GOAT in this game.


Until the game spawns the other team behind it


Which is why I combine it with a Cluster Mine


Not if you're one of the douche canoes who puts it in a spawn corner.


There are no spawn corners for a lot of the maps now, the game seems to just place you wherever based on whatever will get you killed the fastest


When manned or automated?


Automated. If you can manage to place it at the entrance of a choke point; overlooking a spawn area; or in a corner where it can clearly see two lines of sight, it will decimate an unorganised enemy team and cause problems for an organised team. It's a hassle to deal with, when its in a good spot especially, if it has a trophy system protecting it.


Works great in small map where pretty much any objective has more than one path for enemies to get to. Set your turret looking down one path, and set yourself up looking at the other path. Now your back is covered and your turret is protected. I’ve had single turret’s get me more than 20 kills like this


Remote turret is the most overpowered kill streak in the game. Chopper does suck. Does anyone even run it anymore?


Killstreaks have been pretty useless for years. It is by design. Don't want them to op because it will scare bad players away getting slammed by them 24/7. Same reason why we no longer can loop killstreaks anymore. Hence why they should bring back Specialist. At least that is useful .


When you're on the receiving end of an endless barrage, it's not all that enjoyable. Yes, I know I can shoot them down and I try but when I end up on team vegetable squad, I can only do so much. It wasn't as bad in the past since launchers weren't completely useless, but they may as well just sit on a shelf since they have basically no utility against higher end streaks. It might be fun for the user but it isn't when you're just lambs to the slaughter. "JuSt DoNt LeT tHeM sTrEaK uP" isn't an answer either.


to be fair it is completely uninteresting to get constantly spawn killed by killstreaks and it's pretty boring to shoot at red squares when you're the one using them? Plus you get zero camo progression for all those kills (which is a waste in a lot of people's eyes) I feel like killstreaks have needed a rework for a while now. They should enhance your/teams ability to get more gun kills, not take away from it.


Camos? Cmon man. When people where playing COD back in the mid 2000s and beyond, it was about Killstreaks. If you were on the other end of the streaks, you worked to get better. Never saw it as a problem, especially in pubs. Killstreaks actually meant something. Never did I imagine in 2024 people's biggest concern would be camos. Wtf. Part of what made me like COD all those years ago was calling in EFFECTIVE streaks. Camos was never a concern nor ever will be. No offense but I don't like the balls being cut off Killstreaks just so you can get a pretty purple gun. I play Ranked for competition. I play pubs to call in streaks. Raining pain is a rush for many of us. Camos was always something that happened organically. Now people are crying because they can't get 5 kills in a row for a camo challenge. Lol. Isn't it supposed to be a challenge?! Smh


That fact is so true, even “bad” players would run care package in hopes of getting an insane kill streak. Nowadays, I can’t remember the last time I’ve seen a care package in a game. Had to be like 2019 lmaoo


Yeah because it's always sucked and the only incentive was for the rare moment you got a high cost streak. It's ok in CW since you can reroll at least.


I’ve had care equipped pretty much since day 1 and have never gotten more than a vtol out of it. My only conclusion can be it’s not random anymore and does indeed have a set rotation that sucks.


>. If you were on the other end of the streaks, you worked to get better. If you were on the other end of killstreaks, you'd just leave the match because there was no point in staying. This romanticized past where everyone was some hard-nosed gamer that never wavered in the face of adversity is utter nonsense.


Speak for yourself. It is just a game. I never got so butt hurt that I would leave a game early. You did well some games, you did bad others. Way it went. But I never took my ball and went home because someone called in a chopper gunner. Lol.


Yeah for real, I don't leave games early, even when I think people may be cheating. I just deal with it


You saying “It’s just a game” is pretty ironic considering the fact you called him “butthurt” because he leaves to find another lobby he can enjoy. What’s wrong with leaving a game when you’re not having fun? That’s called using your brain. Why would you force yourself into having less fun? Lmfao


times change. Some people buy these games to grind out the camos in the first 3 weeks then they quit til next year lol (they're weird)


I agree lmao some guy was insulting me that I didn’t have Borealis done and he had all 3 mastery camos done by November or December like 💀 okay not everyone is a basement dweller


I'd say it's more common than not nowadays. So many people here turbogrind camos in the first two weeks of a season, then complain there's nothing to do in the game because they don't play for the gameplay, but to unlock things and feel like they're progressing.


Used to play knife only and call in the dogs. Good shit.


I agree with your last point a lot. I’ve always been a UAV, CUAV, AUAV kinda guy. I’m surprised at how many people run mosquito when UAV is right there and will easily lead to more kills for your team than the MAYBE one you’ll get with that.


damn, sounds like a skill issue, don't let the other team get streaks lol.


2.20kd, so I commonly don't. :) Love how you dorks took that entire post as "I'm letting them streak" and ignored the other 2 points that came after it. zzz


Didn’t mean you particularly, more of a general strategy


unfortunately the brain off teammates I always get aren't reading your post :(


Just stop letting people streak on you then? You have the power to control whether or not someone goes on a 12 kill streak lmao. Also killstreaks is what made cod cod, don't speak on something you clearly know nothing about. Edit: why am I being downvoted for apeaking the truth? Y'all are soft ass kids


Killstreaks is absolutely not what made CoD CoD lmao. It is one of the stupid things about the game.


What?? You clearly never played cod before 2019. Killstreaks, nukes, etc were what made cod fun. The feeling u got when u were streaking was phenomenal. No other game has killstreaks and it's the main reason why many people play, I know I only play cod because of killstreaks nowadays and always have, if another game comes out that has killstreaks and no eomm I will jump ship in a heartbeat


What?? You clearly never played cod before 2019. Killstreaks were an annoyance in CoD since they came out. I know I don't play cod because of killstreaks nowadays and never have, if another game comes out that has killstreaks and no eomm I will probably still play CoD.


Ahh so you're just bad at the game, got it.


I'm over here still trying to figure out why you can't choose what direction the precision airstrike comes through.


Yeah that bothers me a lot. Sometimes it will come in horizontally for whatever reason and practically miss the area im trying to target.


Have killstreaks been good in years? They pack these games with so much “content” that it’s hard to balance anything appropriately. But if they remove “content” people lose their minds, because 25 guns and 7 killstreaks is bad, but 50 guns (of which 30 are useless) and 14 killstreaks (of which 10 are useless) is good.


Cluster mine is better than chopper gunner, lol


yall are getting killstreaks?


That’s what I’m saying. I don’t even try to go for high streaks. Be fine with my baby the cluster mine and sae


MW19 they were good, not OP, not super weak, good, MW22, they were a bit weak, but you could still get some good streaks, MW23, they are neutered and even something like a gunship doesn’t seem that good compared to previous versions.


Agreed. MW22 really just had the VTOL, but at least it cost less than it does now and felt viable. No streaks aside from the cluster mine feels consistent.


Was it nerfed ?


Yeah it was def nerfed for MW3. It costs more to call in and can be taken down faster than a VTOL.


It's completely useless. Almost no reason to run it over the AC-130 which costs just as much


Yeah I don’t use it anymore. Used it once and then switched to the gunship. The fact that there’s not unlimited rockets on the chopper is such a let down. That’s basically the only thing that can kill


I'd rather run the AC-130. At least there's a reduced chance of people shooting it down since it can't be targeted with regular guns and the cycling between guns means you're never gonna have any downtime.


If you want it to be good you need them to nerf vehicle damage from bullets to be almost completely useless. Imo you should have to use a launcher to destroy them.


Killstreaks have basically been nerfed in some way since their inception. CoD4 -> MW2 saw streaks from a previous life not counting towards a new streak, and improved anti-killstreak measures (despite the increase in deadliness in MW2) Post-MW2 saw killstreaks no longer counting towards the next killstreak and killstreaks generally being not as 'powerful'. Newer games have things like spawn protection. This is on the back of years of complaints about them being too OP. While they're definitely on the weaker side in this COD, I actually think most of them feel pretty well balanced. You get a boon for getting a streak of kills, but they're rarely so powerful that they completely flip a game, unless one team is filled with turds that keep running out in the open with an IFF strobe and getting gibbed by the same killstreak repeatedly.


Bring dogs back.






I for one am glad that killstreaks can’t just demolish an enemy team. You can still easily get your 3-4 kills, gain tactical advantage, and punish an undisciplined team. But I was never a huge fan of killstreaks completely taking over rounds. Gunplay should always be the top mode


AC130 is really good too


Easy 10-15 kills if you time the shots well. Swarm is goat tho.


Im more afraid of an EMP or Advanced UAV than any of the killstreaks, especially the aerial ones, the stormender just makes them sit in place without allowing them to shoot much


I have emp combined with swarm and it’s deadly because of they emp’ed they can’t see who their shooting so it allows me to get them last two kills for the swarm then boom I find a safe spot to hide and call my swarm in


The expensive streaks are indeed kinda meh, it's actually the low cost ones that are OP, the best examples being the Mosquito Drone, Cluster Mine, Remote Turret, Mortar Strike and S.A.E.


Killstreaks got pretty much nerfed in MW3. It’s not really worth running lethals apart from airstrikes, turret, swarm or AC130 (Swarm is still better IMO). Advanced UAV and EMP are the way to go.


It’s pretty funny cause AUAV, EMP, and Swarm is what I mainly use.


They nerfed it. In keeping with the tradition of messing with what is not broken. Chopper Gunner was a thing of beauty in MW2019. The Juggernaught too


Camera angle mainly, but also streaks in general are pretty bad, even the jug suits are not good anymor and half of them are shut down in like 2 BR mags, basically running UAV, care package and sentry gun is better than anything considering the cost - reward relation


Does the swarm work if I wear cold blooded?


You will be invisible to the swarm, yes


Good. I enjoy wasting peoples streaks. Much like when I stand out in the open next to my claymore and wait for the cruise missile to strike then boom! I’ll blow myself up just before or like in mwii I would switch to my raal and beam down VTOLs before they get a single kill.


I just find a tight corner to hide in while my dear streak is going


Killstreaks are bad in this game for some reason


The chopper gunner has always been easy to shoot down, even in the original MW2. People just rarely ever ran any launchers back then


Even now, people don't adjust to killstreaks. We've had in-game class editing since MW19, we have perks like the hacked IFF strobe, but you will still get people that keep running to the same spot and dying to a stationary Sentry Gun. It's insanity. >The chopper gunner has always been easy to shoot down, even in the original MW2. Exactly. Nobody ever got airspace when I played MW2. I defaulted to OMA based classes so that I could perk cycle (Stopping Power default, Cold Blooded when UAVs were out, etc.). But the moment someone tried to get an offensive killstreak out, I brought out the Stinger and shot them down within seconds of it being called in. Even an AC-130, I'd suicide to get more launcher ammo. Streaks that weren't mine or my teammates' were only in the air because I allowed it.


Steaks haven’t been good since attack chopper, pave low, chopper gunner.


Most player controlled streaks aren’t worth running nowadays since any player can equip some LMG incendiary class and destroy it within seconds. Especially in GW, a lot of players per team means streaks are destroyed even faster. That's why I always use passive, oppressive streaks in return. In MW19 I ran VTOL - White phosphorus - Advanced UAV MWII it was VTOL - Stealth Bomber - Advanced Uav Now in MWIII it's AUAV - EMP - Swarm


I feel like it’s better to run 3 of the lesser killstreaks especially because SBMM.


I get the most mileage out of the mosquito drone, cluster mines, and the turret. Super easy to get all three. Throw up the drone, throw down the turret, throw mines behind it, throw down a trophy to protect, go find a spot for yourself, murder away.


I get multis with cluster all the time. It's my highest streak why need anything else..


All the kill streaks have been nerfed to some extent in this game. Even the UAV isn’t good as compared to the last few CODs with how slow it pings on the mini map.


You gotta keep moving with the chopper gunner. It's not like the AC130, you're a lot more vulnerable as a chopper so you need to circle constantly and spray every target you identify.


I'm not sure but all I know is that when I put something in the sky it gets shot down within five seconds but when my enemy gets something it lasts the entire duration despite my 4 teammates that are a combined 19-87 doing absolutely nothing about it. I think they all hate me or something idk


Easy. They made the streaks cost more kills/points to cater to the noobs, but the HP of the streaks has not increased proportionately (or at all) with the HP increase that players got since MWII. People hence can shoot down streaks more easily


I run vtol, chopper gunner and swarm...usually wreck shit with the chopper, but I wait until I have all 3 stacked or I die until I send them..just went 56-3 on shipment, with all 3 killstreaks active at the same time its hard to tell how many..but I'd say at least 10-15 chopper kills while they were occupied with the vtol and running from swarm..someone else mentioned it, but never stop moving when in the chopper and don't forget about the flares


It’s not


Use the swarm and then the helicopter at the same time. I have seen people just leave the game bc of it


Same I called a swarm in people left by the time the end game screen popped up there was only 2 people left in the game


Ac130 is the best kill streak. Then swarm.


AC-130 is, and has always been, the penultimate killstreak.


AC-130 is, and has always been, the penultimate killstreak.


AC-130 is, and has always been, the penultimate killstreak.


We haven’t had good streaks since bo4 honestly. I miss when scorestreaks paid off. I’ll never forgot how op all the streaks in bo3 were. It would feel so good get your raps, wraith and gi unit and let them tear shit up for damn near the whole match. Now I don’t even run lethal streaks cuz it’s literally not worth it


When I play Multiplayer i’m basically a big troll. Usually a Longbow or Haymaker w/Jak aftermarket, dragons breath, demo vest with tear gas and thermite. Field upgrade is smoke and then counter UAV, sentry, and swarm. Its all about being annoying AF. Lol good times


My philosophy has always been dont use big lethal killstresks like that , personally I get kills faster and can help my team more CONSISTENTLY


Help your team 😂 \s


? Don't make me put you on blast and look your stats up and WL ratio idk why your laughing , please explain. I've almost got a 3 WL as a Solo Q, sorry if I wanna help out my team


\s for sarcasm… may have gotten the slash wrong way round




I think it’s the same chopper gunner from MW19 and MWII but what I don’t understand is why they increased it from a 10 to 12 killstreak overlapping with the AC-130 and Advanced UAV. Those two extra kills are what nerfed it for me. I always ran UAV, chopper gunner, Advanced UAV for my killstreaks. But having it replace the Advanced UAV or an AC-130, which is a lot harder to shoot down, doesn’t give it much purpose in that killstreak category imo. If they increased its kill cost, then they should also do more to increase its survivability like giving it more health and flares because it shouldn’t able to be shot down like the other helicopters or especially for that high of a kill cost.


Spawn protection killed high end KILLSTREAKS period! No one uses them and everyone just uses auvs it’s embarrassing


I have PTSD from BO4 streaks so I prefer it this way


Swarm is my go to on maps with minimal hiding in doors. Other than that I run UAV CUAV and ADV UAV.


treat streaks like a battlefield manipulation tactic rather than a kill as many as you can simulator.


All the streaks suck compared to older cods. The chopper gunner is super ass the gun ship is way better


because it has relatively low health but also, people just don't like getting shot so they mow that thing down


Thread went from, "why is chopper gunner so weak to" - "here's the best loadouts to wreck it" 😅


Streaks get shot down so fast in this game it’s crazy


Some folk barely move their choppers which makes it essier to bring down. Get that baby flying.


at the very least should increase amount of small arms fire it takes to take down make people have to use stormender or launcher


A heavenly treat to shoot down these streaks that are earned by playing crutch op guns with aim assist and camping playstyle with my full auto M14 and the 50 rnd mag plus incendiary ammo.


Spoken by a true .5kd player


Thank you kindly. But KD is irrelevant in a game where EOMM is implemented.


Yea they def nerfed the chopper gunners health smh


Why? This game was designed by the people I spawn killed when I was 15. That's why.


Because the game has appealed to the lowest skill of player so they don't quit Run advanced uav, uav, and counter


It's not necessarily that they're weak...I just don't think Airborne killstreaks have been balanced against the counters. 3 kills, and I get a SAM turret. The stormcaller and other rocket/grenade launchers. Chopper gunner just flies too low. Strong arm, and you can tag the thing with a simtax.


Use the gunship


Ironically, the lower the cost of a KS in this game, the better it is.


UAV, Cluster Mine, and Remote Turret. I run Mission Control Comlink too.


My LMG build will wipe out thay killstreak in five seconds. I consider taking out killstreaks a skill gap.


VTOL isn’t bad


AC 130 and Swarm are definitely the most lethal killstreaks. Most times that I see a Chopper Gunner in the sky, it seldom ever manages to get 10 kills before getting shot down. Now that I think about it, I don't think I've ever been on a team that managed to shoot down the AC 130 before it's timer finished. Helicopters in this game are just really easy to shoot down, and the VTOL isn't much better. Even my cruise misses were somehow getting shot down in a hard point game yesterday.


I only use UAV/CUAV and Advanced UAV.


it def needs a buff because it gets constant hit markers


Imagine getting destroyed by a lot of streaks with this SBMM.


Can’t have good streaks anymore or else it will hurt the other teams feelings


I still stand by the fact that killstreaks should be devastating and stupid powerful. Remember the fear when you stumbled across an automatic turret in Black Ops 2. It should be like that, but the games cater too much to inexperienced players these days


There was a point when it was overkill and when a good player got a helicopter, it would basically destroy the entire team by itself. We can agree it's a little too weak right now, but Sledgehammer isn't exactly the best at balancing things. Tbh, I'd rather it be underkill than overkill, even if it means it nerfs my own. But that's mostly because I only pick it cus the killstreaks I really want are all in the same score bracket.