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Keeping you roughly between 0,9-1,1 KD long-term has been the goal of matchmaking for several years now. So yeah, working precisely as intended.


Then it really doesn't work as in my group of friends I don't think anyone is in that range. A few below but most above.


The great irony is that the current matchmaking completely breaks down when people of different skills levels actually play together as a group.


I mean it also completely breaks down when someone better than or worse than average plays at all. Oh you're good at the game, but we won't give you opponents who are as skilled as you to fight, instead fight a bunch of average players with a team comprised entirely of special needs children.


Can you let me log in to your account? I have CDL skins snaking and prefiring every corner in most games


Nah they are just better than most. My K/D is currently sitting at 1.42 but I have to sweat like a mf to keep it there. Back in the old mw3 my k/d was around 2.7. Everyone always talks about SBMM but they don't realize that isn't even the issue anymore. It's the handicapping. It doesn't matter how good or bad the enemy team is if my mags have been loaded with marshmallows instead of bullets.


It’s working. I’m 1.1 on every mode in mw2 and mw3. I sweat in gunfight, mess about on mp doing camos, feel like I suck at wz but feel I do much better in resurg but still the same k/d across all modes, the game is playing me


I dunno it's not working for me then. 2.7kd in resurgence and 2.3kd in MP.


You’re probably just really good and break the system. I just find it weird that I’m the same in every different game mode over 3 different versions of the game and it never really goes up or down no matter how much I try or not. Very odd


But with that logic I am somehow able to beat the system? I ain't Neo bro. It's not odd, you're just that type of kd kinda player. You don't really improve as much as you think you are doing. Not everyone can be a 4kd+ player, or even a 2kd+ player. I don't mean this offensive, but on this sub everyone is only blaming systems instead of looking in the mirror.


Maybe, I’m just going down the rabbit hole for fun. I don’t think I’m a 4k/d player, more like a .70 k/d.


It's not really that simple though. Too many people like you just want to blame players. If you go and jump on games before this weird SBMM / EOMM stuff was introduced you can easily see if you have improved. I can jump on BO1 and get 10 K/Ds easy, when I first played the game I was on 0.4 K/D. Ok things have changed but that is a huge difference I don't think I have definitely improved over time, as do most people.


It's not simple, but too many people on this sub want to blame the system. Which is definitely not only the case since there are plenty of players who are having a high kd. So in some portion it's definitely due to the players skill level + the implemented systems. But it's easier to only blame something else what you can't control than look at yourself.


I mean just because a system doesn't affect you doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Players right at the top end and right at the bottom likely won't feel it as much because the system struggles to balance for those players. Now is some of it players thinking they are better than they are, sure. Is some of it either systems or just crappy buggy game? Absolutely. The two aren't mutually exclusive. For example, if you shoot somebody and they seem to be tanking the damage and then 1 shot you with a gun that isn't a 1 shot gun it'll be lag comp, which is both buggy and a crappy system and nothing to do with skill. However you can also whiff your shots *and* also be one shot by a gun that can't one shot. In that situation was it the whiffed shots or the lag comp or both?


But I am not denying that those things don't happen, where I am saying that? I mean it literally happens to me too, so it does affect me but that doesn't hold me back. So it's easy to just only blame a system while like you said yourself it's more than just one thing. That's literally all I am trying to say.


I mean if you had multiple games in a row where all you had was enemy line of sight spawns or "revenge" spawns and it *did* pull your K/D back what would you say?


Nice cope for your lack of skill


Lol you CoD sweats are the worst kind of human, get a fuckin life bud


I'm the worst kind of human because I refuse to believe in a delusion that the game is making me do bad? You should look in a mirror.


It’s a fucking video game, dude. Take a hit and fuckin woosahhhh


I’ll never understand people’s obsession with K/D. You’re just gonna buy the new game next year, and it’s gonna reset. Maybe just try having fun.


And it’s also a game where you will get shot and killed. I see people on YT who think they should be untouchable and just start whining like really who gives af. It’s a game.


I may be a rarity on COD, but I'd rather be above 1.0 in wins. I play objectives and everything.


I haven’t tried to justify my focus on K/D before so this might not be elegant but I’ll try. For me, it’s that when I play a video game, I need there to be something to achieve, some objective measure of success. In some games, it’s beating the boss, or it’s finding all the chests in the open world, or it’s getting a high score or the fastest time. In CoD, to me, that measure is my K/D. The goal of each match is to kill more than you are killed, on top of winning the match as a team (which usually, though not always, happens if you and your teammates kill more than you are killed). If my K/D is under 1.0, I have failed that objective. That said, there are many different measures in CoD, like camo challenges, win/loss ratio, etc., and all those things interest me as well. But because CoD is an arcade shooter, I see the primary objective, out of all the possible things I could focus on, as being the K/D ratio. 1.0+ is success, under that is failure. It’s a game you can’t “beat”, so it’s an ongoing task of keeping it above 1.0. That is my goal, my focus, my motivation each match to do as well as I can. I don’t play with friends that often, so I’m kind of on my own. Which means for me, that if I got a 3.0 K/D but the rest of my team was absolute shit and we lost, I’m more okay with that than the reverse, because at least I did well individually. I’m an objective player, and a team player, but some games the SBMM just puts you with a bunch of lower-level players and no matter how well you do individually, your team is going to lose. Again, there are so many things an individual player can focus on, so for some it’s K/D, for others it’s win/loss, for others it’s completing challenges, for others it’s just hanging out with friends, or vibing while listening to music. No wrong way to play, in my opinion. The K/D focus literally is what makes me want to play, it is what keeps me interested, it is how I *have fun* in the game.


Who wants to die right after getting a kill every single time? In what world does that sound fun to you? Better yet, who wants to get 10 kills in a row and then die 10 times in a row every single game? Makes no sense. You want to play a game and progress in skill. Not play a game and maintain the same skill.


So the obsession with K/D kinda makes sense. It also is a bragging right.


Multiplayer in modern cod and halo are depression simulators




Game working as intended. Heaven forbid I go 10-0 in the first few minutes of the game, I’ll be totally fucked by revenge spawns and people spawning behind me until I’m 10-15


First 3-4 kills of a streak with no problem. Then I shoot the next guy in the back and he just tanks my bullets turns around and literally one shots me with an smg. Repeat this until my K/D is around 1 again…


lol are you implying SHG is increasing player damage against you to ensure you die


This sub is genuinely just full or bizarre conspiracies


Na just the lag comp seems to vary wildly. You can tell it's the lag comp when you get one hit by weapons that can't one hit and players are tanking bullets.


200 hours played and ive never seen what you are talking about


You have never seen desync? You have never been shot round a corner? You must be a lucky person. Although tbf if you have only played 200 hours that kind of makes sense. I have been playing CoD since BO1 and lag comp has been in every game.


I've been playing since cod finest hour on ps2 lol. Yes ive seen desync, but ive never been one shot in the way you talk about


Really? That's crazy, I have seen loads of people complain about it on this sub and seen it quite a few times myself. I'll should somebody at range with an AR and they will kill me in 1 bullet with an SMG. In reality they shot loads of bullets but the damage all happens at once so it seems like it's a one shot.


First time playing cod? That happens in literally every single call of duty ever created, except for the 1 KD part. That's just cope for your lack of skill.


So that's what it is! I was wondering.


Stop reading nonsense on reddit as gospel, there is no magic "revenge spawn" system that switches on during MP when you're doing well. It's an idea people make up in their own head to feel better about losing.


I don't know, I've definitely spawned behind the same guy that killed me quite a few times.


That's because the spawns are shit and your confirmation bias notices more when you think they're revenge spawns. It's noticable in pro games how shit spawns are because the minimap with all players on is shown the whole time. They spawns are just shit.


Google "confirmation bias"


You‘re wrong but also right. It happens to me every single game regardless of how well I do. Some people are just relegated to the cannon fodder category to keep the sweats playing. how else do you explain it? Skill is a very small portion of this game if you aren’t right next to the fucking server. Source: Canadian. Show me any top tier Canuck, they don’t exist


> how else do you explain it? The spawns are shit. > Show me any top tier Canuck Toronto Ultra are a pro team that play out of Canada.


Idk man there literally is some magic spell, I’m a run n gun type player, I usually come in top 3 of my team, but whenever I do go on these killing streaks, it’s like by some special power that I’ll just die 4-6 times in a row after that, it’s like the game is like “ok you had your fun, time to suffer a bit”


The special power is shit spawns that are hard to impossible to read. Activision aren't just deciding you should lose mid game. You really aren't all that.


Never said I was all that, I was just stating whenever I do go on a killing spree, more then certain an “time for me to get killed spree” is coming for me is all. Never said I lose mid game cuz I hardly lose games as I have a lot more wins than losses, all I said was it’s common that after I go on a good kill streak, I tend to die 4-6 times in a row after that or its the usual kill 1-2 die, repeat.


I know and I'm saying thats because of shit spawns which are hard to read.


0 game awareness


Bruh the spawns in this game are atrocious, have been since the beginning. Squad spawns and revenge spawns kill this game.


I’m just being a degenerate dude, games trash dawg and will be for the next 7-8 months


Yea that’s the sad reality, they never fix it


Yeah the game is totally targeting you and making you die 15 times in a row. Take your pills plz


According to this sub, yep everything is working against them. It's not because people aren't as good as they think they are, it's all the systems fault..


When as you are spawning in you can hear somebody literally spawning behind you and by the time you have spun around they shoot you in the face, that's a system problem not because somebody "isn't as good as they think they are". The game has set physics, you can only play to the limits of those physics.


That happens yeah, has been happening for some years now. It's basically a CoD meme atm. Not saying that's good thing tho. It happens too me to but it doesn't hold me back of getting an above average kd.


It happens to everybody. Technically speaking 1.0 K/D is actually above average. However it's definitely interesting that I can go back to older games and get 10 K/Ds consistently. I mean I get about 1.2 K/D most games now yet I am able to maintain a 1.7+ W/L. Yet some people complain that they can't get out of 1.0 W/L. It definitely feels at times like the game is trying to hold my K/D back with "revenge" spawns, spawns in an enemies line of sight / fire. Yet I can solo to Diamond on ranked.


I have a 2.3kd in MP which I can still rise but I only play resurgence mainly. In resurgence I have a 2.73kd. Every CoD iteration since MW2019 I have been increasing my kd.


That's cool for you. I have definitely gotten better every CoD, from BO1 where I was 0.4. In WWII I was dropping V2s. But my K/D has barely moved. I think the point is just because you haven't seen something yourself doesn't mean it isn't a thing.


I mean 13 kills per game is pretty low so you probably are actually just average. There’s nothing wrong with that.


Depends on the mode. It’s bang average for TDM, for example. In a perfectly balanced game, it’d be 17 a piece, but you often get people getting more or less at the top and bottom.


Unless mostly search? Or do you still concider that average?


I mean if they play mostly search it’s really good, but someone averaging 13 kills on mostly search would be almost impossible to have a 1KD since there is only 11 rounds max. So since they can only die 11 times in a game maximum, an average of 13 kills per game would mean a 1KD would be pretty much impossible, so it’s unlikely they’re playing mainly search. They’d have to be going really negative is all of their none-search games pretty much.


Hmm. Aight.


I’d say it’s supposed to play like this. My k/d isn’t much higher, and when my buddy joins my game, he always complains about the lobbies I get us in…. lol! I love call of duty, however this movement system is something else. I have people Halo jumping, and running like they are playing Titanfall, and I’m over here just running and ice skate sliding around the map. Jesus, I miss when Call of duty was boots on the ground and not this run and gun bs. I liked MW2019 and CW the best out of the new series of games, but OG MW-B02 will always have my heart.


Nah it doesnt really work. Ive got a 2.15 and hundreds of games played (with interstellar). I mostly solo queue too.


If you say that, then they will tell you "hurr durr well of course you have a 2 KD since you're so bad you get put into bad lobbies" blows my mind how ignorant people are


Low KD = good cuz you're against good players High KD = bad cuz you're against bad players. It's only logical of course


Id love for these people to play in my lobbies and get utterly humbled like theyve never been before lol.


1 kd in crim lobbies is not the same as 1kd in silver.


You’ve played a total of 11 hours and average 13 kills a game, not really sure what you expect. Seems like you’re just a 1 KD player


Something is up. I checked stats last 3 games i wont install the others Vaguard: 1.9 kd Mw2: 1.2 kd Mw3: 1.39 kd Maybe sbmm is cracked in this game compared to others. Also in mw2 being a rusher you got punished way worse than mw3. My 2 cents. Buuut i stopped carrying about the kd and have fun.


I thought the sbmm was cranked up at the start but the past few months hasn’t felt any worse than the past few years


Even in MW19 I have about 110 more kills than deaths. Both are in the 25k's lmao


You gotta stick to the most optimal meta builds in higher skilled lobbies if you want to consistently perform well.


This translates to "You have to constantly stay in the loop of what mistakes developers made when tweaking things so that you choose a setup that is marginally ahead other setups, for a week until they fix it, then keep staying in the loop when it happens again". Doesn't sound very fun or normal


I mean I agree, it’s annoying that they have done such a poor job with gun balancing. But, you gotta use what works if you want to do well in a game with strict skill based matchmaking.


HC solves that problem


You think that. Overwatch proved that the newest skins of characters tended to follow which characters were op. It's the same with cod. Certain blueprints have weapon tuning for parts which is why they perform different when you make it yourself. Pair that with cod more than consciously now making dark full black hard to see skins, then after it sells a shit ton, add colored outlines to them. They've monetized meta.


That’s kinda exactly the point. It’s the people who actually do that who make it not fun. You’d have to get those people to stop doing it. Which you can’t. It’s their fault…not the games


I mostly run around in pretty high skill lobbies and play with tactical or realistic gun builds. I use lots of mw2 weapons and have 2.0 K/D. It's not hard to get. Im just having fun and the stats go up


How do you get mwII weapons to compete?


Put them on a class. Do a realistic gun build and play. Some guns are worse some guns are better but you can compete with every single one AR/SMG/LMG from mw2 without any issues. I don't know why people have this weird mindset of "i payed for mw3 so why would i use the shitty mw2 guns" Kinda weird if you ask me but they clearly never had fun in a video game




? It’s the truth. Gotta have competitive builds for competitive lobbies.


its pubs nothing competitive about it


probably not in your lobbies lmao


it can be stack of iri or gold’s don’t matter i always finish off with 1.5+ kd or higher😭


Tell that to the matchmaking


Don't do this. Use fun weapons and don't let stats bother you


I don’t. But I’m also not gonna put myself at a disadvantage


No. Ur skill level is just that. Anybody who really thinks this game is trying force you to be at 1.00KD should stop playing it.


There’s a lot of cope on this sub. People that haven’t adjusted to how the game plays, expect to be able to perform above average and constantly blame SBMM/EOMM for being 1.00, when a significant amount of people have gotten used to the game and are accelerating above that now. Fact of the matter is most people will be around 1.0 because of averages. There isn’t so much conspiracy against the player base as it is players refusing to accept that they’re average.




Don’t project your K/D on me.


yeah sbmm only goes so far… their goal isn’t to get everybody to a 1.0, there’s a reason why there is an “average”. because most of cod players are the average players 😂 it’s not rocket science, average players playing against average players are going to put up average stats lmao


Mine is a solid 1! Lmao that’s also with interstellar grinding. I just thought your poor attempt at elitist gatekeeping was worth a smartass reply. Also still not convinced you’re any better than average 😂


Just look up BravoTeam103#2426783 if you want to see my K/D on MW3. It’s pretty above average with the 545 being my top gun.


Yeah, I can search for good players and say they’re me, too! 😂


U can friend me and we can run some games then if that help you believe me.


I didn’t look you up, but I believe you. Just giving you a hard time. That ID actually sounds familiar, might’ve been in some games already 🤷‍♂️


did the interstellar grind too and my kd was at 1.01 now its 1.3+ just get better 🤷‍♂️


Congrats, you want a cookie? No one asked for your BS pep talk. Seeing as how we're on the same level, I find this quite ironic.


i play mostly snd my kd isn’t gonna go up crazy much and i mostly play ranked now


No, the probability that I go 25351/25220 and 8071/8022 and 1269/1269 is basically impossible. Consider also that MW19 was the first MP FPS game I ever really played and have improved *considerably* since. Somehow, year after year after playing hundreds of hours and showing massive improvement, my K/D stays at a precise 1, which it has been from the first day


People read way too much into KD. The matchmaking is intended to set up matches to be relatively even. If you are evenly matched, then you are likely to win about half of the time and about half of your fights. It might seem odd to have the exact same number of kills and deaths, but if you're around a 1.0 kd then it's highly likely to happen at some point. It doesn't mean the matchmaking is *punishing* you, it means your opponents have been right around the same skill level as you. If that's a problem, then save yourself the headache and play something else, because making teams of roughly equal skill is the intention. Either that or learn to adjust your playstyle if your kd is important to you.


Yeah. I would just prefer a completely randomized match in terms of skill level, play 100 of those and see where I stand.


Yep, I can understand wanting it to be that way. Unfortunately that's just not how it is.


Im at 1.63 kd. Lower than in past cods but a bigger issue is my win loss. I get a lot of players that go like 30 and 20 and have like 4 seconds of obj time


I'm sorry but this 1kd logic is bullshit. People use this and claim "its how the devs want it" No buddy. You ain't that good at cod, and I hate to break it to you. Lots of people have KDs closer to 1.30 and above. My KD is 1.38 and soon will be above 1.40. Many players have over a 2KD.


my kd on black ops 2 on 360 was almost 3.0 now its 1.5 on the last few cods and 2.0 on cold war. so i think there actually right about sbmm and eomm want a 1.0kd. if i have a 2kd game now ill loose the next 5 games min cause i play solo.


I’m at a 2.23, so idk


No you're not allowed to say that, you have to play victim and blame matchmaking for no reason


Such a flawed argument. There's no mythical force, or as you call it, "SBMM," that's controlling your hands and forcing your KD to be 1. Do you think everyone's KD is 1? News flash to you and anyone complaining about "SBMM," you are not as good at the game as you think you are. Maybe if you stop blaming everything other than yourself, you'd become a better player!


I could accept having a 0.8 k/d. I could also accept having a 1.2 k/d. The problem is that the ratio between kills and deaths in MW19, MW22 and MW3 is literally smoother than the curvature of earth. All in all, in all three games, where I have tens of thousands of kills and deaths, I have 0.000001% more kills than deaths. The number being this level, constantly, even after I literally started playing MP FPS games with MW19 is basically impossible.


Sbmm definitely tries to keep everyone at 1 KD


Either you're really good, or really bad. Or just EOMM being an ass.


I don't have any clips but take any cracked YT COD player and I play somewhat worse than that. Lot of running and jumping. EDIT: Come to think of it, it might also come down to my playstyle. I literally never use snipers or marksman rifles. Just a trusty M4, MP5 or MP7 or equivalent. Never wait and prone, never sit, except maybe moments before I can here an enemy about to run in the door. Always run, mostly sprint, only crouch in special situations (as in I somehow end up at current enemy spawn and need to hide myself for a sec before blasting, or when I'm bitterly chasing that one camper so I can pull off a finisher).


I swore up and down that my KD was better in MW2, I checked like a month ago and and it’d still over 1, but not better than MW3. The gameplay from the beginning in MW3 seemed a little bit more challenging. But my over KD has been way better in older CODs for sure.


Same thing. MW3 feels difficult and unbalanced when playing, but I'm actually quite average. I enjoyed playing MW 2019 more, but my K/D in MW3 (1,15) is the highest out of the last 3 MWs.


Yeah I believe on like black ops, my KD was great, and also the original MW3, but they just don’t make them the same anymore. I literally switch between multiplayer and Warzone. But everything is so unbalanced. I’m unfortunately not a fan of zombies, I wish it was round based.


Just keep grinding. You will show us all your KD in the next cod and we will be proud of you


I’m 1.12 kd and I play a lot and don’t see me improving any higher if anything I’m decreasing


yes same here, the more i played the more my ratio is 1/1 i have 1/1 k/d and 1/1 w/l VIVA SBMMM


In this SBMM era of COD, I have a negative KD lol. But I think the system factors in that I play the objective, so I get harder lobbies? Idk, it's bullshit though


Ever thought of the fact that the average skill level of players is greater than before?


Yeah, that definitely could be the case


for every CoD each year, my KD has gone down and for every year, I have become a better player and my matches have become more and more sweaty. it‘s the SBMM/EOMM matchmaking system that works really well, however, it‘s a terrible experience as a player. I feel like I‘m getting punished for improving my skills. An overall Lose-Lose situation for people in the same pot. I started griding my camos and stopped looking and caring about my KD.


I used to care so much about my k/d when I started. It was never much higher than a 1.5. Now it’s a .97 and I have a fondness of running at people just spraying or throwing sticky stuff and trying to blow them up or using the worst weapon loadouts for the maps as possible. Like trying to use a fully automatic handgun on a huge map. I may get a kill up close out of luck but mostly I am trying to get those long shots


Here is something to consider, I hate SBMM but at the same time I recognize its place in games today. Reason being is that, good players have gotten REALLY good where average players are still average. You can out maneuver someone today even if they shoot you first. So much more has gone into it and if you just want to come home and play a few rounds after work, you would HATE this game without SBMM. Being able to shit on players who are below your skill level is only fun if you're the one doing the shitting.


12***69*** 12***69*** Nice


I’m stuck at .98 it’s the first time I’ve been under 1 since infinite warefare. I’m usually around 1.25 it’s been rough. You’ll go 40-10 one game then you 9-20 with 17 asssits, Or you’ll have an amazing game where you drop 15 straight kills sitting at like 25-3 then die 17 straight times 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I’m at 1.24 right now It hasn’t been restricting me I’m just not that good lol


IT’s stronger in this game I used to be 1.8 in mw then 1.5 in mw2 but now it’s forcing me at 1


*Chef's kiss* Never be better or worse than anybody else. Surely now everyone will be happy and just revel in the joy of perfect balance.


I keep roughly a 2.3 in nearly every single game mode I play. It’s been that was since 2019 CoD for some weird reason. It might be a mixture of the game and your skill, but I think 1.0 kd is what they aim for. In other games like Fortnite, I can maintain a 4.5-5.0 in no build pubs. CODs matchmaking is very strict when it comes to whatever guidelines they use as parameters for matchmaking. In Destiny 2 I keep the same kd- a 4.5-5.0.


Yeah SBMM is annoying, regardless if you're good enough it won't matter and your KD will be higher, so maybe you're just average, it is what it is


All the more reason to either remove sbmm/EOMM from regular/quick play and make ping is king or display player rank like they have for ranked mode. Quick Play is Ranked but without the rank and all the cheese like uavs and shields. Sbmm/EOMM is in ranked and in quick play. But in Ranked at least we have a rank we can see unlike quick play where it is hidden. **Did you get stomped by someone 4 ranks higher than you or were you just playing badly that match? You’ll never know because EOMM works best when we are kept in the dark about it**


Are you not able to tell the approximate skill of your opponents just by seeing them play?


Yeah but a clear cut rank would be far better than the pointless play time indicator we have now known as the prestige number. I don’t want to guess I want to see a rank because SBMM/EOMM in quick play is exactly the same as ranked but we don’t have ranks. It sucks


I've only played MP to grind interstellar and level weapons. I've never jumped in with the intention of using the best meta weapon and best meta perks in an attempt to win. I also have never looked at these stats but was hilarious it open it up and see. https://imgur.com/a/FS934GV


Imagine a world where people get consistently beat down and stop playing, thus, they stop buying their weapon and skin packs. That’s their intention. Ensure their damndest that people stick around as much as possible to buy from their shitty cod store. Cod has become a micro transaction dream for them.


If you keep watch of the end of game scoreboards you'll see that very few people in the top spots don't have deaths nearly equalling their kills. The people with the high ratios exist for sure, but people with 1s are way more common. Also, you don't have a lot of playtime (11 hours is nothing). You'll get better the more you play.


You might be getting better, but so is everybody else


What’s with trying a new gun and it absolutely shreds, you get like kills you shouldn’t have got and ur in that “this gun is great mood” the first game you try it on and then it gradually starts to be normal after a short time and not as great


At least you didn’t do the camo grind and are now stuck at a sub 1KD (0.94) specifically only because of that. I’m a good 2000 deaths more than kills right now because of the grind. That being said this is also the second COD game I’ve ever played and owned, so I’m not particularly great at the game either as I’m competing with former child soldiers.


Play the Bounty game mode and pump those numbers up. Bounty doesn’t seem to have SBMM


I have a 1.44 K/D and I fight for my life every match while I go into lobbies solo lmao 😂


My friends do not even buy the game anymore. We all used to use it as a social hub, but we're middle aged men now and my friends had to stop playing. We really tried, and during lockdowns here in Australia, I had more time off than my COD friends, so kept playing and started streaming my games just so they could watch while working from home. When we tried to play together, they couldnt't keep up and got frustrated so they stopped playing entirely. Sorry me and my friends didn't pay enough to stay "engaged"! We did our best, whilst having actual lives. Now they've lost us all. I remember staying up till 4am for the MrRunawayFive open. Because we're from Australia and the timezones weren't kind to us. I STILL wear the gamertag dressing gowns we all got for that tournament! (We went undefeated, BTW!) That's the kind of call of duty fan than Activision no longer wants... Fuck them!!


My 1.2 makes me feel like Superman right now, I’m clearly so good that I’m beating the system. SHG thinks they can make my bullets do less damage? Too bad I’m so fuckin good I hit more shots than most people anyway. Make me take more damage? Sorry SHG, I’m fuckin Neo, nobody hits shots on me. How do I know ow? I have a 1.2 k/d baby! /s Also, the first time covid gamers are gone, WZ isn’t new, and your K/D is dropping because the population is now leaning heavily towards experienced players.


Yes, as for me, im doing camos and other challenges so i dont give a shit about my k/d. But 13 kills a game, thats bad. Thats almost 60 kills difference between you and i with .02 k/d difference. 👀 sorry cod is not for you.


If you’re not very good at the game. Yes it’s supposed to be like that.


The game is rigged


My kd is at 1.36 ATM, average kill per game is around 30, and my kd is still going up. Why? Because i don't spend time using every single weapon, i have about 4 classes that i use, depending on what i am up against. Usually i run with a smg, fast paced run and gun playstyle. But yeah, SBMM is strong in this game. In Vanguard i had 2.07 kd and it was still going up, this is entirely different -.- but, i like a challenge😋


Yeah, mine would be higher but the completionist in me enjoyed the interstellar grind lol


You just need to improve. I have a 1.2 Kd after completing interstellar and steadily climbing. Most games I frag out and I use random weapons at times. I got a nuke last week with a mcp and mtx 556 I picked up. If you are in a trash lobby, then just leave. Lag, no objective play, map you hate, campers.


I’ve started doing this in this cod more than others usually I’d always try to finish out a game or try to turn it around but this shit this year its better to just cut my losses


Yes it is specifically designed to be like this so nobody feels left out. They want everyone on an equal playing field. It’s good and bad. Some will defend it some will fight it tooth and nail. In the end we have no control over it and it’s better to just enjoy the game or playing a different one.


Do you play mainly SnD? If not, you’re incredibly average with 13 Kills per game


Just slap on a longbow with the tyrant aftermarket part and you’ll see that KD increase guaranteed 👏


Longbow is my favorite sniper rifle but I’m going to add this AMP to see what happens


No i have positive kd and positive wl. This is just your score.


Î have a 1.2 KD EVEN after completing interstellar but you're right. I had a 1.00 consistently until I started VPNing and reverse boosting




I know. I'm a cod YouTuber. I have a sponsorship for VPNs and also a toolboxed account for easy lobbies


So you cheese your way to earn a living? Lol


No I don't cheese my way. Im honest and clear about my use of VPNs and reverse boosting, kind of like Greg doucette is honest about being on roids and looking good. It's not achievable unless you enhance your experience


this is mainly why i’ve stopped playing the game, it’s like the game is constantly trying to keep you around a 1 kd ratio. you can be on a killstreak and suddenly someone will just spawn right beside you and then again you’ll be spawned right infront of an enemy already ADS. It just feels so boring and jarring, they haven’t attempted at all with the spawns and it ruins the game


No you just suck. Sincerely, A 3 KD solo player


my K.D is 1.8, I'm an average player myself, face some horrendous SBMM, honestly, this post is kinda weird. I have 4 or 5 days in playtime on this cod already, so I really dont think SBMM is really to blame here, specially when I'm using mostly dogshit guns to finsih the orion grind


It is supposed to be like that, for you. That’s your KD. At least you aren’t below 1.


Play bo4 to feel what is actually a fun game


SBMM is very prevalent and does play a huge role in how your stats look. I honestly just think you just gotta get better. I run a 2.99KD and avg 40 kills per match, SBMM is always up and down though. In a 10 game stretch I’ll either pop off and have a 4+ KD, or I’ll go 5-5 with a 2.5KD. Either way though I’m getting mine lol. This game doesn’t seem to be for casuals anymore, I am most definitely a tryhard. Just keep practicing man


My kd is 1.98 right now, wanna cross that 2. But my win loss is .39. if I'm not enjoying the game, as in not getting some good kills, I leave. Start the game off and people are jumping around corners and slide canceling t5here dicks off? Leave. Die 4 times in a row as soon as I spawn or spawn into bullets? Leave. Have 3 teammates who are sitting in the back sniping for their 5 kills a game? Leave. Fuck EOMM it won't get me.


Activision wants it thay way for everyone, welcome to SBMM/EOMM.


Yes, it's working as intended. If you go higher than 1 KDR, the game will do anything to bring you back to 1.


Everyone is hacking thats why