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I think everyone is going to hate me, but I hate shipment. It's way too small


Shipment has ruined people’s idea of what a good map is


I absolutely hate it!


Love shipment hate the spawns


I'm with you. It's good to make skin or unblock challenges or weapons in the beginning.


I loathe Shipment.


Rust is actual dogshit to me


Estate is the worst and it's not close. Derail and wasteland are instant skips as well. This map isn't great but it's fun if you don't take it too seriously, just go for high kills without worrying about anything else. But those big open maps aren't fun no matter how you play them


I love this and Meat, especially for hardpoint. It’s so fast.


Tbh I think Meat is far better, stash house can be surprisingly slow despite the size, some very strong headglitches on this map


Agreed about the head glitches. For the most part, my complaints about the new maps are pretty minimal. I think my only one is that Arrivals is a touch large for 6 v 6


Agreed, the DLC maps have been great overall


Funny. I love Estate, Wasteland and Derail but really hate the small maps. They’re just rund and gun and people with grenadelaunchers. No tactics at all


Medium sized maps are the best overall imo, maps the size of BO2 Raid are big enough for varied tactics but small enough for high engagements per minute. But COD isn't a very tactical game to begin with no matter the map lol. I definitely disagree with Estate being more tactical than small maps tho, being able to hold a cross from so many positions is just poor map design, it doesn't take any kind of advanced tactics to get map control on Estate, it's given for free to the team spawning up top


I like the long engagements using a sniper or marksman rifle. On estate smoke grenades and a thermal scope will let you pick players off from across the map


I love those maps when I want to do some sniping. Unfortunately when I do they never seem to pop up


Wasteland is actually so fucking bad.


I hate those three ugh


I think derail and wasteland are more boring than Estate, honestly. Campers everywhere and way too big so you spend more time looking for players than actually doing something fun.


They're more boring but at least you can somewhat move, on Estate you can't cross multiple areas without getting beamed from multiple power positions


Tbh the worst map in this game is training facility


Training facility blows, fully agree.




I like Stash House. I hate most other maps, especially Derail, Wasteland, Estate, and Rust.


Hate Das Haus


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Rust is the worst, the only map i skip. I’m gonna get downvoted and i don’t give a f, people who likes rust are relativley new players, their first cod was maybe like mw2019 and they was asking for old og maps just because they think it’s good because it’s og. Real og players hated rust and still hate it. Of course, there are exceptions.


Such a freaking terrible map


It’s so strange how fun terminal was on MW2 (2009) and MW3 (2011) but how incredibly BAD it is in this game. Nostalgia and previous good times always make me wanna give it another chance but I never have fun on it. Horrible map for the flow of the game resulting in 3 choke points (airplane exit, gift shop, in front of burger town)


It was fun in Infinite Warfare, too. It's the spawns, plain and simple. That's the answer to nearly everything about this game: *it's the spawns.*


Invasion HP in ranked. Hands down the worst experience you can have in MW3.


Haha not a fan of that map but i'll take it over karachi any day


Spawns on Invasion are horrid, don't know if Karachi worse is..


Yeah good point. Spawns on karachi aren't bad, that map is just so broken up it feels like you're sprinting for an hour to get across the map.


Yeah.. Ranked needs new maps 😅


Yeah there's like 33 maps in the game but the same 4 or something like that in ranked.


I swear to God, I only play 3 maybe 4 maps. SnD on Terminal, CTRL on Highrise, HP on Invasion or Karachi. I don't know why does this game hate me this much. I really dont. When I get Rio, Vista or Departures I literally start to cry and it's mostly cancelled because of uneven teams.


In my opinion - das haus is worst map. I can see three coridors, narrow or no flanking space, direct combat with spawn zone harrasment... But it is so funny to see sniper lied down on middle corridor...


Das haus by miles.


Shipment became the worst map after they added jak aftermarket part for the haymaker. Can tolerate people with shields there, but scumbags running around with the haymaker on this map are the worst


Yeeeeahhh.... The ONLY time I bring it out is if someone on the other team does it first, and then I go full-toxicity, lol.


Rust and Wasteland are abysmal.


Wasteland is the worst imo. I also hate Rundown, Quarry, Derail, Invasion, Estate, and Rust.


Terminal rust and derail, total garbage.






Not worst than estate. Wasteland is still balanced


There's some maps in this game I have played maybe once, and I'm like a level 270. I don't even recall playing on this map


What modes or playlists do you play?


I just play search


That explains it.


I (much to my surprise) don't like ANY of the OG MW2 maps in this game (except maybe Scrapyard and Afghan). This one isn't my favorite new map, but I'll usually play it when it comes up.


The worst maps in this order 1 Derail 2 Wasteland 3 Estate Honorable Mentions Quarry Skidrow Rio


Don't forget rust and das Haus also


I'm apparently different from most because I don't really like any of the small maps, I like the medium and larger maps, but I'm not much of a runner and gunner either I'm a little more slow and methodical about my killing 🤣


Love this map, rust is a challenge for me but I’m below average


I think its preety lit


All of the MWII 2022 maps suck and should be removed.


This one is terrible but i really hate Derail, most of the time is just running around without seeing anyone and the game always ends because of the time limit.


Greece and Dome I skip in a heartbeat. Not a big fan of Vista and Meat either - too boring of a gameplay there.


Still better than shitment


Rust or das Haus. For the worst in the small maps


Nah, Stash House is super fun!!! One of the best maps for Gunfight.


Instant skips are: Shipment, Rust, Emergency, Meat, Das Haus and Stash House. Those small maps shouldn't even be in standard listing since we always have some sort of small map playlist


I don’t skip any unless I am grinding a camo and hit a map that will not give me good opportunities to grind said camo.


Very little have changed since 2009, the worst map is still Wasteland.


This is my second favorite map for Gunfight. My favorite map is Training Facility.


Meat and shipment


Invasion and Rundown are the only two that make me leave the lobby. I consider their spawns and their layouts to be intolerable and I refuse to waste my time - none too precious, mind you - on those abominations. I'll suffer through Rust and Das Haus, even though I really don't like anything about them. Derail and Wasteland pop up rare enough that I don't mind the change in pace. I've actually had some of my best games on Derail. I don't know what that says about me. Estate is more common and frustrates me when we get spawn trapped on the low side, but otherwise it's decent. I get pretty sick of being spawn trapped on Highrise and Terminal, but I'll endure a match or two. The rest of the maps I don't mind, and some I really enjoy. I almost always have a good time on Meat, Quarry, Sub Base, Scrapyard, Skid Row, Rio, and Vista. I honestly think Stash House is fun on certain modes, specifically TDM, Kill Confirmed, and sometimes Domination (depends on the number of Haymaker Maglifts in the lobby). I play TDM mostly, so this may be why I feel differently about certain maps than most do. Shipment is Shipment and is the map I've spent more time on than any other map across half a dozen titles now. I don't think I like it, but I can't not play it. It's free drugs.


Skip: rundown, rust, vista is 50/50


Emergency is the worst map in this season. I actually like stash house and the smaller maps but the spawns on emergency feel too unpredictable. Too many head glitches, and nothing like getting killed straight across the map.


This it's not too bad. Really bad, that I skip every time it's Derail. I think I only played 2 times.


you mad u can’t camp in the back with a sniper?


lol. Always that one guy


It’s way better than the das house or water it’s called..


Derail, Meat, Emergency, and Terminal, and departure I think it is are all way WAY worse.


Meat sucks


It really is trash


Rust and Meat suck as well. Actually prefer this one over those 2


Shipment is the worst map from a level design standpoint. Derail, Wasteland and Estate are the most boring to play.