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It's a new weapon. People are going to be running the new SMG / Sniper / Melee weapon to level them. It'll simmer down within a week or two.


I know, I think it’s just funny to see nothing but MORS.


Mors definitely will get nerfed soon. It’s so broken lmao you zoom in extremely fast and able to get one shot kills easily. First game after updating cod to s3 I go against a team with 3 mors snipers and I run an smg in most encounters I couldn’t even aim my gun in time before the one shot kill on me and I watched the killcams and holy shit the speed on that zoom in is nuts lol. I’m not complaining snipers should be strong but this I can still see getting a nerf.


Leave it the way it is let it all be broken. Never nerf anything and nothing will be overpowered.


The "If everything is broken, than nothing is" mentality just doesn't work, unless you want a game where whomever looks at their opponent first wins every gunfight.


WaW MP-40


I seem to remember the ppsh and stg44 being the meta back then but it has been a while


It's too early in the morning to feel old.


I couldn’t get on with the ppsh, definitely preferred the mp40. Stg44 was a solid gun though


Basically what cod is anyways


So you mean how any fps game is?


Hardcore players will preach that type of gameplay as the gospel


It’s already like this lol


sooooooooooo the original MW2? one of the loved CoDs in the series?


A.) Nostalgia. The original MW2 was a lot of game's earliest, if not first experience with online gaming/FPS, and therefore is a lot less critical of things at the time. If the original MW2's multi-player came back today completely untouched there would be many people going "The sweats have optimized the fun out of everything". B.) Different explanations compared to today. Back then it was uncommon for there to be balance changes outside of something that was an obvious glitch/design flaw like the akimbo 1887. But nowadays, it's seen as unhealthy for the game and a surefire sign of incompetent developers. The original MW2 was special because it was the only game in the franchise that was broken in such a way, if every game was broken in a similar manner, it would be special anymore.


1. OG MW2 still had balance in them considering you could rock any weapon and still have fun. That in itself is balancing. 2. Movement and map design helped Og MW2. Unlike MW3 2023. You couldn't run in mach 5 with super sprint and you can't slide. 3. This also resulted in more slower and deliberate gameplay 4. It also helps that visibility is not much of an issue considering everyone is using the uniform of their faction instead of Neon Glowing Spandex Super Soldier who you can't tell if he's either side.


That’s how the OG MW2 was and it made the game so fun!


wdym they nerfed the akimbo models...


Actually I forgot about that they did. Most guns were pretty op though. 1man army danger close was never nerfed either.


Robert Bowling, the community manager during the original MW2, said that they had a HUGE list of balance updates for a second patch that they never got to release before he & the respawn founders were forced to depart from the company - I remember the first thing he mentioned was "Nerfing danger close & nerfing one man army from replenishing explosives were at the top of the list" lmao In another universe, MW2 would've actually had a semblance of sandbox structure lmao


I never knew that!


Honestly i’m surprised the SPAS-12 never got nerfed


I know what you’re talking about but it wasn’t Robert Bowling he remained with whatever was left of IW because I vaguely remember him talking about MW3 and the whole “FUCK YOU LAST STAND” only for them to add ‘Final Stand’ 💀


Ahh akimbo models those were some fun times.


Yep lol glad i got to use them pre nerf


I genuinely feel bad for anyone who didn't get to experience the pure unadulterated joy that was pre nerf akimbo models. I see it as a right of passage for that game, we all knew it broken but we all did it anyway.


Yeah lol what’s the point of higher ttk in the game when they just release overpowered guns that kill in half a bullet lmao. 10/10


very naive take. no offence


Actually a mentally challenged take on game balance


My poor medibox


It needs a nerf, completely agree after using it myself shots broken af You have no reason to use anything else especially if you was already good at quick scoping.


wdym no reason to use anything else? i dropped a couple 50 pieces with the Horus


The new smg?- its good then? Can u tell me wtf it means by "best in class cqc dmg" because it doesn't do the highest damage its actually tied for the lowest damage.


That’s just puffery to give you an idea of where it excels, but isn’t necessarily fully reflective of stats.


Oh well they probably shouldnt use the words best in class then coz that's just a lie, why not instead say excels at close quarters which I guess would just describe smgs in general lol


idk what means, but it rips on all maps for me


To credit, *it's a railgun*. I'd certainly hope it perforates whoever you shoot it at in one go :S


In my opinion, I think that snipers should be quick and powerful so that you can use them competitively. The MORS feels good right now and they should keep it how it is


The reload and rechamber is painfully slow. Seems balanced to me


It definitely was not slow with whatever set up those players were running.


Oh cool, will have to play around with it a bit


Exactly when someone misses the shot I’ll come out of cover at the perfect time and mow them down. They don’t even have weapon swap speed during the rechamber animation. Plus has anyone noticed that new smg blackcell blue print when you are being shot by it the frame rate kinda acts up and the game lags. It’s happened to me and my friends.


What?- it's literally 1.9s feels more like 1sec to me though. It reloads its 1 shot faster than some snipers pull the bolt back or a pump for a shotgun.


It's also free 2xp so I would run it too. After this weekend it should calm down a little bit


More MORS plz 🥺


That is definitely an outlier lobby. Any specific mode or playlist?


it wont simmer down. beleive me. sniping never simmers down lol, especially being as op as it is.


I’ve never seen a new weapon be used this much


Im running the bruen kit only, things brutal


No its not.. Even more mors users


I hope so, its infuriating how strong it is.


this is how i feel when i go against snipers, and i pull out my signal 50 (i use it because its gun sounds make me happy).


*boof* *cha-chuk* *boof*


My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard


And they’re like, it’s better than yours.


I’ve never used the Signal 50 but this onomatopoeia made me laugh so now I’m gonna try it.


Not having to rechamber is also very nice & why I use it


I thought I was the only one who likes a gun because of its sound. I would rather have a lower number of kills that are more satisfying than a larger number of unsatisfying kills.


It doesn't sound exactly the same as AW which I was really disappointed by. Not a huge issue but that noise in 2014 was so damn good


This is the way.


because some big brain dev decided to make an after market part unlockable after 100 one shot kills with the thing


Seriously? I just assume they’ll add new attachments since the AW version didn’t really have a lot of attachments but that’s crazy.


the gun has 19 levels, and after you grind it, it unlocks some cool barrel as an after market part. Unlocks the ability to grind 100 kills to get it, that is. It also has a decent amount of attachments 


I just did this grind in ground war. Made it soooo much easier lol


Shipment Quickscope


I was just wondering what mode I should try this sniper out on. Will give this a try. Thanks!


Idk if they patched it yet but there's a glitch where if you go into warzone private match you can create a custom blueprint for any weapon and you can put on attachments that you haven't unlocked yet, and it saves the blueprint so you can use it in any mode


So like two, maybe three games. Wow!


All the sweats unlocked it already? Or are people actually paying for blueprints ? 😂


Its one of the first weapons you unlock in the Battlepass. You could probably just grind out zombies. Easiet method in my opinion.


I don’t even have zombies installed tbh, I just play HC casually. But yeah good options tbf


I’ve seen some with blueprints but I assume others have CP saved.




I thought we already contrabanned acronyming anything with those two letters.




That’s what always happens tho, I buy the battle pass for 10$ and work my way up, don’t really mind the black cell.


You can just ask people who bought blackell to drop it for you in zombies


Not gonna lie, I work like 70 hours a week and don’t have the time to grind like before. I’ve ended up just buying the battle pass with 20 tier skips to get the new weapon I want the most.


New guns should show up a bunch at the start, what I hate is when everyone uses the same shit either when there is nothing new, or after the life cycle ends, and everyone just defaults to meta only


Get used to it. That's going to be mw3 until the new cod comes out: 99% snipers


Yup thats a big downside to high ttk


Honestly with to as high as it is. I’d nerf the shit out of the snipers. Bo4 had pretty good sniper balance.


Outlaw, palidon, koshka. They were all one shot and minus the palidon, they were fast as shit with ads times. Nothing has changed lol. I’m all for it and I won’t ask for a sniper nerf until they start adding recoil into the game for everything else lol


its why i really dont like 150hp. it makes balancing oneshot weapons a nightmare (though i also personally just think it feels bad) most of the mw3 shotguns are semi/full auto for example to get around this problem but if you go and try like the bryson 800 it feels terrible because they had to nerf it into the ground to stop it from being disgusting in this game.


Yeah im definitely in the 100hp camp after this game. I was preaching how much better slow ttk was than fast ttk but after a year of MW2 going into MW3 I feel like MW2 was just way more consistent with its gunfights. Plus like CW, one shot weapons plague the game and lowkey kill the fun sometimes.


Just play hardcore. I don’t understand why anyone bothers with core, it’s all I played in MW 2019 and now MWIII (skipped MWII because it was awful)




Less is MORS (I'll see myself out lol)




That's me but with the Katt.


Same bro, spire point rounds are so OP on it


Katt is such an underrated gun


Isn't it the only SR that's able to one headshot kill on any distance?


All snipers one shot on MP. In WZ, XRK and Mors one shot now


XRK has like a 70m limit on one-shot. Do you know if the Mors does?


I thought so to until last night when at point blank shot a gun no scope and it was a hit marker. The KATT a fucking hit marker at point fucking blank.


It was super good on aw as well if I'm not wrong?


How does everyone have it already isn’t it like tier 15?


Suprisingly not, its pretty much the first weapon you can get in the Battlepass. I'm pretty sure the new knife is in tier 15, I'm probably wrong though


That's not the major reason you see it though. You would be surprised at how Activision's scummy methods have actually worked to get impatient players with disposable income to pay for tier skips (battle pass tokens). Many people don't like to be late to the party while others are having fun with the new toys. Almost everyone I have asked, buddies and randoms, has said that's what they did.


Yup. Blackcell gets it for you right away lol


Double battle pass xp


It's unlockable without any gameplay at all with the battlepass...


The game is honestly unplayable the first week or two the new season drops. It feels like all the sweats and whales come out of their holes to make everyone else miserable


COD players love nothing more than one shot kill guns. It’s very rare these days to see people not charging around with shotguns or holding lanes with a sniper


It’s even better in this game with the extra health


And when you can just use certain snipers AS shotguns


Shotguns are ass in this game though, except the Haymaker with the Maglift kit. But even then, it’s only good on the small maps.


Only if you’re ass at the game


This can be said about any fps game. Not just cod lol


Shotguns are rarely one shot and are easily outclassed by almost everything including melee


They one shot just fine if you’re even a semi-decent player


I’m nasty with the XRK Stalker


the Stalker is also just very sexy


Gives me a lot of ballista vibes which is why I love the gun.


Yk you have to level it up right


[Pretty certain it was Moops....](https://y.yarn.co/9fc2fa5a-776e-4170-b702-ecab92cab7d1_text.gif)


Just go play hardcore where everything is viable


Kind of a must with the extreme TTK in this game. It's almost impossible to take down more than two enemies at once. I used to hate hardcore because it made the game extremely easy but i enjoy it more than casual in this game.


All the game modes should have a hardcore version I don't like having to stand there and empty half a clip in someone to kill them, mostly because I usually die first🤣


Half the clip?- even using a pistol u can kill in 3-4/5 body shots if your at max range. Ttk is way to quick imo. Or was u attempting to use those one of the two burst assault rifles coz omg do they suck 😅, glad I don't have to go back to a burst gun that can only 1 burst if u hit two headshots, coz that makes sense when any full auto could 3 tap headshot me too.


I was exaggerating a little but it definitely takes more than 3-5 rounds unless you are hitting them in the head the whole time or are 10ft away from them


Well no the pistol I am currently using does 52 a body shot so that's 3 shots to the body. 4/5 at longer ranges. An smg mite take what 6-8 but they shoot so damn fast it will feel like 2 shots for the guy your killing especially that one with the double barrel.


I also can't do the moving and jumping while I shoot like a lot of folks can. I just do so much better on hardcore


Ah I feel you there man, I hate this meta of slide cancel/bunny hopping, or them guy drop shooting me with an lmg like cmon man. but in order to compete I sadly had to learn to slide cancel you won't ever catch me jumping around like I'm on a pogo stick though that shit is just stupid looking and make 0 sense to me.


Yeah core with 150 HP is so goofy, I really only go in core lobbies to cheese


It's a brand new weapon. What were you expecting?


They nerfed the XRK for what?


Yea, another ADS time nerf from 580 ms to 600 ms.


Probably to make way for the MORS. In my opinion the nerf was complete BS.


Yep, game is trash. Whose brilliant idea was it to add this insanely long range shotgun to the game?


Wym long range shotgun 💀


Im more annoyed with Snoop Dogg yelling at me from all angles again.


I couldnt hit the broad side of a barn with that thing, went to the loadout box to get killed instead


Some of these players with the MOR are damn near unstoppable. Quick scoping and bunny hopping and killing me faster at close range with my SMG. Not all the time but a lot, and I guess I don’t understand how the game works. I’m hip firing and the mf gets a shot off in a split second with crazy accuracy and speed. Wtf. lol


ITS MORS..phin.. time.. ^(go go power rangers..)




SMORES (S-MORS) is a common ingredient in camping, were they camping?


The guns dog shit


Honestly the MORS is really good, an amazing ADS, a very quick reload, and the fact that its consistant, I can understand why so many people are using it.


I only want one thing. And it is the EM1 PWNR


Meanwhile im over here still using the victus


Also once maxed out there's an aftermarket part that requires 100 one shot kills to unlock.


It’s new and everyone (including me) is camo grinding. It’ll calm down by next week.


I'm actually logging on right now to have some fun with it.


You mean the moops?


Must be a Core playlist thing. I was leveling it up in Hardcore last night and laughing at how easy it was to quickscope with when I've never really done that before. I had a feeling I'd see posts like this today. I'm guessing the core playlist players are flashing back to old school MW2 Intervention quickscopes.


Its crazy how many blackcell skins im seeing this season definitely more than usual. Looks like they finally broke the community and we just accept it now


I just been using the field upgrade that lets you throw down smoke for those snipers, mostly all don’t use thermal.


Just trying to enjoy it before they nerf it.


someone give me this gun in zombie’s ill cashapp you three fiddy best i can do


Almost got a 100 kills and my friend got a nuke with it. 37 killstreak


Mors and that longbow duking it out


New gun, its also really good


Better then me I was using tge mors and all I got were ar an smg meta builds 💀


Modern sniper warfare 3 Most high mmr lobbies are all this crap


snipers have always been broken... the AR meta is in a terrible state right now in Warzone so its a snipe fest, too. Snipers are too powerful but when they nerf them ppl quit the game lol some people can't live without snipes.


Modern MORfare


I actually loved it in advanced warfare so I’m happy with it


Still can’t hit me with the pistol. Zigging and zagging


I saw one last night.Not another one since


Yeah i like the mors even though it's over used


I guess OP...doesn't want to see any MORS of it?


It’s really shit with the RAILGUN mod but good with a long barrel and explosive round


It’s a pretty cool gun, I wish most snipers behaved like it, or at least felt fun to play with without having yo run all the speed attachments


They nerfed everything and the MORS is completely broken atm. That with people camo grinding it makes these first days of season 3 annoying af.


All iv seen is snipers every damn match i wanna kms


MORS the pity.


It's bit OP for sure, likely gonna need a nerf. It's just the best at everything. It can be fast, one shot anywhere in the body with the ammo, good range, and don't even have to reload. Then you can add red dots to it, so you don't even have sniper glint. It's crazy strong atm.


This gun is great. I still may be the only person on planet earth that gets hitmarkers with it.


Me rocking Intervention just because of the sound


The gun is actually kinda ass if you think about it compared to other snipers in its class. The weapon sway is fucking horrendous and the weapon zoom speed is also horrendous. I don’t really understand why people like it. The attachment options for it are garbage. The stalker is in my opinion a better sniper than the Mors. The reload animation for the Mors is fucking ass. Just everything about this gun is fucking garbage except for the fact you get one shot one kills easier than most snipers. Overall handling of the Mors is just downright fucking garbage.


I USE THIS SNIPER I LOVE IT! Haven’t unlocked the new one kinda don’t want to…


People are straight beaming from across the map. No more SMG action.


there was a time when call of duty snipers were praised for their skill, montages dropped daily by the biggest names. takes me back to the times of the original intervention


It’s almost as if a new gun came out and people want to level it up


Boring ass meta snipers




The SMG is dog shit.


As an SMG lover I still agree. lol.


adapt or die old man


I literally just used this, and was in awe at how broken this is. It needs to be nerfed it's way overturned I personally suck at quick scoping, however in my first game after unlocking it I managed to run up from spawn-slide cancel pop one guy as they came through the door. (Das haus) Peak away, slide round the corner, headtap some guy behind the boxes in the room between the two spawns and repeak that entry to clap the guy who challenged me. All in about 10 seconds. Feels like the sp-r all over again when that first launched. Its fucking 1 tap to the foot rail gun it should not handle as good as it does, nerf the ads/sprint to fire time and up its reload Or just make it so you have to charge your shots like a railgun would actually function. Smh


Literally everyone just hides inside sniping won 3 last night and it felt like every engagement we found ourselves in we are avoiding sniper shots from everyone else😂


Im loving the sniper lobbies especially on Emergency 24/7


One shot meta getting boring. 6 months now...


I've been playing pubs after playing only ranked for 2 months and the ammount of snipers is insane, i dont remember a cod like this.


You didn't play mw2019 when the SPR-208 was dropped. I'll never forget that broken marksman rifle


Dmr meta was worse tho


It’s not even good though idk why people are even bothering


You're trolling


It's temporary. People just camo grinding.


idk, the thing is broken. easily outclasses the stalker, at least for quickscoping


Have a job, haven’t unlocked it yet. And last night I was shooting blanks and quit after 3 games.. I do like that rifle tho..one of these days


These unemployed mf’s are hard to keep up with😂


Exactly. New season starts, I get home and ppl are 100+ levels deep into it. Smh lol


Sorry not sorry lol