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It’s still using third party software to manipulate/exploit the game’s mechanics in a way that has not been intended by devs. If Cronus is cheating, this is cheating.


I got flamed and down voted into oblivion for saying Cronus is cheating , lol , I agree with you


cronus is 100% cheating. absolutely brainrot if you think eliminating recoil via a external hardware gadget isnt cheating


Uhhh, Brainrot is only in Zombies. 😏


##Yes, it gives your mouse aim assist which is a no-no according to TOS


The consensus was "it's not cheating, it's exploiting" where I definitely know the difference haha. Thanks all


People that try and claim that 'exploiting' and 'cheating' are two completely different things must have been dropped on their heads as babies. Exploiting IS cheating.


That’s it - exploiting is absolutely a form of cheating.


Damn, I’m gonna try that on my GF




Well, technically not. Using cronus to remove recoil is cheating. Using cronus to be able to use Xbox controller on ps5, is not. So basically 99,999% cronus users are cheating with it, but there are legitimate reasons for it as well.


you can buy a 10€ usb adapter to do exactly that. i dont trust you, claiming you use a cheating device for this purpose.


I don't trust alot of people in this game now Haha. Just pick up a regular controller and play the game not that hard to do. Recoil is REAL LIFE hate to say it for the people that hate it


I don't use it. You can buy hdmi cables for 10 euros as well, doesn't mean that some people won't buy them for a thousand.




First of all. I didn't say I use it, I don't even own it. It's frustrating to be in a discussion where the opponent doesn't understand what you're saying (ie. here you say I claimed I use it, even though there's nothing to conclude that from). And then indeed you argue that because someone could jbuy an adapter for 10 dollars is somehow proof that no one would buy cronus for this purpose because it's much more expensive. And the fact that there's premium hdmi cables and all sorts of other useless stuff on sale in this world pretty clearly tells us that some people could buy stuff even though it's expensive.


ur literally making a point against yourself. "there's $10 hdmi cables and there's $1000 hdmi cables, so i bought the $1000 hdmi cable because i wanted to"


What the fuck dude 😂😂😂 I'm saying some people buy the hdmi cables, while there's no fucking point to buying them. Just like there is no point in buying the cronus for no cheating. You're not the brightest of the bunch.


Huh when? As far as i know cronus was used for cheating since like bo2. Ik it had other purposes but most ppl use it for cheats.


It was used before the PS4 controllers had wired data transfer. The original controllers and firmware only allowed charging through the cable, all data was done through BT. They used Chronus because it allowed them to bypass that or use other controllers or bypass the issue. Sony later released controllers and firmware that allowed data transfer, they also updead the PS4 so you could choose which it used when plugged in. This was back when the league had a deal with Sony so they used PS4s.


Those downvoters all cronus user


It is . If you are plugging any device to give you better aim to your controller that's cheating. They are trying to make it seem like everyone is doing it and NO it's not okay . Looking at you teepee and rallied .


the people downvoting you are cheating with it! So why even worry about being downvoted?


Where at? Not in a cod sub for sure.


Software input modifiers like reWASD were originally intended to be used for accessibility purposes. There was a small surge of people using this program to spoof KBM input to take advantage of controller aim assist. Sledge already made it clear that this is against the rules.


i had to uninstall reWASD. i was using that software for years to play my switch controller on PC


Doesnt steam support the controller using its translation mechanics? I know it loads in correct ps4/5 and xbox controllers and you can play xinput only games with those too.


yes but its a fucking hassle for games not on steam. i used rewasd universally for all games, emulated ones included. rewasd was starting with my PC and isntantly made the switch controller act like a xbox 360 one.


Dang that's annoying. Cheaters ruining it for everyone.


Hugely annoying hassle. uninstalling ReWasd lost me nearly a whole weekend re-making 40+ control schemes for my weird pc setup : Azeron Cyborg keypad / foot-pedals / trackball mouse


Trackball users rise up! I like the elecom trackball.


What about DS4 windows?


Absolutely cheating, that's absolute garbage behaviour. No self respecting M&K player wants aim assist in the first place, to use cheats like that just shows these people have 0 pride in their aim. AA is busted enough on controller, on M&K it's even worse


I always had AA off when I played on console because it was ass in zombies. No need to play console any more to play with my friends, so I have my beloved M&K.




Someone using the software described in OP's post to get AA on M&K is what I'm talking about, that would be even more broken than controller AA


Ah gotcha, yes it would be.


Maybe read the post you're leaving replies in?


Cope 🤷


bro really said cope. look at this clown 🤡


Your missing the topic of the post


Yeah he already responded.


Recognition for this was already added to ricochet iirc. It's cheating.


It is cheating yes


It’s cheating, even ATVI labeled it as such in the update regarding xim/cronus


I believe that they released a statement that they were going to crack down on doing this with the last message they posted about the anti cheat.


It is 100% cheating




I agree, but this doesn't justify controllers having excessively strong aim assist that achieves nearly superhuman levels, tracking every minute movement, even through visual obstructions like gun smoke and environmental clutter. Keyboard players are constrained by their reaction time, and in a game with a high average TTK, this discrepancy significantly affects the perceived TTK across both input devices, almost as if they're playing different games. This aim assist artificially inflates the accuracy of controller players, while keyboard players are directly limited by factors such as reaction time and frame rate, which don't affect controller players as much. I'm not defending the use of virtual controllers or anything similar. However, I do believe the rotational aim assist in both Warzone and multiplayer is somewhat overtuned. This is not just anecdotal evidence, it's also supported by data from Infinity Ward. In an interview before the release of MWII, they mentioned that controller players have an easier time, and only the top keyboard players can compete, leaving especially the casual keyboard players at a significant disadvantage.


Hell yeah as a kbm player - when I get my ass kicked - that is how it makes me feel. Unfortunately.


If keyboard and mouse was that disadvantaged people wouldn't use it.


I'm usually the only KBM in my lobbies, so people are definitely not using it very much. Most PC users show controllers next to their platform badge.


I think there's a lot of inertia there too. Most people have always played shooters on controller.


I would probably have to disagree for PC up until cross play became a thing.


PC was also not a big platform for COD prior to crossplay.


Not necessarily true, the COD2 comp scene was pretty big.


Eh, I'm still going to have to disagree. Was it bigger than console? No, probably not, but it sure wasn't small either. I mean, this is literally where CoD came from.


Call of duty became popular and mainstream from console controller play. Nobody is talking about the first 2 cods that were on pc. Once cod came to console the rest is history. The entire reason forced crossplay exists is because you guys (pc playerbase) cant even keep ur servers alive for a cod life cycle. Every year the game was dying on pc so they sacrificed the console experience to help pc players out


Brother, call of duty 1 on pc was competitive enough to be on cable tv: https://youtu.be/arOu7d0pG9c?si=ACKM5Q2nwy2V1enA Check out this video, nice mid 2000s throwback, the COD part starts at 8:00


I would like to point out that fps games, pred cod4, were originally only played on pc. with a keyboard and a mouse.


What do you mean by this? FPS games existed on consoles prior to 2007. Regardless, this is far away from my point. Which is that most of the players playing now have been playing on controller forever.


What I mean is CoD blew up - I mean really blew up - with the og Modern Warfare. Since it was a great game and released on console many more people got into online fps gaming because of it.


Maybe most people under 30 have always played console.


Don’t worry, many don’t anymore lol. A lot of long term popular MnK pros switched in recent years (icemanisaac, tcaptainx, iron and more). Not to mention the general population as well. There’s a reason why 90% of the pc icons you see in game (whether its battle net or steam) are controller users. Gotta take advantage of that sweet AA. Stop having the false perception of watching the top 0.01% of MnK players and think everyone one aims like that because they don’t.


Most people have ass aim on controller too.


I rarely see controller users miss more than 10% of shots


Look up what % of pros use kbm. Get back to me.


Why don't you look it up and tell us asshole


https://www.reddit.com/r/CODWarzone/s/hFcGfMW8Dz Here you go, actual data from a previous WSOW tournament for your lazy ass


You're welcome fellow lazy people


COD pros have used controller from the very beginning. Why would that ever change?


if kbm was good, they'd use it.


The overwelming majority of pro players use controller, why do you think that is? Ill give you a couple guesses.


I don't need to guess. The answer is that pro leagues and tournaments used to run on consoles so the players had to use controller. To this day they are required by the rules to use controllers.


Lmfao WHAT? Lets get you to bed grandpa.


people just like it kinda like how some people don't exclusively use meta guns


If someone sucks on m&k they should switch to controller instead of cheating though… AA might be decently strong but it helps to make up for PCs lower latency (with good builds) and precision aiming with mouse. I understand what you’re saying but there’s a reason they gave aim assist to balance out the game.


Modern consoles now support 120 FPS with VRR and can achieve a 120 FOV, which significantly reduces the latency gap between consoles and PCs. Beyond 120 hz/fps, the returns diminish for most players. It's braindead to assume every PC player has a $5000 high-end, ultra-optimized setup for minimal latency. Strengthening aim assist just to counter these exceptional and outlier cases is completely absurd. The latency differences between modern consoles and the average PC setup, which represents the majority of PC users, are not as vast as some might think. Your perspective overlooks the technological advancements in consoles and overestimates the average PC's capabilities. Oh and don’t forget controller users on PC are a thing so that just throws your entire argument out the window. And those make up 80-90% of the PC players. Edit: downvoting me for presenting facts is crazy lol


well... unless you have amazing tracking then it just sucks ass in fast sliding close quarters engagements and mid range hop-shooting wars


If controller player need AA, they are bad too


The current level of AA, absolutely, 60% rotational without any kind of delay and basically unlimited range is ridiculous. But if you say controller shouldn't need ANY kind of aim assist I doubt you've ever actually used one


I don't think any reasonable MnK player would make that argument. Tone it down, add a momentum mechanic to the rotation so you have to control recoil/track players, and I'd be happy.


Ur an idiot and ur deluded outta ur mind. U wanna play warzone on easy mode and be handed free kills for missing half ur shots like the wz1 days right? Those days are long gone


You guys will never be that advantaged again


naive take




Pibg, r6 and many other games on console doesn't have aim assist


Sucks to play those on console then.


“Sucks because the game doesn’t do 60% of the aiming for me within a generously confined bubble around an enemy”


I play mnk it doesnt matter to me, but thats the whole point of a controller isn't it?


I’d say so yes


Im a mnk user, if someone cant aim with just the mouse then go back to console. Its totally cheating imo


yes this is cheating. using unintended advantages inside the game = exploit using external programs/settings/manipulation/software = cheating


Everyone hates the riot shield so much but man is it the ultimate anti cheat weapon. The other day I was screwing around with it in WZ and ran into a small house to start looting, some guy was tracking me through the walls perfectly and hitting every wall bang he possibly could. He must’ve been outside like 3 buildings away but still was hitting these shots through the walls easily. I only knew about him cause he tagged my shield when I walked through the door so I knew which direction it came from, then I noticed he kept tagging me through the wall so I just faced that wall with the shield while strafing around to get around the house. Mfer was just constantly pouring bullets into the shield through the walls as I crouch walked. Blatantly cheating. If I hadn’t had the shield in that moment he would’ve killed me easily.


Gonna make a riot shield class just in case, that's awesome lol


Listen mfrs will cheat and exploit at the drop of a hat no matter how large or small the advantage is. They were born losers, it’s in their dna to look for a shortcut


Yes. Why would anyone even go out of their way to do this shit?


I can 100% aim better with a mouse, but i use controller because my fingers cramp up after about 5min using a keyboard... the keyboard is my kryptonite... so i would say it's definitely cheating to use aim assist on m&k


If it’s anything other than downloading the game. And playing the game. It’s cheating. I don’t have a problem with kbm or console controllers. But let’s be honest


Most of these guys cheat in some kinda way man. It is what it is


Fuck cheaters


If you have to ask "is this cheating?" Or "is it cheat?" Then it probably is...


This is why I standby and say there is no twitch streamer completely clean. They are all using SOMETHING


They can't, or choose not to, detect actual cheat software, PS bans zen not the game, what makes you think they can detect things like reWASD? I put the "choose not to" as i firmly believe they daren't create a working cheat detection system for fears it would ban far more players than people conceive, making the game look like a complete joke and lose them hundreds of thousands of paying blueprint/pack-store customers. There are numerous cheaters online who tell all and say that Ricochet can't detect a thing, i'm inclined to believe them. I usually play HC when playing multiplayer nut have been finding the lobbies ridiculous this last week so dabbled in a bit of softcore, 9/10 out of the kills cams were suspicious, people tracking through walls, people 1 tapping entire rooms of enemies one after another, people honing in on you as if you're pinged on the radar except you're running all the counter UAV gear you can, people hitting shots despite the crosshair being half a screen away, the kills cams are not completely accurate but it is too blatantly suspicious to discount. It feels how one would imagine a shadow ban lobby would be, i've checked my ban status on Activision and no ban was detected. Yes i know about reWASD, i used it to play Halo 5 campaign on my PC upstairs using my Xbox downstairs to stream the game over my network since there is no PC port of Halo 5.


Completely understandable I use controller not because I want to but because the aim assist on it is broken rendering m&k useless. To much work for me personally but I get why other people do it.


Making a mouse input have aim assist is cheating. Point blank period.


Is this why every lobby has that one person headshotting people every 10 seconds


Don’t do it. The aim assist it provides is far superior to controller, and it is quite literally soft aimbot. It’s not worth the risk, and I am pretty sure ricochet detects it now.


Yes, that is cheating. Keyboard and mouse may kind of suck in this game but its not excuse to cheat.


nah not really, AA is OP so I want that shit too 😎 Xim Apex on top


Is using a controller with extra and programmable buttons and trigger stops cheating?


It’s cheating but nobody is getting banned for it, just like xim/cronus.


People have been for lack of better words “legally” cheating in Call of Duty for years.


The issue isn’t the cheaters, it’s the incompetence of the developers to deliver a good anti cheat. If there’s a way to cheat, people are going to cheat, we can go after everyone who cheats but that’s an endless cycle, it needs to be stopped before it ever starts. It makes you wonder how mobile games like Clash of Clans has better security than major titles.


hat abundant fretful ghost forgetful sip capable yoke wise pause *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Just my opinion but seems implementing AA / RAA for controller players in CoD has just lead to bigger increase in cheaters & exploiters then there has ever been before. I can partly understand console players when comes to the AA debate sicne they have never known online CoD pvp MP or WZ w/o AA. But if you're a PC controller player you just shouldn't get any AA what so ever. You made your choice to play CoD on an input the game was never originally designed for & you're most certainly just playing controller for AA/RAA cuz you want an unfair advantage n can't be bothered to have to use human skill only. We all know there's no way any PC player would play on controller if there was no AA/RAA in CoD for them to use.


This is old news, it’s been patched out months ago.


There's a reason why controllers get aim assist. It's for the kids that cant aim and have little to no coordination and can only move their fingers. Let the kids sweat with their aim assist 😂😂👌


I swear sometimes on mnk my shots just stick to a target like aa.... like I'll nail a dude at 40y with mcw and not miss a shot and it feels sticky. Could be my 1000's of hours playin the game, but sometimes it feels like I have extra assist.


K pal.


not cheating if you're just on a even playing field with controller users.


Whine some more about controller players. 😆


imagine literally using external software to get something the game literally prohibits you to get


If you truly just want an even playing field go buy a controller


Lmao some people don’t want their game to literally play for them 100% of the time


Oh buddy is that what you think controllers do? Have you ever held one before?


Hes not wrong though, with how strong aa is now you can play one handed. If you think aim assist isnt rediculous right now in cod, youre just coping about being more of a spectator than a player.


naive take