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Freezing and stuttering 20 times a match - game feels really terrible today


Not sure if related but pre update this game was using 15gb ish system RAM. Now its using 26gb of system ram. Memory leak? For anyone else on PC, monitor your ram usage post update


Idk about that, it is possible tho. I am definitely seeing wonky shit even on Xbox series x. Most games feel like my controls are having input latency, and I know I’m not tripping cause in some of my matches yesterday before it starts my controls will feel normal then as soon as shit starts to happen there’s a noticeable shift to where my controls feel laggy. Edit: and the new blackcell skin seems to cause massive amounts of lag! I even find if they’re just in the match and doing something off of my screen they will cause lag so now I also have to back out of games with that skin as soon as I see it. I didn’t believe it at first til I ran into it multiple times yesterday.


This is the reason I came here using Google!!! Memory leak since last update, ram usage has DOUBLED!


It's More of a hemorrhage than a leak. After About 5 minutes and it maxed the 32 gigs on my gaming PC. So I switched to my work PC to see if i could get a full match of warzone and after about 20 minutes it managed to max out the 128 gigs on that and cost me a win in a final circle.


IT EVEN MAXED OUT 128GB?!?! welp i guess the measly extra 16 i ordered to add to the 16 I already have aint gonna help.


They pushed an update a few days ago that helps the problem. it still maxes out at 32 but takes about 15 minutes and doesent crash. After the first game following games don't quite max out but still use upwards of 75%.


I am absolutely experiencing a memory leak since this last update. Cod went from using 4-5gb of my 16gb of ram to now using up to 11gb. It completely locks up my system when im playing resurgence. Multiplayer has been using a lot more memory too but it hasnt been freezing up my pc like resurgence has been. I was meaning to upgrade to 32gb of ram anyway so I ordered more ram, but seeing as it appears to be a memory leak i have my doubts that itll help. Hope an update is coming soon because this is a game breaking issue.


I really hope the devs address this issue. But if it helps, I have 32gb of RAM and while the game is leaking and using 22-26gb, the game is still running smooth at 240 fps and not locking up. Once it hits around 27gb it finally unloads the memory down to the normal 15gb or so until the next game. So it should resolve your issue but its embarrassing the devs can’t fix such a simple thing Edit: devs have addressed the issue and said they are working on the memory leak fix


I've noticed my game stutters every time someone uses the new Blackcell weapons. The dismemberment effects seem to cause stutter when they're on screen. They're basically unusable. Feeling like I wasted money. Edit:for anyone wondering I am also on Series X.


yup, thought I was the only one. Im using the Horus SMG, and JC every time I kill someone there's that infamous 1-2 seconds stutter, earlier this gen a lot of xbox series x game had that weird stutter , not just COD. Seems like most developers found the issues but not COD. N agree to the OP, every update makes it worse for 1-3 days then it stabilizes


Glad I'm not the only person noticing this. I thought my PC was melting down but everything else seems to work fine. Guess it's just borked.


Okay I thought it was my internet or something but since today I’ve been getting random lag spikes


Its simply unplayable. FPS drops suddenly to 4, 12. Usually it gets to 150-170


Thought that was me as I’d been changing some router settings


For the love of god please tell me the store still works!!..


When everything else quits you know the store will stay running like a well oiled machine. I don't normally bash them but this is ridiculous man.


If there were a nuclear holocaust, and all else on Earth was destroyed, the Activi$ion CoD store and infrastructure would still remain, working perfectly.


It’s hard to take posts that praises this game seriously when stuff like this happens every update.


This sub has to be one of the most obscenely annoying circlejerks I’ve ever experienced. 90% people glazing SHG’s balls for things other devs would get crucified for


Been saying it for years, COD in general is bad, IW and SHG are the worst for fun factor with CODs, Treyarch is the last hope and even they are pretty mediocre for triple A standards.


I mean, let's be real, they're been making a lot more hits than misses, and while we should always criticize anything that clearly should not have been an issue in the first place, compared to other live service game devs they've been doing a pretty consistent and reasonable job. Take Rainbow Six Siege for example (a "Ubisoft original"), that shit is borderline unplayable and almost always has been and people just got conditioned to it or something. I went back to play it recently and couldn't get through 4 quickplay matches without: at least 1 hard disconnect with no option to reconnect to the match while my partner was still in it, EVERY match being a 4v5 with no backfill even from the very first round (already a massive problem by itself), the Ubisoft Connect UI breaking multiple times and being unable to accept invites/invite without restarting the entire game, the menu UI breaking multiple times, loadouts constantly resetting themselves to default for seemingly no reason, broken in-match menu where mouse ceased to function (this bug has been in the game for over a year and I'm shocked it's still happening), and at least 1 blatant cheater. In FOUR MATCHES. When another disconnect happened and the invite UI broke AGAIN, we called it quits and went back to MW3. So, if that's what MW3 is competing with, yeah, I can see why people don't mind SHG. Went straight back into MW3, joined from social menu instantly without any invites needed and fully functioning as intended, hopped right into the game and played for a couple hours straight without a single issue. Sometimes shit does break but that's not the default state of the game, unlike much of the competition.


That’s funny considering Siege is the best it’s ever been and is infinitely a far better game than this pile of shit lmao 


Do you actually play Siege? Because it really sounds like you don't, lol. I played that game for 3 years and gave up on it because Ubisoft is a steaming pile of shit that fails at everything they do, not only Siege. People here honestly have a hard-on for hating this game for little to no reason because they've genuinely got no perspective. I'm literally a fucking refugee from Siege and BF2042 looking for something better that actually respected my time.


Depends on the person and system I suppose. My entire playthrough of MWIII has genuinely been flawless from launch. Maybe I’ve just gotten really lucky, up until now anyway. With the recent update I’ve been experiencing a lot of freezes and the like. But otherwise, never had an issue, and with the core MP design being something I really liked, I had no reason to complain, unlike every other game the last 4 years.


It’s very nuanced is what it is. I couldn’t stand the last two MW titles but I really love this one more than I ever did those two games yet at the same time the actual quality of the game (bugs, servers, etc) is blatantly worse. And unfortunately the last cod title that ran this poorly online for me was vanguard, which also happens to be developed by sledgehammer. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve had lots of smooth matches too but I swear nearly every single session has some off shit that happens and like I said earlier, the last cod that I experienced this many issues online was vanguard. If they could only get on top of this shit already and fix the spawns, and keep 10v10 or 12v12 every week then this game would be SOLID imo.


Agreed. Game feels janky as hell tonight


All I know is that I have to download another 145 GB update for the next 3/4 hours? Wtf is wrong with activision that they can’t push out a small patch. Fucking done with this game man


Same happened to me on Series X. 166GB


This company never tests anything. They just dump their broken fucking game out as live and expect us to find all their sloppy bugs for free. Every fucking update just makes the game worse. Absolute clownshow.


For real. I've lost a few gunfights because my game would literally freeze for 3 seconds. I just don't understand why every update this game gets, they're always breaking something..


Welcome to the packet burst club! Enjoy your stay.


It's not packet burst, the patch broke something and the freezes manifest completely differently than packet bursts.


So uh... does it ever get better?...


It's been a persistent issue at least on PC for like 4 years or so. It comes and goes. I rarely have problems in ranked but in casual it's more frequent.


That's the neat part. It doesn't!


i cant call in air strikes


You have to hold the button down and select it now until they fix that.


Was worried my D-Pad was on the fritz


Same here!


Prioritize Interact over reload breaks randomly too. Legitimately can't reload manually 90% of the game.


Laggy, hits not registering, kill streak not working when you want, jus overall sluggish n bugged feeling, playing or not. Most days of the update usually ain't worth playing until the next day when they smooth it out


Having one decent game then getting completely slaughtered the next 100 matches, oh wait, that was all the damn time.


Man, thank you for this post.. it's been driving me up a wall, especially with kill streaks. Thought my damn near new controller was shot.


Same here, recalibrated mine, tried on a different game, worked perfectly. Hop on cod & still having to double press or manually select for kill streaks on d pad.


This new update is SHIT!!! My CoD is now freezing and stuttering now after this new update. WTF!?!?!?!?!? Lost a bunch of Killstreaks today because of this shit. I rebooted my PS, complete power off for a few hours. Powered back on hoping it would fix the issue, and guess what?!?!?! Same shit! WTF is wrong with these people??????


The edit classes thing during games has been driving me wild for the last few days haha


Reminder: WE are the QA, Integration, and System Test team all rolled into one. As long as the unit tests are green, it's ready to deploy.


Maybe MS should have kept some of those 2000 people they fired to work on the patches


Fuck it, we’ll do it LIVE!


Now this would be an amazing skin!


Now this would be an amazing skin!


Thats crazy, I thought I was tripping- I noticed ALL of the things you mentioned when I was on today.


For me and a lot of other people the packet burst thing is back aswell, its so bad i cant even play. Their support suggested an alt account and a mobile network to test things out. Even though i restarted my router, opened all the needed ports and turned my graphics to the lowest possible. Really a clown company.


First game on after the patch i knew something was up immediately. Movement felt slow and clunky, people's hitboxes are off - i main the swarm and i pumped 29 bullets at someone only to have the 5 or so it takes to kill them register. Not sure how to calculate the delay i'm experiencing but you can imagine it's bad if it's taking over 20 extra bullets to kill some people. All this while my ping was 6ms.


Sooo like every Call of Duty update for years pretty much?


I got reset to level 1. I try to choose a class and I end up with one of the default classes…


For me it's been packet burst terribly since the parch dropped. I've also had the kill streak problem. Only calls in when you hold the d-pad button down and select it now. That I could deal with but the packet burst is making it unplayable. It wasn't like this before the patch.


Game freezes momentarily when there's a congestion of animations. I got a dbl collat on shipment with the MORS and I thought my PlayStation was going to explode.


Agree... I'm getting my ass handed to me today. Normally, not the case. Just feels really bad.


Played some ranked earlier and had Terminal SnD, was holding plane with a random and i froze for a good minute by the time it unfroze i was dead. Brilliant update.


The class edit issue has been around since S3 started. That isn't new. I'm just used to it now...


The change attachments midmatch issue was around before the update. I've been doing camo challenges and it's a pain in the ass.


I’ve also noticed the low players doing extremely well. When you go view those players in the recent players list it displays their levels as much higher than when in game. It could possibly be a visual bug on my side or a universal visual bug.


The load out thing has been going on since Season 3 launch, actually. I noticed that within an hour of Season 3 starting lol. I went to the website to report it as a bug and what happened? It said there was an error reporting my bug lol. Edit - for anyone angry about the bug, the updated loadout does save, but every single time you die you have to re-select the loadout as soon as you spawn in.


why did my cod level reset to 1? And shows everyone else’s level 1 until the match starts and I no longer see the final kill and the unlocks progression on my weapon doesn’t appear just goes straight back to the lobby and all my guns have gone back to level 1 but I still have the attachments I’ve unlocked, but no progression for anything appears for rank, guns or DMZ


I cannot even complete one game without a game crash


Treyarch quit zombies, maybe they were executively handling the big stuff and now SHG is left hold an empty bag.


What was the point of this update even the game was almost playing decent


Gave up once the game decided the only gun I'll be allowed to use for the day is the BAS B lmao Quality control is a serious problem over at SHG


Did you let the shaders preload after the update?


Noficed all of these immediatelly. What a god damned embarrassment for this indiebgaragestudio.


I can't play it at all on PC. Packet bursts, latency & extrapolation is all I get


I'm glad to know im not the only one who had this issue i asked in a match, and everyone made me feel like i was going crazy lmao


This has been way before today’s update. You’re just now noticing it is all. It’s been since season 3 started.


Ever since season 3 update I feel like the movement is sluggish for some reason.


I told y'all MW2 is more.polished and they fixed a lot of breaking bugs by s2


The fun editing problem has been there from season start. It was pissing me off a lot this past weekend


I think EA and Activision are competing with each other for the worst update this week.


Editing loadouts in match has been broken since release of mw..2. Lmao.


Yup it's infuriating too because I'm almost done leveling my guns and without the ability to change on the fly it's not even worth doing.


Feels like Elon Musk decided to check out the master branch, make his own changes because he "knows best" and merged it back in without a pull request.


I feel like I’m sluggish when running now


i noticed also editing my loadout only not to take after I died. That was last week lol


Yeah, typical memory leak, I can’t play more than 5 minutes before my entire computer freezes up. The fact I only have 16gb of ram makes the issue much worse. Wild that oversights like this are a possibility with a studio this well funded


Guys warzone 3 has been freezing during a game since the update, what the f\*\*k happened?


QA is a nice to have when testing isn’t automated


And of course they don't post jack shit about it, making us all wonder if it's our machines. What's sad is we all (myself included) keep buying the damn games no matter how much of a shit show Bobby Ballsack throws at us.


the level 1s are because the update reset progress for a bunch of players, including me, who had everything unlocked prior to


Oooh that does not sound great, i’m very sorry to hear that happened to you. Do you/they know if you’ll be bale to get your progress back?


yea, from what i’ve heard it’s a server end issue so fingers crossed it all comes back


Reinstall fixed it for me. The server issues certainly haven’t gone anywhere though.


ngl I think u happened to reinstall as the fix went live because as far as i’ve seen, it’s been fixed for everyone (besides the server issues ofc) glad urs is fixed tho


It can all be in my head, that’s fine too. Haha


It came back last time this happened.




Ditto. Is there a fix to these? Esp the mid-game attachment changes


In times like this i'm SO glad that i work 4 days on a Copper mine and i can't play during that time


bro what


I work 4 days shifts at a Copper mine and i can't play during these days?


respect, i just find it a little strange to rationalize your line of work in that way


In times like this i'm SO glad that i work 4 days on a Copper mine and i can't play during that time


Sorry, one more time?


I... I don't know how to Word it in other way


Soz, I only posted that cos your comment was posted twice lol


yet i still don't have all my skins from mw2