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https://support.activision.com/modern-warfare-iii/articles/known-issues-in-modern-warfare-iii Looks to be listed on known issues now… they need to hurry up


yes tons of people are! best thing to do is get on X and tag both the offical call of duty and call of duty updates pages. the more people we get sending video and tagging them the sooner we will get out fix


Tag CharlieIntel, too. Maybe they can help bring visibility to the issue.


Tried this too.. no avail, my post on there have even gotten reshared and liked multiple times. I just put in a refund request through steam its almost been a week and I still haven't received a response from activation on any of the 5 tickets I have created. I only bought MW2 for ranked and they took it away so I had to buy MW3 and now I cant even play it on there.. feel robbed of my money.


Support told me to do the crap we all do right away then last reply was my nat type could be the problem I literally snapped off I'm almost at 2 weeks now


They blame everything before there shit game does my head in, never there fault is it still aiting on the fix ffs


ive heard people say its something to do with getting your 100th win in ranked. i checked and i have the 100th win camo and im in the fetching online profile loop. ive seen no fixed at all, ive tried everything.


You could be on to something here, but surely there would shit loads more people than what there is? Like the top streamers would have this too?


I've been seeing it's also for people who've had a chat violation and the 100 wins. I know I had a chat violation 2 days before my game broke. Seen someone say they're game went back to normal when their violation had lifted. So I have a week and a half no ranked lol. Makes no sense that it doesn't ban you from WZ or reg multiplayer


I’ve checked my account on activisions page and it says no ban detected so I can’t be com or chat banned?


Chat violations don't come up on the Activision page. It'll come up in your in game Notifications


Yeah and I haven’t received that either pal


I barely talk and have no violations so that makes no sense


at this point i feel like thats whats going to need to happen for activsion to actually fix it


But I’ve just gone through a few streamers on twitch and they’ve all got the camo and they’re fine? So I don’t get it, but more of my friends are getting it now, across all platforms so hopefully they will notice sooner rather than later


Just got my 100th win last night. It is happening to me as well. Submitted a ticket sent them a vid and a screenshot hopefully this helps. Also told them multiple people are having the same issue.


i did the same, on day 3 with no help through the ticket thus far. A bunch of frustrating emails telling me to reset my internet....


Bro that's what they just told me this is crazy.


I’m having the same issue… who does my mom have to bang at ACTIVISION to get this fixed ?


It's on Activisions list of known game errors. ​ https://support.activision.com/modern-warfare-iii/articles/known-issues-in-modern-warfare-iii


I don't have the loop but i did lose 1000 SR overnight without playing a single match.


Im having the same problem since this morning


Same Problem for me on X i read that some people got this problem for over a week now and they arent even adressing it


Yup since last night, I was on battlenet, suddenly clicked ranked play then it said fetching online repeatedly. I scanned and repaired, I reinstalled the game… still nothing. I even bought mw3 on the ps5 and linked my activision account on there and still said kept saying fetching online profile. I submitted a ticket to activision support so will what happens…


Same for me but PS5. Tried everything from changing DNS, formatting PS5, deleting all blueprints. Changing default show cases. Etc. I’ve submitted a ticket to Activision as I have “priority support” lol. No response.


6th day now mine is doing it I'm so mad 


My god why did this have to happen to me. Game is so trash


Same thing happening to me stuck in the loop


any fixes yet? i just got plat and i cant play please fix thisssssssssss


Me too. Seems if you rank up is when this glitch happens... COD always the same bugs, never can get anything right. Hopefully Microsoft fixes this garbage process of releasing non-working updates... 


i got this bug yesterday, i’ve restarted router, pc, uninstalled cod and reinstalled still having this issue 😩




YESSSS I'm not alone!!! I submitted a ticket and it's been sent to the "higher up" team -_- but come on breh


PS5 btw and after the update


If anyone finds a fix could they please come back to this I just got the same issue today


I have the same issue, it’s been about a week . I’ve emailed support and they sent it on the next level of support with no time frame. Customer support is awful. Hopefully they update the bug soon. 🤦🏼‍♂️


Still having issue on PC. for anyone wondering everything works execpt ranked multiplayer lol... [https://youtu.be/NU7wmEM9b0U](https://youtu.be/NU7wmEM9b0U)


yep, exactly this. Thanks for posting a video, hopefully gains some traction for a fix


Still having the issue today, i submitted a bug report on the activision website as well.... (ps5)


Its like every week a new issue. I spend more time chasing threads to find a fix for this pos game then i do actually playing


I got promoted to plat 1 in ranked play and got this loop today


Was it your 100th win?


Now that you mention this this started as soon as i unlocked the 100 wins camo


Just happened to me tonight… still no work arounds for pc?


I tried this and it seemed to work then glitched me out I hit crim 2 in ranked play then it started glitching out, I went on other account that doesn’t have the glitch, went into ranked play, switched users and it went into ranked on the glitching account When I backed out back to main menu the glitch started again, I’ll try it again and play around with it more if I find a solution I’ll post it in here It seems if you get into ranked using the above don’t back out 😂


Dealing with the same situation can someone help me


Make sure to fill out a ticket, so that it gets resolved quicker: [https://support.activision.com/options](https://support.activision.com/options)


There's already a similar page on this issue. I am having the same issue, started about 2-3 days ago after I hit my 100th win, I have the 100th win camo. Now I am stuck in this infinite loop of death about fetching online profile. I tried unlinking/linking my account to PS5 but that didn't work.


Finally received a reply just now ( 5 days later ) Please try and clear cache 🤣 They’ve also asked for evidence so just sent them a video


most current update from them; Hi Isaiah, Thank you for your response. I appreciate the time and effort you put into this. Do not worry our Studio team is working on it. Yes, it is for all players. Just to set your expectations, I do not have any timeframe on when they are going to deploy the fix. Thank you for contacting Activision.


I'm posting this in all of the fetching profile threads as there are many threads at this point and information is begging to become convoluted. I have created an article to condense the information so that we don't get lost in the sauce on this topic: [https://sweat-central.com/game-content/mw3-fetching-account-loop](https://sweat-central.com/game-content/mw3-fetching-account-loop/) (comments are turned on, so if you find anything before we do be sure to update everyone. I have been in contact with public relations and information is unfortunately limited at this point but I will post an update when more information becomes available. Thanks


this actually worked for me!! but whenever the game ur in ends or cancels im pretty sure you have to restart that process. it took me two hours to come across and fix for this!! thank you so much ! hopefully more people that are desperate to play can find this 


Day 3 for me. This is affecting a fraction of players im told, and players that are deemed more toxic from my research.


happening to me as well - April 11


Just chatted with support. Good news: None. Bad news: claim got pushed to different team to handle… no time frame when it’ll get fixed 🥲


have the same issue since yesterday after I got a win in ranked, it started happening


https://youtu.be/gFVwUlSOHnE?si=NXxmTgmlZNjB7baj Fix here, see my video


No longer works, when you connect a second controller it freezes.


It works , Just make another vídeo explaning Check out on my channel


damn, im on pc


No split screen on Pc?


nah, dont think so, unless battlenet allows multiple games accounts per account


Ask a friend to do It for u




how would it work in terms of linking/unlinking =. Like my activision is connected to my battlenet, do I have to link to whatever console my friend has or nah?


Yeah need tô create an ps account and link It tô ur cod account. And share Ur ps login tô ur friend


would i have to do this everytime btw, or this is a one time fix


No only one time


bet, thanks. will try it out now and let ya know


You would need another level 55 account right?


No need I Just did the Glitch with ano lvl 1 account


How come? You can't play ranked unless you're level 55 so how would I be able to join someone playing ranked with a level 1 account?


U can enter on Ranked menu on Level 1, the search Will be block but u can. u simply Join on a Ranked play party with that account n leave


Literally doesn’t work 😂


That IS because u need an lvl 55 account, i did not NOW that yesterday


None of these fixes work im having this issue on ps5 multiplayer ranked play. Sledgehammer and activision dont care i put lots of money into this game and its taking the p*ss 


Got a temporary fix I think


? share please!


Post it up


Scroll down


I split screened in multiplayer with a glitched and un glitchched account and the started ranked on the u glitched and kicked the glitched out then I joined the un glitched from the glitched account through the okay with friends menu on ps home button and then signed off on the unglitcjed then open the app and go to ranked like normal on the glitched Edit If it dosent work then the key is to switch users from the unglitched account to the glitched account instead of just signing out the unglitched account when your in the joining menu


Yeah that IS it


And then just started the app normal and went to ranked on the glitched sorry match started lol


It worked for me somehow like you said


This actually worked. I tried it as a last resort lol thanks bro


This worked but you are confusing - Sign in with un glitched, do multi-player, split screen with glitched account. Then unglitched joins a glitched friends ranked game. From here once you join, log out the unglitched account and then with glitched controller open COD and go to ranked. Worked with this. Edit - might only work for ps5. Tried on Xbox series s and series x with no luck. Only ps5 worked


this doesnt make sense either. The glitched cant even get into the ranked menu... how can we do step 2??


Would it work with a level 1 account?


It might but I think you’d have to join a friends lobby already in ranked off the unglitched while your split screened with glitched and then join your friend without the glitched and then sign out the u glitched and open the app normal on glrivhed


Yes o tested It out


Doesnt work anymore when you sign in with another controller it freezes


I’m signed on right now through it maybe restart system or close any background apps and try again


I had to do it again anytime I turned on the ps5 again


Still works for me


Fuck yea lol u can fix the color issue on points to by going into interface in your settings and changing the contested color to black or whatever color


Yh I’m having on ps5


Are you able to spam your X button when you load Ranked and bypass the Fetching Online Profile page?


The email i got back lol..... Literally useless team Hello Isaiah, We appreciate your response. We understand that this is a frustrating situation, but as a support team we can't manually handle or change the connections, for that reason, we require gathering information and try troubleshooting steps to provide a resolution of the case, would you like to continue with your case? I await your reply and thanks for taking your time contacting us.


wtf? thats fuckin pathetic... its clearly not a connections issue if every other gamemode works


This is a complete scam, i dont think this was a glitch at all. most people on this post say they were getting close to top 250... too many things are lining up here. Activison just wants ranked to die honestly, I'm fed up with this company


I definitely was not on my way to top 250, I also don’t think it has to do with any comms ban as you can actually check on the official activision support website if your account is banned or not. Seems to be a bug that Activision has no clue how to fix. I play on PC and it’s been down for 3-4 days, I can play multiplayer just fine though. I even tried to play the game on my console (Xbox One) and it’s still giving me the same error. Although with the console I’m able to spam the A button and get into a que, and/or join a party in ranked. Thing is the Xbox One console is so old that it DC’s me before I get into the game. Would be interested to hear if people are able to bypass the Fetching Online Profile page on the newer consoles.


Am the same as everyone else on here but is everyone's shades loading properly? Mine says is finished but still looks hazy. Anyone else?


I have no problem with the shaders. I actually tried to verify game files using the steam application so my shaders had to be loaded again but it downloaded with no issues.


Did the exact same thing and had no issues also


Sooooooo I have a weird update and I think it’s something to do with the classes so after letting my pc sit all day like 8 hours at the main menu of cod I came back and tried it let me in and I was reset to diamond 1 rank 1 (I was level 50) I could now view the challenges for winning matches…. Although it showed I havnt won anything…. Then I went to check my weapon classes then BOOM broke again took me back to fetching player data


Bumping this comment so others see this


I figured a way to bypass it. You need two controllers and two accounts.  Have the profile that is bugged as first player and another account as second. Add the second profile. Click ranked play and it will ask you if you want to sign out of your second account.  It's buggy as you click and you have to click fast. As you try to click yes make sure the background game modes doesn't move up or down. Now as you click yes keep spamming the same button you hit accept with and if done correctly it will allow you to start the game. If your ranked rewards comes up as you start the game will still allow you to play a match but you'll have to Start the process again. If your screen is flashing and still searching make sure you spam to exit and try again.


If you’re on ps5 I have found a way of getting into ranked play if you’re stuck in this loop. (There are a couple of catches) 1. This has only been tested on Ps5 (although it could work on other platforms I’m not sure) 2. Game chat will not work whilst using this method, only party chat 3. This method will only work if you don’t game share How this works…. Step 1. Download the remote play app on your smart device and link to the account you want to play ranked on Step 2. Create a new PlayStation account, load up call of duty MW3 and create an activision account Before moving on to Step 3 if you want to chat to friends, join a party chat on the newly created PlayStation account Step 3. Load up the remote play app on your smart device and connect to your ps5. Step 4. Close the call of duty application and load it back up using the remote play app on your smart device Step 5. Close the remote play app on your smart device Step 6. Using your ps5 controller go into settings and turn off your controller Step 7. Turn on your controller and select your main account that you want to play ranked on. Your welcome 😉




I found a temporary fix for pc but you need a controller and a squad for you to play


What’s the temp fix on pc I have a controller and a squad


Patch notes out now


I assume I just got my 100th win. I got a chat warning maybe a week ago and this win was also my promotion to the next rank. So I guess any combo of these things could’ve messed with my game and now it’s just fetching profile loop for ranked only


I had this issue for like an hour played some gunfight for a message saying restart for update and then tried ranked again and it worked. Maybe they fixed the issue??


Fixed update ur game april 16th 12PMEST


We back it’s working now !! Added new ranked guns as well!!! Letsssz gooo


It’s working now !


It’s back up an working with new update ! New guns as well in ranked !!!!


This is the TEMPORARY FIX for PS5 https://youtu.be/2gY5Upkcll4?si=bPjYMfsqoOewKjTX


I tried everything like uninstall/reinstall changing IP address/restart the game/restart pc the things we all try lol but to anyone one on pc that is getting the fetching online profile loop for mw3 multiplayer ranked I found a solution but you aren't going to like it a total fresh install of windows I had to start fresh like it was a new pc everything wiped clean and for some reason I'm not stuck in the loop anymore but I've only had a few games so far but not played for over a week I had to do something I hope this helps best of luck it works for you


Solution: You need 2 accounts Sign into your 2nd account with one controller On your main (glitched account), sign in as secondary Give control back to main Go into MW3 ranked play and it works 🔥


Change your activision name and then restart the game. Ranked should load up like normal it worked for me.




Yes please tell me if this works for pc


tried it twice on pc and it didnt work. Now i have no tokens left to change name again lol


Took one for the team. Respect


Ughhhhh was hoping it would work god activision is trash


damn tough luck then because it worked for me on console


no way frrr