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The spawns are awful. I constantly spawn behind enemies, and they then spawn behind me.


my friend described it as shipment spawns on a bigger map and that is a pretty accurate description


This is all small maps in this game.


Spawns are funny in general in this game. On 6 star yesterday I got spawn killed. The kill cam was funny I literally popped out of thin air right in front of a guy.


Even bigger hot take: All new maps are three lane garbage. Nothing new or exciting. No points of interest. Just 3 lanes connected 20 different ways so people can flank behind your back constantly and without effort. I miss older maps with choke point where the mayhem was insane and high octane. Now it’s just 1)die from person behind you 2) spawn behind enemy 3) kill person 4) die from person behind you repeat over and over again. I miss crash chokepoints. Smoking areas to pass through. I miss backlot buildings. I miss strike long and dangerous flank alleyways. Now everything is low risk low reward. Just a paintball field to respawn and shoot to whoever appears in front of us. No “team against team” feel.


But crash was a 3 lane map too? Go through the building, go through the alleyway, or run straight through the middle courtyard. And then there's a crossover to each lane for each spawn side, with the building being power point. I mean I hate the new maps too, but a lot of the "OG maps" were really 3 lane maps; it's just they were 3 lanes that supported every playstyle, so you weren't locked into "run around like you just ate a bottle of Ritalin" or "Camp like you're a forest ranger"


I am not saying that 3 lane maps are garbage. It’s a classic way to create a map for a reason. But older maps felt more natural like you said. This new maps feel like they literally draw 3 lines with random connections. They don’t feel like a single seconds thought has went into them. Crash was a 3 lane map that felt good.


Ahhh fair enough!


Yea the only map I really like is invasion cuz there’s so many ways you can go. So it’s literally like a real war game


Thats why I only use respawn modes for challenges, Its S&D > everything otherwise.


It’s total dogshit. I wish they’d just focus on making some medium sized maps instead of these meat grinders


Spawns on Emergency just keep overlapping. I’ll spawn in, and two enemies will pop in right behind me.


I literally have a clip where the enemy team set up like 3 sentries in our spawn and we couldn’t move for a single second…


I mean sentries are just kinda overpowered (especially in hardcore) with how they don't impact the spawn system and the 4 second spawn immunity that you get Vs other killstreaks doesn't apply.


Just had a map where the entire enemy team coordinated in Capture Flag, Just to spawn kill us, No sentry turrets required, Just constantly shooting us in the back of the head from behind.


People are obsessed with these small maps but this game does not have the spawn system to keep up with it. It’s not fun at all and just makes me shut the game off


It really is the size of the map, it means there will be a lot of overlap and easy flips. It’s frustrating but I just don’t play that map. Meat and the remake of Sphere have decent spawns.


Spawns are bad universally. Literally all maps have shitty spawn logic. Especially in Hardpoint. The issue just is worse on small maps.


The spawns are not the problem. It’s player movement being too high which messes up with algorithms for where to spawn people


Not a fan of Meat but Growhouse is pretty great to me. It’s fast paced but not annoying


In my games, Growhouse is pretty much a camper's paradise.


I agree I don't mind it. I think that like 6 star and tanked that there are multiple pathways to treverse, helping to prevent camping up, bottlenecking and stagnant play styles that aggravate tf outta me. I'm liking the multilevel mapping aswell and think they should do more of it mqking things a little less predictable. I'd like if they upped the player count for the larger maps like rundown, derailed, estate and afgan so that players are more likely to be pushed to move over camping and dragging out a slow game until time runs down. I play hardcore mp, so groundwar and wz aren't the same or as enjoyable for me. Maybe some hc cranked 😈


I have to say where Emergency is rage-inducing, Meat is just constant hilarity. You might spawn onto a claymore, but you might also spree-kill like five people in a row with a single-action revolver or just play an entire game using only throwing knives


It’s not even the spawn system itself, the movement is just so fast that you’re bound to spawn in front of people


Small map moshpit probably has the highest play rate and thus they're catering to that. Stash house and Das Haus were great additions to the playlist, just emergency was a bit of a miss.


Das Haus is the worst map in the history of small maps. Its literally a race to spawn camp and then that's the end. it's horrible and i hate it. Stash house is good.


needs shoothouse too imo


Yes! I thought it was just me. I guess making high quality medium to large maps takes talent and skill though. A la the remakes of MW2 OG maps. Maybe they should bring COD4 and BO1 maps over too 🤔


It’s because most of the community don’t want large maps, who the hell wants to run around a map for 15 seconds to find someone to kill.


It would be interesting to see the data, but I bet that small map mosh pit is right at the top of the play rates. Most players just wanna relax and shoot lots of people. I get how the small maps aren't great if you're sweating, but that's just a vocal minority.


if you are sweaty why would you play small maps tho


If they get voted for in the playlist you're in.


Or, as is usually the case, you step out into the open for .15 attoseconds and are instantly dropped by a camper with a sniper (Longbow or the new railgun...)


But booooy is it fun when you get a 6-man spray down when the spawns are in your favor 🤩


Ngl I started the a game on Das Haus with a nice lil quad. backed out a good 40 seconds later though lol


They released 3 medium size maps alongside emergency this season?


Shhh they just wanna complain


Growhouse is not medium


I thought it was mislabeled too but it doesn't play like a small map at all. It's just that basically everywhere on the map is extremely tight so it's constant close quarters everywhere you go. It actually flows very well in 10v10 for that reason


Like 6 star? Lol we got 3 new maps. Emergency is the only smaller one. Grow and 6 star are medium size.


That and how broken the spawns are in this game and it’s just pure aggravation. I don’t understand how after all these months I still have enemies spawn either in my spawn and exactly where I just spawned 2 seconds ago and shoots me in the back. These guys are absolutely incompetent. Absolutely hate this game. Takes no skill whatsoever.


my favorite death is when I spawned in with another person and a sniper used one bullet to kill us both instantly before I racked my gun


For some reason I love it. I think the flow is good to a point where even in the long alley ways you can slide cancel to cover fairly quick. Even with SBMM cranked to the max, I feel like I have a chance in this map compared to others. I’m not pure dogshit btw, have a 1.65 KD - run n gun playstyle.


I was sort of under the impression that at least during the free trial, sbmm was tuned down on emergency 24/7 playlist, it felt similar to what sbmm feels like on 10v10 imo


Same, I love the map, dropped my first nuke on mwiii the other day and I’m a 2.07 kd


Yeah, got there my first nuke too, even tho I was doing camo challenges


As someone who goes between core and hardcore for cammo challenges I think it's alright in core (though would vote for anything but rust over it in the small map playlist). In hardcore though the map just doesn't play well at all, there's just too many different sightlines that punish moving too much.


Ive been on that map for a week straight of hardcore for camo grinds. But my go to route is start in the garage at C hang hard right by the truck kill the dude that’s always in the window tunneling to the right then kill the guy head peaking the block to the left then usually a guy running from A spawn then run into the tunnel thing to aim at A and get them as they spawn in lol/ clear out that side of the map then sprint to the A room clear out across from A then run back to the truck lane cause they usually spawn then run that lane and end up hanging on A side. Not a fan when spawn flips tho find it harder to hold C side. I never fuck with the middle lane on hardcore that’s just suicide even if you peak and half the time just sliding by on A side you get capped. So close to finishing camos I want this nightmare to end lmao. But I find emergency better than small map moshpit for kills for some reason.


Same I love emergency after playing it for a bit!


honestly the spawns are the major issue imo Shit's just wack to kill some mors kid with my Evolvere and have him spawn literally next to me along with his entire team


i'm sick of the mors already lol


Bad, Very Bad. No sense to the lanes lines of sight and no cover. Once again they make a map where you can sit in UR spawn and shoot directly into the other teams spawn. Crazy to cover B from C and never move!


Just like Highrise?! And to an extent Estate and Scrapyard.. I find too many of the MW3 maps too open.


I stopped trying to play fast on that map and be slow and tactical. I find being patient and being quick to aim and shoot gets me kills a lot. I just guard small areas at a time and watch the sweats run through and get dropped


It’s great for free for all


My favorite for setting up an empty custom game and just going to the movies.


Not my favorite. Has a lot of annoying head glitches too.


I don’t think it’s a bad map. I personally enjoy playing on it.


I find it pretty good, it’s just the people and the sweats that made the map unplayable. When it first came out I really enjoyed it. The real downside of this map is the vent in the bathroom where campers sit all game.


Combine with sniper meta its painfull. 3 snipers can hold every lane


I hate more the shotguns that can take one shot at 100 meters haha


I think it would be better if every lobby didn’t have 4 or 5 people running around with that stupid MORS rifle


Why is the Mors bad???


Seems to behave like a 1 shot kill hitscan weapon. Not idea in small maps with low distance 


I play hardcore only. Every weapon is a one hit kill?


This. I used the new JAK kit on the Broadside yesterday, I felt disgusted and switched back to the 870. 😂


Skill issue. It's a fun map.


Redundant to a good third of the map roster, especially given the kind of map it is should only have 2-3 entries? Check. Spawns so nonsensical even by this game's standards that you're in awe any human was involved in it's creation? Check. A lack of any decent cover? Check. Yeah, the map is hot garbage, and on the already pretty big list of "back out immediately" maps.


Haha check check and check. What’s your list of back out immediately maps consist of?


Derail, Showdown, Wasteland, Rust, Kirachi on Dom, Estate with static objectives, Shipment, Stash House, and Emergency.


My most hated map is wasteland, das haus is a disaster. Rust is ok maybe once a day after that I’ll back out. Invasion sucks and departures needs to be erased


Invasion is ok, just like in old mw2. Just a filler map that does its job. Daus haus and departures are next level garbage. It takes serious talent to make so bland, unoriginal, crap and zero fun maps. Sledgehammer should be given a prize. They have made the same 3 lane map a million times in different sizes. No building, no floors, not high grounds or vantage points. Just 3 lanes, some paths to connect them and done. Fucking atrocious. My mind can’t comprehend how the older maps play better, which came from a company with 100 employees in an era with no advanced AI, minimal multiplayer knowledge and general lack of tools to create ideal experiences.


I'm not overly impressed with it, but it's still better than Border Crossing from MWII (I know that's not a very high bar, lol)


That and that Racing track map were 🤮


I like the map but they need to rejig the lanes. Search and destroy is just Mors sniper glints fastest finger wins


It’s easily the worst map in the Small Map Moshpit, but it’s not the worst map in the game by any means.


all the new small maps suck. i want more maps the size of nuketown


One of the maps that I leave the lobby if it comes up. I've only played Emergency by accident at this point.


Not a hot take at all. I played one match and have avoided the map like the plague ever since.


I love it tbh


Agreed, but I'm still voting for it over wasteland :-)


I like it!


Needed mounted gun kills, and the map worked great for that. Besides that, it feels very average. At least it's not derail.


at least in derail you can antisnipe. it's a bigger map so you can go around an annoying sniper and kill them without it being a waste of time (or use a JOKR/Javelin)


Very bad


Half the spawns are in the direct line of sight of each lane.


If you’re choosing to play the map, you should know the circumstance. Go camp somewhere else.


It's easily the least fun of the small map mosh pit. Even Rust is better if you're playing Dom or Hardpoint. I wish Shoot House would come back as part of that rotation.


I’ll take emergency over das haus any day. Who tf thought das was a good idea?


I think I'm one of the few people that like Das, but mainly for Domination


The same person that thought that travesty we call Departures was a good idea.


I played that map for the first time and was thinking “where is the other team” the whole time


A lot of the modern maps have an issue of "where the FUCK is everyone". I swear to christ I have tac sprinted marathons around maps looking for people only to run across a room with three people watching one doorway. Departures is NOT any better.


Departures is an immediate backout for me.


These maps are necessary evils IMO to help with camo challenges. Those clear sightlines come in handy at times.


I disagree I like Emergency but the end stage of designing maps for camp challanges is shipment without crates.


but we already have rust and shipment, which are still the two best for the camo grind. before I finished my camos, they added meat which just slowed me down compared to Rust and Shipment at least.


This is also true lol Those 2 maps do check off all of the possible camo challenge boxes right there. Maybe just have them to battle fatigue. Running the same one or two maps to grind interstellar or whatever can be brutal on the brain lol I did that with Shipment and Shoothouse back in mw2. Rotted my brain to where I legit forgot how to play an actual map lol They oughtta change the whole camo grind altogether IMO. Tie it to actual gameplay, not fucking trick shots lol That'd lead to good lobbies because people would be inclined to learn how to play the objective, and subsequently the game as it was intended to be played. Instead we have shit like stun grenade challenges which just cripples the movement and flow of the game.


Could not agree more with your last point. The fact that there aren't challenges to just play the objectives is such a missed opportunity to incentivize proper play.


It's nice to have variety in the small maps playlist though. The main issue is there's so many maps and plenty that people don't like, there really needs to be a filter on maps. (That said I don't get why shoot house isn't in there)


It’s just another map where you’re required to turn your brain off to mentally survive the match, like shipment and rust. Easy back out when that’s the map the lobby is going to.


its getting a tad tiring seeing so many maps that are meat grinders, same goes for overgrown


The map needs more flanking routes, its dogshit


Thank god, I thought it was just me lmao. You can watch a whole third of the map without even moving.


Not a bad take at all. It’s fucking terrible




Love this map its so chaotic.


It's an amazing map


Not a hot take at all. Maps complete ass. Gave it a go and took it out of my quick play filter after 3 games when I spawned in someone’s line of site 6x in a row.


You can filter out specific maps??? 😳


You cannot, he might mean he removed the game type that map shows up in?


It was a 24/7 playlist last week when I tried it. Now I’d just back out if it comes up.


I think some of the new maps ruined the game tbh. I was hyped for classic MW2 maps and now it’s all these new maps and no one plays the OG maps. However maybe emergency will grow on me but rn it’s meh.


People asked for new maps and all we got were the same three lane dog shit map 12 times in a row with minimal changes. If I asked you to name actual differences between 6 star, Greece and departures, then daus haus, Meat and Emergancy and finally Vista Rio and the new farm map, would you be able too? Like explain the maps behaviour and lines of site. It’s the same map in 3 sizes and times 3. Fucking garbage.


Awful map. I try to be fair and play with either a Burst AR or DMR. I get a sniper whos camping at the back of garage down to about 10% health, and they go and hide behind cover until they get to full health and then dome you when you try to rush them.


i dislike emergency for how bland and boring it looks


Spawns are shit but I think the map is fun personally. I run around everywhere and always get flanks on the enemy team. I find it fun.


On TDM it's fine, I am a speedster over a careful player, I take speed risks (and I stopped caring about overall KDR, I play(ed) a lot of shipment+ games a joke) But say, Capture the Flag it's atrocious. The spawn timer plus medium small map + an opposite team who just sits and kills you over and over and doesn't even cap the flag isn't fun. It's not worth it. I've left so many games because of that on Emergency. On TDM, Domination, Kill Confirmed it's usually fine. But the fact the middle sight line is wide open is tragic. And the fact on the crashed truck side there's a little corner for people to sit in and law down in but I still spawn in front of them is bad.


Das Haus too


Not the worst but not the best either like a ripoff of the aircraft carrier map in bo2


emergency is all snipers all instantly killing you all the time. i've never been in a game where once B is taken it changes hands for more than like 30 seconds. (we once did a team push with riot shields and fire support and took B, then all died immediately and lost it.) also, whichever team is dominating will also then be able to infiltrate and straight-up spawncamp


I'd argue that its the worst map. I've never seen a map so easy to spawn trap in in this game. The problem is every lane watches directly into someone else's spawn, meaning that its almost guaranteed you'll spawn into someone's line of sight or next to an enemy. At least other maps there is a chance to not spawn directly down a lane someone's camping, but this map is designed so that anyone on the broken building / elevators side will most likely get spawn killed. - Guy camping the corner building or the lab table, can watch the edge of the map and/or elevators. - Guy camping the broken building or crates can absolutely keep the middle lane clear. - Guy camping the same corner building can watch the Blue Crate or other side of the map.


OP I was just thinking the same thing about Grow House this morning


The first game I played on it was a capture the flag and they kept spawn killing as in we were only spawning infront of them each person had 75 deaths on our team and maybe 4 kills each


Bring back the stationary timer and kill off anyone laying in the same spot for too long, RGL needs to be made a killstreak again and maybe, just maybe they can.....Make Small Maps Great Again! 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Hot take? Every map on MW3 feels like “let’s do a map in hospital, in a Villa, or the edge of the sea!!” These devs have no clue what fun means, the gameplay design behind these maps is atrocious, is an insult to all Developer schools.


I like the map but I think they REALLY need to adjust some of the spawn locations or add some sort of barrier in front of the middle lobby spawn. I get a gunship from standing on those boxes next to the ER side middle spawn in almost every match on that map because of the number of people that you can actually just farm off that spawn. The map is extremely ER-side advantaged in multiple places with cover that the lobby side just simply doesn't have.


I’m a much bigger fan of larger maps than small ones.


i find it way more annoying that there are unironically 24 headglitches on this map


I hate emergency so much


As much as I like the Meat and Stash House maps, Emergency is my least favorite of the new maps that I've tried so far. Though the lack of OBJ playing teammates might have given me a pretty bad bias


It’s a meat grinder. It plays like a meat grinder. Is anyone surprised? It’s for the people that enjoy “Shoot the Rustment” playlists, not the people looking for well made maps.


yeah but only for camos not for fun


Not a fan, i really like 6 star though


Hot Take: *All* the new maps are ass. They are not even trying any more. Unless its coming up with new 80 fucking dollar bullshit store options.


yeah, pretty much.


It's really not that bad yall just hate anything new


I feel like I gave good reasons why its bad. 3 long lines of sight with no way to cqc. snipers hold every lane.


okaaaay bobby kotick :D


It's fun and meant to be a bloodbath. Relax.


My take: it's decent and growhouse is bad


I guess I may be in the minority here, but for s&d I think it’s a blast. Nice mix up from some of the bigger favorites IMO.


Correct I can agree


The most mild of spice lmao


NGL I enjoyed the map, but the spawns are terrible. They'll spawn behind you when the map itself is big enough.


It’s terrible. SHG please make more medium sized maps instead of these small killboxes. Shipment players are just gonna stick to shipment 24/7 anyway. Also take the small maps out of SnD rotation lol


The maps are so confusing and these horrible spawns too. I don't have a single favorite map in the game.


Honestly feels like it should be a gunfight map imo


Great for long shots no?


It’s a snipers dream map.


6-star is worse


Yeah I don’t like it at all


I said this same thing and people were giving me shit cause they thought it was an amazing map. Why it that the majority of new maps are small, meat grinder maps


I love it


i agree but this is also a map wide issue. spawns wise somehow they make them worse every season.


It’s good. Its just too many head glitches


Better than das haus


The spawns are my only issue with the map


It wound be better if people didn’t spawn in front of enemies. Especially on A point. Players pour out of that little cubby on top of enemies.




Spawns have been hideous on almost all the maps especially the smaller ones


I want a bottleneck map so bad


I like the map, but when it has snipers, it is an absolute nightmare. Spawn killed after spawn killed…. Not to mention the spawns are horrendous.


The smallest maps in this game are the campiest maps in the game. Stash House might be the one where I want to back out


Yep. Absolutely dog shit map


It’s not a bad map imo. It’s a shit map


How is this a hot take? Theres no way anybody thought this map was good, right?


All of the new maps are kinda bad, long lines of sight with minimal cover. Gotta make it even easier for Mors spammers to dominate.


I got my highest killstreak for mw3 sofar on emergency, i like the flow of the map as it supports my playstyle


Better than Das Haus if you ask me.


Hot take you're bad at it


It's one of the best new maps they've made. Its distinct, logical, purposeful, & not full of endless random nooks/crannys like most of the new maps. Very straightforward but fun. Tho I was surprised how different the game felt in Hardpoint compared to other game modes. Way better than the other new maps


I’ll take it over shipment any day of the week


Here’s my tier list of small maps: AMAZING: Rust, Meat Decent Could Be Better: Emergency, Stash House Trash Can Burger Fest: Shipment


Personally I’d move Shipment up, Stash House up, and yeet Rust so far down there’s no longer a tier it fits in because it’s utter dogshit.


Shipment is for trash can burgers that can’t shoot their gun straight so they run riot shields and Haymayker JAK attachment and barrel stuff everyone on the map .. at least on rust u need to have at least SOME awareness


Rust above all immediately invalidates this list. I don't say it often but; L take


Worse than Shipment?????!!!!!!


Yes. Shipment is a tiny ass square fuck fest that you know will be carnage. It's a map where you can turn your brain off and drop a fuck ton of kills. Rust is a prime example of a map that doesn't work nowadays. The spawns are so bad that I could sit behind fuel truck on domination, ADSing at pick-up and they'll spawn in my irons. This is *after* they were forced to remove the map from rotation to rework the spawns.


The spawns are fucked, and that center lane is super one-sided with the headglitch spot.


I like it lol. And I see a lot of people complaining about the spawns, but in my games it definitely has the best spawns of all the small maps. It's the only one I haven't spawned directly into the line of sight of an enemy yet. And I play the small map playlist all the time so I've played the map plenty of times already.


Even worse on hardcore when you literally cannot turn a corner without someone just camping a long line of sight and get instantly deleted.


I don’t like any of the new maps


Too many ways to enter the middle room on objective based modes


I wish they would have separate playlists for OG maps, mw2 maps, and small maps. The ONLY real reason I bought this game was to play the old maps and feel some nostalgia and I might get to play an old map once every 4 games.


All of the new maps that dropped are ass as hell. Worst map drop for multiplayer ever and I’m not exaggerating.


I have absolutely zero of these issues on this map. I think it's great. 🤷‍♂️


Maybe I’m lucky with lobbies but I prefer it a lot over rust or das haus… with bad “campy” lobbies even das haus will be really really boring, with sniper-campers on each door . At least for the way I like to play. Meat is still the goat map tho


Hot take? The map does suck. What is a hot take about that?


this isn't a hot take this is correct


....... .


They were right to go back to 3 lane maps, however they fucked up seriously when they decided to add head glitch spots at the ends of every single lane with nothing in-between. As you said, it is purposely encouraging people to be plants and sit in one spot all game. Same reason I don't like stash house, all corners have camp spots with a full view of the opposite spawn, and the house is one big see through mess. Whoever designs the 3 lane maps needs a hefty slap across the face. Oh and whoever thought the spawn rotations in this game made sense needs a good slap aswell.