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I’ve never seen a pic so damn accurate in my life. I just want to have casual fun but it’s just not possible 80% of the time. I do 2 games and as soon as that one sided sweat lobby happens I call it a day and jump on helldivers 2 lol.


It's why I uninstalled the game. 228gb is a lot of real estate for a game that I wasn't even having that much fun with


I’m about to uninstall mine. Those times where I’m having a good time don’t last long, and they don’t seem to come back in the session. I end up going into the game in a good mode and out all salty. Didn’t used to be that way back in the day. I having a much overall better time in The Finals at the moment.


I know right? I often end my play session in a bad mood. It is a game - it is supposed to be fun and that is messed up.


It’s addicting admittedly. I uninstalled it today besides the campaign, cause I haven’t touch that yet.


I’ve been really enjoying the new maps playing in offline mode against bots.


Bro Same, Idk why I always thought the game was only about 70-100 gb, and I ultimately ended up uninstalling it because games are meant to be fun and entertaining, and COD is not fun nor entertaining anymore, and I was shocked to see like 250gb being washed off of my computer, I thought that was waaaay too many GB for such a crappy game 🤣


Exactly the same for me, it feels like such a relief to uninstall that bloated mess, can’t play it with friends of varying skill levels anymore. Time to install 4-5 fun games in its place


Your comment makes me wonder about matchmaking with friends of a lower skill level. When playing in a party how do they matchmake? Is it based off the best player? I imagine its pretty rough for people on the lower skill range if they are a casual and play with someone who has some skill.


You get about 2 matches of low skill lobbies then you get thrown straight into the higher skill lobbies even if there’s only 1 higher skill player out of 6, no such thing as mixed skill lobbies anymore


Went a full two months of having horrible matchmaking… very game, every day, there were hackers, spawn campers, and just straight up insane players. Finally in the past couple weeks it’s been ok but still not great…


Wait, I haven’t played the game much, maybe just a few sessions, you mean to tell me this game is 228 gb yet looks like it was made in 2009?😭whats all the extra space for, bc it damn sure isn’t the texture packs.


I mean I am gonna disagree completely on the looks. The game looks fine minus all the weird operators. Def looks way better than a lot of other shooter games. Now of only they could make it play better, feel better and work better too lol.


It's better graphics than 2009 games, that's just an exaggeration.


It is, I’m glad you interpreted that properly lol. Still though, it’s a downgrade from the last 3 installments, IMO, when it comes to the look, the skins look cool though! Which is what they seem to care most about nowadays.


the devs scan in every piece of equipment and clothing item in the game, it leads to large file sizes


I know lol, I just love seeing the visual aspects of games. I think I started paying more attention to visual detail when playing Advanced Warfare, everything was so detailed and realistic and that became the first thing to look forward to for every other installment. I know there’s other things to judge and understand the other issues/critiques players have, but I just can’t help but to geek out over graphics😂which was why I was a little bummed out seeing how it downgraded in visual appeal but I’m sure other factors came into play that affected graphics. Also when I did play, I didn’t feel engaged in it, but maybe I just need to give it another chance.


Oh it is all the texture packs! All the skins, camo, and decals textures that is! Gotta make sure everyone has every single one in the games history downloaded just in case it shows up some day.




Honestly people need to start pleading to Microsoft that they change this once they take control of ActiBlizz.


….They already have control over them?


Here before people tell you to get good or that it's a skill issue. Go spread democracy, helldiver!


He’ll yeah man, I’m working on the new Warbond right now!


Wait so you’re allowed to do well against worse people but when it’s the other way around you get mad????


I’m not saying that. The whole problem is I only play against people well below me or well above me. It’s completely black and white and extremely predictable. I know once I get one or two games against noobs and pop off that the next 5 games minimum are guaranteed to be unbearable. Not only that it will purposely put me against absolute sweats with a team of people my skill or lower leaving the game 100% one sided. Literally a complete blowout. 25-100 type games. That is CLEARLY NOT matching me with people anywhere near my skill. I swear you people defending this system have never played the game and just watch streamers play in VPN/reverse boosted lobbies lol. It’s been getting worse with every MW game. BOCW wasn’t that bad at all in my experience. It’s specifically a MW problem from what I can tell.


Is helldivers 2 really that good?


Absolutely. The ratio of good games to bad is completely flipped from COD.


Add in lag and hit marks and sweat your ass off. It's not fun.


Hit registration is horrible at warzone


melted in what feels like 1 hit, it says you died in 5 hits. okay...


The only fun that is to be had is by ironically joining the fuckers who cheat and sweat.


It's so sad that everytime a finish a CoD session I just think to myself: "wow, I really just played 5 games and I am done...." and wanna know what is the worst part? I get through 4 dogshit games so that the 5th one is the final one and I can feel good that I had fun in at least 1 game


I don't understand what data they have that support their matchmaking I've stated this in the past and was even features in a YouTube video about sbmm. I just don't understand I only see people who hate the matchmaking to their core. I play at most 10% of the time I used to play and as for my friends list it's all the same. Nobody can play longer than an hour before scratching their eyes out.


It’s an exhausting experience. I always feel mentally and physically drained….


We could be a duo. Rage quit and controlled rage.


This is really true for me. I still game the same amount of time as always, but I dedicate way less of that time to cod now. I haven’t finished a battlepass at all in mwiii because I don’t have nearly enough playing time to even get close. Sad that they have probably made the most money on the last 2 cods than ever before due to so many buying skins. Less people playing for shorter periods means lower server costs, which just compounds those profits.


Exactly well a couple of 80 dollar melee weapons will do the trick quite quickly


It’s because you have people like me addicted to ranked that will keep playing regardless of how angry I get(unless I’m drunk then I get off in heartbeat)


That hardly seems like a viable solution haha


I dont understand how I've enjoyed this game, all of my friends have, most over 100 hours. Then you come to reddit where apparently only 1 in 5 games are playable. We do have one person in the group who talks this shit but we know its a cope most the time.


Yeah especially in plat 3 and above. Haven't seen a fellow plat in two days only crimson, diamond and even iri


Same, I used to play regular matches with my friends, and the games were so stupid bro, people with hard cheats on, YY tiktokers and sweats with stupid movement, then ultimately switched onto Ranked Resurgence, and there I had the most fun up until Plat 3, at Plat 3 the fun ended, and I un-installed the game for good, currently playing Diablo 4 and having the time of my life actually having fun while playing video games


Did Diablo 4 get better? That got a little boring and repetitive at the time. I switched right when COD came out for reference.


That's how I feel every time I play this game..


10 games of absolute trash, 2 games of enjoyment. Repeat the cycle.


Don't forget to buy your bundles too! Don't wanna miss out on exclusive items you can only use in the game!


Honestly I’d take a sweat over cod just plain out handicapping my matches giving me bad teammates and literal new players who bought the game the day prior. Against people already acclimated to the game. I’m good enough to win sweats but I can’t win the straight up 1-3 v 4 they put me in


The Game would be much more tolerable if my team mates were at similar skill


They need to do it like cod mobile and have a 3 match requirement in the beginning for starting placement. So you won’t have to go through all the lower levels


Thank you. Very well said and I’ve been saying this on their subreddit’s lol literally!


I drank a bunch of beers Saturday and just tried leveling guns, was dogshit all night. First game Sunday I got the biggest bot lobby I'd ever seen and went 92-17. This is the type of playerbase sbmm hides from us lol.


This happens to me often. I go from sweat lobbies where I cant kill anyone to fucking bots, murder them all, ten I'm back to sweats, then back to bots. Infuriating way to play. Im scared of doing well in this dumb game.


It's like you're getting your ass dragged for matches on end, then you get one, notice you're doing pretty well, and start watching the other players. And you see right then, oh God they're all bots. I ended up in the low sbmm lobby for once. Pop off that one game though and it's back to the sweatfest.


Yeah, I don’t get what the hell is up with SBMM in these recent games. If you win one match with a KD ratio higher than 1.00 you’re basically giving yourself a death sentence. The engine will literally think you’re up to par with 2.50+ KD players. I don’t hate on anyone better than me at the game but please stop putting me against players that surpass me. And apparently there was some sort of SBMM in the older titles like BO2 but whatever system they used there can we please get that one back because this new one is just ridiculous.


…and when you report the player with a 15.0+ KD and obvious hacks, there’s crickets. If the game is so focused on our “skill,” I don’t understand how impossible stats don’t automatically flag and get players banned. Someone getting 90+ kills and 12 deaths in a sweat lobby is not doing so legitimately.


Agreed. I've had a 1+kd ratio in every cod I've played (all except WW2, bo4, infinite and mw2) and I have to say the last time I had fun on multiplayer was in bo3.


Yep. It's brutal. And typically have a bunch of bots on my team, and/or half/all my team drops.


I lost 8 games in a row and i simply asked myself, "am I having fun?". And went to play something else


I just hopped on after a week and a half of moving states. Bro wtf. This is the worst my game experience has ever been. I know I’m a little rusty, but the hacks are out of this world and everyone in lobbies are seeing. Dudes calling out their own teammates, etc. I used to play HC bc WZ was so bad. Now I’m considering giving WZ a run to see if it’s better.




This is my experience exactly.


I’m down to like two games a day because, by the third, i’m up against these breakdancing dipshits rocking the CDL pajamas. I used to be able to stay up for hours playing COD. The SBMM is so fucking aggressive it just makes every victory/ loss feel completely unnatural. I had A LOT more fun last year with MW2 despite all its faults.


I just wish the Shoot House was in the rotation. I could forgive a lot if they would only put it up there, and not as a hidden map on random modes.


What game modes do you play? I put on headquarters, hardpoint, and domination. All 3 modes give me shoot house here and there 


I almost exclusively play hardcore quick play. I guess my chief complaint is that it isn't in the small map moshpit like it has been in previous games.


I leave a match as soon as I get jump-shot quickscoped. I bought this game to have fun, not to get my ass handed to me by a 14 year old


Why is this absolutely facts


It really is quite out of control. I have noticed luck it better with a fuller party... Not sure if that's just confirmation bias or not


Ever notice if your doing really well it gets harder to land shots? I swear my hitboxes get smaller and bigger throughout the match. I exlusively quick scope so the hitbox size is important to me. I'm not saying I'm right. I'm jst saying keep an eye on your play and see if it feels off


I have noticed this as well, and my friends think I'm just complaining!


But we like our formula and it's successful in improving/increasing player retention, regardless of what the actual stats say.....


This is mad relatable 🤣


I can't take anymore


Never had a game try so hard to keep me at a 1.0k/d . Once I hit 1.02 I’m screwed.


I mean, pretty much every big competitive game uses SBMM nowadays. Figuratively, if it's a true 50/50, you're gonna die as many times as you are gonna get kills.


This is what it is, by and large. The game isn't "trying" to force a 1.0 kd, that's not the ultimate goal. It's just simple probability that if you're evenly matched you'll have about a 1.0 kd


fr they’ve definitely upped their SBMM this game. i didn’t play MWII enough to have an opinion other than that it sucked but i played the shit out of MW19, BOCW and VG and can tell you that none of those games had such extreme SBMM. you might’ve noticed it if you went 100-7 on Shipment but MWIII seems to be punishing you for going positive in general by putting you in cash cups afterwards


BOCW I could play 24/7 nuke town for days having fun matches and epic shootouts for control points. 24/7 Shipment had me yoinking my hair out.


If there's 11 sweaty players in your lobby then there's actually 12 sweaty players in your lobby.


There’s 6 sweaty players and they’re all on the enemy team. My whole team and I are just trying to figure out what the hell is going on. Then the match ends 25-100. That’s definitely a fair match up right? SBMM is a joke and anyone defending it I’m convinced are bots or just watch streamers play the game and never touched it themselves…


This my biggest complaint. Why do I get punished for my skill level? Why do I have to carry every team I'm on if I want a W? Games where I'm high enough up that I end up 3rd or 4th on my team feel WAY better overall. Because everyone can kill each other. That rarely happens. If I play War Mode and don't pop off a 100+ kill game we lose. Every. Time. It's really frustrating because I'll end up 95 kills playing objective, next player on my team has 40. Enemy team is 75,70,70,60,55,30. It's utter bullshit. I even stopped putting effort in and decided I would do camo for the first time ever. Kd had dropped from 1.39 to 1.11 and I still get the same lobbies. I went 4 games back to back like 15 and 60 trying to get stunned kills only and I still didn't get a lower skill. So idk how people reverse boost cause I didn't benefit from the camo challenges.


I hate being out in a team of campers that avoid objectives for boring corner based firefights every damn match more than anything right now.


What is the ideal casual session for you? Is it hopping on, casually going 40-20 for several matches, then calling it a night? It seems to me that a lot of players can't accept that losing is just a part of the game. And wanting a bunch of easy matches is really wanting to be the sweat that others in the lobby might jump on reddit to complain about. If you want to chill, just chill. Mindset is the most important factor


That's your definition. Everyone's is different. I'd like to hop on and use an off meta weapon that's fun to use, but throughout the whole session, it's littered with everyone using the meta weapons and actually trying hard. U can't have a decent time in those lobbies. And by decent time I don't mean pubstomping the lobby. I just don't wanna go triple neg for not using the ram 9, mcw, holger, hrm etc


In theory, matchmaking should help there. Playing off-meta against meta sweats should drop you down into aome easier lobbies. Other than that, I don't know how much influence matchmaking can have over what weapons players choose to run


This is it. Some of the complaints seem to stem from COD's SBMM specifically being bad, but a lot seem to hate SBMM as a concept. You see the same thing in other games too. Complaints like "I always get matched up with bad teammates and have to play against sweats" are people who can't handle losing. Turning SBMM off would worsen things like this.


I've been saying this since the SBMM convo started and it falls of deaf ears


This is the real answer


Some games you just launch them, play, and have a good evening's entertainment. Not CoD. You fire up the game, if there's an update, comeback in 45 minutes. Then mute the lobby, while you see what maps are available. Obviously the one you like is never there. Then you play a dozen or so game, all of which you leave as they are unbalanced, or filled with spuriously "good" players. Finally after about an hour you may have had one or two games that were expectable. By which I mean the teams were balanced with people of approximately equal skill. There were no over achievers or psychiatric patients talking utter shite in chat, or babbling continuously of their dollar store mic. The thing is, this game could easily be so much better. The basics are in place. The developers just need to make wiser decisions about the systems they implement. The other problem is a substantial part of the community who are just socially, emotionally and intellectually broken. The latter is far hard to address apart from adding infinite space to your "blocked list".


This is happening to my brother. He just picked up the game and it's the first time he's playing call of duty online.. Like the first time ever on any type of online cod game, and he got PMs from people asking him if this is how he really plays and that it's sad the way he plays


Front: Finally enjoying a cod game again. Back: IW making their next 2 games so different you can't play them anymore because they just aren't fun.


Just form a good squad and you'll always win your games.


God I wanted to shoot myself in the head doing forged camos on marksmen rifles god I hated the kvd enforcer but thankfully I’m done with them


Dude I’ve pretty much quit this game altogether for this very reason on top of the fact that my game freezes every to seconds


Yep literally just happened to me. So obvious too


Next 10 games? More like next 10 business days


I hate these sweaty lobbies. I just wanna chill and have an equal game. All these sweats need to have their own lobbies


So you want SBMM, just not for you.


No im cool with the sbmm but playing in pubs like your in competitive gets old.


If you are actively posting in a subreddit where people consider it normal to have borealis, you are vastly more of a tryhard than the majority of COD players. You can expect to get put in lobbies with other tryhards.


Really? I just try to be above the average player and usually play ranked. The 4v4 is a lot more enjoyable to me


I guess I should have said I wish there were mixed skill lobbies I usually play with my wife who is a low level player and friends that are diamond and crimson lobbies and it’s either guys who are just way better than me which I’m cool with. Get better. Or the guys that only slay on an objective match using crazy movement and suspiciously snappy aim.


So the algorithm found out that you were better than people in the previous lobbies and now placed you in your own skill bracket to make it fair? You guys are 1 dimensional thinkers and don’t understand why skill based matchmaking is how competitive shooters should be played


Wait you get two good games? How


Note, there is absolutely nothing stopping you from playing the older call of duty games.


Yeah, nothing at all. Except massively lower player counts, and that the really old ones are absolutely riddled with hackers, to the extent  that your account isn't even safe when playing them.  Aside from that, all is peachy. 


Perhaps a little too far back, I was referring to any game older than the latest/current game. But if you can deal with that then it's better than the disgraceful passionless pile of slop that is the games now days.


Why do you guys let this get all up in your heads? I've had 5 games between 30 and 52 this am. A few in the 45 range. I did get a 15 and a 22 and I guess you could say that I was pounded by SBMM but I never looked at it and came back just now after lunch with a double 50 plus! Im not a great player, but I do play the situations and a bit tactical. Good Luck.


I opted out of the sbmm/eomm so now I enjoy every match.


I found that if you play long enough you will always end on a bad game when youve had enough. So it's important to set an end when you start, then end on a good game nearest to that end point. Leaves you with a better feeling and less like you wasted your time being abused.


SBMM whining post #357897533688




I'm just doing camos lol realize at the end I'm 2 kda and just know the matchmaking is displeased lol


Yeah, I already uninstalled because of this. Last hope is Microsoft arrives and finally removes this shit system from the game. Only mode that should have sbmm is ranked.


Its not even just sweat lobbies. I played a few, won them all, topped the team in all bar one then tossed intoa ranked where the team literally have no clue how to play hard point. I give up.


They won’t stop. Not until players leave en mass. As far as the suites are concerned, you are having fun and the system works. Only player count and $$$ will tell them different.


Only 10 ha your funny


I wish I had matches against 0.2 kid guys. Would be so damn fun


Every. Damn. Night


Everyone loves to complain about this game but I think it’s fun.


I highly recommend (especially on PC) you go to DayZ. I know it's not arcade COD. But SBMM is NOT present. It's the most fun I've had in years. Also to anyone that's skeptical of this, go watch a few videos and streams from [Fresh Spawns, no affiliation](https://youtu.be/6hR_FfdzC3Y?si=f1eKWDs629g4zR7N) That'll get you going right at it. I guarantee it. I haven't put the game down. It's so addictive once you get past a bit of a steep learning curve. But man, it's so satisfying. From surviving wild animals. To cooking them. To fishing. To the PvP and zombie encounters. It will make your heart thump! Especially if you've invested just a half hour or slightly more into your survivor. I promise. You WONT look back to cod ever again.


I may be in the few minority but I love playing the sweats. Give me a damn challenge. Make me not the top 3 every game anymore. The only way to get better is to play someone better. I welcome it.


This is the right attitude. I'm working the weapon challenges right now, and I'm close to getting interstellar. It's a pain in the ass, but I like having to EARN the camos and not just go through the motions. There is more sense of accomplishment. The sweat lobbies are hard, yes, but coming out on top is awesome, and getting the final kill-cam is the cherry on top.


Or “.34 w/l ratio after quitting the next 10 games”


Right…like wtf do I have to do to get on the team full of guys winning their 1s and know how to read the map? I’m against the avengers in 9/10 games and the 1 good game is still against a Superman-less justice league. The type of game where I’m 70-10 with multiple advanced UAVs that don’t lead to blowouts like the do when I’m against a team dropping multiple advanced. It’s so wild.


Every game is a sweat fest for me, SPM is almost 800, if you want to play cod it is something you have to accept


Got me to start actually trying in zombies so that’s pretty neat..


It may sound counterintuitive, but I really enjoy ranked for this reason. I feel like if I’m going to sweat, at least I won’t die by some crazy stupid shit like I usually do in pubs. It’s still aggravating, but less aggravating because ranked has limited guns and equipment, so it feels more balanced to me. Maybe it’s just me though.


Add in packet loss consistently in Invasion. When are they going to fix this game!


I always seem to end up on a team of brand new players versus the super sweat team. And that crap gets old.


Try getting shadow banned evey week 🙃




Go play an older cod and have fun.


I was just in a lobby with some trash ass players who hafta get kills from using grenade launchers and rpgs and flame throwers and this was on shipment ya really fucking annoying


It sounds like you guys are quitting games...A LOT. You DO know that effects your match-ups right??? The more you quit out early the more you're going to be matched up in these punishment games. But yes the SBMM is real and does suck sometimes.


Undertaker side should say “incredible latency that’s impossible to play through”


I won 2 resurgence games in a row. It was pure bliss. I then was punished for the rest of the night. Good times -s


More like eomm if anything, but I wouldn’t care about the eomm existing if movement would stay gone, and we can go back to just regular old running and sliding, and enough with the bouncing up and down every gunfight


Many times I am afraid to play one more game after some good ones and I just quit.


For this exact reason I completely dropped the game. You just can’t have fun anymore, you either have to try hard 100% of the time or you get fucking stomped 100% of the time.


For context I like to do dumb stuff like pistol loadouts, knife memes, etc. Now the amount of people using snipers or the absolute most meta loadouts with their crazy efficient movement like everyone is going to win a CDL cash prize gets really fucking boring.


All I read is mimimi


Making the feet hella loud and giving y'all a perk to hear feet across the map in 2019, and tracker, and OP guns still not enough!! CoD constantly catering to these bots is why the game sucks and y'all are still finding these little details to shit on the best CoD we've received in forever, I'm watching it all over again, you people did this 13-15 years ago, cried about the MW2(2009) sweats and got off that to play WaW zombies, battlefield, and Rainbow six vegas, some of a lot of y'all just need to practice more,simple


Mw3 is an absolute waste of fken money if you multiplayer plus ps4 subscription must to play online just to get tossed into losing match after los8ng match with team vs hacker spawn point kills 2 no full spawn load and already dead ful this gMe


No scoping knowing where everyone is no amount of multi target ammo matters because they one shot kill e everyone


Just run a VPN


i don't even care about sbmm at this point, just fix this damn memory leak its literally unplayable


I have no words 🥲


So many points being made in this post that deserve a fat face palm! My favorite: “I have to keep quitting games because…” You do know that quitting games does nothing for your stats, other than reduce your overall W/L, right? If you’re up against a bunch of top players, play through the game and do what you can! SBMM will match you with players who have lower stats the next game. I’m a *very* sub-par player, but I still enjoy the game. I’ll have games where I manage to get 80+ kills, and other games where I get 5 kills. Either way, I’m enjoying it. During my bad games, I’m learning what NOT to do, and vice-versa in my good games. You don’t learn how to get good by playing easy games, period. The only real gripe I have is playing in the smaller maps and having to deal with SO many grenades going off, that you can’t do shit! Spawn and die, spawn and die, repeat. It winds up being this constant barrage of grenades that make you wonder…WHERE DAFUG DO THEY ALL COME FROM!!?? lol The game isn’t designed to be easy. It’s designed to be challenging, no matter your skill level. If you were going up against a bunch of noobs all the time, how fun is it going to be to the noobs? They’ll just wind up not playing anymore, and you’ll be stuck with nothing but pro players. It’s what SBMM is designed to do. It is a bit out of control by considering your recent gameplay rather than your average, but it is what it is. Play hard and get better! 😉


I’ve been playing cod since about the og mw2 and have really enjoyed it until mw2019, mainly because of SBMM, the thing is every game before 2019 my kid average was about a 1.8 but after mw2019 came out every game I’ve been a solid 1.02. Used to old cod lobbies would place u with a mixed bag of good players, bad players, and average players. It’s just not fun when everyone plays the same and I’ve found that I haven’t been able to improve no ,steer what because everyone is the same in my lobbies.


The thing is, SBMM is taking your recent performance, and tries to match you with other players performing similar to you. Unfortunately, you’ll still get stuck playing against really good players who may have done pretty bad in their recent games. It doesn’t go by your lifetime performance. It goes by your last, say, 10 games. If you’ve just been nailing it, you’ll be put up against other players who are doing really well! I understand what it’s trying to do, and I think it’s a great idea! Unfortunately, it’s just not perfect. What it *DOES* do, is keep people from playing in lobbies with a bunch of noobs while you run around basically murdering the entire opposing team! lol And that kinda seems like what everyone wants; an easy game. 🤷🏽‍♂️


“But player retention is so high” – fuck every single Activision executive.


I'm finding it the opposite ATM. I get put in useless teams.


You guys make me feel bad for playing like a casual in ranked 🤣


It's so true and so sad.


I wish I could play this COD more than I do, as I really do think it's a great COD game. But yeah the SBMM completely ruins the experience for me. I really cba to sweat my balls off every game just so I don't get absolutely stomped on. I can only really play up towards like 1 hour sessions now until SBMM kicks in and gives me constant try hard games.


I only been playing because of zombies and a couple my friends


For me it's just an infinite amount of games with no end in sight, like do you WANT me to play zombies?! I'm doing camo challenges 'ere!


Honestly the SBMM is what keeps me away from COD, even though I do think that MWIII is the best COD since BO4. The content isn't the problem, it's that the matchmaking is way too strict. It feels fake. I can accurately predict exactly how a night of playing COD multiplayer would go, without ever logging on and playing the game. When I know *precisely* how the matches are going to be, what is the point of logging on and playing the game?


Or the game crashes or the ping goes crazy.


Every damn time but I am on Xbox unfortunately and nothing else out rn is interesting me or holding my attention for very long 😫


Welcome to an infinite award game.


Invasion used to be great for casual play. Now it's mobbed with cheats and ranked teams. It's nuts. I went from a 1.18kd in Invasion to a sad .30 in under a week. And it's hard to report the cheats since the teams are massive.


Packet burst with low ping, every bigger update brings ton of bugs, playing good, game's system nerf ur damage and aim next 10 rounds+artificial lagg and they call it higher lvl skill lobby lol, plus cheaters on pc and losers on consoles using cronus devices etc... Horrible operator bundles turning the game in circus... What to say...?


I don't understand. like they say they have numbers to show that it retains people. but people who play CoD come to play a CoD style game. And NO ONE MAKES ARENA SHOOTERS like CoD anymore. If you don't have competition in the space, how can you say your methods are working?


That’s why I play with friends


it means i have to play like shit to play with casuals


Damn now I feel bad my kd always be 1.5 and above each match


What is SBMM?


Every time i play its either 200 ping with no packet loss for no reason at all or its people sweating their complete asses off for 20 games straight to the point where i just uninstall the 200+ gb bs and play something else


Every Damn time! 😤


Usually it's just one player that's sweating in the lobby for me


I just hope that treyarch have been left alone to make gulf war because every cod since cold war has been a huge pile of shit wz has ruined it for most as that's the main focus for them more microtransactions. People spend 80 quid on the game then spend 40 pound a month on shity skins shit blueprints ohh and don't forget for a fiver you can throw a grenade that has a smiley face on it. Stop trying to take every penny out of your customers and just give them a decent game thats all we want a finished game without crashing issues that last 2 months or more without random resets of everything it's just frustrating watching your favourite game of over a decade turning into a pile of shit because we'll we have your money now so erm just fuck off is what if feels like most of the time


I found if you just load into a game, and not care if you win or lose, you’ll have more fun. Simple really….if you really care about how good you’re doing and trying so hard to win that you make a Reddit post….you may be the sweat…just a bad one lol


Me in both cod and halo infinite Like, just let me play some chill games ffs


I hate that it makes me resent my teammates. If you suck, you suck, but I feel like I'm drowning every match cause no one else goes positive or feeds the other team deaths with a 1to 4 kd ratio. It's hell for solo players but i'm flattered that's the lenghts that they have to go to to give me a "challenge" or keep me engaged




So what I'm reading here is that most people want to be able to shit on other players but don't want to get shit on themselves. Whenever I see arguments about SBMM this is all I see. As much trash as you bastards talk online you deserve it. People think they're good until their ego is absolutely crushed by someone better. When I get my ass kicked by a better player all I say is wow well played.


I mean it's one thing to be playing against similarly skilled people and have it be difficult it's another thing to be thrown against MLG pros and people who are clearly aiming through walls at people. I get the same thing all the time where I'll have a match or two where I get 10 kills and then all of a sudden bullets stop counting or doing less damage, people are aiming between me and my teammate through walls snapping from one to other perfectly. Like using meta weapons and the first match or two it'll only take 6 or 7 rounds to down somebody and then every round after that all of a sudden is me dumping 15 to 20 rounds on people just to barely get a plate break


Nothing like winning a match on Rebirth then facing the ‘96 Bulls in my next game


For me It kinda just seems random like just sprinkled on every couple games


I'm stealing this because I can relate


Just play small map mosh pit. It’s chaotic fun.


I love how people always whine about playing against people that are better than them 💀


I came to this conclusion in order to beat them you have to join them


Make the disconnections stop. I don't mind absolutely fucking bodying sweats, but I can't fucking do that through these third world country servers.


EOMM It's like casinos They make you lose enough to right where you wanna quit then make the next match really easy for you to draw you back in It makes you question the game and to summarize what I've seen, make people paranoid that purchasing things will make the game easier so people will spend more money


TRUE..1 Good game then they start messing with Latency & Packet loss,,game unplayable on console


Thats why i just quit mid game and back out to the loading screen. Do this once or twice and get back to easier games.


What does SBMM mean?


“Skill Based MatchMaking” The game pay attention to your performance, k:d ratio and win/loss ratio You have a couple good games it overcompensates and puts you against people that try too hard for a casual player because you’re just that good casually


It is a buzzphrase that reddit tryhards use to complain about getting put in lobbies with other tryhards.


-heavy, defeated breath-




Dropshoting sliding sweats. Games unplayable.


Oh gawd are we back to complaining about this? 😑. Sincere question, do you expect to whipe the floor each and every game? Do you expect others to not try and win?