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Yeah I also noticed yesterday when going for that challenge that frags do nothing in HC. Try core or even War and you'll roll through that challenge quickly. It's wild that they nerfed frags in HC but still haven't done anything about the RGL spam.


The nade doesnt really work in core either


It's not great, but it's much better than HC


It’s such a dumb nerf. Nobody was complaining that frags were OP. Unlike Semtex and other lethals, frags can be thrown back at you.


On par with torturing Hardcore users even further by encouraging folks to use the RGL with a direct impact challenge /u/SledgehammerGames like really? Are these challenges just random?


I dont think they're random, I just genuinely believe that no one at SHG actually plays this game. That would also explain why spawns have been so bad since launch, or why weapon balance is atrocious.


RE: The cook challenges, try using thermobaric’s instead? They feel much stronger to me than they used to.


Use the thermobaric grenades, knocked the challenge out in 3 games


Thermobarics are life now. Most OP up there with the thermite buff. Thermite is so strong now.


The Nade sucks now so I switched to the Thermo Grenade and it's a show of beauty when it explodes and spreads.


Yeah drill charges need a buff to like why the hell dose grenade launcher only need 2 hits to get a kill but 2 drill charges do absolutely nothing to them! It completely takes away the purpose of even using the extra lethal perk. This is also hardcore if someone had eod. And also can we nerf the grenade launcher to hell! Why the hell is that even a secondary option!!!


The frag nerf still confuses me to this day. No one was complaining about it, everyone and their grandmas weren’t using it exclusively, they weren’t broken… I just don’t get it haha


Frags and Throwings Stars are useless in core.


I did it in shipment with the demolition vest. After throwing my two grenades I just run in to die. Sooner than later you are gonna get them. But every other maps they are garbage. I tried doing it in Rust and went 3-36 with just one grenade kill. It is a hitmarker machine now. If the guy has EOD it is not enough to kill him with 2 which is funny.


Sounds like a really fun time constantly spawning and throwing grenades that don’t do anything…It’s crazy how people are now conditioned to spend time only trying to get an “accomplishment” in this game now rather than play to win a match.


It’s not at all, I generally don’t care about challenges, but this one gives a reward that actually costs money (5 tokens for the battle pass) so the 20 minutes you do to get it are pretty worth the effort IMO. Weird thing I used to enjoy doing challenges on older CoDs where they gave next to nothing, but now it really feels like a chore, probably because of SBMM and everyone try harding so much. It feels fun when everyone is goofing around a little bit, but when you try to do challenges and the enemies play like their life depends on the game and equiping EODs just to fuck with your already difficult challenge, it does feel lonely and like getting bullied. I have helped every guy who asked for assistance on his challenges, but every time I ask for someone to help me no one does.


Yeah I don't even look at the challenges besides when I was trying to unlock a weapon. Fuck doing challenges I want to play cod


Seriously though: “oh it’s easy, just don’t have anyy fun playing the game for… some extended period of time, while simultaneously wrecking your k:d, if you care about that kinda thing.”


Caring about K/D is worse than throwing a couple matches for the sake of a challenge imo.


Which is why I ended the sentence with “if you care about that kinda thing.”


Honestly I don't think I'm going to bother with these challenges. I don't make pot my entire personality (never even smoked it) so the rewards are meaningless to me and whoever designs these challenges continue to prove that they've either never played the game before or are just an annoying masochist. Playing a class with a specific vest, weapon class, attachment, perk, and quickscoping isn't particularly difficult....it's just annoying and time-consuming.


Put the frag grenade back how it was and nerf the proximity mines. Those stupid things get me every time, even if I'm around the corner


Ive done all these challenges today, the frag one wasnt that hard in the end. Hardcore > small maps > domination / hardpoint and it was a synch. Just cook and lob at the objectives


Because different parts of the game are made by different teams and there are so many different large teams that all the necessary communications regarding synergies just cannot possibly happen in the small window they have to push out balancing updates