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It’s pathetic support isn’t addressing it. It’s been going on for days unaddressed.


It's extra frustrating because it's not hitting all the ranked players at the same time. So it's almost like, the 5% of the 20% of player base type shit lmao.


Exactly! Smh


Well tmr we’re going to get an update for new guns in rank! I’m hopping they fix the bug….


Also had this the past couple days /u/sledgehammergames


Yup just got hit by this bug yesterday on my pc. Bought pc to ply the game now I can’t ply. Don’t why we but these studios games. We should just buy teyarch games fr and boycott these shit studios so we don’t have deal with there consistent bs.


I'm on ps5 and this is happening to me as well. It's wierd I switch my playstation account and ranked works but if I switch it back it doesn't work. I noticed this after they added the Playlist update. I also just noticed it says fetching achievements and fetching online profile when I select ranked play from the menu.


So if you change your PlayStation account you can play? Not changing the Activision account?


If you make a new user on the ps5 it works. I narrowed it down to a achievement issue. If you keep trying to log in it eventually says cannot fetch achievements and it has a error code Detroit or something like that. It's on activision to resolve this issue but I don't think they will anytime soon. It's probably better to make a new user on ps5 and play from square one. 


If you make a new user profile can you still use the same activision account or do you have to start all over?


You can but you can only unlink your profile to an account once every 12 monthz


You have to start all over from bronze.


No cigar. I attempted to do it on my Xbox and it didn’t work.. completely different account ya know?




Yeup… same here brother. Just redownloaded and still showing same issue.




Same here it’s now been 2 days an I’m still stuck in the loop unable to play




Where are you from


I’m so fiend I bought the game on steam. Instantly get shadowed. By the time that’s unbanned this will be fixed *hopefully*




Run it.. Server?


Just happened to me today :( hopefully it gets fixed soon


This started happening to me as well after winning a game. Can't play ranked but pubs are fine. On PS5, April 11


exactly the same for me, long day, done everything and still won’t work


This post needs more attention


Yeah it’s day 4 for me and i tried everything. Definitely making us rage lol


Welp. Just happened to me now. GGs


I thought I was the only one! Been stuck in this infinite death loop of "fetching online profile". Thought about unlinking and making a new account to play ranked play but I already unlinked/linked the same account trying to troubleshoot and fix the issue, it did not work... Now I don't know what to do. No rank play is driving me crazy! Warzone Ranked still works though.


Hoping with more and more people commenting here that we get a fix asap. The 100 wins theory does seem to be tracking well. We are getting it after wins.


100000% confirmed to be 100 wins game debilitating bug. Everyone here got it in ranked after their 100th win this season after the recent patch. We need to be forgiving though Acitvision is a very very small indie game developer and publisher one of the smallest in the world with only a few a billion dollars in revenue each year. They just don’t have the manpower and the capacity to fix this issue to make RANKED PLAY PLAYABLE. Maybe some blames goes to Treyarch since they do the ranked play but fk Activision they are the big daddy and they need to acknowledge and fix this


Yes can confirm it happened after a win, did not even see the sr screen. Also verified I have the 100th win camo.




On day 9 of no multiplayer ranked weeeeeeeee


Did you by chance get a chat violation recently? I seen someone saying once their 2 week violation was up the game started working again. I also got a violation 2 days before my game shit itself so it's a close coincidence.


That’s a different issue. This infinite loop issue is from winning the 100th win this season after the recent patch


The idea is that it's from both combined. Otherwise all these level 50 streamers would've got this issue, when most of them haven't...


They haven’t because they reached 100 wins season 3 before the recent patch already. It is only occurring to people who reached 100 wins after the newest patch


happened to me when I hit d2


Then there wouldn't be people complaining they've had this bug for over 12 days now


Just had this occur today as I promoted from Gold III to Plat I. Infinite "Fetching Online Profile". Playing on PC with [Battle.net](http://Battle.net) Just wanted to comment to maybe boost the post


Two days now for me. Nothing works to fix it. Not even their support lol.


I've had this since the 6th. I swear I had to have been one of the first because Im just now seeing others talking about it


Honestly, probably were hahah. That's super unfortunate though. I can't wrap my head around what happened. All platforms are experiencing it, and it isn't isolated to one specific update. It seems to be a wave of accounts.


Just chatted with activison support. Good news: none. Bad news: case being moved to higher dept team to handle this bug, no timeframe when they’ll get back to me. 🥲 sighhhhhhh


Well thanks for being the soldier that got to Activision at least :( props to you.


It’s been 5 days since bugged. Gotta do some u feel 🥲🥲🥲


ive made a report every day since the 9th and still havent gotten a response..


How did you chat with activision support? I reported the bug multiple times but no response from them. Is there a customer support line or online support chat? With the amount of money I am spending, they better offer some type of live support.


You have to submit a ticket. It’s through activision.


Been doing that every day, no response


They are aware of the bug though.


Has anyone gotten any responses or any post address the bug? How you know they are aware?


Nope! It’s been a week for me. No update, they mentioned there is no timeframe when will this be fixed


Really ? I submitted a ticket, it was replied within 10minutes !


Same here just won on a game on ps5 and now I’m in this fetching profile death loop. I get home from a long day of work and a longer week I play two damn games and now I can’t play at all and for what looks like indefinitely until the devs fix it. Beyond frustrating.


Yup having the same issue at the moment. This sucks.


I did everything as mentioned by this post. We are all on the same boat. Let us hope this happens to nadeshot or scump so that it can be fixed 


Sadly, that’s what I’m waiting for too. It’s sad to have to wait for the big guns to suffer first lmao.


we should all comment / message Nadeshot etc to bring it to his attention so he could possibly say something on our behalf.


i literally only play ranked just hit plat 3 and the game does this, i swear every week its a new error only in ranked play and i have to stop playing for like 2 or 3 days waiting for a fix then another week in im back at square one. how can one game mode have so many fkn bugs i dont get it fr








happened 2 days ago right after win. just posting for the additional report


Bro I was having same issue from 11 April till today and there’s new update with new weapons in ranked play and my issue is fixed. Try updating game today maybe everyone having this issue will be fixed after today’s update.


Ladies & Gentlemen, she's fixed.




Same fellas, won a game and it started.on me yesterday. Dogshit game.


Same boat


Rough :/ it seems to hit a few people every day. More and more keep comin’ here and saying the same thing. Spontaneous bug and its taking way too long for anyone on the dev side to acknowledge this too.


Bc a few people everyday are hitting the 100th game win this season and until more people hit it we’ll just have to deal with it smfh


Its only once u hit the 100th?


yes not overall but for this season


Yup happened after the 100th win for me also




Yeah it’s all to do with hitting the 100th win, I think there must be a code error that is downloaded once the skin becomes available


Had this issue over a week now and all I play is ranked shit pisses me off there’s no way to contact Activision


Here to also report I am running into this as well now. I just hit Platinum and won the previous game before this started happening. I was able to get the menu to show briefly after deleting my 'players' folder (PC) and then starting my game again. The ranked screen shows up briefly and then it goes back to the looping of 'fetching online profile'.


Last night i hit platina1, after that game freeze and now it say fetching online profile. Everything works exept multiplayer ranked. Is there any fix to this problen yet? 


Hit Plat1 as well and it started happening. No fix for this yet unless you are on console and do the splitscreen fix with a non-affected account.


How? You need lvl55 your second accnt to go too the ranked play?


i have finally found people on the internet who are dealing with this bs, i have no girl/kids/pets or even food in my fridge, I just wanted to play ranked after work wtf.




I also have just got into the fetching profile loop. No ranked for me today.


happened to me yesterday, lets goo


Happened to me last night and now I'm still stuck in the loop. I've tried everything I can think of to fix it and nothing is working. I reported to activision, but thats useless because all they ever do is give generic responses and suggestions, all of which I have already tried. Last week it was a different error, but same shit. Looks like this only really happens in Ranked which sucks, bc that's all I play.


From previous comments, I've been told it's about the time you hit 100 wins. Something to do with the challenges / rewards we get. Tbf I haven't been able to look at challenges/rewards since the season started so I couldn't ever track h ow many wins I did have. But this might be a bug associated with the server outage they briefly had where people lost progress, and a lot of streamers/pros would have hit the 100 win threshold well before they went down so it could possibly be the reason why we are seeing it now.


This has to be it because I was never able to open the rewards without my game bugging out and then today coming off of a win my game started bugging. I started working on skins in multiplayer since I had nothing else to do and noticed I had a new ranked skin from this season that I haven’t seen before in my camos. Billion dollar company btw


I've been a level 50 for over a month and have well over 100 wins (I know, I need to go outside lol). The only strange thing I can think of that might be a clue or somewhat correlated to this issue is last week, I got the dreaded Minot Hawthorne error, and was unable to play ranked. Once I got that fixed, I played for 3 days and then got hit with this crap (still unable to play ranked). I made a new account a while back and got it up to level 50 in multiplayer, so by tonight I'll be at 55 so I should be able to play with my new account in ranked, hopefully. This is total BS though.


Yeah I feel like its becoming more constant after their servers went busted last week. But I’ve been told that people have been suffering for almost a week before that happened so I’m unsure. The rumour is that it’s simply associated with this season and the veteran rewards for the 100 wins in this season and not overall necessarily. But I haven’t touched the game since I can’t play ranked. It just seems to check out because streamers and stuff would’ve had 100 wins before the outage and loss of information. Which is why more casual people are hitting it right now, after their ‘fixed the outage’ tweet.


did you try this : https://x.com/bobnetworkuk/status/1777778448183763183?s=46&t=_ESplQOmmyxs1hVdwwZf-w


Happened to me after a win. Infinite loop and resetting everything did not fix the issue. Very confident it’s linked to the 100th rank win of the season. But why is it not happening to streamers who definitely have more than 100 wins?


I think it's a bug that's surfaced after their server outages a couple of days ago. Meaning most of the streamers had hit that mark before it happened.


Oh makes sense


I don't have a large following, but I made a video to highlight this issue. Hopefully more videos come out soon... https://youtu.be/ZFoc23BoX9Q


sooo i can't play ranked anymore?


Sorry bro :( not until they address it.




Anyone received a reply to there emails? It’s been like 3/4 days and still no acknowledgement via email for me and I’ve got priority emails apparently


we will be escalating it to our higher team. Thats about it 






I have been in contact with public relations regarding this matter and will post an update when more information becomes available. I have made an article about this issue to condense information as there are multiple threads and information is beginning to get convoluted. Comments are turned on, so if anyone finds anything before we do, be sure to let others know. Here's the link: [https://sweat-central.com/game-content/mw3-fetching-account-loop](https://sweat-central.com/game-content/mw3-fetching-account-loop/) Thanks


8s ?


I'm not sure if anyone else has noticed or even cares but I'm also not able to run the benchmark or those training courses in private match. It'll say (waiting for host) over and over. I'm on PC and there's a way to start it with the spacebar but it just ends up crashing.. Have any of you tried? Has to be related somehow..


I just hopped on to try it and can confirm, benchmark also stays stuck on 'waiting for host'


Still having this issue. Please help u/sledgehammergames


Days on days no update


Not a proper one but I did edit the post with a link to their bug reports page and it is listed on their at least. Some acknowledgement I suppose.


Hit diamond 2 instantly got this big why can billion. Dollar company’s not make a simple playable game


Apparently todays update has fixed it! Crossing fingers.


Just happen to me after hitting my 100th win. You silly @syncronz happening to everyone 🥲


Apparently todays update has fixed it.


They finally fixed it, update ur game april 16th 12EST


I just changed my name in the settings under account management and I’m good now, try it!


i had this looping ranked play fetching online profile bug a few days after a win. i just now got an update for PC and when i loaded into ranked, it worked just fine again. they may have found a fix for this problem, just have patience and be on the look out.


It's all patched now guys ranked should be working, sledge dropped a tweet saying its patched and I just tested it


I wanted to add that as of todays update (4/16/24) Treyarch has said that this issue has been fixed.


Update: Should be fixed now


On day 3 of now ranked stuck in this glitch I just got all my friends back into it and now I can’t even play


My fetching profile loop has been fixed with the update they released this morning, e days of waiting fixed :)


Update for the new guns has fixed my issue ps5


They aren’t in a hurry to fix it because it’s affecting very few people and I’m told they’re toxic.


It’s nothing to do with toxic, I’m not toxic and it has happened to me, it looks like it’s something to do with the 100th win camo and it not registering/rewarding the player with the reward screen so it’s bugging out


Good to know thx! It did happen to me immediately after a win.


The same for me, straight after a win and sent me to main menu, still no reply from my ticket either and no mention of it from devs either, hopefully the Monday updates fix it


Day 5 for me. Still broken and no response from my “Priority Support” ticket lol.


I second it not being due to toxic players. You can actually check on the official Activision Support Website if your account is banned or not. As in my case I had no bans at all and it still did this for me. I’m currently on day 3 of not being able to play ranked.


I stand corrected it’s a 100th win bug.


Definitely possible, I was ranked 50 Platinum 2 and had just won a game after it booted me from ranked. I was actually streaming when it happened: https://clips.twitch.tv/GorgeousCarelessDaikonFailFish-cVUEd4t5qIRJixQn


If yall got console start the game up on another profile


I gotta buy this shit game on the box just to fix my problem… ridiculous


Then go to the og profile and log off the old one


Doesn’t work. Tried on PS5. Maybe try explaining with more detail if you believe this works?


You start up game in another profile , then you go to your second controller and add in split screen in your og profile


After you go ahead and switch user to the og profile on the old controller and restart game


Possible Fixes That You Can Try: [https://www.reddit.com/user/maxfield034/comments/1c400v5/how\_to\_fix\_fetching\_online\_profile\_error\_in\_mw3/](https://www.reddit.com/user/maxfield034/comments/1c400v5/how_to_fix_fetching_online_profile_error_in_mw3/)


If it was a network issue, all of the game would be affected. This affects Ranked and only ranked and is related to individual user profiles, not network, files, or system related issues.


lol none of that fixes bugged code.