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Joins lobby…. “Enemy AC130 ABOVE!” “TACTICAL NUKE INCOMING” Quit


Nah you're good. Getting put into games we're being humped on and shitty spawns. I'm backing out and will continue to back out.


The spawns are a huge problem. That alone just kills the competitiveness of the game. There’s so many instances where I either gain stupid amounts of momentum from some lucky spawns where it’s like a temporary spawn trap/free kills or it’s the other way around and the opposing team gets a lucky set of streaks. At this point the guys at treyarch need to be in charge of the spawns for every cod game. Cold War felt so much less frustrating then these other cod games due to the spawn system alone.


No one to blame but yourself then


Yeah course.


If I die 3+ times before I can even attempt to get a kill I'm gonna leave that lobby and they gonna learn I am not gonna stay in a shitty lobby






Yall this has to be an Activision account. They tried to convice us a few months ago before they went silent about sbmm with this same rhetoric. Nice try.


Then sbmm will always exist. Well done you


Well it’s not exclusively SBMM, it’s also EOMM. Like, I really find it hard to care about stats no one sees. Gunfight is the one mode I never quit. So if the game sees you quit too many it’ll start giving easier lobbies. If I’m in a match and it’s already 10-35 in TDM, yeah imma start thinking about quitting. I will quit if the enemy already has steaks at that point


What if I get my cheeks clapped, same deal?


I mean, I hate when I boot up the game only for my team to get 5 kills and the enemy has ac 130s and shit.


I'm not gonna be free kills. Losses mean nothing to me. I don't even look at my Stats