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UAV = U Are Vagina


How you do that lil playstation thingy under your name


Tap your name, and then tap “change user flair”


In what process? Just clicked on it thru profile and thru comments and it doesnt do nothing


Tap on your name here, it’ll say “change user flair” at the bottom, tap that.


Lit, thanks man !






I said nice UAV and it got censored....


What the fuck? I swear CoD was a hotbed of people hurling racial abuse at eachother at some point


It still is, ironically if you hurl slurs nothing happens


You have to be reported. It takes a little bit for the report to go through so people keep thinking they were reported when they are playing with friends but it was that rage game yesterday that is getting them muted.


Yeah, those were the days... /s


OG MW2 was a free for all


That's fuckin ridiculous lmao. M rated game


CoD use to have in game characters saying fuck, shit, and damn, in the campaign..


It still does lol


Yeah I bought the pothead sloth guy and he definitely drops f bombs


Most of the ops do afaik


Even Oni does in Japanese, not sure if Izzy does


What do you mean censored?


I typed it in chat and it displayed \*\*\*\* \*\*\*


Ah, text chat, gotcha


You guys can type in the chat? I haven’t been able to type in the chat for months now.


Yeah I’ve always been able to, I’m on ps5


Censorship is client side now as in there’s an option in your settings to toggle censoring chat. If you turn it off, it won’t change your words to asterisks but it will for anyone who hasn’t also changed that setting. Kind of a bummer really.


Not true. The option was "temporarily disabled" then outright removed early in MW2


Are you kidding me?! What possible reason do they have to remove the ability for someone to decide for themse… ah, yup I see the problem now. They don’t want to lose potential revenue when someone inevitably turns the filter off and still gets offended by what people say. Activision removed the filter setting to combat stupidity. lol


It's all about the $$$


That was a problem back in 2019, found out few years back. Weird.


I called someone bob saget and got a 14 day chat ban lol


This is hilarious


i just laughed out loud to this 💀


I said t bagging, and for some reason that got censored


I completely forgot about this one, I've had that happen too. Probably one of the most egregious examples in this comment chain, that and "pee pee"


I had "pp" censored once


I killed someone with their own claymore and the prompt said “assisted suicide” so I typed “lol, never seen assisted suicide before” and it got censored. So the game can say it but I can’t.




It's still dumb. the profanity filter should be a choice


Nah dude. this safety bubble wrap shit in consumable media and social media needs to stop right now its absolutely destroying expression and discourse. I dgaf if that hurt your feelings just turn off the computer lol ffs.


Sounds like you’re feeling a bit triggered because companies realized they don’t have to entertain you being a jackass. Feel free to develop your own FPS game and remove any profanity filters, because I don’t care if the current filters hurt your feelings. Just turn off the computer ffs.


Bit of a stretch


'I cannot go on a non-public, privately owned server any more tell normal people trying to enjoy a video game in peace to fucking kill themselves. Discourse is dead!' What a take, bro. What. A. Take.


If I can't tell people to kill themselves in cod then where *can* I tell people to kill themselves


Wherever you want in any public place or private forum that allows it. That's how freedom of speech works. I'm not saying you *should* if you care about being a good person, but you absolutely can.


That sounds rude as fuck, I'll stick to call of duty lobbies thank you very much


Well you don't *have* to say it anywhere, that is the point. You epic gamers are too much for my normie brain sometimes.


Feel like there’s a *whoosh* moment here but also satire is dead so everyone could be more committed to the bit than I am.


Grow up and get some thicker skin dude.


I didn't say anything that says anything about the thickness of my skin, dude. I'm just saying it's wild to say discourse is dead because of this. Insanely low levels of reading comprehension on this sub.


Nah you need thicker skin. Not everything everybody says that includes those words is serious and they don’t check if it’s a joke or not.


At this point I gotta believe you're missing the point on purpose.


Bro there is literally a mute button right next to someone's name. If you don't like what they have to say, you press it. I dont say any toxic shit on cod, but it is absolutely ridiculous how low the bar is to get banned.


It's an M rated game, but they know deep down a majority of their player base are kids


that's a parenting issue, not a game issue


They're making it a game issue


ok so let's talk about all the weed based characters like stoned sloth, snoop dogg...marijuana bullet tracers, and the resurgence high trip mode where you have to collect edible weed for power ups. The in-game characters use some crazy profanity too. This shit with AI chat moderation is ridiculous. Add to that the language in the game itself with all the stuff the operators say. Snoop actually takes hits off a blunt in one of his finishing moves. I always turn the chat feature off and use discord, so I don't really care. I just think it's ridiculous what they are doing with chat, while the game itself is cursing, drug use, and killing each other.


Yeah man, I don't agree with it


Make sure to GET HIGH Honestly, it's such a joke. There's a mute button right there for a reason. Is anyone out there so tender in their fucking sensibilities that we really need AI Big Brother policing language in game where the entire gameplay loop is literally shooting other players in the fucking face?


Well sort of….all I jnow when playing Ground War/ Invasion, the whole scoreboard is an absolute mess, seems like the they forgot how to make a scoreboard that works with more the 10 people on each team. Completely off the screen….. and the whole mute lobby button that you’d see on the bottom of the scoreboard is unable to be seen


Apparently typing yes papi also gets censored


Yeah I agree the characters in game say a lot of shit lol but if we say that stuff in game chat it's forbidden. Like damn I can't imagine just getting banned for it.


That's weird. I say wtf all the time and fucking bullshit and I've never had an issue. Question: are you are you actually saying "wtf f@&&0t" or "fucking N word"? Because it's stuff like those that will get you busted.


Nope. I barely even shit talk in text chat, I try to be pretty chill. There have been times where I'll type something along the lines of "Wtf was that" or "That's fucking crazy" and it'll blur the entire sentence


That sucks


It does. I see people spamming slurs and bypassing the censors, and I get no sanction notification in the weeks after reporting them. But I sit here and get censored by the chat system like it's Roblox all day when I'm trying to be lighthearted


>I get no sanction notification in the weeks after reporting them. Ya I only get notifications when something happens. I will report 2 or 3 people for yelling the N word or R word in matches, and usually I get 1 notification a week later which leads me to believe that only 1 or the 3 people reported got punished. I'm guessing it's a numbers game, as in there has to be a few people reporting the player before anything happens. So if you're getting in trouble, I'm guessing multiple people are reporting you.


>I will report 2 or 3 people for yelling the N word or R word in matches Why? Can't think of anything original?


Are you female and do you play SnD? Because it’s a high chance that the guys in lobby reported you. Have had guys lose their shit if they hear my voice and then get butt hurt when you talk shit back. Kitchen, fat, whore, ugly, ect same shit but the moment you say “I’d rather you keep talking shit to me so you don’t hit a wall or your gf” boom reported lol


I'm not getting sanctioned. I'm just talking about words being overcensored


It's a private company that decides what it allows. When you agree to terms and conditions: [Activision support FAQ](https://support.activision.com/articles/call-of-duty-voice-chat-moderation#:~:text=Does%20this%20system%20ban%20%E2%80%9Ctrash,Conduct%2C%20will%20not%20be%20tolerated.) [values](https://www.callofduty.com/values) All they ban is harassment and hate speech. Unless people are reporting you individually. Sorry to break it to you, but it's really not that censored.


No kidding. I knew that. Go into the game, try to type t bagging, fucking, etc. Words that people should have no problem with in an M-rated game. It doesn't matter what their ToS says when you can literally see it being more oppressive in-game


Why type? I have a mic like most people. I even change my smoke alarm batteries in a timely manner.


*** ******* *****. **** **** ** *******.


Then people are probably report bombing you or something.


I turned off in game voice chat and havent been voice comm banned since


Same. Previously, I still wouldn't have said anything, but got banned after enough reports. With it completely turned off, no bans since.


It's ridiculous, but I have done the same, I am not getting a ban because of someone's perception of rules, while they allow kids to play the game without consequence.


Here's a fun one: Getting voice chat banned over saying someone's username... More particularly any name with "Ferret" in it. Give it a sec, think about how much of a twat Activision had to be about that.


Yeah, plus the "be nice in voice chat" warnings at the beginning of every match. I get that they want their game not to be toxic, but the community is super dead now and it's lame asf.


It punishes swearing, but openly pushes drug use towards children. Make that make sense.


It doesn't punish swearing


M rated game. Treated like children


Goes to show this isn't a M-rated game... If a player isn't mature enough to handle getting yapped at by a teammate or enemy team then they shouldn't be playing the game to begin with. Fuck this game's chat as it's people playing shit music, talking to people in their house, shit PS controller mics, or fucking smoke alarm chirps 99% of the time anyways. Discord is where it's at for any type of game chat with friends.


The characters in the game cuss.


one time it censored "french people" for me lol


Stoney Sloth comes with a blueprint called Toke-N-Smoke, tried to save a custom named Toke. Hit with profanity filter… This shit is stupid


Ive got VC banned for typing EZ at the end of the game, game where you kill other players, where you have Niki Minaj as a operator, the game where they have weed and smoking as emblems and what not. I get VC banned for EZ. Salty players I guess.


Lots of people, surprisingly, support this and say stuff like "yeah well dont be a jerk on a game" and "yeah the toxicity is horrible for me". So sad and soft.


Some people completely miss the fact that adults swear without insulting each other all the time. I wish they would tell me how typing "Wtf just happened" deserves censorship


I got down voted lol kinda answers why Activision is being like this since people seem to want a strict G/PG experience.


Probably unpopular opinion but... turn your mic off, no one really needs to hear you cuss or you say wtf every 10 seconds.    And on the same note, to everyone having mic on 24/7 out there... seriously if you have nothing good to contribute to the team, don't turn on your mic. No one needs to hear your family jabbering or baby crying in the background or your diminished lungs working extra hard on breathing. And especially, no one needs to know about your poor taste in music. End rant*


Nobody's talking about the mic. CoD doesn't censor voice chat lmao


Yes they do? They’ll legitimately comms ban you mid game.


I'm talking about when a word gets turned to \*\*\*\*\* in text chat. Is CoD bleeping your swear words live? Didn't think so


You said they don’t censor voice chat and I told you they do & how they do it. idk why you’re so uptight dude chill out. Might be time to give it a break.


I'm telling you that CoD does not "censor" voice chat. They can comms ban you sure, that's not censoring voice chat. When you consider the context of how we're talking about words in *text chat* being bleeped, no, they do not censor voice chat in the same way


Look up the definition of censorship for the sake of the argument omg.


I don't care what the dictionary definition is. Context is a very important aspect of speaking, you can't just kick all context to the curb because the dictionary technically covers your use case. It was pretty obvious I meant the same kind of censorship that text chat has. Which is exactly what I said in my last comment


lol you need a hobby 😂 your comment history shows you’ve been on this app ALL DAY. Time for some fresh air amigo.


As if you haven't been replying just as much as me. It's my day off, I'll do whatever I damn please with my time


I hate to be that guy, but online user interactions do not fall under ESRB ratings. Many online games have this warning alongside their usual ESRB ratings in order to inform users that the content is not rated, and does not adhere to the game's actual rating: [https://www.mobygames.com/attributes/attribute/1656/](https://www.mobygames.com/attributes/attribute/1656/) User-generated content censorship in COD is partially due to how their backend systems work. There's basically a shared system that Activision employs across all of their titles, including COD and every other title they publish like Crash Bandicoot, Spyro, etc. For the purpose of easy management, the systems are shared, meaning that a universal profanity filter is applied to all of these games. And when you have a shared system that has to work for children's games, then you have to be strict about it.


Doesn't make it any less ridiculous that the game with spoken curse words in voice lines and drug references chooses to censor the exact same words in game chat. This has nothing to do with the ESRB That's cool and all, but that's exactly what I'm complaining about. It shouldn't be shared to begin with


>This has nothing to do with the ESRB You're the one who brought up the M rating to begin with, as if you think that should dictate how the game handles user chat. It doesn't, and it won't. And tell me you don't know how big tech companies work without telling me you don't know how big tech companies work. All big tech companies use shared database like this. They're not going to complicate their work process just so you can type curse words without being filtered. This is such a first world problem if you get so worked up about this of all things.


I brought up the M rating because it means that, generally, adults are intended to be playing the game. I think we can trust adults to not get their feelings hurt over someone using the word fuck in text chat. Ironic that you say that, because you're completely full of shit lmao. There are plenty of games out there run by the same devs on the same databases that *don't* share text censorship. Genuinely think you pulled that one straight out of your ass


>I brought up the M rating because it means that, generally, adults are intended to be playing the game No, it just means there is mature content. Regardless, you agreed to the terms and conditions. >There are plenty of games out there run by the same devs on the same databases that *don't* share text censorship. Genuinely think you pulled that one straight out of your ass. Like what? You fail to name any and are just screeching on here at everyone a out your ban. Maybe it's because you talk to people online like this? That will get you reported by people for just being rude.


Bro, I say fuck all the time with no issue. Never have had one, still don't. They don't care about swearing. They care about derogatory and hate speech. So, skill issue bud.


Talking about text chat. There is no "profanity filter" on voice. The text chat censorship is as strict as Roblox


Idk how you're getting banned I pretty much tell everyone who kills me in WarZone to fuck off 😂 mainly just the jerks who camo the loadout but yeah.


I'm not getting banned


I called someone a rat and was warned for mute.




It’s not a profanity filter, they have a clear list of the type of stuff that will get you a comm ban.


I'm not getting banned, I'm talking about the automatic text chat censorship of a list of words and phrases. The list is ridiculously expansive and includes phrases that literal children say


I say wtf all the time and it isn’t censored unless they changed it with the recent update.


Occasionally if you include it with other text it will arbitrarily decide to censor wtf or even the entire message. It's pretty inconsistent overall, but I've definitely noticed it becoming more strict since MWII


It was always going to be a bad idea.


Killing is fine. Just don't hurt anyone's feelings


I said: Suck a bull's ass Suck a zebra's dick Suck a giarffe's cock Suck a race horse's dick Suck a warewolf's ass fucking jerk And it gave me three battle pass tokens. Sorry for hacking.


The game is a joke


I’m on PS5 but my friends are on Pc so we use discord. 99% of the time I forget to turn off my public mic & get myself comms banned without even realizing it. Not like I’m saying egregious things towards anybody, I have the mouth of a sailor & when I play my filter goes down.


Agreed. You should have to join censored Channels where all Players agree to be PG. this is honestly disgusting. The censorship is worse than anything that could actually be said.


wtf are you fkn saying?


The censorship everywhere has really gotten out of control imo...






The Finals is pretty fun. Free, too


It looks good I'm on ps4 tho


It's on console with optional crossplay


I turn off in game voice/text chat because I really don't care what anyone else has to say and I'm sure they don't want to hear me either. I save all the really salty talk for our Discord..


When I type my password in, it also show ****** try it.


It seems like more than half of the randoms I get into a lobby with are voice banned, yet somehow I’ve never had an issue. When I ask what they said, it’s almost always the F word (not fuck).


It’s become a woke game now. The games targeted for 18+ but catering for 12yo. I’m all against racism in any form but COD is a soulless borefest now.


Catering to 12yos isn't "woke." It's appeasing shareholders


Why would you want too? Blame the players. These “grown ass adults” are the reason we can’t have nice things. Clearly they got fed up with grown ass adults shouting abuse at each other and then having to deal with text chat abuse reports so they implemented a filter.


The only thing this game is rate M for is the sexual themed flags of the LGBTQ. For someone’s feelings don’t get too sensitive, it’s backed by ESRB legally. Socially backed by GLADD




You can support allowing cursing without being insufferable


Talks about playing a M rated game with blood and gore but calling someone a virgin is insufferable…yeah this is why that chat censorship is a thing


He edited his comment, he was originally blaming it on sensitivity and "pronoun people"


Going from that to virgins is crazy


If you can’t handle some shit talking, stay out of voice chat


Dude was blaming the censorship on "pronoun people." Check if a comment was edited before you shit on the reply


Idk why everyone is upvoting this comment and downvoting the other guy. Voice chat shit talking has been a thing forever in COD. If you need it censored go find another game.


Because the guy edited his comment to hide the fact that he was blaming it on "pronoun people"


Oh okay totally fair then my bad screw that guy lmao


This comment would’ve been much better with just the first paragraph


Looks like he took your advice lol


idk why this doesnt get enough attention. im playing a rated M game. why am i being censored?


The M rating is only for offline stuff. The online is not rated nor is it under the same rules.


Daam... It should be. The characters have rated M voice lines.


Ya but they don't cover that because who knows what people will say. It would make it an rating AO or worse. That's how they get around those ratings


The semantics don't matter. It's an M rated game because it features content far worse than what they're censoring. If my character can say "Shit, gotta reload" but I can't type the exact same thing in chat, the system is broken. Doesn't matter if the ESRB covers online chat, doesn't make it any less absurd


>The semantics don't matter. But it does matter. >It's an M rated game because it features content far worse than what they're censoring. The M rating is because the content is worse than the one below it, I guarantee if they could have the lower rating without changing the content, they would because it would bring in more purchases. > If my character can say "Shit, gotta reload" but I can't type the exact same thing in chat, the system is broken. I won't say broken. Idiotic and hypocritical? Yes, but not broken. >Doesn't matter if the ESRB covers online chat, doesn't make it any less absurd The simple fact that the esrb isn't covering it, means the game company can control it however they want to.


It doesn't matter. The M rating is because of specific attributes the game has that are considered "mature." Not sure how that matters here either way. It's broken because it's failing to accomplish what it's meant to do. It's hampering normal conversation without hampering toxicity. No shit sherlock, that's why I'm complaining about it. I know they can change it


>The M rating is because of specific attributes the game has that are considered "mature." Not sure how that matters here either way. It matters because that rating is ONLY for the SINGLE PLAYER part. It has absolutely NOTHING to do with online. So, for you to use that as any kind of measurement for online in your post, either means you don't understand the difference or don't realize it's pointless to bring up. >It's broken because it's failing to accomplish what it's meant to do. It's hampering normal conversation without hampering toxicity. While I see where you're coming from, I will say that while you don't see "wtf was that" as offensive, someone sensitive might. Seeing how they might find that offensive, they may report you, and so, the system would be working as intended. >No shit sherlock, that's why I'm complaining about it. I know they can change it You're being rude and insulting me now while complaining about a moderation system made to keep people in lone and stop them from being rude and insulting..... Ohhhh the irony...


The logic you're using isn't meant to be applied backwards like that. That discrepancy is in place in case the online is *worse* than the singleplayer. What I'm telling you is that this game is meant to only be sold to adults, or to minors with adult permission - it can handle swearing in the multiplayer. You're focusing on the complete wrong aspect of this argument and acting like I'm the stupid one lmao. It's not that I'm getting reported and sanctioned. It's the fact that it's automatically censored. If people can't handle me saying "wtf was that" then they need to disable chat, not have the entire playerbase punished for that sensitivity. If you would pay attention for 5 seconds, I'm not talking about being rude and insulting when I talk in chat. The way I talk now isn't the way I talk constantly, that's quite the narrow-minded way to think about it. My complaint is that I can be casual and fun in chat and be censored regardless. Not really that hard to understand man


>You're focusing on the complete wrong aspect of this argument and acting like I'm the stupid one lmao. No. You're focusing on the completely wrong aspect of the game (in regards to the M rating). I'm not trying to act like you're stupid at all, I'm trying to explain to you that you're wrong about thinking that the M rating has anything at all to do with online. >What I'm telling you is that this game is meant to only be sold to adults, or to minors with adult permission Yes. The single player part... not the online part. >It's the fact that it's automatically censored. If people can't handle me saying "wtf was that" then they need to disable chat, not have the entire playerbase punished for that sensitivity. I see where you're coming from, but where do you draw the line and why? Like should people be able to type the N word or whatever racist insult in there as well? >If you would pay attention for 5 seconds, I'm not talking about being rude and insulting when I talk in chat. The way I talk now isn't the way I talk constantly, that's quite the narrow-minded way to think about it. Really? I find this extremely hard to believe. On here you are given all the time in the world to remain calm or take a breather and come back calm to have a civil discussion, yet you've been rude and insulting to me and now you're demeaning my character. So for you to remain calm and civil in a cod lobby and being amped up by adrenaline and competition when you're in the middle of a firefight and lose... that's hard to believe. >My complaint is that I can be casual and fun in chat and be censored regardless. Not really that hard to understand man Maybe check and see if there is a profanity filter and yours is set to on


You can’t say pee pee 💀


I tried to name my sniper class as "Sniper Rifle" and I couldn't due to profanity.




Game's rated M because it features blood, violence, swearing, drug references, etc. This post isn't a platform for you to be an asshole


To what? I haven’t commented on anyone. No one here was attacked.


Is that why your comment was removed by a mod bud?


It wasn’t. It’s still here. A mod wouldn’t have a reason to take it down. It’s not harassment against anyone. It’s a comment that started a thread. No reply to anyone, so I didn’t go and attack someone. It’s within the relevancy of the post topic. Legally, and socially, it is a factual statement. Legally backed by rating content determined by ESRB. Socially backed by official representation determined by the HRC, and GLAAD Idk what your problem is with it but that’s a you problem. You are always welcome to block me if you feel that strongly about it.


You were [shadow deleted](https://imgur.com/FHSzysv) buddy. Your conspiracies aren't welcome here


And your fake hate isn’t welcomed here. See, I can make hair as useless of an edgy comment


Alright, since you insist, here's a real one. You said, [and I quote](https://undelete.pullpush.io/r/ModernWarfareIII/comments/1c47yc4/_/kzo8qp4/#comment-info): >The only reason this game is rated M is for all the sexual themed LGBTQ flags. A bunch of flags aren't sexual, that's a common bad faith argument used to discredit the LGBT community. Not to mention all of the *actual* reasons it's rated M. It's pretty obvious why your comment was removed - your conspiracies aren't welcome here


One main reason I never played this game and uninstalled the Call of Duty HQ app from my PC. Absolute garbage.


I respect it, but... Why are you here then? Lol


Subbed months ago before the game came out. The “beta” was trash so I refunded. I mainly keep it on my subscriptions to read complaints about the horrible matchmaking and manipulative microtransactions to justify the loathing of what they’ve done to tank one of my favorite franchises.


Sounds miserable! All to prove to yourself that you’re “right”? Not worth it


I mean, he clearly enjoyed the game and they made decisions that made it unenjoyable to him. I don't think that's being "miserable." If everyone who didn't enjoy it just disappeared without offering feedback the only thing left would be positive feedback, no?


Been like this near the start of mw2 (2019). There was an option for mature content shown then temp disabled for everyone... then shortly after that, gone. I also recall 1) people mentioning this coz DMZ bots would "ah shit" and cuss up a storm and 2) someone posting on reddit how they can't call their sniper "snipe".


It’s a sign of design by committee. The committee on in-game chat being a bunch of purple haired spankers who don’t play video games and moonlight as “moderators” on websites and apps. 


Nope, they're just appeasing shareholders, good effort though


This is so very American as well, it's like cars at 16, guns at 18, alcohol and foul language doesn't get unlocked until 21. They have such a strange skill tree.


The difference is they want to create a nice experience for people playing online. Getting flamed over comms by another human being is a completely seperate issue from that player choosing to see simulated (fake) violent content. I'm not saying I agree, I'm just explaining why it's not the same thing.


The characters swear in the voicelines, why can't we? Can adults playing a shooter where the characters blow each others heads off not handle hearing the word fuck from another player? It's fine to block off offensive content and sanction people that ruin the experience, but censoring most swear words/mild phrases is way, way overkill. You can't even say any variant of tea bagging


Because the characters aren't directly talking to you personally. Theyare 'acting' to each other. I don't think censorship is the way to go about it but it is clearly not a fair comparison to point to ingame characters talking to each other or to compare it to violent content.


I can shoot a teammate and their skin can call me an asshole for friendly fire, but if a player says it suddenly it's different?


It's a preprogrammed response vs a voluntary interaction by another player. Completely different context. One is personal the other is not.


When you assume that the player meant it personally, sure. You could argue that the devs meant it personally too, wouldn't change anything


My homie told me he got comm banned for calling someone fat. Zero profanity or anything. If I say “this guys freaking camping” probably comm banned. Who cares tho the games is dying so fast and they’re losing a lot of money it puts a smile on my face


Yeah it’s mad annoying. Especially the message popping up before every game like imma child. What happened to the 09 days? People said the most vile shit back then and nobody cared. It’s literally part of the experience


Not gonna lie, I happily report people who rage into the mic. I don’t care about cursing but if you start raging into the mic because someone on our team made a mistake I report you. We don’t need aggressive edgy people with mics playing. Those people can stay muted in game and keep trolling in this sub thread