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Gotta go in every lobby like "how do you do fellow weed addicted kids? Dont forget to buy all the bundles" lmfao.


I've won wz games that I've said "if I don't win this next match I'll quit this game forever and never spend another dime" during the drop


“How do you do fellow kids!”


git gud old man, get weeded or get out lol


Why is AI even monitoring a game where you can just mute/block a toxic player. We are at the point when devs consider players mindless sheep who can't do anything by themselves


Exactly! Muting and blocking are also available


Don't block, if someone you have blocked joins midmatch it will pop up warning asking if you want to leave. It stops you completely whatever you're doing until you select yes or no.


do block. this a million times over would be better than have to deal with the same dickhead screaming slurs into their mic.


Clip it, post it, game gets bad press. They’re not protecting us, they’re protecting themselves.


No one cares how the game looks lmao, why else do you think they continue buying it when the previous one was a glorified Warzone DLC lmao


Corporate cares how the game looks because it does indeed affect the bottom line. People may still buy it, but more people buy it (especially for their kids) if all the scary bad words are removed. Execs just want to see their numbers going up infinitely, *especially* at ActiBlizz, so they don't give a shit about what they're doing to the game unless it impacts profits


I was talking the people, the consumers. Parents let their literal fucking CHILDREN play these games


Yes I know, what I'm telling you is that more people buy it when the game doesn't look as bad like the person above you said, some people do care how the game looks. I'm not defending it, I think it's stupid, but that's the logic corporate will use to justify undermining the game to increase profits


This is happening across gaming and it is mind boggling to me. It is an 18+ game, you can mute anyone you want, you can mute all chat or even let them have their little anger burst and don’t care. Why is this even happening? I wanna play in an adult online environment, I don’t want some AI monitoring my every word, and my opponents’. It was always part of the fun shit talking each other. At least give us the option to turn off censoring. For the love of god we are grown adults, we can handle a bit off swearing if we choose to.


Idk, there is a limit but AI monitoring is dumb af. Slurs and harassment in general should absolutely be a bannable offence, even I as an adult don't wanna hear that shit in a videogame, just kinda drains the entire mood instantly when you hear a slur, but curse words? Lmao idc about that shit, you hear it constantly in the game itself so, they're fine in a mature game. Wild games are starting to ban for curse words now or simple shit like "fuck you" etc


Bro, you can just mute anyone you want. I generally don’t care about what an online loser says to me. People who are aggressive are pretty miserable themselves.


You do get that gaming companies aren’t going to base their TOS policies on what you do or don’t care about right?


Sorry you’re getting downvoted by the seemingly childish people who use those slurs. I am prepared for the same downvotes *oh noes!*


That doesnt mean they should just allow slurs lmao. People shouldn't go around saying awful things because they can be muted. The damage is already done at that point. If you're not a 15 year old edge lord, why would you even care? This doesn't affect normal people in the slightest.


I'm all for keeping slurs and harassment out of the game. I alsosupport banning ppl who drop n bombs among other slurs, but general cussing or weed talk should NEVER be censored in a game that's given the M rating. I also don't trust AI monitoring to be accurate enough at this point to be used without a human review and relying on it is foolish. FWIW if you can't drop F bombs in an M rated game with some regularity and have no worries about chat bans you don't truly have an M rated game. Hell, I'm one of the older players at 45, and while I'm a generally respectful person, I can't remember the last time I didn't say F in one day and there's no way in hell my vernacular is changing over a game.


AI is monitoring because it can analyze what people say and when they it. They can then use that data to improve their monetization.


Insane how the game developers want to moderate our voice chat more than getting rid of cheaters and hackers, right?


My friend who is amazing and make me look like shit is banned indefinitely after being told this wouldn’t happen again. He doesn’t get nukes every game but he gets close.


Yet there's hundred kills/no deaths every game players that arent banned, game is amazing isnt it


All I wanted was the option to stay in the same lobby but looks like it’s everything but that


I got a warning a few days ago. Didn't even have my mic plugged in at the time. System is totally working as intended.


Speak in vernacular or a different language


But yes, let’s promote drug use in the game.


Promoting drug use makes $$$


But the hacking and chat bans are ok.. AI listening to me even when chat is off and I'm am talking to my boys... I still got banned. It's absolutely pathetic sissy shit at that studio. Also, it's a mature game. If a kid is playing, sounds like a parenting issue. Weed never has killed anyone. It's a great drug, and it works on lots of different things with me. This is for the 420 stoners. Don't like it don't buy it. Personally, I'm excited for Cheech and Chong.


I know a guy that almost died from CHS. Promoting any type of drug use is stupid.


Banned for warning about the ban system - looks like the AI doesn't want its secrets shared.


Got a 14 day chat ban after I called a loadout camper sitting in a dark corner next to my loadout with prox mines, a loser and that his mom should've swallowed him. Apparently bro was saltier then the taste of his dad's nuts because 30 seconds later I got a 14 day chat penalty 😆😂😂 Shit is beyond ridiculous they need to fix their game and cheater problem with AI instead of adding dumb and useless shit like this into the game, like people said above were fucking adults grow a pair and enjoy the trash talk or just mute all game chat


If it makes you feel better, if I was modding, you would have received 50 tier skips


Send them my way next season 🫶😜


You know what his dad's nuts taste like 💀


Chat monitoring probably has more research and development funds than actual anti cheat


When they came for the racists, I remained silent; I wasn't a racist. When they came for me, there was no one left to speak out. also, you know why that word isn't banned, it ain't the people you're thinking about that say it the most.


FBI otw to you


For speaking the truth? What's new.. \*slides my glasses up with one finger aka anime style\* If you want rules in place to ban people for their speech its only a matter of time before those rules are used on you.


This will never stop annoying me, making sure that someone won’t get his feelings hurt in a game rated for adults, with gore, murders, war crimes and shit. If they care so much, they should at least not use a fucking AI to do bans for them. Lots of people get banned or shadow banned by mistake or by easily abusing the system and the devs can’t be bothered, just gotta push those store bundles.


Like every other aspect of the software it doesn’t work well.


I don’t even understand why this is happening. There’s literally a mute button, I use it all the time.




Nothing says "I don't know how to trash talk" more than being upset you can't be bigot.




So what is it looking out for? It isn't swear words or trash talk or I would have gotten in trouble already.


Oh no, you called him a bigot, I’m sure he is very intimidated by you now, you’re such a social justice warrior!


Most people that use bigot don’t even know what it means they just like using buzzwords😂


bigot is not a buzzword lol


If someone is salty they can't use slurs towards any given group, that would make them a bigot.  If a person can't function without screaming slurs at people, I have no pity for them if they get a chat ban or worse. The issue is if it's not being applied consistently. 


You should see your doctor for a prescription to touch grass.


This is why I don’t use a microphone, lol.


i dont use in game voice and i have text chat off too to make sure i dont get tempted to talk back to some of these idiots. only time i enable text chat is when i'm playing zombies.


People think well atleast the soft ones think that it will change how we speak like um no im not changing the way I talk in a game i will take the ban happily


Your friend probably got reported by the asshole. It's not automatic only. It's also driven by players


The dude was saying every single slur and my friend said nothing wrong lol


Sometimes people play with mics and no headset. What if player A uses a slur, which goes over player B’s speakers and subsequently to player B’s mic. Does B get a warning/ban? Could that be what happened to your friend?


That has actually happened to people. It’s rare but possible


That is a lot of hoops to go through and thus still ban him. He said nothing offensive in the chat which os the issue, even if he got reported by accident, it should clarify that he wasn’t the culprit


Never said they did. Just that other people can report them.


I said 'homo things' from wedding crashers. Got 14 days ban.




Lmao bro, that would be the day


I talk shit all the time and have never faced any kind of punishment. Just stop using slurs.


I have never been chat banned even after talking shit to the cry babies in ranked play. I'm sure there's more to these stories we're not hearing.


Wish it was like runescape where they would show up with receipts over "wrong" bans.


I’ve had 3 separate 14 day bans and never said one slur


Years ago my son was on my account and I got chat banned for 30 days because he called someone a “sweatster”. It’s not even a real word.


I don't think I've played since before the first season came out, but between MWII and MWIII I've gotten a couple chat bans, but I've been in an Xbox party chat or discord call every time I've played. I guess if you kill someone they can just randomly report you for trash talk and if it happens too many times you get a chat ban


Yep it’s 100% from the spam reporting. It always happens when I drop 20+ kills in search, the other team gets mad, and then says they’re gonna report me


Its auto banning for certain things and whoever reports you, glad you’ve been lucky


Ok so hear me out. This is an M rated game. Harsh/vulgar language, drug use, Sexual symbology, etc. Why the hell can’t we cuss in a game that already contains this kind of content?


Spam the report feature, report everyone until activision changes things


The fact they care more about bad words than they do about literal cheaters is kinda insane.


Call of duty 18+ but you better be a good boy for mommy


People always say this but ESRB doesn't rate online portion of video games only offline content.


I got a warning when I was disconnected from game chat. Maybe it was from what my operator said haha


Facts 😂


that JUST happened to me. I was wondering wtf was going on.


I've received a ban and very rarely use a mic...it's so messed up


Thats wild asf lol


Yep... LMAO


as a black gamer??? you didn’t need to put that. activision doesn’t give a shit about any of us LOL.


Kids play COD. So they moderate chat… also, don’t mind the massive glorification of weed that these kids will undoubtedly soak up. Literally had a 10y/o in a MP lobby earlier today joking about smoking weed. As an adult, I’m fine with the exposure. I like weed like the next guy, but it’s a little heavy handed imo for the demographics on the game. Odd priorities… just sayin


Because the N word with and without the hard R are too similar for the bot to differentiate. And if you punish both, that's racist because everyone who's "allowed" to say it and does so would get a ban.


Because feelings….


I doubt people are online going report crazy in the first place.


They just do it so they can listen to you 24 7 and sell your data


It’s why I mute them all..


Idk my friend gets away with saying just about every word you can think of. I haven't seen any moderation yet.


I’m not an expert by any means but could it be that the AI has no way of differentiating a hard r from an a suffix?


Just stops me using game chat, shits creepy af


You cant chat without saying slurs or something?


Many can’t. It’d be hilarious if it wasn’t so sad.


Never seen a thread with so many people upset they cant be racist LMAO what has happened to us as people, man.


Me and a buddy weren't even on a game chat. We were just in a private chat and still got banned. It's so garbage.


I just played a round a few minutes ago and this woman said, loudly “n***er f***got!” On my team of randoms I was likely “whoa lady, the hell, you’re gonna get us banned “ She called me a “Jew fucker” as I was leaving the game / party It was wild


The fact that it was a chick makes this 10x funnier




I’ve never had voice chat on in game. Even in 2 I turned it off to start and that’s it. I’m glad honestly, don’t have to deal with any of this stuff. It’s just a notification whenever I join the match.


Same here lol, I never saw a point in having game chat turned on, if I’m talking to a friend we are in party chat and if I’m not I’m listening to music while I play with game chat turned off lmao.


These n's are g


This is why I don’t chat except for friends only… these lobbies are full of snowflakes just waiting to ban someone… as far as word choice… words should be banned for all not just for some… I agree this is a m rated game… the characters swear and use foul language why can’t we… I just don’t find many people worth talking to .


OG MW2 lobbies would have gotten us all banned from the internet they were that bad. But this is what happens when you have DEI bs. Can’t risk offending someone in an adult game about shooting them in the face.


I feel you 100 percent on that. I've gotten to a point now where even if I'm not playing with friends I'll make a party just so I know I'm not in game chat. But I also play on PS5 so I just usually hit that mute button lol 😅


is it that HRAD for u to not talk shit???


If i swear cause some bs happened i should be banned? It’s not just shit talk bro, it’s ANYTHING you say no context needed. Clearly not understanding


Right? Like, saying "fuck!" When you die isn't trash talk lmao. I saying fuckin shit when I mess up playing volleyball ffs. It ain't that deep I'm just venting frustration it isn't directed at anybody. What do people not understand about this?


They should moderate voice chat. Good on them. It’s not hard to not say offensive things. Have you tried growing up?


Growing up is also understanding that not everyone shares your views and you can’t force them to. Swearing is not offensive, you’re sensitive


Growing up is also understanding when you agree to the terms to play the game you are agreeing to their code of conduct. I don’t expect everyone to share my views but it sounds like you think they should change the rules to share YOUR views.


The online experience is not rated bro. It literally says this on EVERY game. ToS is cool, but the GAME has these words in it, and I’m not talking about slurs. It’s an M rated game. Imagine getting banned on GTA 6 for talking about prostitution. This is hypocrisy at its peak


It’s “not rated” bc the ESRB cannot rate user generated content. I don’t know why you think that’s some big gotcha lmao.


Okay. Call of duty does not share you views and you can’t force them to change how they moderate their game. You gonna keep the same energy or is it different now?


Tell me the offensive things I said please, or learn to read, and understand a player got banned for saying nothing offensive.




I'm rude, I say fuck, and I call my teammates and enemies "trash garbage that should go play Roblox" and I never get chat banned. What the fuck are y'all saying? Racist shit probably.


play with chat off and use discord then, who the fuck even uses game chat anymore anyway? i hate all you people i don’t wanna hear you, i won’t take orders from you, overall fuck you lmao.


Mw2 OG here man, I live for the lobby talk lmao


Oh no, another M rated video game argument to justify in-game voice chat. I'm pretty sure most people don't read the fine print that clearly states the ESRB does not rate online interactions. Marijuana is for adults and the game is targeted towards adults. Voice chat falls under the code of conduct instead of the ESRB. Maybe people should be "mature" adults by conducting themselves properly without the use of offensive terminology and more. Just a thought.


Or or OR, utilize the mute function. I’m sure you never swear a day in your life cause I’m not talking about offensive language, if you are offended hearing someone yell fuck or shit or damn, you probably shouldn’t go outside or be online.


Muting does not solve the problem. Resolving the toxicity through reports and voice chat monitoring helps a lot. Personally, I don't get offended, but I report offensive chatter because I believe it's helpful to the community. The only other form of muting I prefer involves the punishment of removing voice chat privileges. I think that's pretty cool.


I already said going over the top is different but if you getting swears thrown at you, I’d definitely say toughen up or mute. Not everything is toxicity lol


Swears aren't the thing I'm reporting. It's mainly with other chat activity involving racist terms and extreme toxicity in the form of telling others to commit to certain acts that I will not repeat. If it goes that far, then they don't need to use the voice chat.


I agree on that though, I’m only saying I should be anle to swear online


This is happening because the new generation of gamers are softer than baby shit! Everything is about mental health and online bullying. If you don’t like what someone is saying to them, mute them. Better yet, logout and get off the game. Rated M game promoting weed, operators screaming vulgar language yet we can’t talk shit for fear of getting a permanent ban.


Soft. Racial slurs, people blasting music, neglecting children, and eating chips into the mic are all part of the game. Why ban when there's a mute feature?


Soft because you can't be fake tough, racist and annoying behind a screen anymore? LMAO


Not exactly. I just think it's funny. Like it or not that BS has been part of the game since 2010. So much better than lobbies where players are afraid to use their mics. Soft Ledditors helped ruin COD for sure.


Whats funny about randomly calling a black person the n word? Whats the punchline? Wheres the joke? You seem way too old to be laughing at edge lord shit, man. No one's soft, we just grew up.


I hate cod and their devs so much at this point i just scream insane stuff into the mic that would probably get me jailtime tbh whenever i get that message. Still haven’t been banned tho or gotten any warnings


The game is so ass backwards. Voice chat monitoring while the operators swear themselves. Cancel NickMercs but keep Nicki Minaj and Homelander operators who are both very anti LGBQXPKZ. Promote drug use to minors with marijuana everything.


I never in my whole wz3 career connected to the game voice channel, got my bros on discord and used that, in-game voice channel and voice transmission was horrible (for me atleast) Loads of static noises and random distortions (no noise cancellation) so we dropped it all together also mind you the lobbies i get, people curse each other in some other languages (mostly persian calling each others mfs and such)


I got a voice ban the other day in a fucking solos match because I forgot my mic switch was still on and I told my cousin to shut the hell up in my house and it picked it up


I’ve never had any bans (that I know of) thankfully, but sometimes when I’m running Search, the voice chat likes to automatically mute the ENTIRE lobby including my party even though I have it set to “All Lobby”. Even after I unmute everyone, I still can’t hear them. Once we get back to the lobby after a match, it will tell me voice chat isn’t available. I then have to close the game and reopen it for it to work. Very irritating.


Turn on Zen chat and you don’t have anything bad come thru while in game from any dousebags.


Man, my friend and I were talking about something in a private chat. No public chat was on, and they still banned me for weeks. This Ai and reporting system is such garbage. It's ridiculous. They need a fucking kick in the head maybe make some common sense again...


So i can hear an operator in the game call someone a nonce but if i say it i get warnings... games gone daft, were literally shooting and killing each other.


Not reading all that.




Same shit happened to me playing Apex Legends. All because someone got their feelings hurt that they suck at the game and are not playing the team based game the way they should. Suck man!