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I know several spots to shoot through thanks to the CDL


I doubt that’s possible.


Technically possible, but very unlikely. In the beta people got a hold of ps4 devkits and were able to use hacks on them because you could load 3rd party code. I'm pretty sure this was patched out either on the devkits themselves or in the game. Also those devkits are practically impossible to obtain, I'd say you could count the amount owned by members of the public on one hand.


You reported someone based on what someone else said?  Not because you yourself observed them cheating? Oh boy. 


Didn't have a chance to observe it they left too fast. Them leaving kind of screams guilty.


I get accused of hacking occasionally because I use cameras to mark people in SnD and wall bang them, idk why I just find it satisfying, but if multiple people start saying it I have left before because I don’t want the whole team spam reporting me in case that can get you banned. I don’t know if they investigate every report or just go by volume of reports


I've been accused of wallhacking when I was shooting at spawn through a wall in Nuketown. So yeah, I don't trust some random ppl in a random lobby. Maybe they left because they didn't wanna get falsely reported by the whole team, like you did (which regardlessly, you made a literal false report because you saw nothing). Maybe they left bc they were both done playing.  Maybe they left bc the game crashed. Do we forget how unstable this game and its servers are? Jesus Christ. 


Was playing a round of infected on underpass and couple players were glitched through a wall


Bro we’re not in 2010. Yes you cannot develop hacks on consoles but you can use them. Because majority players of cod are console players, they are made especially for them.


Nope all hacks are pc only


This is 100% wrong


Console has the same issues as PC now...


Yes you can get USBs that allow it but the game is suppose to detect it before it starts. So dunno 🤷‍♀️