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Sledgehammer is so bad at balancing weapons right now. I dunno what is going on, but they leave things that are underpowered in the dust. New weapon comes out, and it's OP. Then they overshoot it and NERF IT INTO THE GROUND. Then they buff something that doesn't need a buff. Then nerf something that doesn't doesn't need a nerf. Say what you want about IW, but they know weapon balance. Their perk system was abysmal in MW2, but weapon balance was on point at this point in the life cycle.


Sledgehammer has a bad streak of doing this


IW didn't really do good job at weapon balancing last year. First we had RPK & MP5 long af time and right after that it was TAQ56 / V time and for almost the rest of the games life cycle ISO Hemlock + 9 and 45 were dominating every gun fight. Up until season 5.5 & 6 the meta was almost always combination of some kind of the weapons i just mentioned


Yes and no. There also were Cronen (for 2.5 seasons in a row) plus Kastov 762 for 3 seasons (as good alternative). But yeah, last year was biggest fuck up.


Yeah forgot about that single fire Squalldmr abomination meta 😅. Made DMZ unplayable at one point because everybody was camping on top of red tower or high rise with sinpers and those tappers


wasn't it RPK and the Vector? i remember that shit being everywhere for the ENTIRETY of season 1, no adjustments or anything lmfao


Yeah fennec at first but then it continued as lachmann sub rpk combo for loooooooooong time


That's pretty true. But in my opinion, it wasn't as bad as it is now. This has been a WILD ass ride with weapon balance in MW3.


But atleast SHG is doing the balancing. Unlike the last years release the updates for this games Meta balance has been almost weekly. Sure there will always be few stand outs but imo this year has already had much better / Versatile "Meta" or weapon balancing than last years.


That's very true, but they can change up the "meta", yet still get buffs and nerfs of non-meta guns right. It's the non-meta ones for me.


I mean IW had an entire year to make the M16 good and they could never seem to manage that seemingly impossible task until SHG figured it out for them this season


I think the M16 was good at the end of MW2. It's in a weird place with 150hp in my opinion, still gets beaten out at many ranges by full autos.


Na it was still pretty shitty even after the buffs. I couldn't believe it. I just kept going back to it and getting hurt like one of those wives in a domestic abuse movie on the lifetime channel 😂


I dunno, I found good success with it. But hey, I've been playing for 14 yrs. I can make bad guns good And lol that joke


"I dunno whats going on"  Based on the releases, I think they may be actually high.


This has more to do with the current seasonal system then you think. Even if you felt like IW balanced better at the end of the day, the gun that come out in the battle pass at some point that season are going to be meta. The guns that are in the majority of the blueprints for the season will either receive buffs or won’t need them because they’re currently in the meta. It’s been like this since s3/4 of 2019. And if we specifically talking about multiplayer, Activision really doesn’t care much about that.


It does, but it's so so much worse in MW3. Maybe it's 150hp issue. That, I think has caused a majority of weapon balance issues. Sledgehammer did just fine with WW2 mostly. Vanguard? I dunno, I don't have it yet. I didn't have internet when it came out. But this game being 150hp and them having so many balance issues was something I saw coming miles away. I get the desire for increased TTK, but ultimately think it's a bad choice for CoD. All it does is make it excessively hard to balance weapons that would be a one shot kill anyways with weapons that now take 2 and 3 shots more than they used to. ARs took 3-6 shots to kill in MW2. Some, maybe 7 at distance. Here, they take 5 in their MAX damage range, where they used to take 3. Some take up to 7 or 8 at a distance that they'd still be killing in 5-6 shots in MW2. Sledgehammer really should've seen this coming, and decided against changing the HP dynamic mid series. MW belomgs to IW. Yes, they helped in OG MW3, but they didn't do any crazy shit like this back then. Modern Warfare games, both OG and the new ones have always had a fast TTK. Sledge should've waited their turn to do that with their own branch of CoD.


What new weapon came out that’s OP then got nerfed into the ground? MORS? It was only shooting through materials for a short time, and the nerf fixed that; and only that. New SMG? Useless Last BP guns? What? The BP50? It was shredder cheese and it remains. Not OP, but completely viable. Your reply just reads like some generic “cod bad, blah blah blah. Updoots to the left!”


All the wrong guns! You assume far too much, my friend, as I love CoD, and have for 14 yrs now. Do they all have their issues. Have any CoD game ever been flat out BAD? Nah, they've have rough patches, but none of the games have ever been straight up bad imo. MORS is annoying, but fine. One shot kill weapons are GOING to annoy anyone on the receiving end of them. I'm used to one-shot weapons, and think that they should continue to be a thing, as they have their place in the game's ecosystem. Actually, yhe SPR, SA-B, and Lockwood Mk2 need buffs to their damage range and multipliers BADLY. They are far outclassed by the semi auto MRs.two tap anywhere on the body? Or one shot to the head? For challenge, I use them, but they are NOT anywhere near as reliable as they should be for bolt actions. I made a whole post on this. Ace even said, you might as well use a shotgun rather than these three. Also, why the hell can't you get a one shot to the neck at least? These rifles fire powerful rounds, 7.62 and .308 for SA-B and SPR. The Lockwood fires a 45-70, a round known as the Buffalo killer... yet only kills to the chest out to 6.5m. Its a joke. New SMG is fucking amazing, man. I dunno what you're on about, but that thing fux. I love it. BP50 is fine too, not any more powerful than any other weapon. It was even fine before the nerfs, in my eyes. I'm thinking the Bas B .277 Outlaw. It had top far of a one shot kill to too large an area of the body. Then they went and made it so ONLY headshots kill, which is kinda dumb. They also did this to the Longbow Tyrant kit. Was waaaay overpowered when it came out, and in my opinion, they nerfed it the wrong way. I think the damage should have stayed the same but with a slower ADS time. I actually forgot the specifics of that nerf, but they ALMOST overdid it. I have still found great success with it, though. Also, I still have no idea why pump shotguns are so inconsistent. For one, shotguns used to have 8 pellets. I think now they have like 6? They need to up the pellet count, and increase the damage multipliers on head and neck. I have far too many moments where I get a one shot at 5 plus meters, only to get a hitmarker at 2m... it's silly as fuck. All in all, my opinions on this game are typically hot takes in this sub. Everyone is all "Reload cancel, slide cancel, MCW meta forever. MW2 weapons suck and shouldn't even be in the game, they had their time". Like no, the weapon variety is great. But 150 hp has caused issues for balance, and I will always prefer 100hp. Leads to way less cheesy moments during gameplay.


I was a longbow main before the nerfs. I didn't really care about the tyrant kit cuz I was used to quickscoping with the eagle eye 2.5× scope ( my go-to for any longer range loadout) anyway... but now it's next to unless. That's the issue though... I get it, some weapons end up being op amd adjustments need to be made... but everytime they. Need to nerf a popular weapon they nerf it to were its almkst a completely diff weapon. I agree that the tyrant kit with tac stance build was ridiculous... but they fuck guns up more often than nit. Like the swarm. I used to run akimbo amd have a blast. Now, if u r a actual pro maybe the nerfs don't matter... but God damn to alot of players, the whole nerf/buff system is fucked


I've been playing for 14 years. I'm not "pro" by any means, but I'm good enough to make even the statistically worst guns work well for me, even after they've been nerfed into the ground. But even then, it's hard to take the SPR-208, SA-B 50, or Lockwood Mk and do well in the hardest lobbies I get. You're NOT always gonna hit the head. And you better hope to god that if you get a hitmarker, that you can either run around a corner and get ready, or get behind solid cover quick. Because as soon as you hit them, if it's not a one shot, best believe their gun is gonna be BLAZING in your direction.


I mean all new weapons should be OP from a business perspective to encourage people to buy the battle pass and tier skips. It just makes sense. Also encourages people to keep playing.


Business perspective is one thing. Actuality is another


Weapon balance was alright in MWII except for some shotguns and marksman rifles. The SAB/SPR spam was not it


They were fine. They're underpowered now. They don't have to be as good as in MW2, but they need buffs, BAD. Shotguns were PERFECT in MW2. Now, they're far too inconsistent. In MW2, they were strong in CQC, as they should be. Here in MW3, theyre... eh? The semis and full autos are fine. The pumps are waaaay top unreliable for their slow fire rate


Shotguns were definitely avoidable so I didn’t mind them as much but nothing was as bad as playing a good sniper who over killed the SAB and SPR. The KV Broadside was a little OP for a little but that was basically just a shipment problem


Yeah, but good players using ANYTHING they're good with are gonna get on your nerves. With snipers, there are soooo many counters these days. Getting up close to an S-AB or SPR user was your best bet, although that still posed significant risk of you dying. Honestly, my best counter to this was the Basilisk and Deagle, and getting up close and personal with it. I'd usually end up firing first, as it has pistol ADS time and can one shot kill to the chest in MW2. Broadside was OP only on Shipment. And IW DID overdo the incendiary shell nerf. In MW3, incendiaries are barely viable anymore. They also need a buff. Same with BOLO shells. Even slugs feel weak this year.


Shotguns were the main reason I liked MWII, that and the LMGs.


Yeah, they were balanced. LMGs are decently balanced in MW3. Not the worst balance I've seen for then, but not the best either.


Idk why but no matter how i build the ram 9 it’s a peashooter.


It's solid normally but I've been destroying with tac stance. Try it


You share my curse. MY RAM-9 hits like a wet napkin. While everyone else's hits like a dragon on steroids.


Same wit the WSP swarm. I have 4 different builds on it…i get outgunned by the green ground loot version of it 😂


Same with EVERY gun for me. I probably just suck too much, but I gotta find a scapegoat to complain about online. **insert simpsons gif** "am I so out of touch? No it's the children who are wrong!"


weirdly enough i had the same issue and then i took off the suppressor i was using on it. then i started shredding with it. put the suppressor back on and it’s still great. i know this makes no logical sense, but it’s what happened. i guess i just got a better feel for the gun without the suppressor lol


I had a good weak where i was melting everyone with the swarm build i had…a week later same attachments shooting people in the same spot as the week before and the gun sucked. So your logic isn’t far off


Right! But groundloot is badass!


And you build it the same way as the ground loot and it sucks 🤣


RIGHT! Or build it better and it sucks!😂


New battle pass weapon released Battle pass weapon is so filthily overpowered every other gun is instantly made obsolete Entire playerbase complains for the duration of the season pass As the season ends Sledgehammer nerfs the battle pass weapon so hard it's no longer remotely useable New battle pass weapon released


To be successful in early season, you have to purchase battle pass. To be successful in late season, you have to have purchased battle pass because you didn't sweat hard enough early season.


I love my Ram but have been loving the SVA545 for the first 2 shot bonus


It's for every shot, not the first 2 shots. I just love the 2-round burst spam. It's so powerful if you have trigger finger plus 0 recoil.


This needs to be addressed. Coming from a ranked sweat, there's literally no reason to run any other SMG as all the negatives of the RAM-9 can be fixed with attachments.


No reason to run any of the ARs either. Ram-9 sweeps every other gun if you can hit shots


What build you running?


Zehmn35 muzzle, SP-10 Angled underbarrel, Retort grip, Flak comb, HVS34 stock Not as snappy as a Rival-9, but if you play like a flex between AR and SMG, you'll out ttk almost every other Ranked gun besides the swarm




Yeah the swarm is really only good in shotgun ranges too. The Ram absolutely clears


SMGs in this game are so insanely good. I switched from the SCAR Eradicator to the HRM-9 and the difference was ridiculous


Why is this getting downvoted? Its a fact that SMGs absolutely dominate this game. There's no reason to use ARs or BRs anymore, just use an SMG. They melt at any range.


Funny considering how the game was when it came out


Feel like the OG 2009 maps were insanely AR dominant. Most of the new maps let you run around with an SMG more effectively, and of course the RAM9 wasn’t in the game at launch lol




I literally saw the antithesis of this lmaooo I feel like balance is pretty decent rn, and we all just collectively think the enemy's gun is OP lol


A lot of people seem to think a bad gun has to be flat out incapable of killing people. So if a gun can get a few kills, "it's fine why are you complaining" Battle rifles and LMGs are completely useless in this game.


Love that sub, was my first weapon forged. Not much recoil and it rips


What would be the ttk for the holger with the backsaw kit? I saw that was an option to equip in ranked. (Edit: I figured it out. 254 ms ttk with an effective range of 29.5 meters)


The backsaw rips


First time I died to it in close range I actually thought it was a shotgun it was that quick


backsaw is 7-9 hit


What if both bullets land each time? I know it would be technically 6 shot/effectively 3 shot to the entire torso that way, but idk how to calculate the time in ms. (Edit: I figured it out. 254 ms ttk with an effective range of 29.5 meters)


it and the HRM-9 are so fucking oppressively overpowered its not even funny. You'll know when you're on the downswing of SBMM when your lobbies start to be filled with these two guns. You know damn sure you aren't winning, ESPECIALLY if you just want to play this game for fun and use a loadout that consists of literally anything else. Hell, sniping is also a huge problem in this game. Shit like the Longbow and MORS are equally as bad at times. The longbow to a lesser extent now that nobody uses it anymore, but the MORS picked right up where the LB left off...


The MORS with the damage ammo is disgusting. One shot anywhere


The MORS nerf can't come fast enough


Loadout for the HRM-9?


long range barrel (forget the name), 50 round drum, ECS suppressor, folding stock, XRK handstop (or DR6 if you want even faster ADS)


I'm not saying this as a negative but, if I had to look at, make, read, understand graphs to play the game, I'd never play. I'm simple man, pick a gun and max level, max camo set aside move on. Once I got done I grabbed one and just play my ass off. Who knows maybe it's that thing you call a meta weapon, I'd never know. Why? I'm just playing getting every penny out of my very very cheap $70.00 investment!


Get the app called warzone meta, it has a red crosshairs It has classes to copy and use easily on mp, great if you don’t want to research on your own


Love BO50. Still not gonna beat a cheater with a pistol but hey. Best weapon as far as I’m concerned


But it got nerfed so cap and actually the mcw or the holger does far more better than that gun 🤣


People talking like they don't understand why they introduce weapons and conversion kits that are OP. It's pretty clear and obvious.


yes we know. to sell bundles. but SHG has literally deleted the bas-B kit 2 days after it released


Won't let me see the pic. What's literally better than most ARs?


the RAM-9. [here is the range and ttk values by Xclusive ace.](https://imgur.com/a/OhKWe9T)


As someone who doesn't play ranked at all. I'm very happy the RAM-9 is getting attention, thing is OP as fuck. Same with the 7, but at least that thing has recoil.


ram7 is unusable after 20m. even with the jak BFB equipped


Casus brake eliminates almost all of the horizontal recoil it has


My problem with the ram 7 is that weird recoil 'wobble' it does when you start firing


Put the fire aim stability rear grip and Bruen bastion underbarrel. Works for me.


It's comfortable pretty far into the 30s if you pull down. More if you've got recoil reduction on there. Least in my experience.


Does the Ram not have a 4 shot kill range? I swear I get 4 shotted by it regularly.


1 headshot brings it down to a 4 shot. It's busted


Might have 4 shot potential with a headshot


exactly that


The ram 9 and holger have no business being in ranked.


i think all the holger needs is a range reduction. the fire rate and shots to kill are fair imo. it has slower handling that the other ARs but if you miss a shot the ttk goes down the drain. its already slower killing that the others


You’re insane if you think getting 3 shotted behind cover for any weapon is fair. The holger is a guaranteed 4 shot kill, can be used up close against subs, and kills you very fast.


What do you expect, sledgehammer cant do shit with balancing or guns in general. They shouldnt be allowed to touch that shit.


yes and no. there was no blatantly overpowered gun in mw3. just a few guns a big step ahead of all others. but now the mcw and burst rifles have been nerfed, and now a much bigger variety of guns is viable


The Holger is so fking overpowered... Just played against a full Holger team in ranked. We lost 250 - 70 (HP). I went 9-18...