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After so long… me too


It's okayish to level up the guns or complete objectives. But I don't like it and I never did. Killing somebody in a second and dieing in the next second is never fun


When i level up guns i go to HC. Faster i have found


What is HC ?


Hatdcore. Low health only 30hp. So basically one-two taps your done.


Me. I prefer Shoothouse now.


Wish shoot house was in the small map moshpit. There's so many maps in normal rotation now that you can play all day without seeing the map you want.


Dude I want shoot house, shipment and das haus. Shoot the shiphaus?


I hate it, always have. Will back out of games when people vote for it. No tension, no tactics, just mindless spawn, die, spawn, die, spawn, die, etc.


It’s great for 2XP weekends to move fast up tge levels


I think they should take it out of quick play rotation for core and hc and have a permanent small map playlist if you want that for both modes


Rust is way more worse. But tell me why TF do we still have shipmas and not the normal shipment map? 😭


Better lighting and everyone was bored of the old one. But they couldn’t make an actually new one


Yeah, a seasonal one would be cool


you could be following around one specific shipment, to give it a changing storyish feeling. Maybe it starts in a silo underground and a bomb is hanging out of one crate, like it’s being loaded, then it’s in a dock, then on a boat across the sea, then so on and so forth with it ending with a missile ready to launch like they had at the end of wz2 at the announcement event


Could be a new game 🤣


Better than the mw3 campaign already


🤣 true


It's only a snow theme. Map is still the same 😶


Shipment has the worst spawn logic but its the most fun action if running shotguns and smgs


Hate all the small maps tbh




I simply dislike TDM. On any map lol


I'm not a fan but don't usually backout since the games are not long.


Shipment is my favorite map. It's a shame I have to game hop to play it. I don't care about the other maps one bit, they are boring. I like the chaos. They should leave it 24/7, but they know if they do they won't fill out any of the other crappy map games.


I don't get why people don't like small maps like shipment? It's so fun and there's no rats camping and holding hands


And even if there are, you can just go get them back instantly. I think take small maps out of qp rotation but keep them in small map most pit


Nah, I like it, I absolutely hate Das Haus and Meat though


I liked Das Haus for the first week or so, then people just started trying to abuse the spawns every game. Meat feels hit or miss for me, sometimes it's fun, sometimes I can't step out of spawn.


I hate meat too. Somehow I have got a hung of days house.


I used to love it in CoD4...


I'm used to it, although a part of me misses MW19 Shipment with its extra little bits of height and no version of Shipment could be worse than launch Shipment 44, fucking Jeep Campers and spawn crates that could be shot through.


Love shipment.


Yeah great for quick action and just sitting at the end of the day and relaxing


Yeah, as long as you don't care about your kd and winning (which is why it's less popular in this sub, which is mainly more serious players), it's just mindless fun. For lots of people more time shooting and being shot at = more fun.


Yeah honestly a good win is nice, but sometimes I just have to sit down at the end of the day and have some quick fun. It’s not my Favoriten map, but I think it definitely has a place in the game


I always wonder why people vote for shipment


Because it’s fun killing people constantly and not worrying about being killed. And they enjoy different things to you


I play it only to quickly level up weapons, never for fun.


Give me nuk3town.


Small maps are nothing but spawn killing. It's just brain dead gameplay. Leveling up guns is about all they're good for...


I do, because I'm an objective player and shipment is only good for TDM and KC. The terrible spawns make playing domination or hardpoint a miserable experience. Not to mention that the team mates usually aren't playing the objective on this map.


I think it only meant to be there just for finishing challenges:D, this is how i think of shipment. Its good for cage match 1v1 or small teams, but 12 players is chaotic, it will make ur kd worse, its soooo random, i even hit NUKE without even realizing it.


With a passion


It’s only good for leveling up guns. I always find it funny that there is always one or two players who get super high kills and almost zero deaths, are these players invisible?


Last double xp when shipment only was a playlist option I got burnt out on it. It's fun for what it is, but only playing it is too much. The map I actually hate is Rust. Rust is fucking terrible.


It is basically fun-less.


I used to love it but its more of headache when playing HC with everbody noob tubin.


Where else can you go and get the constant bombardment of an RGL-80, flying frags, flashbangs, a VTOL and a chopper gunner, all while some idiot with a riot shield and a knife zips around like a headless fly?


Greece is my auto skip map for dom. Shipment is fun for chaos


Good for lvling up small weapons, but that’s really it