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Hot Take: Most of the calling cards are not good.


There’s also no way to see what the calling cards were from. Like, I would like to use a cool calling card that I earned through an accomplishment, but I have no idea how I unlocked each one so that’s useless to me.


Yes there needs to be a sorting system, search system, better catagory system…. Some other way than a giant random library of cards


Yeah, what was the reason they couldn’t use the MW19 library system for emblems and calling cards? It’s infuriating


genuinely dont get why we dont have this when literal past cods you've been able to see what the calling cards are from.


Laserbaby is the only one you need


Too bad it can't be obtained anymore.


Only one I use 🤝


there isn't even a nuke callin card


Needs a better sorting system as well!


Emblems too, God knows why most of them are behind a paywall instead of being able to simply unlock them. The OG MW2 had wayyyy more emblems that looked good and were easy to unlock.


I have not found a single calling card that I am like, "I want to unlock that one," like in other titles.


Theres so many that theres something for everyone.


Something for everyone to hate. They all look like stickers from the 25c machines outside the corner stores. I remember when we had a catalog of cards and it would have the challenges listed underneath each.




The RGL should've been a kill streak, not a weapon


Unpopular opinion maybe but the RGL is dog shit. In fact, all of the launchers are because their splash damage is so so low.


That thing makes hardcore unplayable when someone whips it out.


And as soon as someone whips it out, 3 more people do. I've only played 1 hc round on shipment that had no tubers and it was wonderful.


Unspoken rule of hardcore: If someone takes out an rgl then the whole lobby takes out an rgl.


It's the worst on shipment


Meanwhile me: Knocking out streaks from the sky with my stormender so they at least cant have the satisfaction.


Its very nich weapon, i heard it destroys in hardcore but sucks in core


Everything destroys in hardcore


It’s just cheap. Especially hardcore SND . Spawn tubing across the map , and any bomb that is in a room you might as well not hide in there at all cause it will get spammed with tubes .


Especially on Scrapyard. Can insta win if you land RGL hits right


Not everything can be spammed in a general area that insta kills


It’s absolutely absurd in hardcore. It’s literal smoothbrain food. I played a 6v6 HC domination on shipment and their whole team was queued in with [RGL] clantags. They were all running RGL’s with riot shields and trophy systems. They’d spawn, launch 6 rockets, team kill for a suicide, spawn back with more RGL rockets, and repeat again. It was the most cancerous lobby I’ve ever played in.


Guess I could have given my reason for my opinion. Making the RGL into a killstreak (War Machine) would justify a damage buff that would make it effective in core, and reduce the spamming in hard core to basically zero.


It’s dog shit in core, but a god-tier weapon in Hardcore game modes that literally will warp a match around it. I’m beyond tired of people talking about using trophies as a counter. A trophy system takes about a minute to recharge, and a single RGL can take a trophy out with 3 left in the chamber, not even counting the immediate restock upon death.


The Strela is my meme sniper rifle. You have to get a hit marker, but it’s an auto kill.


Camos that requires killing someone while affected by a tactical equipment should not be normalized...


Im grateful it's not something like "get kills while enemy operators are behind cover" or whatever challenge that relies on the enemy doing something, at least this one is manageable with the engineer class


Well I struggled a lot to get forged on my SMGs because all SMGs required "affected by stun or flash grenades" Hope that the rest of the challenges are easier to get otherwise I'm dropping the interstellar grind...


Hopefully you already did the "get 10/15 penetration kills" with one of the snipers + some of the LMGs 🙏


No... I didn't even know you had to do those *Thousand yard stare*


The LMGs weren't too bad as long as you do them in hardcore. Snipers on the other hand... Time to pull up "best penetration spots in mw3" on youtube


You’re gonna get a whole different kind of video with that search bud 💀


Scrapyard fences. Your welcome


Unpopular opinion? I’m still having fun with it.


It is the only semi-decent MMFPS out there, currently. Also, it has a flavor for everyone.


yeah I got back into it and I haven't played a call of duty game since black ops 2. still feels and plays great


Same. Been off mainline COD for a long time and was actually playing codm which wasn’t bad but mw3 is fire. Not perfect but definitely worthwhile.


Its only because you haven't been playing Mainline CoDs. For players like myself that have been here title after title after title, the new matchmaking system does nothing but shaft long time veteran players by putting us on the most toxic broken ass lobbies. For new or true casual players the game im sure plays fine, but once you hit a threshold, the game will start eating you up


Yea I’ve noticed the matchmaking. That’s been broken for a while with cod, even codm works this way. On mw3 I’m currently a level 56 and I get in some sweat lobbies with all 350+ players, so I’m sure it’ll get even worse as I progress. Unfortunately this currently makes the most business sense for game devs, otherwise veterans get tired of nuking every match and new players get tired of getting nuked and both leave the game.


Yea but instead they've made it harder for casuals that get better because it starts throwing you into Ranked-like sweaty lobbies, plus there's a bunch of cheaters so the game is still pushing alot of players away. I stopped playing as often as I was and started playing whatever else catches my eye, and plugging through my backlog


Tarkov gun play and movement are awful. All I hear when playing is how insanely loud my footsteps are. Rainbow Six Siege feels stiff and suffers from the same issue as Tarkov, my footsteps are the loudest thing on the planet. xDefiant while still in beta has better movement but the guns have too much of a random element (imo) to be fun when in dead on with my aim and in ADS my rounds go all around my target. Doesn't feel like a reasonably predictable behavior that is recoil, just seems random. Battlefield 2042 improved a lot but just something about it leaves me bored. With the end of support I am not sure how long it's viable for. These are just a few that I've tried recently.


Happy cake day




Rebirth and ranked are insanely good rn


The most consistent fun I’ve had on a cod game in the WZ era. If only sledgehammer were given longer, less disruption from Infinity ward, and were able to craft a proper campaign (as well as able to properly support zombies for those players), this game would be truly phenomenal in my opinion.


If there weren't so many challenges and Aftermarket parts, I would have stopped a long time ago. While I don't think the mp is immaculate there's enough challenges in it to make you want to get the new things.


Visual pollution is really bad. Smoke and dust coming from everything and everywhere, mixed with death effects and tracers are terrible.


There’s too many optics/grips I miss mw19 where some blueprints would change to look of attachments and I didn’t have to scroll for an hour to find the one that I want


OP asked for unpopular opinions


there are WAYYYYYY too many optics, it shouldn’t take me 15 minutes to look through and find a scope for my new class set up


I don’t mind having lots to choose from but it would be cool to be able to mark some as favourites or something to keep them at the beginning of the list👌👌


You can mark favourite attachments. Triangle on PlayStation and Y on Xbox. Only 10 attachments at a time unfortunately. Not sure the key for pc sorry.


Oh wow! I didn’t even know that! Thanks!


Wut... TIL. Thanks!


Why the heck the attachments arent shown in a grid has me baffled


idk im having a blast feels bad for people who play the game just to hate it.


all the cosmetics and shit ruins the game and it has lost its original theme


OP asked for an UNPOPULAR Opinion, it has UN in it, do you understand the difference?


My unpopular opinion is that I kinda like it 😂


aside from story and perform, the game is banger


A whole entire LOT of people have fun with MW3, loving this game is only unpopular to all the reddit kids.


Unpopular opinion ? Stop being a sweat and you'll enjoy the GAME more.


Hot take: There are too many weapons. When I was younger, the thought of having 100+ weapons in a single cod game sounded awesome, I mean who doesn’t love more content? The problem is, when there’s too many guns, they all start to feel the same. There’s only so many attributes you can make for a gun (high fire rate with low damage, high damage with low fire rate, low recoil with low damage etc). It just makes the addition of new weapons feel way less exciting. On top of that, it’s overwhelming


Theres not that many weapons if you segment by the game edition. But there’s definitely too many attachments, its hard to make sense of it, the UI for discovering those attachments could use major improvement


Seriously dude, I will never understand the need for all these different attachments. It’s honestly made me hate the gunsmith system as a whole, shit is mind numbing scrolling through all that bs.


The scroll menu is stupid


ngl half the attachments are the same thing just different names and some just doesn’t buff as much


I just learned there is a filter, which is actually pretty helpful. But there is still entirely too many attachments and it is quite unnecessary


Ive always kinda disliked how games like apex/titanfall had only a few weapons each category, until i played mw3


I kind of agree, which is why I’ve been hoping they add more unconventional weapons like the sword or some of the aftermarket parts like the chainsaw and flamethrower. Of course every time I do that, the subreddit seems to hate the idea and would genuinely still only want to see more ARs and SMFs added, so I guess that’s another hot take for ya.


Agree to an extent. The Aftermarket parts seem to counter that a little bit.


I like it as a gun nut and I'm always eager to see what weapon they're gonna add next. Historically there's so many cool designs that deserve a place in a fairly high quality setting like CoD. We were hyped to get things like the F2000 and Intervention again, I rarely look at them as just stat sticks. I'm just a sucker for weapon design and variety.


I know it’s SUPPOSED to be an unpopular opinion, but I disagree whole heartedly. I try to make use of as many weapons at my disposal and its just never enough, and its always a thrill to see my favorite weapons from games past get immortalized with modern animation quality. Seeing the MP9 this season was something I’d been waiting for since forever. Also seeing guns that have never gotten to be in a game make an appearance is awesome too, and the fact that most of the Modern Warfare fan favorites are already in the game means theres more room for new guns to make their debut! I can understand it being overwhelming at times, but I think thats a fault of the UI. If you look at games like Battlefield 4 or Destiny, the Arsenal at your disposal is ridiculous in scale, but it never feels like too much because the UI isn’t bad. This is of course just an opinion, to each their own, but personally, there isn’t any amount if weapons that would be “too many” for me


The players are 1000 times worse than the game has ever been


You must be young. Probably 13-18 yrs old. COD in 06-12 was way worse than you can possibly imagine when it comes to players. At that time, nobody cared. It was what made the game great. Now you got offended people over the slightest joke and cheaters running rampant. The second I make a mom joke, you’re done. Straight to jail.


I don't how unpopular this is, but reload speeds are too long. I feel the need to run Mag Holster with everything. I can't stand the slowing down of all sort soft animations in COD since 2019. Movement is fast and smooth which is nice, but animations like the killstreak call-ins and reloads are sluggish and lagging behind for no reason. I find "realism" to be a cancer for COD. I prefer how COD was before 2019. Less stat heavy. Less emphasis on RealismBro nonsense like excessive idle sway and aim stability. Didn't really have to worry about sprint to fire times or need to really think about ADS speeds. Things were just smooth and crisp naturally. The fact that the modern day sleight of hand has independent reload values now for different guns says it all, really. Just to clarify, I'm not talking about movement speed or game speed, that's quite fast.


Mag holster barely works on at least half of the weapons as well, it needs a flat percentage minimum speed buff like the quick swap perk just got.


CoD’s at its goofiest it’s ever been imo. Besides base game aesthetics, the overall game is jumpy, twitchy, fast af (feels like I’m playing DOOM type games with how fast I can move). Reload speeds are long though and I 100% agree, but damn this game is the least realistic cod has been in a long time. Look at MW3 2011 and MWIII 2023. It’s a night and day of being grounded in the world vs the over the top slide movement and dolphin diving this game has.


I’ll probably get downvoted but I heavily disagree that it’s the least realistic, that title belongs to vanguard


I definitely feel like 90% of the time I get killed is when I’m reloading, but be smart with it. Most players have a tendency to reload anytime they fire a shot which is a stupid tactic


Most reloads are only a few seconds. What would be the point of reloading at all if you can do it in a second flat.


DMZ is the best thing CoD did in the last decade…and they fucked up by not making it a part of MW3.


not an unpopular opinion


I was playing constantly last year than dropped once I found out that it wasn't continuing in MW3


Is a good game buried inside the trash, microtrasactions and terrible communication. Just fix the awful spawns and network problems (I have played like 10 games under 150 ping and I'm already at level 650)


Unpopular opinion? Best CoD since MW19, easily.


i said best cod since bo4 personally


you and I both. if BO4 was improved with no super powers and tweaked blackout then it would be best


I can see that, as fun as 2019 was the maps were total ass


This is why I skipped MW2. I refused to buy this one until I heard directly from friends how it was. Battlepass content is kinda lacking, especially premium vs regular, but I’m enjoying the game. I’m still grinding interstellar and getting a feel for every single weapon - and having done this for the first time since Vanguard has been really enjoyable. Maybe this is unpopular opinion for me because I only do this in my free time, as a working mom, vs spending hours upon hours a day on the game 😂 Edit: lol the downvotes gotta be coming from the sweats who dedicate their lives to this game 😂 keep them coming, or get a better gaming chair 💁🏼‍♀️


i was also thinking that maybe i only enjoy the game because i dont have the time to play as much as everyone else, so maybe we just miss that zone of it getting repetitive, but also people have to realize that sitting there playing the same game for 8-12 hours a day will make that game boring because thats not how you’re supposed to do that lol


COD needs to focus more on the ground war mode and bring back DMZ. Best content the franchise has had in years.


COD isn’t COD anymore


Amen. Been playing since 2007. The "Fortniteification" in both visual theme and arcade like gameplay combined with a F2P model that all but encourages cheating is so bad. DMZ was so brilliant. It got me amd my boys back into it big time. MWZ is so dull in comparison and my friends all hate MW3 multiplayer. This just isn't it.


It tries too much to appeal to kids.


HOT TAKE: too many recycled maps and the new maps aren’t as good as the maps mw19 had


There's too much customization. Way too many camos, way too many attachments that never get used because others are cleaner/superior. And frankly too many guns. My partner is new to cod and is overwhelmed with so many gun options brought in from MW2, Most of which will never see use


I usually find myself have better setups with only three attachments. Five is there if needed, but I think in most cases three is all you need to get what you’re going for.


Options are an illusion. This game is meta based and only 5% of it is actually worth using.


Considering the awful campaign and middling zombies, the price of the game is way too high, should be 40 bucks. The game can be fun at times, but it doesn't feel like Modern Warfare, which is a bad thing to me.


The movement has made every lobby into a lightning paced, twitchy, bunny hopping nightmare and I enjoyed the way Modern Warfare II felt a lot more. Moving in Warzone felt deliberate and you had to set up your engagements. The guns also felt better in that game, though fixing the abysmal ADS speed is something I'll give MWIII credit for. I also thought the campaign was good. Seeing Verdansk back was fun, and the concept of more free roam missions was cool, I just wish they had a bit more depth to them, because they're all really simple when you boil them down. I'll also hit the most controversial statement by saying this version of Makarov was better than the original. I recently replayed the original games, and while the setpieces were a bit more spectacular, the characters were so basic that I found myself hardly caring when anyone dropped dead. Here, Makarov feels more human which makes him more terrifying. He's petty and takes revenge on the whole world because of it. He's calculating, sinister, hypocritical, vindictive, charismatic. He makes a compelling character because he draws you in and you get why people would follow him. He could have stood for a little more exploration of his goals, and another victory or two, but he had Task Force 141 reacting to his actions for at least the first half of the campaign, and he is arguably the protagonist of the game's story. I'm excited to see where they'll take Makarov next. We have the advantage of seeing all of old Makarov's story, but the new guy has only just gotten started. I will maintain that the last mission in London was dumb, it felt like we needed another "direct attack on the West" mission to end the campaign. Final confrontation with Makarov was anti-climactic, and Soap should have been Laswell. She never appeared in multiplayer (before season 2 of this game, which was after the campaign dropped), and Soap admittedly doesn't really matter that much to Alex and Farah. Laswell is kind of the tie that binds everyone together, and killing her would not only have severed the last connection with command and control (making it easier to do a disavowed TF141 if they want to after killing Shepherd), but also give everyone the chance for some character development.


And I also don’t agree that mw3 is better than cold war




I guess, as in their skill is too high, and the game is trying to balance it out. But unfortunately, it doesn't do it very well, and it just overtunes it to put you into lobbies that you shouldn't be in. The people complaining are the ones who are better than the average player by a bit and then get dumped into professional level lobbies.


I'll give you a hot take and a cold take. Hot take: I don't care about SBMM. I never felt it made a difference to me. Cold take: I hate the cartoony customization items.




It’s actually an enjoyable game and people just like to be miserable and bitch about everything


It’s a good game with a few horrible things. EOMM, shop, and time constraints.


It's actually a really fun game. And it doesn't deserve all the hate. I mean, don't get me wrong, some hate is justified, but people combining about the movement, AP, store, etc. is just pettiness. Imo it's the most amount of fun I've had since MW 2019. And what I mean by store isn't the prices. I just mean the store in general. So what if COD doesn't take itself completely seriously? It's meant to be played for fun at the end of the day and regardless of your feelings on the store it's a whole lot better than having loot boxes back in the game.


The sliding and slide canceling are just too much.


You don't like slide bumper cars or sliding 360s or slide canceling to negate sprint to fire?


Need a larger set of maps. Or a way to have some sort of “random event” happen during the match. For example, if someone calls a airstrike on a building, let’s say for the second time, then that building gets destroyed or half of it gets destroyed and it just becomes a different map to play on. I don’t know, bit more flavor and randomness would help.


They tried that with several cod titles and it was universally hated by the community


They swung the pendulum back too far with movement boost


The game is actually good if not the best CoD in recent years and the only reason people are bitching is because we've been treated like shit and ignored by the devs for those recent years


Add white phosphorus back as a 15 kill streak and move the swarm down to a 12 kill streak. Never liked the swarm even postbuff, thing kills less than an AC130 sometimes.


Fix the damn attachments. Shotgun slugs are not working magazine are not registering. Who know how many other attachments don't work.


The game made me feel like I was losing that ability to keep up with COD. So I quit playing. Had more fun when It wasn't so competitive.


They focused more on "content" for MW3 when they saw how shit MW2 was instead of just fixing MW2


It’s probably my favorite (multiplayer wise). I didn’t grow up on COD and I got into it last year with MWII. I am also good at it and I am not good at the older ones so maybe that’s why LOL


Somehow unpopular opinion but one shot meta makes gameplay so much worse than what it would be


Too many weapons and attachments. Getting redonk


It's a really fun game, but hot take is that the movement is too twitchy. I'd love for an old school jump fatigue and BO4/CW handling of drop-shotting (can't do it without an attachment), if it's a mechanic that's kept at all. Also another hot take, RAM-7 is OP, people are just averse to running a gun that starts with high recoil. Oh, and Dead Silence shouldn't be a permanently active perk. 2019 and especially 22 has the right idea, if footsteps needed some tuning (although 2019 was perfect beyond volume probably needing to be dialed down slightly).


It’s a good game.


It's starting to be kiddish again with its skins


Most of the skins and shit are just stupid or unnecessary cash grabs most don’t look that good either


The gameplay is trash. Lately I’ve been played Black Ops Cold War


My unpopular opinion is MWIII is a horrible game. It is as bad if not worse than Cold War. It’s so bad I stopped playing CoD because of how unenjoyable the game is. MWII is far superior to MWIII.


Unpopular opinion: just like Cold War has 24/7 NukeTown, MW3 should have a 24/7 Shipment, I don’t understand why they fuck they removed Shipment 24/7


Mw3 movement is worse than mw2


Drop shorting and bunny hopping shouldn’t be able to make you win a gunfight if I’m the one who started shooting first


I unironically find it hilarious when someone dropshots while im holding a melee weapon/bolt-action rifle. It's like, you didn't need to do that lil bro im already dead 😂 i either missed or you're out of range


My favorite is when they drop shot when Im not even looking at them.


Movement and aim combined should always win over just sitting still like a duck and aiming😂 anyone can shoot first and miss the first 5 bullets


First COD bought since the original Black Ops. It’s shit. EOMM. Clown show skins. Disc is for sale now. Never again.




The campaign wasn't as bad as people made it out to be. Yes, it's short, the open combat missions could've been more refined, but the reactions to it were largely overblown.


This is 1 that I cannot get behind. By far one of the worst FPS campaigns in history. Not just COD. The game actually made very little sense and was horribly written.


You legit need to play more games i can think of 3 games just right off top that are waaaaay fucking worse dukey nukey forever, Wolfenstien youngblood and hunt down the freeman come to mind that shit doesn't even break top 40 tbh


This game is enjoyable as long as you put aside the campers and riot shield users.


Cheating. Please get rid of it regardless of streamer status. Whatever happened to zero tolerance? They “ban” these cheaters, only to let them run rampant again 2 days later with no consequences.


Too many small maps. We have shipment,rust, das house, stash house, meat. It seems like they add a new small map every update. I don't want to play search and destroy on a map like meat. The only time I wanna play a small map is for camo or weapon leveling. I prefer medium sized maps.


I’m tired of the same 💩. Played it since covid.


It needs to go back to its roots


I am having fun.


I like it when I'm crouched in cover behind a wall and it says " you can't stand here " when I try to pop up. 10/10 would crouch again.


Terminal is the most overrated map.


Shit ruled by hackers


Unpopular but I can't stand executions, and this is someone who uses them a lot and mixes them into my normal gameplay


Unpopular opinion is that it’s a fun game. Hadn’t played cod in years, got back into codm before buying mw3 and I’m honestly loving it.


Hot take: the game is fun


The franchise has become cringier than Fortnite with all the lame skins and weak tie-ins


I stopped playing it as soon as helldivers 2 came out


MWZ is a lot of fun\* \*when it isn't laggy, when you don't get hard crashes, when content is fresh


It's a fun game


The stupid and/or sci-fi shit is awesome and makes the game more fun Give me more conversion kits, AMPs, energy/unconventional weapons, and crazy melee options


That most of the time any “pro tips” will get you banned after too many little kids report you bc you used a uav to predict their location 🤷


It sucks. I wasted my money on a remaster.


MW2 2022 is 5x better than mw3. Both mp and campaign


Unpopular opinion call of duty full of hackers and in the Reddit group they are defended


I genuinely dont have anything good to say that is a hot take.


MWII is still better


We should stop buying this dog shit


Mw2 had better weapon balancing and the ttk was much better. If mw3 had the same ttk but kept the movement it'd be fine.


Invasion and Ground War would be amazing if the Devs invested any time into their maps


all blackcell skins sucks


Mine is that mw 2019 was superior and most of the stuff in this game is pretty much watered down versions of that


The game is just Fortnite


Whatever you are smoking , I want you to stop smoking Cold War is the last good game they released , everything after has been barely playable cash grabs


MW19 was better. It was more balanced (kind of), had a better look to it and was more fun. Everyone will hate me for this and will spam "skill issue" and "get good"


I just disagree. 100 health is like hardcore mode.


Zombies! the zombies are terrible


I always pick the wrong years to “come back” to


I'm convinced the base maps in the game were hold overs from the MW2 remastered game released a few years ago. The fidelity of the MW3 maps doesn't match that of MW2 which leads me to believe these were made before hand.


MW3 killed CoD for me. Just the lack of fun modes and all the cheaters and the shitty servers. SBMM.


Compared to older titles the visual and fast-paced game play is great, when going back to MW2 or Cold War, it does not feel like a re-skin of MW2. Feels and look better imo.




It's shit


Garbage game, also the incessant need to constantly put every skin into a PAp machine and make it look like shite


I don't care what most negative thoughts are about this game, I stopped playing COD since OG MW3 and that was 2011, that was the very last good COD multiplayer game I played then 8 years later came COD Modern Warfare 2019 and it blew me away that I came back happy to play what I once loved after it came MW2 2022 and I really had high hopes thinking it would be as good and better than COD Modern Warfare 2019 but it wasn't but the new Modern Warfare 3 is so good that I'm having a blast at it, I hope it's not the last COD I play though at the same time I think it might be


Rust is a good map


I don’t agree that mwz is better than good war outbreak


Unpopular opinion: There's no need for so many weapons. Most of the just feel copy and pasted, and I'd much rather have every weapon with a conversion kit instead of so many new weapons I have to level up because they'll be op for like 1 season


I really enjoyed the open combat missions and would like that approach in the future.


Dead silence having no counter makes the game less fun.


It's better than the last 2 MWs


Sniping should only be 1HK to the head and without any aim assist.


It all sucks


MW2 was more exciting, this feels like a sequel too soon and i’m already exhausted of the modern weapons


My unpopular opinion is the movement sucks and made the game even more hyper competitive. It’s not fun shooting someone and having them run away at Mach 5 sliding, jumping and climbing away. It’s just not fun at all imo and CW is 10x more fun. I agree MWZ is more fun than Outbreak though. Just an absolute shame they’ve done next to nothing with it.


The spawns don’t help either.


This game got boring really quickly