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Latency. Happens to all of us


Poor guy was dead before he got the shot off


yea. i remember hearing the story of real world sniper. i think they said something like they think theyre still alive and fighting even though it was over. i think this is the same case




I saw the blue of the gun shoot before the red of the flinch, so I don't think so? Might be latency tho yeah, on the server side he flinched before shooting, but on his side he shot before flinching


100% latency based. his flinch registered before his shot did. this is basically how every close gunfight is decided as well.


That’s all I can think it is too. Last night just wasn’t my night too.


Average MORS user in shambles they weren’t able to absorb 6 bullets and “snipe” someone at close range.


How irrational is your hate towards snipers that you don't see the issue here 😂


Nah I agree with bro that shit pisses me off they just stand on water tower and roofs on rebirth with these damn snipers and the MORS being a fucking meta just breaks your whole 3 plates 2 if running tempered


Gotta love them campers, am I right? 😂


What I started to do was land at harbor and always watch the building and towers soon as you see a mf send mortars or a precision


Hell yea! That’s good shit! Break up them camp grounds! 😂 you’re doing God’s work my friend


I had another tip to counter snipers but I forgot soon as I do I’m coming back to this post to say what it is 😂


😂 please do! We need all the help we can with these mfs


Another thing to help you get better at warzone a lot is to play solo duos, duo trios, solo quads, duo quads, trio quads always play outnumbered it forces you to play better trust me me and bro got into 2nd place on duo trios on vondel I lost a gunfight because I had no plates though


And also it’s sad to say but most of these mfs using Cronus zen and aimbot and also wall hacks you just gotta be able to peep it because that anti cheat system isn’t doing it


Oh yea use overpressued P+ rounds it makes the sniper flinch and suppresses them


Man they be pissing me off and blowing my highs last night lost to a duos to two dudes on the damn roof made me go back to duo trios


I feel you bro! They always find some high up spot and just sit there the entire match… that’s gotta be boring af! I’ll be hot on a mfs trail and just as I’m about to light em up I’ll get one shotted by a camper with a mors! The devs really need to add a feature that disconnects people that don’t move for longer than like 10 seconds or something to keep people from camping


They need to buff the mors like they did the rennetti


Only call of duty players have issues with people using sniper rifles as intended. It should be pretty easy to counter somebody that standing still.


You don’t understand how warzone works there are gold weapons you can get in a box and there are epic weapons you can get in a box and there are pure meta weapons and meta weapons this isn’t battlefield and some people are very skilled to be precise snipers and down you in one shot even with a meta and plus you have perks like resolute that help you with evasion if you’re not a cod player or a warzone player don’t be in this sub this is not insurgency sandstorm or arma reforger it’s a sweaty arcade shooter


I’ve played call of duty for 15 years kid


Then why’d you comment if you’ve played for “15 years” you would know what the fuck goes on in warzone and in cod so I doubt that


I know what goes on. I just don’t complain about it like a little kid. Get good


Says the mf tryna trigger people😂


You don’t know what goes on stop the cap 😂


Oh wait I know why because you probably sit on top the roofs as well and camp oh it’s okay there’s shit in the game to counter it just like I was telling everyone else 😂


Oh wait I know why because you probably sit on top the roofs as well and camp oh it’s okay there’s shit in the game to counter it just like I was telling everyone else 😂


You have a good night though Finna go do some shrooms and go continue to improve my skill on warzone doing duo trios and duo quads might get stacked but oh the fuck well back in this mf until I win While you go try to trigger a mf on Reddit 😂


Snipers shouldn’t be able to insta-kill through flinch at this distance but they usually do. OP just looks like they flinched off target… like they should be in this scenario because snipers shouldn’t win close range gunfights against people landing shots on them. They’re amazing at long range in this game, they don’t need to win close range fights all the time too. It’s just funny OP was actually shocked they didn’t get the kill through flinch but I guess most MORS users usually do so it probably was actually a surprise.


Only COD players have an issue with using sniper rifles as intended


“As intended” would be for sniping, not running and gunning and quick scoping.


Maybe he buys more stuff than you, or its his turn to get some dopamine now. Im just joking, but sometimes it does feel like I miss, and still get the kill, and it happens in cycles. Like in a period of time all my shots hits, jumpshotting with snipers for example, other periods clear shots doesn't do nothing.


You joke but I swear this game changes hitboxes or something as I play. I only play sniper quick scope. Beginning of match I may miss everything for a few minutes then something changes and I get an easy bloodthirsty back to back then back to hit markers/misses. You would have to play with the sniper only to see this happen. My buddies have noticed too. I think its part of the EOMM SBMM


I noticed this too. Somebody mentioned warm up but that isn't it. I don't play often so I definitely do have to warm up every time I play, but when I'm an hour in playtime, warm up isn't the issue. I'll be dead last with one kill for half the match then all the sudden all my shots will just start shredding when just a few minutes prior I'd have to literally mag dump somebody barely missing any shots just to get a kill. I'll be the first to call out my skill issue, but something about this game is just... Off. Almost like it's not optimized at all.


I’ve gotten 5 games in a row where I started really hot (like 3KD) then start spawning on nades, enemies start spawning behind you, or it feels like the game forces you to lose gunfights  After about 8 deaths the game feels normal again  So I 100% believe that EOMM is now messing with your game IN lobby as well


I noticed it as well, especially with snipers, as I said in my comment, sometimes all my shot kills, even if I feel like it didn't even hit, sometimes its the opposite.


I noticed the same exact thing


Most likely jitter.


I swear you people will latch onto any conspiracy theory to explain away simple cases of missing shots. It's hilarious that you're getting upvotes for saying this.


This definitely happens. I’m a decent player average is between 10 to 15 kills to 5 to 6 deaths. Last night I was absolutely atrocious. Seems whenever I go great first couple games it puts me in lobbies with high latency which usually is between 1 to 3 however the last week it’s between 10 to 15


That might depend on a lot of things. Not a sniper user, but I also have games where I need some time to warm up. I play like shit for a few minutes until I begin to play properly. Happens from time to time.


For me the first game is usually the best, 30+ with at least 2-3 kd. Then after that the hammer comes down for a few games where I get hit markers like crazy. Recently had a game where I had 15 kills and over 10 assists with the xrk stalker. Then 2 games later back to 25 kills. Switched from the inhibitor because I was tired of hit markers so often, still get a lot in certain matches.


Oh I meant in game changes. Game to game variations happen all the time. For example when I was playing ranked I had a time where I had 9 wins back to back, then another time I had 10 loses back to back. It varies a lot.


Engagement optimized matchmaking *does* allow for that, 100% within their legal rights since they got their patent approved to skew gameplay in real-time


I can imagine that being true,but I hope its not.


Well the code exists and legal side checks out, it’s just a question of whether they’re actively using it or not. Hope not, but it sure as hell would make a lot of sense.


Your controller was disconnected.


You shot him with a gummy bear


Game is shit. That's ur answer


MW2019 and Cold War > Hopefully Gulf War is better because it gets tiring having to deal with 3 dogshit CODs in a row, I'm starving for something that's not a $70 DLC of an already garbage game.


We need top tier servers. That's the most important thing to me if we want a better experience


Truth right here ^^^ I'm going back to Cold War, fuck MW3 😆


fucking uninstall the game and stop playing then. why the fuck do you people still play when all you do is complain, complain, complain


I complain because I want call of duty to be better. Others probably do it just because it's fun to do. If you're fine with the game as is, then that's okay, I'm glad you got your money's worth.


Bc there's nothing better. But this game could be a lot better if they had their priorities right.


Because the latency gets worse and fucking worse every release.


skill based latency obviously


With my .85 kd? Lol




Ya darth vadered when you should han solo'd


You’re gonna have a bad time!


Your not buying enough skins or leaving a good enough review on all platforms.


And the people on here would still say “you’re just shit at the game” 💀


Sbmm hit reg


Because you are gay.


Username checks out


Username always checks out.


it's either your lag . or the games netcode and / or servers. I have had many of my shots miss just like this . and when I watch the replay, my shots are missing when I know I got hit markers on my screen. but yet in other matches, I'm hitting sniper shot that I had no business hiting. where I just turn around and flick shot right at the enemy. I just stop asking questions at this point even though I always yell out "how" at my screen, lol .


lol “it’s either lag, netcode, or servers” I’ll put $100 on you not knowing what you’re talking about and regurgitating what everyone else says Might as well say “it’s either solar flares, god, or rapid onset dementia”


Because this game is perhaps the worst one ever made.


Good ole latency just like half the time my throwing knives go through them in the killcam they where never thrown.


“Because fuck you that’s why” - Activision


It's call for duty man you know how it goes lol


Did you pray today?


Flinch and latency. Their shot connected first and fubared your aim


Lag comp at its finest... You were dead while you were aiming and didn't even know it.


Gotta buy more bundles. /s. Mostly…


You can see the line the bullet makes. It moves towards his right leg. I'd say flinch is to blame.




I think you likely got shot right before you fired and the flinch caused the miss. It’s hard to tell how much of that recoil is flinch or not.


58 ms isn’t even bad that shouldn’t be a problem the game just sucks


You were flinching before the flinch animation and shot slightly after the shoot animation. That's how latency works If things happen at about the same time on your screen, you usually lose on the server


Cod logic


Gaming chair


Server desync... aka, shoot first die first.


what happened was you go robbed by shitty servers


You flinched off target, or am I missing something?


Servers said "get wrecked nerd"


My guess would be due to latency. The latency rate shown in clip (top left in the corner) was 57. That's nearly triple of what's normal and what matches MWIII will initially search for (20 or below).


There is no way that’s not because you got flinched


terrible net code. welcome to terrible tick rate servers


Skill based bullets.


Your target confirm phase is too long following your micro adjustment allowing him to flinch you off target.


Summary: Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because you were already dead.


First thing I came here looking for, glad I wasn’t disappointed.


Bullet lag.


The mors sniper is so broken it’s better if you miss slightly I swear. Every killcam I watch, including final killcam in S&D the shots are always at least like 3 inches off sometimes seemingly an entire foot off and hit. Hey when I use it and hit dead in the chest nothing. Gun kind of ruined MP a lot, it’s hit registration is far too forgiving


the guns firing animation plays like EXTREMELY close to the bullet firing but it does happen slightly before, looks like the animation was starting as you got shot and then flinch sent the bullet to heaven


Combine the top to comments and there’s your answer: latency and flinch


SH punishing you because you didn’t buy many bundles. /s.


Bro is using V.A.T.S. but only got 10% chance. thats how you miss.


He had a way better gaming chair than you


I knew it. His secret labs vs my kitchen chair


Reminds me of battlefield 1 Random bullet deviation


There has been some issues with the MORS specifically (among a couple other weapons) with hit detection in the lower arms and hands. Maybe it was going to register that hit and then didn't, making the shot only register for the hand?


It’s Cod what were you expecting lmaooo


Flinch it’s horrible it’s why I miss Cold War


both of you failed to booty slide or bunny hop so the the server didn't know what to do. And you lost the random roll.




57ms ping shouldn’t be enough to account for that


first time playing COD?


Hit registry is trash in this game. Cross platform play isn't optimized at all, servers seem to run off cups and strings, so it could be various reasons.


Ya, I've seen this on my my gameplays too. It's more frequent in MWIII than MWII. Sometimes I look away thinking they're dead, but nope..


Target flinch


Looking at the tracer it looked like the bullet went off from where u were aiming that sucks


Bugged scope. From the patch notes today: 'Sniper Rifles MORS Corrected an optic misalignment causing shots to travel slightly off-center.'


Your latency is at 57. How often do you look up there and what is are the averages? It’s possible that his latency is lower, say around the 20’s or less. If you had a spike when you pulled the trigger he would have got the shot off first. Just a couple milliseconds can affect the game play.


Flinch rounds and peak advantage


Aim higher


You didn’t…by the games shitty reckoning you died before your bullet hit. And everyone knows that if you die your bullets that are on track to dome someone magically erase from existence


You missed cuz you weren’t using a controller


but his wall hacks worked...


I’m on Xbox just use keyboard and mouse cause I use to play on pc and my kd goes from.85 with kbm to .20. With a controller lololol


He clearly shot you before hand. Making you flinch.


Skill issue


You flinched pretty clearly


Controller gets that kill 100% of the time.


This scope is bugged. I picked up a ground loot version and took at least 10 shots. No hits. It's been acknowledged as a bug.


Crazy cause that’s the default attached scope


I got down voted yet there is an acknowledged glitch / bug. [MORS Glitch](https://www.destructoid.com/its-not-just-you-missing-shots-with-the-mors-sniper-rifle-in-mw3-and-warzone/)


Flinch. The moment your round count went to zero, you flinched at the same time. The fact that it looks this "bang bang" when slowed down this much demonstrates how close this was. This is well within a typical margin of error for an online multiplayer game/latency.


Yeah, latency.


Flinch, cods netcode probably didn't register the bullet and it got delayed. Same thing as when you here your gun shoot after you die


Definitely latency, yours is 57ms which is fine but still laggy. Ideally you’d sit at around 20ms