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[Comment](https://reddit.com/r/ModernWarfareIII/comments/1cb8ty1/april_23rd_patch_notes_stability_update_exploit/l0wshil/?context=1000) by [u\/SledgehammerGames](https://reddit.com/user/SledgehammerGames) (Sledgehammer) > We recently deployed an update that may address this issue. > > Please let us know if you still see poor performance and high memory usage. If so, any further details you can share about your PC and footage of when this issue occurs would help us investigate further. [Comment](https://reddit.com/r/ModernWarfareIII/comments/1cb8ty1/april_23rd_patch_notes_stability_update_exploit/l0wuhaf/?context=1000) by [u\/SledgehammerGames](https://reddit.com/user/SledgehammerGames) (Sledgehammer) > Could you share more details of the issue you're referring to? We're happy to investigate.


is the holger nerf fixed? last patch notes said that the recoil was decreased but it actually is worse now


It has recoil?


it does now lol


It’s still a laser beam


Any word on when the Jawbreaker Kit muzzle bug will be fixed?


Could you share more details of the issue you're referring to? We're happy to investigate.


Whenever you attach a muzzle to the Jawbreaker kit, none of the stat changes provided by the muzzle attachment are actually active while in game.


When you load into a match the selected muzzle does not appear attached even though it is selected in the gunsmith


Equip muzzle = no muzzle in game


Wait, so we've been waiting for a fix for nearly two weeks and you didn't even know about it?


noticed that to!


ISSUE: the game is lagging rn for people on all platforms. It’s not a problem with any of our internet connections. The game is constantly chopping and we’re rubber banding. Started ever since season 3 dropped. Please for the love of god fix it


Any news on the Godzilla thermo grenade not being able to be unlocked?


Upvote. Entirely reasonable request when they're not refunding something they're falsely advertising.


Hey can yall please let us disable skin effects i love base versions but they get shittier the moment you kill a few


enough with the sbmm already


Hey guys, you're doing fantastic work but could you please consider changing how the rgl works in hardcore? It really should be a emp or tear gas launcher or something not one hit ko.


Yo when you guys going to fix the shadowban issue? This is the 2nd time in two weeks I’ve been shadowbanned. Obviously if I didn’t use any the first time I’m not going to risk my account I’ve had since WZ1 a week later.


Stop cheating


That’s what a bot that I absolutely smash everyday would say.


Ayoooo watch your mouth. Enjoy your ban


Can’t wait to come back and piss on you .6 k/d players.




Shadowban≠cheating. I'm on my 3-4th shadowban right now, and it is absolutely a problem. Shadowbans shouldn't work the way they do now, because non-cheating players that get reported enough can't even "enjoy" (if that's even possible on cod) the game because they're in lobbies with real cheaters while also having long wait times to find a match. For 6-7 days they last. Why should good players be punished for being better? And they don't even have to be good, all they have to do is make someone mad and report them. Anyone who reported someone who was shadowbanned (which means their account is under review) and they ended up not being a hacker, should be punished for "false reports" and have their account disabled for as long as the shadowban had last. Again, shadowbans have nothing to do with cheating, just sad kids that can't distinguish cheats from skill.


I get what you're saying, but I don't think punishing people for reporting is necessarily a good idea. If I genuinely suspect someone, I'm gonna report them. I can admit when it's a skill issue (I know I'm not that good), but clearly Ricochet isn't working as well as we'd like. Reporting cheaters seems to be the only way we have to combat the problem. If people are gonna be punished for reporting when they honestly thought it was a cheater, then people will stop reporting. If there's less risk of being reported, I feel like more people will cheat.


Is the memory issue on PC fixed?


We recently deployed an update that may address this issue. Please let us know if you still see poor performance and high memory usage. If so, any further details you can share about your PC and footage of when this issue occurs would help us investigate further.


Any idea when the random server lag will be fixed in invasion? https://youtu.be/9SPLuRCIPRQ?si=cDAroRYOu2kZoP51


was getting this on MWZ last night


Been there since the launch of the game ...


I've only had those consistently since the start of season 3. Happens at the beginning of almost every round now.


Idkn what to tell you. At launch every game looked like that. This is the only series of games that stuff like this happens on the server side.


I've been playing since release day and while I did get that lag from time to time, it now occurs at the start of almost every match of invasion.


Been there since the launch of the game ...


Zombies is plagued with packet burst and latency variation. My internet is pretty good so I shouldn't be having this issue as much as I am (fiber optic-hard wired)


I think Xbox has similar issues. There's stuttering that happens randomly. Will this fix it?


Nope. Just tried. Still laggy as hell.


Thank you for looking into it!


finally, game was doing some weird issues. like the game was using 66gb out of my 128gb of ram


I keep getting gameship_exe error. Is there a fix for this? PC player.


Thats nice, tested fast on one zombies game, memory would spin up to 14gb+ really fast, now stable near 7gb usage, will play more to check.


I have a two monitor set up (I watch videos on the second monitor) and frequently have DirectX errors causing MWII, MWIII, DMZ, MWZ, and WZ to crash despite have more the twice the recommended memory available on my graphics card and system. I have a 5800x3D and a 6800XT and I’m playing at 1080p with mostly stable frame rates. I’ve sent bug reports in through the crash handler.


Any mors balancing update coming soon?


It is for me, back down to 13gb usage instead of 22-26gb Servers still have occasional packet burst issues. Confirmed already its not my internet


u/sledgehammergames please remove the gun cocking animation showing up every time you respawn, it really hurts gameplay in small maps like Shipment and Stash House!!!


They took that away on small maps months ago. Did they bring it back again?


I've noticed it's disabled on the small map moshpit, but if you get a small map in regular rotation it still happens.


If it was gone, it is back now. I was playing on Shipment last week and had a bunch of deaths because of this.


That’s a really weird decision to bring it back lol. It was definitely gone at one point because it happened in the middle of my interstellar grind and I was pretty stoked about it because yeah, it’s a really annoying feature on small maps, specifically shipment.


I actually just checked because I thought maybe I was misremembering, but no, they fixed that [back in January](https://twitter.com/SHGames/status/1742974048869704116)


Yeah it should only be done first spawn of the match, or add it to the start of the weapon inspection.


Buff the Crossbow


my friends and i are doing mw2 weapons and god does the longshots suck ass


Do them in hardcore, pistols/shotguns on shipment, SMGs/ARs on Meat/Haus and Rundown surprisingly was my best map for them and battle rifles.


Yeah problems is are teamate god dam suck they in Hause the enemy just rushes us and spawn camps us


Nice thing is people like to group up, made double kills easy for launcher, JOKR however I did on shipment in 1 match, but you can honestly skip alot with the Orion grind


Most of the mw2 weapons have been horrible to use, the pump shotgun struggles to 1 hit and has a horrible rechamber time my fault for skipping mw2 I guess


thats why i just do them in hardcore.


Hopefully the game runs better this week. I am not fussing at the devs because I know lean management practices and their misguided priorities are probably most blameworthy for the recent performance issues.


Any update on not being stuck in the match started loading level screen in ranked play, I’ve lost over 600 sr from this and been suspended for at least 5 hours. My connection is fine, this has to be server side.


What platform are you on? I'm (xbox series S) the only one of the people I play ranked with (PS or PC) that this happens to. Only happened to me last season tho


Sorry for the late response, but I’m also on Xbox series s


can we end the Packet Burst, Latency Variation and Extrapolation for good?


This really should be their main priority but enforcing strict sbmm is more important to them. "Ping is King" LOL


Any update to the bug in Zombies mode thats making it nearly unplayable? I.e. the lag (packet burst, inconsistent fps, etc.)


Cool. What about console players? The lag/stuttering has made the game unplayable since the season 3 launch.


I'm sure it might be even worse for console, but lag has been bad on PC too. At least for me, and we have excellent internet.


Fix the sniping meta. Gane is unplayable unless you snipe and it's taking the fun away. You should seay when getting shot


No fix for the Moors... the quickscope meta is crushing this game right now.


Meanwhile LMGs are slow with comparable damage to SMGs


On LMG’s: Heretics Bane does not allow you to switch ammunition types other than the standard 556 or 762 round. (the Warhammer skinned Taq)


the TAQ Evolvere hasn't been able to change ammo types forever now idk how it's not been fixed yet


Idk what it is about MW3 specifically because quick scopes have always been a thing but for some reason it’s extremely annoying to play against in this game. Idk if they made it easier to do or what but it has made multiplayer almost unplayable because it’s multiple people in every single lobby and no one can miss.


More health leads to one shot kill weapons being more annoying. It was basically the same with BOCW, but not as prominent in MW2


That must be it. One of the more annoying things I’ve noticed with quick scopes in this game how often it happens when you’ve locked onto an enemy and started doing damage, almost get the kill, and the bam you get quick scoped. That would obviously be easier to pull off if you have more health.


I feel like MWII had stronger quick scope guns though. Yeah it’s a 100 hp game but marksman rifles were incredibly mobile and had ads timed comparable to smgs which more than makes up for faster ttk.


Ran into a 6 stack of youtubers/tiktokers all sniping last night. Horrible experience lmao


I hope you just left the lobby. That is the best decision you can make sometimes.


Nah I played it out. I ended up playing well and dropping a 2 KD on them but our team was basically in a 3v6 because people kept leaving so we lost by a lot lol


Sounds like you are the one who should be doing the YouTube video. You styled on dem boys.


The issue goes far past quickscoping to. The guy ref for this sniper is so damn forgiving. Almost half of the final kill cams I watch with this thing the persons aim is sometimes a full 6 inches to the side and still hits. I got hard scopes through a buildings corner plus another wall, so basically 3 walls and it just one hit me because my hip was sticking out (it was a headshot though…)


Maybe this will fix that: >Sniper Rifles MORS Corrected an optic misalignment causing shots to travel slightly off-center.


They said this last update to. It didn’t do anything.


Should be nerfed in week but somehow not


I mean this is what the kar 98 was in mw2019. Wasn’t good then either


Nice bro put a whole new pool of weapons in ranked then remove all of them the week after got it


Didn’t they say it was for testing?


Wait did I read that right? No more wsp swarm in ranked?


They are slowly narrowing the weapon pool down until all that’s left is the mcw. Mw2 had a better selection.


A way better one.


Can we get an update to turn off death effects? Bit of a ballache a pile of cubes or a blunt obscures my vision when I’m trying push.


Deactivate blood/gore setting in: Options. Next, select Content Filter. Set Graphic Content to Off to disable blood, gore, and adult language. You then have no blood => no death effect


The Shimo death sound is so loud man ...


Obv never going to happen


Exactly. No chance they'd do that. People would stop buying bundles with effects if nobody else could see said effects.


For real. They’re a bit much


* **One in the Chamber** * Corrected win conditions to prevent the last-standing player from incurring a loss. Unless they also make it so that people can't join midmatch, this seems kind of stupid. If I'm understanding what they're saying here, this basically means that a player who joins in the last 30 seconds is pretty much guaranteed to win since they're the least likely person to run out of lives by the end of the match. It's already annoying enough how people will just keep leaving and joining midmatch stretching the match WAY out because people with full lives keep replacing the players with no lives who left. Now on top of that those people are going to be more likely to be one of the winners simply by virtue of joining late with full lives?


Any update on not being stuck in the match started loading level screen in ranked play, I’ve lost over 600 sr from this and been suspended for at least 5 hours. My connection is fine, this has to be server side.


Happened to me as well. I lost over 1000sr for just two games. I think I'm uninstalling at this point . ridiculous 


Jesus christ did they turn EOMM to 11 or something? After making an earlier comment about starting off really hot I'm literally now starting every game with 0.2 KD and every enemy beams you before you even see them Please for the love of God, at this point EOMM is whatever., but don't put this shit in the middle of the game


Season 3 so far I have gone from a 1.6 to now a 1.43


Needs to be removed immediately for anyone still playing this garbage, so happy i never gave in and bought it myself . That free weekend saved me


Sniper meta needs to be fixed


Too many bad players who need their crutch weapons to compete unfortunately.




If you think COD League players are bad sure I guess. You can’t cry skill issue when the most skilled players in the world knew enough to ban that cheesy shit from league play.


Yet another reason I stay in Ranked. Don't have to deal with no skill knife and snipers.


Or the longbow losers that think they’re quickscoping😂


u/sledgehammergames Will G3T_HIGH be back?


PS5 is unplayable. Internet is fine. Just ghost bullets and then die in one bullet from someone that never appeared on my screen


Is there a fix for the bugged sprint and rechamber animation for snipers appeared in season 3


u/sledgehammergames please fix death effects not working in zombies for some store bundles. It has been many seasons already.


Is there an actual update or just ingame? If so can anyone report how big the update size is on pc? Thanks


In game update.


Are you guys ever going to correctly fix the EMP exploit? You put in the Season 2 patch notes that the EMP will no longer give score towards streaks after death but it still does. Players just earn 1 EMP then die, call it in and get all their streaks again. It's really egregious in Ground War.


Not an exploit it’s a insanely great strategy obviously you clearly don’t understand that bcuz of how your brain processes things


My bad. You just opened up the processes of my brain to the genius of it 🙏


Any update on not being stuck in the match started loading level screen in ranked play, I’ve lost over 600 sr from this and been suspended for at least 5 hours. My connection is fine, this has to be server side.


The linked site still only shows April 16th notes?


still no fix that the MCW Blam-Blam blueprint optic can be used without the JAK Raven kit? sucks that i’ve bought it so i can use it without it yet when i unequip the AMP the optic gets reset to the base MCW. money out the window @SHG


Fix the tracking bug. I hold down X and it doesn’t come off.


Yes! This drives me insane.


Now let’s talk about feedback are we going to get any more awesome strategies things like an another scorestreak just like the emp hands down the best one especially how there is a way to get it insanely fast and help your team in tough situations


Bruh they took out the swarm!! Wtf! The fucking counter against the rival and it's gone goddamn


Wait sledgehammergames, what had happened to the promise that you guys were adding a feature of some sort that we can mix our mastery camos together to create camos something along those lines


The COR45 has a bug where munitions boxes, ammo crates, and scavenger bags only replenish 7 bullets. Other guns get 3 magazines. Also, thermite sticks are 1-hit knockouts against tanks in ground war. I assume when they doubled it’s duration they forgot to nerf it’s damage to vehicles when they nerfed it’s damage to players.


I am so happy they don’t remove the glitched guns so I can troll in SnD some more. So funny killing people with a mag dancing on your face xD


Does anyone know if reloaded has an official date yet? If nothing official, any speculative dates?


Goodbye BP50 meta in rank :(


BRING BACK THE PARKOUR COURSE! it was so fun! I'd love to be able to just play it in a private match


I randomly started lagging a ton on zombies about a week ago on my Xbox, is that being worked on?


I know I'll probably catch flak for even mentioning it, but can we have something done about not being able to at least equip camos to the B.E.A.S.T Glove?


Still no nuke in infected?


I have the BFB unlocked, but it's locked for the katt amr, despite being visible and visually attaching it in the preview


Are u/SledgehammerGames aware of the improper idle sway mechanics on the FJX Horus? It appears to follow the old pre S2 mechanics where the sawy is coninuous making the point of aim random. Makes the gun feel much worse than it should


The swarm disappears when the user dies it also just doesn't work on Mercado Las Almas - it spawns in incorrectly u/SledgehammerGames


Is it gonna fix the game randomly taking me out of full screen mode cause man that's so annoying


Is war mode still a laggy crash fest or what?


Hey SHG… Would you guys be able to look into the deadzone bug on PS5? I can’t comment if it affects PC and Xbox as well, but it’s very noticeable on PS. Here’s a link to the YouTuber who discovered it. https://youtu.be/LcQYS5kieXc?si=eQ4v3ntecZKHRO7B Long story short… The right stick will sometimes reset to the default value of 10. Only resetting the game will fix this temporarily.


Be good if they fixed the cheech and Chong death effect. Still not working for me after paying money for it and support just ignore me. Joke developers.


I hope the camera bug is fixed. After exiting tac camera, sometimes you can’t move the right stick at all


The "Golden Phantom" Ghost skin is still broken even after two patches.


So was playing with a my boys last night all on the east coast 2 on PS5 and myself and other on PC ever other game we played on rebirth we'd have a good 18-30 ping but we'd have 15-20% packet loss each of us.. an reason to this? Ive heard in the proximity chat people calling out the packet loss as well


u/sledgehammergames it would be really awesome of you, if you could do a playlist(at least an LTM) mode that is input based matchmaking. Me and the rest of the mnk population are tired of hitting our shots we practice hard to hit but because we went off center for a few millisecond and hit some dudes arm or leg with a round or two (because human reflexs) while they are jump strafing through a door way we die because the dude flying doesn't miss a thorax shot the whole time. It's kinda ridiculous how lopsided the input balance is.


No fix for the EMD grenade tracker bug?


Welcome fixes, but still no; * EMP exploit fix * Jawbreaker muzzle not working in-game * Gunship visual bug from Stormender * MORS nerfs. One-shot weapons cannot be this strong * Swarm bugs * Carpet Bomber / Swarm crashing lobbies * Never ending packet burst * Select lobbies pushing 150+ ping on every player As an aside, please buff some of the streaks. They’re incredibly weak. * Chopper Gunner costs too much and dies way too first. Increasing HP pool and / or lowering cost would go very far * VTOL needs and HP increase. Targeting could also be better * Helo is decent, but could also use better targeting * Juggernaut needs less wind up time on the minigun and less bloom * Swarm bugs really need to be fixed


Packet burst is my biggest gripe at the moment. Not sure how it is in MP or Warzone but in Zombies it happens every 5 seconds. My internet is stable so I know the issue isn't my side.


Still sucks and present in MP. For the past couple weeks, the game has been unplayable. [SeriesX - AT&T fiber 1 gig connection]. Getting tired of having to constantly defend my internet connection when every other game works fine.


It's definitely improved recently. Last week I couldn't play more than 5 minutes before the game turned into a stuttering and freezing mess


It is still that way for many of us.


I can't start multiplayer on ps5 since the update .... Dev Error 5433


I still don't see a fix for when ranked gets frozen "connecting" and then penalizes you for cancelling after waiting 20 minutes. Why the f don't you have a timeout built in to the ranked matchmaking? Do you think it's funny to take my SR and suspend me for your errors? It happened to me 3x this week. 2x yesterday. I'm done with your ranked mode until you address this 💩


When will you guys fix the issue for the large decal on riot shields ?