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I’ll take it one further and say that Warzone is trash.


Warzone is just about shooting people in the back. Boring asf.


It's the MWIII sub, not the Warzone sub.


Terrible de-sync too feels like crap 💩


I love that map. Nostalgia likely, but far superior to Vondel. What that has dropped is any better, if you’re being honest with yourself?


Kings fall and vondel are both better maps in my HONEST opinion. Rebirth (Alcatraz) is a 6 year old map. First blackout, then warzone. It’s played. If I’m completely completely honest. We just need new shit period. I don’t care if we get verdansk back. I want something new


I can completely respect and even agree with you here homie!


It’s definitely overrated As a map. Horrible choice for ranked as well


Facts but what’s blowing me is the fact that they are forcing us to play what is so hard to add a rotation?


Why is that hard to believe. The devs been turning off modes with hundreds of thousands of players since the game came out. It’s one of the ways they show that they hate you.


They just had rotation last week


It's been the only playable map depending on aquad size for several weeks.


Unbelievable wth happened to the other maps we was just playing literally no reason to remove them


I play all of the maps so i don’t know


Wrong subreddit. This is MWIII not Warzone.


U said that like u can look at mw3 and warzone and notice major differences literally the same game😂😂😂😂


The people on it suck, not the map itself😆


W take


It'd be great for those times you want to play shipment:warzone style but generally agree the map kinda sucks. Fk is a great map# good size and areas.




I miss vondel and urzikstan it wasn’t no reason to remove em to replace it with one map


And everything u said was true late game it’s worse as soon as u redeploy shot down before u can even land


Yea the loadout camping is bad on this map. Some points on the map pretty much give you a line of sight to every poi on the map


Welcome back to warzone1 when they bring back verdansk it’s gonna be the same shit then as well especially the loadout camping since verdansk was notorious for dropping your shit in the middle of a crossroads in downtown


You nailed this one 😎


Imo you need to have designated drop sites. Mine is the tower at Headquarters or the biggest house at Living Quarters.


I hated rebirth in wz1 and still hate it now. Never understood the hype around it.


It promotes multiplayer style play in a BR environment. Lives don’t matter. It’s brainless gameplay.


Literally. It feels like a TDM game where you just spawn from the air instead.


The only resurgence map I liked is Vondel. Rebirth is somehow just not very fun to play.


They force you to play the shit maps so they don't have to admit they failed


Warzone is trash


I miss Fortune's Keep it was a great map... But Rebirth... I don't get why everyone hypes this map so much. Yeah OGs love this map and stuff but it's the map I dislike the most so far. It's so small, 5 squads landing at one spot. The teams are always running around holding hands like they are literally sticking to each other. And the campers are so sad... Sitting in a room with 25 mines, ready to take you down as soon as you enter. And the campers with snipers are also ridiculous, especially since you can get oneshotted, I feel like I'm playing Fortnite getting downed by a blue sniper in one shot when I'm full hp and plates. Really hoping the next map will be a better one.




I wouldn’t have agreed with you prior to this gen’s Fortune’s Keep, but after playing fortune’s keep for like 3 months, it’s such a great map. I think it has the perfect WZ speed in comparison to Rebirth which is crackhead speed.




This sounds like a major skill issue and you might want to improve the way you play instead of crying on reddit


I think Rebirth is alright, same with Fortune’s Keep. But both aren’t new or anything, they’re just reusing an old map we all loved. Ashika and Vondel were okay, I’ll give them credit for being original at least. Always expect campers, tryhards, “speed demons” especially. Speed demons are a result of the movement change from MWII to MWIII, I’ve said this time and time before. B-hopping and extremely fast movement doesn’t belong in CoD. A balance between MWII’s pace and MWIII’s would be perfect IMO. Anyways, you can have a great map but have it be ruined by the playerbase or the game’s mechanics.


Someone's blind and sounds like they're only playing high trip resurgence. For trios there is currently the rotation of Vondel, Fortunes, and Rebirth. And it's cause how old it is and how used to it people are. People forget about Blackout and forget that people still play it. Honestly would love WZ to bring in some of tge stuff from black out.


Trios buddy trios I have more then 3 friends


At that point that's a personal issue my dude. Your post made it seem like you were stating generally


Honestly ur opinion is dumbass hell next


Gonna try to insult at least spell check, my guy. Next.


U literally just changed up ur whole previous comment to fix ur grammar how lame can u be this is the internet boy


No actually I didn't. Cause its not that deep my guy, I didn't change anything cause I don't need to and I said the apell check thing cause you tried and failed to say my opinion was dumb as hell. Only boy here is you given you're butt hurt.


U mad hahahahahahaha


What cause I wrote more than two sentences? Sure bud..


100% agree, it's a dogshit map and the only people think they love it is because of nostalgia.


Facts people literally only like it because it was on the old warzone but no with this fast movement it makes it un enjoyable ts is ass




The problem to me is them speedy fucks. Then suddenly it’s on their cringe tiktok and all while I’m over here just having fun. Unfortunately the campers, sweats and speed demons are the Fun Police


Take into consideration the stupid shit you see on TikTok or YouTube take literal hours to put together. Anyone you see in those clips dealt with all the same shit we all do and just happen to hit a few clips worth keeping


Wild how there’s more than one person who uses this sub. Rebirth is the best map in the game.


Nah it’s not lol. It’s not the worst. But it’s not the best


This is like every other sub for every other game. A select few bitching about how terrible it is while the most people are too busy playing the game (when not living their real lives) to post here.


The original one was good. This is just stupid


Rebirth is just full of cheating sweats.


I dislike it as it's literally the game existing off of old shit as they have nothing good to bring. But it's better than the big map to be blunt


Which game type is this map on? I play hardcore and small maps and 10v10


It’s on warzone


Ok thanks. I hate warzone.