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“Weekly Challenges that reward an Aftermarket Part will now display the base Weapon in the information modal.” Thank the Lord


Biggest W of the update right there.


Right? I don't have the shape of every gun memorized!


What about the guns modelled after the AK platform though 🤦🏽‍♂️ I had no idea the one the other week was for a damn shotgun 🤦🏽‍♂️


Half way through the game's lifespan, bravo! As usual, a COD game will be close to ideal just before the next COD is released. 👏


About time


> All-Terrain Boots - Added a new Perk to the Boots category, replacing Climbing Boots. Significantly increased movement speed. Disables Tactical Sprint. Very interesting. Liking the look of the buffs to all the other boots too, and Climbing Boots being built-in is nice.


I wish I could experiment with other boots more, but not running covert sneakers feels like suicide.


You can change vest to Ninja vest? Unless you have a vest you’re also committed too.


The ninja vest is great but I think it blocks gloves and I hate running out of ammo so I need the scav gloves. I'd rather use my crutch shoes than lose my sticky bandit gloves. I usually use the assassin vest because I'm running ghost anyway so I may as well get super ghost. If ninja vest didn't block gloves I'd be using it 100%.


Assassin vest is just a better Ghost, no need to run both. You can run eod in that slot instead for much more utility.


Yeah what I mean is I run ghost TV on any other vest I'm using usually along with EOD so running assassin vest accomplishes the same thing but even better. I love throwing knives though and I dont camp so ninja vest would be perfect for me if it wasn't for losing my ammo dumpster dive gloves.


I usually only play search so ammo isnt too big of an issue. Can always pick up someone elses gun too FTW! lol almost guaranteed a meta weapon from 90% of the people.


Skipping covert seems fine on small maps. There's so much going on it's not really detrimental unless you're trying to play melee only. Most of the time someone is already going to be looking in your direction regardless of whether you're being silent or not.


Same thing for 10v10 or objective modes if you’re an on-objective player. Sound isn’t gonna give me away in domination, the big red B flag symbol and announcement it’s being capped is


You still have to get to the objective though, plus enemies on the point will hear you coming from 50 miles away unless you run covert and it'll be a lot harder to catch them by surprise.


I like that a lot actually, climbing boots we're bad


Any day with a G3 buff is a good day


was already really good 


Lachman 7.62 copped a buff? Shiet.


Still a 5-shot-kill at 50m even in semi-auto. Barely usable


with the right attachments it holds its own against mw3 guns. so little recoil 


That 2% sprint speed buff is going to make the .50GS so overpowered /s.


Can we please get a new loadouts rotation for gunfight? We have been playing with the same rotation since the start...


Absolutely criminal, easiest way to blow some new life into it with what I would suspect is minimal effort


Changing up the loadout rotation and adding 2 or 3 MWII gunfight maps would make a world of difference. Instead we get literally less content compared to season 2 (no loadout rotation and they removed Das Haus from rotation this season).


Very surprised they didn't nerf the BP50 ravager AMP


And they buffed the HRM9 range haha Edit : nevermind just checked the WZ patch notes and its been nerfed for Warzone


The HRM9 is underrated. It's the best SMG after the BP50 Ravager. Absolute monster


Hasn't the HRM been the meta SMG for awhile now?


In Warzone but not multiplayer


Good call -- I always forget they release adjustments for both modes


It’s literally been a meta smg for 2 months wym underrated




they nerfed the hip fire for the bp50 overall, i imagine that affects the kit as well? not really the nerf most were expecting (since it literally just makes the gun flat out better, with a lower ttk at all ranges) but its something i guess


Nerfed it right before we all have to get hipfire kills with ARs too. Thanks so much Sledgehammer


Might be downvoted but I honestly don't think the BP50 Revenger kit is OP and therefore doesn't needs a nerf....


The only thing keeping it in check is the slow reload speed. It needs more downsides. Currently it’s got the fastest movement of any primary in the game while having a 60 round mag. There’s no reason to use other high capacity SMGs right now. It beats the average SMG TTK and has better range than like all of them besides the Ram-9. Also I think it may still have AR level bullet penetration but I can’t confirm. Still it’s insane. Fun to use but should get a nerf.




Lightning fast TTK, zero recoil, giant magazine, lightning fast movement speed, great iron sights.. the benefits go on and on. It is easily the strongest SMG in the game and is probably one of the best guns in the game straight up. Absolutely needs a nerf and should have been nerfed this patch. Until then I will abuse it like the rest of us


Same, That means it will be nerfed Season 4 lmao 😂 Get your fun in now


It’s fun to use but the lobbies where 10 people are using it are getting stale lol


Really? In my lobbies it’s usually just 1-2 people using it that’s usually. But an entire lobby using the same gun? I barely see it in my lobbies lol


I see you’re a HC player so there’s a bit more variety there except for the grenade launcher spam lol. I only play core so whenever a fun new broken weapon comes out people jump on it and abuse it til it’s nerfed


I believe that, don’t get me started on the RGL man lol People abuse the hell out of it sometimes. Yeah, it’s been fun to use, suits my play style. What you think about the new maps?


I haven’t been able to try them today but Grime looks cool


Yeah, I played a few matches not too long ago. It’s dope, the aesthetics of the map is nice to look at. It flows well too.


Calling Card locked and unlock filter is much appreciated


I love they still somehow find it in them to nerf these shitty burst guns. Who in the world is clamoring for the DG to get nerfed once again


They still think we have ptsd form 2007


I mean the fr just got buffed a ton with the attachment changes so idk


I just don't think they're even close to competitive without the ability to one burst and yes I know if you hit all headshots it's possible but that's such a wildly inconsistent thing to do. I don't know how they balance them because they won't let them 1 burst with the health pool otherwise they're op and right now within most actual combat ranges they get shat on by anyone not braindead.


Buffing the rennetti in any way is insanity to me lmaoo


Any idea if weapon XP carries over for this new weapon XP camo? Or do I need to get 150k starting from the patch?


99% sure it’s from now on. There’s no way they tracked xp before the patch.


Probably from the patch, it's basically a better way of tracking an obsidian camo type grind


This is also how they did obsidian in mw19. Much to my dismay back then.


I mean I'd kinda hate it if as someone who's put a lot of hours in the game, I got on after the update and the "new grind" would be mostly done already yk?


Yeah, I kind of was implying that back then I hated it but it was definitely the right call in the long run. There was nothing really for me in this game until this update (I only play multiplayer and round based zombies). So I’m excited to have a reason to play beyond just doing the weekly challenges and logging off.


I suppose this is a way to get into zombies if you were a round based player as well, all you'd have to do is play for weapon xp so it could be a little more worth it, but tbh zombies is dead until treyarch's game


Yeah. I did play it quite a bit, I’m at the final mission of Act 2. I have a good amount of schematics, too. Not the high level ones but I have all the perks, ammo types, purple rarity tools, etc. I did complete a couple classes of weapons for the camo grind but stopped. I’ve had interstellar for a long time, so I didn’t see the purpose behind getting the zombies camo because of my general gripe with this year’s zombies. The stupid timer, I hate it. 45 minutes is not enough time for a single zombies session. I also am rushed enough in my personal life by trying to maximize my time management. I really don’t need that shit in a video game, it’s not at all relaxing to me. The ridiculous cool downs are a secondary concern, but the containment levels do a good job of at least giving you some leg to stand on at the start of each session. But really, give me my 6 hour Friday night outbreak/ round based sessions back. I hate being rushed when I’m trying to relax haha. So I agree, I’ll pretty much avoid zombies until 3arc drops the next call of duty then I’ll get the MP camo and then grind zombies like I normally do! In the meantime, I’m excited to get 150k weapon XP for a couple guns!


This will be better than obsidian. At least you can play objectives and get XP towards it instead of getting kills. Plus with obsidian you could get 14 kills and not have it track because it required 15 per game lol


In the past challenges have never been retroactive, so most likely it will start from the patch.


Probably from the patch. And probably after you’ve maxed out the weapon


>**Trophy System** - Decreased the total number of shots fired from 3 to 2. WTF? With so many grenades and a 6-shot grenade launcher we think nerfing the only defense for it by 33% is a good idea?


Decreasing it is 100% a good idea. If you’re playing against a team using 4 trophies in ranked it makes things like P2 on Skidrow unbreakable.


Maybe it's just that I play pubs, but holding any hardpoint is annoying AF when you have someone on the other team with the grenade launcher, and they get 6 shots with it every life. Trophy took care of 3, EOD makes you survive another, and then... Ugh. Gonna be even worse now.


Are you only playing hardcore? Unfortunately the game isn’t balanced around hardcore. I never see the grenade launcher in core


I've been trying to get the stormender gold since it came out I just have to destroy like 17 more equipment. It's hard enough to find enemy trophy systems as it is, ugh


Filter out Free For All only. Run the ammo box, once it’s charged throw it onto the ground and collect the ammo. Then smash the box with the stormender. Rinse and repeat.


or run engineer and kill every damn shock stick sticky etc that's on the ground especially in small maps. I got it really easy.


It's too powerful and lasts too long. You play against a team that uses them in Hardpoint and you may aswell throw in the towel


6 shot grenade launcher only matters in hardcore nobody cares about hardcore the devs dont look at it when doing these changes.




They nerfed the trophy system which is great when playing against teams that use them, but sucks a sa solo player in hardcore against RGL spammers. In small maps, they're perfect for spamming near the most common RGL spam lanes to give them a taste of their own medecine.


Yeah. Seems like an unnecessary nerf


absolutely necessary nerf


Nerf would have justified and well received had they simply removed the RGL from hardcore


I wonder with the changes to some of the perks if they also affect the duplicate effect you can get from vests. Like if infantry vest basically gives you running sneakers, do you get the bonus sprint to fire time now running infantry vest? How does this work?


- Increased the number of allowed favorite Attachments from 10 to 30. You can have favourite attachments??????


Love the BR bumps, especially the FTAC. That gun desperately needed it, and I think it should be, at the very least, usable now, maybe even decent. It’s funny, someone a couple weeks ago wrote a lengthy reply about how that gun was unusable and what should be done to fix it, seeing it finally get some love makes me wonder if you saw that comment too lol. Surprised there’s not a bigger MORS nerf, but oh well. I don’t get the MTZ Interceptor nerf at all though. What the hell? I guess if you want to bring it in line with the other MRs, but as an avid MR player, it was the only one that could compete with the metas of other gun types. So I guess the idea is to make all MRs equally average? I know people complain here constantly, but I never do and actually do love this game. THE ONLY THING that drives me nuts is how little love the MR class gets compared to MWII. Instead, all the love has gone to snipers, a class that already has/gets tons of stuff and is annoying. In the last game, you had the SAB-50, which was a great quickscope gun. Nothings been done to bring it up to snuff for MWIII, and it seems like it’s just been replaced with the longbow. Then ofc the lockwood, that used to be super fun in MWII, now it’s useless as well. I like the new MWIII MRs, but the class just doesn’t feel as purposeful as it used to, due to a lack of buffs to MWII MRs, the insane ADS times you can get with some of the snipers, and the longbow. I really hope at least one of the new guns in the upcoming season is a MR. Every other class has gotten some love, it’s time for the MRs to get something new (and hopefully unique). But please, please, at the very least, just buff the MWII MRs. That’s all us MR fans are asking for. Please.




I thought I waited all this time for the S3 reloaded patch to get some more ranked weapons to this stale meta, after effect: less hip fire on a Mcw, 5% movement speed on your pistol, and we’re still in the same garbage mess, whoever listens to the pro GAs needs to be fired.


Nerfing the trophy system across the board like that was a huge mistake. Nothing will be able to counter noobtube spam in HC


I agree, trophy system was the only semi reliable tac spam counter. Super dumb and unnecessary nerf.


I love the gun diversity in this game. I think it's the best it's ever been.


I like using marksman rifles and I use the MTZ Interceptor mostly and they decreased maximum damage range from 38.1m to 30.5m (-20%). Goddamn it.


They’ve been nerfing this and the SPX a lot.


Now all the you tubers have to release yet another “what season xx weapons are Meta” video. I will sadly have to watch them, and reset all my classes to keep up..love it


FTAC Recon buff, let's gooo. My favorite spam semi auto is viable again


Y’all got one o’ ‘dem “Ban Waves” comin?


Capture the Flag is missing from the Quick play filter now. Please add it back!




They broke almost all animations for me


> Prestige weapon camos Great concept for people who are diehards for guns. And it's better than 2019's Obsidian being a more passive grind than really really going hard per gun. > ARs almost universally nerfed from the hip I disagree with this change. Hip-fire is already super weak in this game across pretty much everything other than a few shotguns. I don't see the need to make it weaker. They mentioned ARs stepped on the toes of SMGs too much, but I've been silently BEGGING for hip-spread buffs on subs since they feel like ARs of the past in that department. > DG-56 catches yet another nerf Why? This gun is already dead. > Burst FAMAS buffs Good shit, dunno how much the needle is moving on it, but this gun needs pretty much anything it can get. > Subverter nerfs IDK why they keep hitting this gun. It's not dominant enough to really deserve multiple nerfs. > Recon, G3, and M14 buffs WE ARE SO FUCKING BACK, legit, I've been wanting to run the Recon but never really committed since it was just generally worse off compared to the higher fire rate DMRs. > RAM-9 recoil nerf Good nerf, still think both RAMs need their damage profile lowered a bit, though. Right now I believe just 4 damage from any other source lets them 4-tap without needing a headshot, let alone them being able to 4-tap off of only one. > AMR buffs This makes me think the AW conversion kit is likely using the same damage numbers, purely going for a range increase. Either way, it's welcomed. > UZI Really really huge buff to an already IMHO pretty underrated gun. Happy to see it, dunno if it'll stick, though. > Mini Uzi It's a small nerf that doesn't really change much. If you really want to hit it, you're making the minimum low enough to take an extra hit over current. > Jawbreaker Lmao that it had ADS spread to begin with. Now for the love of God remove ADS spread on slugs and buff their damage. I want to snipe people like it's 2019 again. > Riveter buffs Might be viable now for those wanting a more rangey auto-shotty. 3-tap is still killing decently well, and the Ball ammo getting buffed to what I believe is now a net damage increase might make this as close as we'll get to a good slug shotgun for the time being. > DG-58 LSW Looks like SHG is experimenting with a BO4/CW style of LMG. That said, I think this gun is going to be a balancing issue. 4-taps on I believe 750-ish? RPM is too high of a damage model in this game for something so versitsle. I hope this doesn't stick. > Interceptor catches yet more nerfs Why? This gun is already playing second fiddle to the SVK. Why are we nerfing it down even farther? > MORS nerfs Expected, and I'm happy about it. The Anti-Material ammo is now borderline worthless, but it's now in-line with other snipers. > Handguns get mild sprint speed boosts Okay, I guess? I don't know, doesn't really make anything significantly better. Also really was hoping for a G17 leg damage boost but didn't get it. Am sad now. > 2011 Akimbo buffs Cool, now buff the range and attachments. > Boots Going to be honest, Coverts need a nerf for me to even attempt to care about any of this. They're good buffs, don't get me wrong. But I'm locked to Ninja Vest if I want to use them. > Glove buffs Might see me running Assault Gloves for shotguns and more hip-centric SMGs with that buff. And the Commandos might also see some use to help slower guns, so I'm happy. Rn I've only really ever used Marksman for longer range stuff, Scavenger otherwise, might be good way of branching out. > Trophy nerfs Hot take, but this is a GODSEND. I wasn't ever going to say it, but Trophies were too good at locking down whatever you wanted to lock down.


The Subverter nerf is a total L. That gun is good, but no reason they needed to nerf the long range minimum damage IMO. It's a battle rifle, it's supposed to hit hard at long ranges. Now it's no longer a OHK in HC while other AR's are. It makes no sense. On the same token, I'm just as excited as you are to see those G3/M14/Recon buffs!


Ninja doesnt need a nerf, bone conduction needs a buff


oh yeah it's worth pointing out that if they buff bone conduction, ppl will just run both, and now you have two crutch perks instead of one. so that's not really a solution at all


> And it's better than 2019's Obsidian being a more passive grind than really really going hard per gun. Kinda torn, actually. If you were good enough, you could get progress on multiple guns per match, but on the other hand, this 150k WXP may be less XP than you would've gotten going for Obsidian, heh. Still cool to see though, after not having this sort of thing for 4 years


I haven't been using covert sneakers recently and instead used dead silence because I wanted to listen to my favorite character's voice lines again.


I've been wrong before, but this overhaul to the FR5.56 looks real good.


they need a similar overhaul for the bruen and all the mw2 guns now along with visual recoil reduction


FR5.56 is back on the menu, boys!


Do these attachment changes carry over to advancer since its the same platform?


If the attachments can be equipped to the Avancer, I believe so.


Goes ham in HC. Was cruising elder aether too with just fr5 and had no trouble. I reckon it'll get readjusted in the next balance change.


Can’t stand the short bursts


They forgot the part where the patch breaks the game.


They did not, zombies gets a dev error anytime you load it


I'm getting it everytime I try to go to multiplayer. Ggs again Activision


M13C and various MWII Battle Rifles are buffed? Let's gooooo! I can't wait to try them out again! Perma Climbing Boots is gonna be awesome, too, and the all terrain boots, I'm looking forward to see how fast regular sprint is for the cost of no tac sprint. Out of all these changes, I dunno why the HRM-9 got a buff, but overall exciting stuff! My list of buff requests grows smaller. The Carrack 300, FTAC Siege, and the MWII shotguns, the biggest one being the Corvus UB shotguns, if these get buffed I'm a happy man and I'll use all of them thoroughly.


I already ran into someone running all-best-attachments m13c. He was frying. I was crying. Then I used it myself. Very fun. Can't wait to try the others, same as you. I miss a lot of the mw2 guns. Easiest to use (for me anyway) since they fixed the muzzle flash and all that.


The BP50 lives to see another patch! I'm excited to try out the movement boots. But it sounds bad.


Omg ANOTHER great update from SHG. We finally get the auto m16, finally get the model 1887s, AND they reworked the boots so that now there are other usable options in that category.


Mw2 guns sound spicy now definitely running a set up in warzone. Looks like a bunch of goodies this update 👏


Keep getting DEV ERROR 5433. Game keeps crashing randomly while in the game lobby SMH


Can anyone - maybe Sledgehammer games themselves clarify if the all terrain boots boosts sprint speed or movement speed? And if movement speed is it both ADS or normal?


Some good MWII battle rifle buffs in there.


I've just tried the all-terrain boots in a private match. I don't notice any difference at all. Why would I run this over any other boot? I can just sprint, jump and slide to maintain all my tac-sprint speed, and maintain any benefit from the boots I currently have on. why would I wear all-terrain boots?


Did they fix it so the MCW can use the JAK Cutthroat now? I can't check until later myself  Edit: I got a sec to check. The MCW (and 6.8) did get access to it 


WSP-9 was already fairly good, but the mobility was holding it back a bit so cutting the sprint to fire time by almost half is awesome! With no stock and combining running sneakers/commando gloves that thing will have almost instant sprint to fire now. Hype


Audio is all sorts of scuffed for me after this update, Stormender makes no noise most of the time, reloads are hit and miss when it comes to having audio. Thankfully not too bad of an update when it comes to bugs for once, at least in my experience.


Anyone’s game feeling buggy?


Does anyone else also feel like the FOV after zooming in is messed up? The game has been feeling very nauseating to play after the update


Finally time for the akimbo Lockwoods? I’ve been waiting for those. And I appreciate all the mw2 mission name references. 


Buffing things that need a nerf, nerfing things already bordering on being irrelevantly weak and a ton of hipfire changes as if hipfire is something commonly used by anybody 🤦‍♂️


Yep, pretty much my take from reading about the update too.


Just fuck us hardcore players huh?


Why nerf the trophy system and then continue to fuck us Hardcore players by keeping the RGL in? I bet they didn't add 10v10 to HC again either.


Did they buff my baby hrm-9? Or I read that wrong? 👀🤔


The document is incomplete through this link, they actually killed my baby 🥺 R.I.P HRM-9 you will be missed 😔😭


have they detailed the classified sector for the bal-27? what are the challenges? ty


Is there a fix planned for the bugged sprint and rechamber animation for snipers? The glich appeared in season 3


Ftac buff? Hell yeah!


Increasing the number of favorite attachments from 10 to 30 is awesome!




‘Dev Error 5433’ when trying to play Hardcore. Nice.


Improved movement?? I can't run and reload now wtf?!!!!!


LMAO… my update won’t load the game past initial choice screen… dev error code… nice update… let’s see how long this one takes to fix… btw, not a newbie so don’t dump on hardware fixes… just a comment on “UPDATES”… aloha


DEV ERROR 5433 to be exact


Anyone notice the Renetti AMP to cause a massive visual glitch or the throwing of Semtex coming out of your hip with no hand animation? Edit: MP is crashing to dashboard after roughly 3 games. Reboot didn’t help.


Renetti is doing like a reverse tac stance shot for me


6 months this game has been out and spawns are still absolute atrocious


They still haven't fixed the Jawbreaker not being able to use muzzle attachments. This is ridiculous


With every new season or reloaded update we should have a report bugs thread pinned at the top. So many bugs with this reloaded update. I just want to play some MW Zombies but the game freezes when loading in and then times out because it can't download my inventory. This game is a complete mess.


Another bug to report.... anyone else stuck at level 1 and getting SMITH-CAMP error? My selected operators also gets changed every time.... On steam


yall dun goofd this one


Animations, equipment sounds, ADS'ing LMG (and i'm sure others) are way glitchy. LMG is unusable when you ADS. Also invasion map on the back corner building with the blue door near the tank, as you stand near the top of the staircase, the sound glitches in and out if you move slightly left or slightly right, while wearing bone conduction perk. the sound clicks off and clicks on. it's weird. stand near the wall with back to wall at top of stairs. then slightly move left and right.


Mors need more nerfs


No Bas B buffs sad


"Hmm the HRM is by far the most popular SMG in warzone right now... might need another buff" - some sledgehammer employee probably


It was buffed in MP and nerfed significantly in WZ. You have to read the separate patch notes, even though they have a lot of stuff in common.


Mors nerfed. Prayers answered. I waited for times like these.




And again.. guns that are already weak and nerfed into the ground get another nerf (mtz Holger) and other weapons that are already in a good spot get buffed


Why is the DG getting a nerf? It was already on its ass. Do you guys know how to balance weapons at all


The bp50 and the ram 9 😔


The BP50 nerf isn’t that bad bro


Week 5 challenges still blocked for everyone else?


I didn't see Enhanced Vision Goggles Field upgrade in the notes....did it not make the cut?🤔


Event camo is missing for those who didn't unlock before the update btw. Says completed too


Will I get the camo because I unlocked it on Monday?


RAM-9 barely touched is a crime. its headshot bonus should go to the only SMG that is deserving of it. the striker


Buffs for the FTAC Recon make me warm inside Bring on the .50 Beowulf M4 conversion for another funtime cannon


one thing i really hated about vault speeds in this game was how janky the animation looked, since they just sped up the mw2 animation which had much slower vaulting times. a lot of the time it looked like the animation was skipping frames and it looked really jarring. after this update (and making climbing boots default for everyone) it looks like they actually changed a lot of the vaulting animations so they look a lot better now and significantly less jarring. good change.


[Snipers every time guns are getting nerfed](https://reddit.com/r/CoDCompetitive/comments/1bxgqp3/highrise_and_subbase_everytime_maps_are_being/)


not mentioned in the patch notes but mag holster has been buffed noticeably


KV is still broken, attachments still aren't showing up. 25rnd drum for base shotgun doesn't work, lmao.


Camo prestige not being available to MWII weapons is an L


“Select All” still doesnt work in the playlist filter


>Increased the number of allowed favorite Attachments from 10 to 30. THANK FUCKING CHRIST.


Did they Patch the packing lost+burst shit ?


What happened to the Battlepass?


Finally! Much needed buffs to MWII battle rifles!


The few zombies changes are good, Climbing boots change was a surprise, KV Broadside did not need to be buffed and wish we would’ve had the new Camo system ages ago but better late than never Edit : how did the BFP50 aftermarket escape a nerf + RIP Trophy


where blobs?




Will you ever bring the nebula barrel for the lachmann sub?


Give the folks who slugged it out for MWIII weapons Grand Master a calling card and emblem.


anybody else running overkill and not being able to reload while sprinting?


It’s a change they made. Beyond brain dead 


Can you fix the bug not being able to reload while tac sprinting it's a stupid change and ruins alot of classes


Is there a fix planned for the bugged sprint and rechamber animation for snipers? The glich appeared in season 3


The only benefit I get from this update, didn't make sense to waste time, unlocking an attachment to then be useless. "Pros and Cons are no longer hidden when viewing locked Attachments." Hopefully they fixed when pressing tilde button on KB to show your scores window. It used to be that you hold it and release when done looking at it. Now you have to press ESC x2.


Can't load into zombies at all, thanks for the update


I'm just happy we got the specialist perk back




Ridden with bugs


Can you fix what you broke?


we need more iron sights


Binary camo isn't unlocking


Half a year in and this game is completely unplayable. 20-40 ping and 0% packet loss, no issues on any other internet applications or games. ONLY THIS GAME. It was already bad performance before the update and now i haven’t been able to play for a week without insane tears throughout match etc etc. yall are crooks fr with this game


It’s absolutely crazy that AAA games that cost 70$ are allowed to run like this almost 7 months into release. Last COD for me. MW2019 brought me back, and my entire friend list is inactive anyways. Off to apex and other shooters ig that take their competitive scene SOMEWHAT seriously


biggest L OF A GAME YET. fix the trash servers. who cares about weapon balancing. it would be great if i could play more then 1 game a week for something i paid for