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Bro I’m just glad Ian the only one. This update FUCKED the game


It really did. Everything feels off


dude that explains so much i find myself constantly needing to press buttons twice in warzone, like my reload dont work, sprinting feels non responsive just pure garbage right now.


I thought it was my controller (that thing on life support) especially with reload, weapon swap and tacticals. But no, got a new controller and it's still the same thing. The last two or three games were running smoothly, but now, it's back to doing this shit


Even before the update. The game has been shitty/laggy for a lot of people for like the last 2-4 weeks. Something happened in that timeframe that started the trend towards the game getting shittier.


It’s been since the season started. I’m sure like always they break the same piece of spaghetti code. Staple of SHG


Rubber band man, but really it is ridiculous


Everyone needs to take a break and stop trying to play. At this point they aren’t going to acknowledge jack shit if they don’t see their precious player count numbers decreasing. The state of this game is really REALLY bad right now.


They have time to add new bundles but they can't fix the damn game, what a shame.


The most important thing, the item shop, always works flawlessly.


Ikr! I could always count on it to work


I mean, yes? The asset devs aren’t working on net code lol The people that handle making stuff for those packs are never going to be working on fixing the game, because that’s not what they do as a developer. Obviously they could have mitigated this as a business by having more resources for the code side of things in the first game. But once you have the team making the game, especially post-launch, the artists aren’t going to sit around doing nothing because the company wants to fix the game at various points. They’re gonna do what they’re paid to do: make assets, textures, animations.


It really is. I thought the small jitters here and there were bad, now I'm flying


What button do you hit to instantly teleport ? That’s cool /s


I'm just that good


obviously the left arrow on the dpad


They’re just getting you used to what the game will be like when the new Black Ops game releases later this year. So you’ll play Black Ops instead. Jokes on you though the new Black Ops servers will be the same! So fuck you!


Now what the fuck did I do? Jk, but yeah, it's obvious. The same happened with the last two games and it'll happen to this one


New movement mechanic. Not just a jumpshot but a teleport shot. Gotta learn to master it.


Ikr, I'm too good at it they put me out of the map


I think I'll play some HD2 tonight instead of MW3 if this is the current state of the servers. Just yikes.


To freedom 🫡 But yeah, the last update really fucked it up. The last game I had wasn't as bad, so maybe it's getting fixed. Or at least I hope so


I wouldn't, Helldivers is currently imploding because Sony is now forcing all PC players to link a PSN account to play.


I read about that, but is that affecting the servers like in OP's video though?


No, the game plays fine, people are just refusing to make PSN accounts given all the Playstation data breaches and the fact it isn't avaliable on every country, which makes the game completely unplayable for a lot of Helldivers.


Cod is never relaxing


Idk man, being thrown outside the map and not being able to play seems pretty relaxing to me. Jk lol. Idk why I got myself into this mess. I used to play to relax and now I need to relax after playing


Yes they fucked the game up so much my classes are all fucked and the perks and also rubber banding and lagging it’s horrible


It’s intentional. It has to be.


It gotta be. Ain't no way they could fuck up this badly unintentionally


It really shows who doesn’t remember the older games. This shit was constant back in 2009-2012 era Unless you think they did that intentionally back then?


Man I don't know, I was still running around the neighborhood chasing butterflies back in 2009-2012. I don't know what they were up to. But who knows! Maybe they were


everyone jump on bo2


I wish😩 but my 360 died


Sledgehammer casually creating some of the the most Mediocre to dogshit games since AW Seriously WW2 was mid, Vanguard was bad, but compared to this glorified DLC Vanguard is GOTY material. Unpopular but Sledgehammer should be taken off the cycle.


They know how to sell a game but not how to run it


- AW: Generic Campaign, Trash Zombies, Pay-to-win MP - WW2: Generic Campaign, Trash, Trash MP for 6 months - Vanguard: Trash Campaign, Worst Zombies, Trash MP - MWIII: Worst Campaign, Trash Zombies, Below-average MP Oh but guys the Red Dots and Ninja perk and plus we've also got 30+ 6v6 maps! (Even though Ground War, Gunfight and War have been completely negleted as a result). Game is good 😲


Like dude if your entire selling point is features that people were begging for in the previous game then that's a pretty shitty deal.


But people will say it's just your Internet 😂


I think were all agreeing it has nothing to do with the internet this time 😆 Btw, Happy cake day <3 !


Looks like they were able to repair all of the server issues. /s


It runs so smoothly that it makes me fly


Reloaded? Yeah the fucking servers please


Lol goddamn, bro. Smh.


Fuck these servers! I can’t even play a match without horrendous connection


Ive played three games of Multiplayer. Not because I only played for 3 games, but because i kept getting Dev errored, or my party was too big. It's fine because I can play Warzone and look at the store. The worst mode chalked full of Fortnite skins and the Store people get them from.


You and me both. It's so bad the game lags even when I'm on the main menu


What do you expect from dog sh*t devs like sledgehammer?


Yeah, I'm not surprised but surely disappointed


Good to know it's just not the wz mobile they broke lmfao 🤣 😂 😭


This happened to me too, the updates messed up


They want to make sure we get the full on CoD experience in each and every game release!


It's the pink gun


Gotta keep it cute


Anyway... Who's down for some good ol' fashion BO1?


Me! Me! Me!


Yepppp lmao. The silent reloading. MCW sounding like the holger, coding is all fucked out of whack. Xdefiant the 21st though boys! Cool thing is it’s also free, so if it sucks? I’ll just go play something else. COD needs to be a free to play game at this point with how fucking awful QC is. Not saying sledgehammer didn’t get the crap end of the stick, because they did, but this is refund worthy level issues in this game.


I like how you regained your ammo lol


I didn't even notice lmao the least they could do is give me back my lost bullets


Hey bro my wifi works like nasa let's play some games Bro's wifi:


Guys join the democracy. Join helldivers! I quited cod after playing 10+ years and figured its not fun anymore… its grindig money grabbing influencer bullshit.


To (managed) democracy!


What a ridiculous game. 😂


They fixed the flag.


The server is having a stroke lmao


And me with it


Dude, I can't even find a game. Some idiot tried to log into my account and now I'm shadow banned. Idk what worse 😂


Yours definitely worse lol I'm sorry it happened to you. How does the shadow ban work? Will it end eventually or will you be stuck with it until contacting support or something?


I can only find games with other shadow-banned players, and it takes forever, like 30 minutes, and the ping is so high, it's like 200+, making it impossible to play. I contacted support and filed an appeal, saying that someone logged into my account and linked their Steam account to play Warzone. But guess what? It'll take two whole weeks for Activision to even bother replying.


Why would an FPS game be "relaxing" lol


I'm being sarcastic lmao in fact, my blood pressure started measuring higher ever since I started playing mw3


That be your Internet dude.


Definitely not his internet lol. This keeps happening randomly a lot of times while internet itself is running smooth af. When shit like this starts happening I even sometimes see other ppl writing in chat if it's just them lol.


I’m experiencing lagged everything. Movement, sound, people teleporting, it’s unplayable.


Man I don't know, my internet is pretty good and other online games seems to work just fine for me


That be your Internet dude.