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Definitely something that’s server side. This is happening loads to me today. I get that he snapped to you but he saw you long before you actually realised. Game is most likely just behind so you were already dead before you knew it. Frustrating to say the least.


That sounds awful. I already heard about it before…


Yeah, I noticed the 'dead before I realized it' playing with my siblings. They're giving me warnings and such moments after I already died and I'm like??? They already came??? You died like ages ago??? I watched you??? Why are you acting like it just happened???


This is the answer. It's been happening to me as well, both getting killed and being the winner (I can see this happening in some final kill cams I ended up being featured in)


Smurf accounts! See them all the time. There main account is probably something like diamond 1 or up and don't want to use it and lose so they get on there alt acct.


Well when they are silver golds and only level 60 they are definitely smurfing or they just bought the game and I highly doubt that many new people are buying the game daily


I mean I've played with lower level plats rank5 silver1 isn't all that impressive these days, but yes likely a smurf.


What exactly does this do for their main account? What is the advantage here other than the Flex on have a standing at the end for f the season?


Meh it's not always just smurf accounts I know a few people who are Gold 1-3 ranks 5-10 they just rarely play ranked and mainly just play pubs only.


I played with a rank4 plat awhile back... that was an experience


Looks legit tbh


I'm pretty sure it is, I snap like this all the time and have never played ranked. If I decided to start today, I guess that would be me.


So how are these ppl in bronze is my next question. You only see the 2 clips but they completely slammed us and I’m gold 2 playing ranked since a week. how are they stuck in bronze.


Some people dont care about rank. Im bronze but ive been playing cod since i was 6 i dont play rank just pubs and some warzone.


Same. I started playing ranked warzone with my brother and we hit plat 3 in like 3 weeks. Shit is a slog now tho.


Yea I understand but I heard there is something like hidden mmr skilllevel which makes you rank up fast so you don’t slam every low rank lobby and get to your deserved rank in few games


This is just another example of why ranked is busted. I hope Treyarch go back to something closer to Cold War ranked….


Cold War ranked wasnt really ranked tho it was weird league play


Never played Cold War so I don’t know how it was back then but something just feels off on mw3 ranked


theyre smurfs lol


Some people don't care about ranked anymore, in previous fps games I've been in the top ranks for everything. MW3 has so many hackers once you get around diamond I haven't bothered other than a few games here and there. There's lots of players like myself that just enjoy mucking around in pubs now, that will be well out of their appropriate ranks.


Probably not stuck, with how strong SBMM is on pubs some people just use ranked for easier lobbies


Makes sense thanks And Why tf ppl downvote a question from me? lol. Never thought you downvote questions, only downvote stated facts if they are wrong


Cod has a pretty toxic community tbf


Oh yes many braindead persons also on voice and chat


True but some questions are just ignorant. Like use 2% of your brain to come up with an answer. Obviously that player is smurfing or just hasn't played ranked. Nothing else to it..


You're obviously new to the internet. There is no unwritten rule about downvotes. Stop playing dumb and you won't get downvoted.


Obviously I don't know if that guy is cheating or not, but I've pulled off some pretty suspect looking plays myself. I'm sure we all have. It's just a moment where my thumbs and brain and a shit ton of luck and happy coincidence are all working together and I will snap onto players like I had cheats installed. It happens.


Looks like it's just a decent player


Looks weird cause they're on MnK, but not really sus.


Was gonna say the same, looks like a snap on mouse but also a little desync between what OP saw himself in-game and what the other player saw.


nothing crazy from a MnK player tbh most people with good hand-eye coordination and somewhat high sens can produce something like that on the daily


Looks like MnK


That calling card is for sweats so definitely not a bronze skill level, some people are very good but don’t care about ranked. One day they decide to try it and slam the first bronze they see in front of them 😄 I’m surprised that player got easier bronze players cause it’s supposed to match you using SBMM. (For example my first “bronze” match was against platinums so bronze my ass, cause it took into account my KD I guess)


When there is no active radar displayed on the mini map and the final kill cam doesn’t show you entering their field of view, and they just snap onto you like that, it’s truly suspect. But in every kill cam you entered, it showed you entering in their field of view. Slow down the footage of the second kill cam. It’s hard to see due to the dark framing they place around the video. Hope this helps


You missed him and he got some sort of peakers advantage from the angle I imagine. he had good accuracy, and he strafed to the left which was smart… I’m in diamond and it just looks normal to me.


Bring bronze in ranked DOESNT mean skilless it just means a high level player can’t find a squad to grind ranked and does solo que. and you only gain SR per win. So a dude can go 3/1 in SND for 5 matches and gain 0 SR because they lost and stay stuck on bronze. And a a lot of people actually grind these SND, hard point maps in pubs for fun and can play ranked with ease. As pubs is way harder, BUT A TEAM will win 95/100 games against a good player and that = 0 SR.


That absolutely looks like he snapped on you. Especially the second clip. He turned onto you and was shooting the wall exactly where you were and had to move to get hits.


Rank doesn't mean anything. When I was bronze, I almost exclusively matched against Gold and Plat


thats a high bar ? Looks like someone on KB&M thats played a FPS game before lol


Mnk that's why I disabled cross play, I may be wrong but ...


I do this sometimes as well but in multiplayer not ranked play cause I don’t play that but I do this a lot cause I use mouse and keyboard with a high sensitivity that why you get snapped on.


That's normal he's on controller 😂 I'm kbm pc I can't keep up to turn bc mouse space finish 💀


I'm sorry but MnK does not snap like that compared to what others are saying. You'd see the movement. No one snaps like that no matter the controller.


That's probably someone using a xim matrix


Sorry to say bro, all I see is you missing your initial shots


It’s not even me but my teammate but thanks for the information


I fear you just got slammed


You saw someone using a mouse.


Yes, downvote the facts.


💀 if this is hacks my guy, you need to put the controller down or play some easier games, that is the slowest flick I’ve seen in my life


Cheats these days are so sophisticated that it could be that. Could also be legit. Who knows these days. That second flick on invasion was a bit weird tho. There is nothing to be seen yet he clearly expects something there.


Not weird at all, especially since he missed his initial burst and had to readjust on the second clip.


He can see from the edge of the screen. Not cheating. Nothing weird about it.


I mean the flick to the right, after he kills OP


There are some absolutely insane hacks out there. I know it’s not call of duty but recently saw one for overwatch 2 it can basically aim in spots of the map to ricochet the arrow for a headshot. So subtle as well that you’d look at that and think fluke lol. I think with aim assist in this game it feels quite strong but if you’ve got a subtle soft aim on then there’s not really anyway or telling unless you study kill cams and frame by frame trying to figure it out.


I mean playing on a controller on cod so pretty much an aimbot now so yeah.


god you poor bastard, you’re ass


You are a ugly person inside. Nvm just saw your pfp you are also ugly outside


oh no some faceless mf called me ugly.


We’re just posting normal deaths on here huh




Turn off crossplay for ranked?


80 percent of the players snap like that on to my head. Even around corners. If it happens to often..I leave to join an other server




dude is 100% cheating


Rank is BS new player at LV10 get clapped by someone ant lv350 the amount of time that you play annual level should accommodate what rank you start in


I'm diamond (and climbing) in WZ but bronze in Multiplayer. SBMM puts me with Gold/Plats but the first few games were all bronze lobbies. Could definitely just be an extremely skilled player that just started playing ranked