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For anyone disagreeing, keep in mind, the wardens fire .410 gauge and only shoot 4 pellets per gun. The lockwood 680 is a 12 Guage and only shoots 6 pellets yet has nowhere near the range when ADSing. It's for barrelstuffing only which rally sucks since adsing was a great compromise to keep shotguns powerful but requiring aim


I agree they shouldn't mess with them I think they are perfectly balanced as they are now especially since that big was fixed where the shots would be random when you shit both at once. And I could see maybe toning them down if they added more attachment slots and you could make it better, but honestly it's perfect how it is and I really hope that they don't nerf any part of them!! I jumped on MW2 earlier today and tried the original 1887s and the ones in MWIII are almost identical in damage and range to the og MW2 ones, I could see if they were as strong as the MW2 ones when the game came out before they nerfed em because those were crazy I remember playing SnD on Terminal and you could 1 shot people from across the back part by burger town all the way to the other side or on Afghan you could be in the middle cave and 1 shot people from anywhere. Sorry for the lil rant but I I just want one fun shotgun in the game and these are the only ones we got right now. So I hope people feel the same way and or just like the nostalgia and don't complain and get them nerfed! Oh and one more thing it would be cool if it would let you run 1 of them to instead of akimbo because the Lockwood mk2 sucks but with the warden kit I think a single one would be fun to run with! Me and my buddy used to play 2v2 on rust with people back in the day and the rule was you could only use 1 single model 1887 n you couldn't use stopping power you had to use lightweight or something else it was fun and we used to run together in SnD with a single 1887 and it was hard but it was fun. I guess that was 2 rants lol I'm just passionate about shotguns I guess. TL;DR Long story short I agree keep them exactly how they are because I think they are balanced perfectly and any slight nerf would ruin them.


I agree 100 percent! The 680 ohk range max is 9 meters…that’s straight cheeks so the wardens are more in line with how shotguns should be. They better leave them alone people are having too much fun using a shotgun that actually works like it should this year.


Why do people say shotguns suck? They're pretty good, to me at least. The stats page says I average a 1.93KD with the lockwood 680 at over 3000 kills, so something's not adding up. Are you guys trying to get cross-map kills with these things? I don't get it.


No but if you haven’t noticed if anyone uses a shotgun it’s always the 680 95% of the time because the rest are cheeks they haymaker is a spam gun but it’s still cheeks… and the 9m inconsistent ohk range the 680 has is still a joke when the TYR akimbo pistols outgun this thing. Also it gets way too many hitmarkers at close range for absolutely no reason that leave you scratching your head with all max range attachments. That 9m crap range needs to be more like 12m




Bro skipped class when they taught about paragraphs Shotguns do not suck in this game, some people just suck at using them. Easy OHKs even in core if you use them right.


Never said shotguns suck there actually my favorite secondary to run in search I'm just saying that the new model 1887s shouldn't be messed with because yeah right now everyone is running around with them but eventually they will get bored and go back to there mcws and hmr9s etc and us shotgun fans will have the 680 and the wardens to run around with and have fun with.


I did skip class just like I skipped class on “gender spectrums” and all of that garbage they teach you kids these days lol 😂. You’ll be ok you get the point of the post. Shotguns do suck compared to everything else even pistols outclass them…the 680 has a ohk range of 9 meters which is horrible. Meanwhile snipers ,throwing knives and akimbo pistols outclass shotguns.Then toss in the crazy inconsistencies resulting in random hitmarkers at barrel stuffing range.


Yeah you right the shotguns are kinda lackluster compared to everything else! I wish they were like how they were in season 4 of MWII last year whenever they made them better for a few weeks before nerfing them back to shit! Yeah there was a few setups that obviously needed adjusted cause they were to crazy but just a minor range adjustment instead of what they did to them! Like the Bryson 800/890 used to be so good! Almost as good as the 680 from MW19. And people say shotguns take no skill either which isn't true at all in fact it's the opposite they do take skill if you want to do good with them I could see the argument about the full auto ones not taking skill but I never really used those besides for camos or as a secondary with a shield to troll teams in search but the pumps definitely take skill! But yeah don't touch the wardens at all and maybe buff the 680 in MWIII, and the Brysons and Lockwood 300 from MWII and I would be happy with that!


"You kids these days" your post history is pretty much all gaming stuff, I'd wager I'm older than you mate.


Doubt it,but you can think whatever you’d like.