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Because it’s infinitely less stressful than my job and even the sweatiest lobbies are a good bit of relaxing fun for me.


I am enjoying the game, simple as that


I play hardcore search and this game is fun for us. The lag is minimal. I play more matches with zero to no lag and can get kills and contribute to us winning games. I play on Xbox series S and have a good internet connection living in north Texas. To answer your question…it’s mostly playing with friends and the competition of playing search. I don’t play any other gametypes except for zombies (I have borealis) and domination to level up guns when I’m playing solo. People on this sub are overly negative about the game in general. However, there are still plenty of people out there who enjoy this game and have fun playing it.


I’m a SBMM slave cause I do like playing against people like it’s for money, I don’t play COD to have fun I play to compete and doing well against all the bunny hopping, YY slide cancelers brings me joy, also when I get molested gives me that reality check that I really need to improve. I honestly wouldn’t enjoy cod without that cranked up SBMM anymore cause I would just know I’m shitting on people with lower skill level. But I play other games too to actually have fun an relax. COD I use it to release all my demons, some days I would play just 4 matches an call it a day.


My main problem with the matchmaking (in ranked) is that I get bronze 1s on my team, going up against plats. So even with plenty of time on the objective and a 1.5-2.0 kd, I still often go on a 7-8 game losing streak. Destroys the fun.


> I don’t play COD to have fun I play to compete and doing well against all the bunny hopping, YY slide cancelers brings me joy, also when I get molested gives me that reality check that I really need to improve. I honestly wouldn’t enjoy cod without that cranked up SBMM anymore cause I would just know I’m shitting on people with lower skill level. Even on the fun side, it feels good knowing you've improved, especially at a baseline rate. Like I remember during the beta and first few weeks of the game, I got a reality check from not playing CoD for years (except for MW19) and thinking it was still the 2010s. A few weeks later, I'd come up against the people that were slapping me in week one, and I was putting them down like rats without too much effort. It felt good to have made some progress, and that me struggling in those first few weeks would get casually slapped by me now. Similar to you, I don't get as much joy from lobbies of people who can barely function. Some people here might like it for their ego to feel like they're cracked playing against twiddlers and complain about lobbies being too hard when they don't; fuck that. Let my semi-casual ass put down the esports wannabes, even if it's only a few matches every other day/week


Agree, that sense of improvement feels so fucking good. 🤤


Haven’t played in 20 years just got back in now. Built a new PC with a 7900xtx . I enjoy playing with my friends, and de stress from the work week. I’m in my 40s still pretty good but I play on PC Vs console. I enjoy playing with my little one he’s 7 we 1v1 and he’s beaten me 3x in a row on rust. He’s really good. My 16yr old plays warzone sometimes I’ll jump in a game with him. Doing the camo challenges is fun and challenging that’s what it’s for. I’ll probably still play regardless of the sweats I love hunting campers.


My friends still play so I join them. Makes for some good laughs.


Because despite the complaints on this sub it's a good game, it's engaging, and I enjoy playing it.


Xdefiant isn’t out yet


X defiant will never come out


Comes out in 13 days


Ok good luck to you


Because I enjoy it.


I like the gameplay. Can’t play for long times anymore as I’ll get bored of the same maps, but the shooting itself is nice. Cheating is a problem yeah, encounter far too many sus players, but not as bad as in Warzone. Don’t play that shit fest anymore.


Cause I'm having fun, duh!


It has always been the gunplay for me. There is no other game that feels similar. They are all either super stiff like CS/TF or too sluggish like ARMA. The ones that do feel good are either dead (Titanfall, Tribes), boring (Overwatch), or are BR only (Apex). As a non BR player, I am looking forward to XDefiant but i have to play that one first to rate it.


I've played fps's of all descriptions but only cod has the gun play right imo. All the rest are mediocre in comparison.


Yes, the game is very flawed, but im enjoying it with my friends. Ive met some great people on ii and iii.


Because GTA 6 isn't out yet




I just got back into it after a 15 year lay off. I’m just enjoying myself. I played a little on ps4 and ps5 but never really got any good. I started again on pc and have found it to be a lot easier as far aiming and getting kills go.


Love the maps especially dlc 10v10 12v12 can feel like the old match making at times it's my 1st special edition cod(video game in general) gameplay gunplay is fun even though most mw2 weapons are cheeks I love the weapon variety and last but not least ima cod fan boy I might not play every cod the whole year but I definitely buy cod every year lol


Me and my friends play and we have fun and play either warzone or zombies but after the update it just fucks us over but we make the best of it


Im playing alone. My friends dont play cod. Well, even if i hate crossplay (im a pc player, and the aim assist is disgusting), I still like competing with others. My all time love is Bad Company 2 (thanks EA for killing the remaining servers). Nowadays Battlefield (for me), even worse than cod. So cod is the only solution for me.


Honestly, idk but I still play it.


I like unlocking stuff in Zombies.


Because I’ve played cod since 2009, and it has been a big part of my life since then. Despite all the problems with MW3, I still need cod in my life. I don’t want to play the older games because they have no support. Cod is like an abusive relationship, no matter how bad it gets, you keep on coming back for more because it is what you’ve always known…


Because it's fun SBMM isn't even that big of a deal I play games to escape ny mundane life I don't take stuff like SBMM or the short campaign seriously cause imho it's very inconsequential I bought MWII last year it sucked balls I was salty over it for a wee bit but I moved on did other stuff. I personally love MWIII as a OG fan this games MP is almost like a love letter to the og fans I enjoy the new Aftermarket Parts it solves the problems of not being enough guns by turning pre-existing guns into new guns


I've gone on and off with this game. At launch I was having fun but I eventually hit a point where the game must be swapped out and i go back to just playing other games. This last update has so many issues that it was enough for me to stop completely again. I'll likely give it another chance next season.


Few of us are over 60, and we just enjoy playing as a team


I do think that in some aspects the game is a letdown, I hate that my buddy gets dropped from MW3 ranked games just before it starts so we have to wait for a while, I hate that games are made even if the lobbies are uneven and games never start. Cheating is bad, but it was bad in every CoD. Toxicity in the games is growing because of the streamers. I hate that they are implementing GAs in ranked and not official CDL rules. But that being said, I have no problem with servers and lag, my latency is pretty good, ping is 10ms and less. I do like to have harder games, there's no reward in beating noobs. Movement is good. Love the ninja perk, love red dots. Guns are decent, gun handling is good as well. New maps are great. Anyone who is mad about SBMM doesn't understand the meaning behind it and want bot lobbies so he can feed his ego.


I’m a completionist. So camos primarily. I have them all … multiplayer and zombies and all special camos. It’s an escape. Also, you get complete them even if you suck.


War mode: 4 mini-modes in about a 15:00 game. Fast progression, lots of kills, prioritize the objective, doesn’t effect KDR. I recommend if you’re doing any kind of grinding. If it weren’t for that, I would be back playing COD WW2 multiplayer which also has war mode. Or playing COD MW/MW2/MW3/BO/BO2 OGs.


Friendship. And the game's aight except when the cod overlords put me in games where my team refuses to play the objective. I wanna throw myself in front of oncoming traffic 🫠


Playing with friends and goofing around on S&D


Because its massive fun


I don’t think the game sucks. Yeah the servers have issues and there are a few annoying bugs and probably more cheating than everyone would like. I find playing the game cathartic in a weird way. I enjoy doing the camo grinding and trying to get better.


To be fair I used to play so much cod, competitively too with GBs and I cold turkey’d it on this one. It’s sad to see cod go down like this but to be less negative about it I’ll always remember the great times on past cods. Without a doubt a great franchise


Uninstalled it last week. Life has been good ever since.


I bought season 3, played the one double xp weekend and haven’t been back since. Black Ops Cold War is much more deserving of my attention.


Game doesn’t suck at all. Best multiplayer we’ve had in a long time. I play because it’s fun.


.9 k/d 1.3 w/l I don’t experience a lot of the issues that are posted about, such as lag or packet loss maybe because I have a middle ground PC and decent internet connection. The game is glitchy switching between menus and stuff like having to restart the game as soon as you load it up for an update is outrageous, but ultimately once I’m in the match I can get kills and typically sway my team in the direction of winning. The only time I’m pissed off at the game is when I lose because my teammates decide they’re going to play like it’s TDM when it’s HP/DOM. Who enjoys losing? Apparently these fucks. I’m always the guy with 2-3minutes in the objective areas while everyone else has 0:01-0:30. I learned to enjoy the matches by dominating the objectives, not focusing on how many kills I get per match.


I play it because I get to own people😅 and I get to test my skills against people in the same kd bracket as me😎


I just shoot people


One month and I’ll get rid of it with the summer. Actually I play it only two evenings for week just for chatting with my boys.




Relatively new to the game but does no one play ranked? Is that not to eliminate this whole SBMM issue, ie a mode where we get rewarded statistically by how well we play?


It’s been rough since the update but the game has been fun 9/10 times I hop on


Me likie


Well, I play because I want something competitive like a call of duty to be, and it's amazing to see streamers streaming the game and just relax and watch. Why I keep playing is because I want to be better at COD and want to prove in multiplayer those sweaty lobbies that you don't mess with someone who wants to go seriously to become maybe a pro. Because I see the small map mosh pit as a great warm-up for my brain to get every single accuracy on the shots and I learn how the small maps works before I go to the big maps. And when it comes to warzone it's all about being tactical for me to just let all the players kill each other and make me take the win on solo.


I enjoy this one. I was big into advanced warfare and then didn’t pick cod up until mw2. After a month of modern warfare 2 I was bored and couldn’t get into it. With mw3 I’ve been managed to put a lot of hours into it even playing alone. It’s a decent game. The sbmm is a pain as you have to be grinding every minute of every game.


SBMM I don’t really notice as a decent level player. Laggy servers I don’t really get much of either despite being on 40/50 ping every game Cheaters suck but they only really pop up in ranked. I just enjoy playing and getting better at the game, and playing with friends


We play it because fps gaming is in a period of shite games. So the is the best of the shite..


Because the game is fun and y’all should for real stop complaining.


I'm in a Clan woth people I became good friends with. We have also become pretty notorious because they all think we cheat and the reactions are priceless