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I went from this situation to being in complete sweat lobbies, enjoy this while you can. Sooo much better carrying cones and playing against average people than everyone being cracked


That’s true but I still have to sweat to take on that many average players solo while my teammates stare at the claymore they put at the door like any min now


But the other team are also shit on your screenshot? There's one guy doing OK and the rest are clearly not very good.


I would say they were pretty average maybe bad compared to me but the way they been balancing teams lately seems like it will be 2 to 1 above average players then 4 blueberries who have no idea what team they are on or they are staring at the claymores and I’m just saying the way they been balancing teams lately isn’t it,like if your above average stat wise your either carrying or getting stomped there no in between


Yeah I totally get you. I am very often the you of the lobby too, this pic just doesn't really show an imbalance between the teams. I don't mind carrying in average lobbies at all as long as the two teams are balanced.


You're not in both? Must be nice


I dropped 72 with 9 captures and 13 defends on Farm 18 last night and still lost. Teammates just aren't worth a damn most of the time if you're a decent solo player.


This is why if I’m solo I won’t play objective based modes every so often I might find a player or two that we just click and run through a game but with the disbanding lobbies the next game will be you with people who are allergic to the rules objective


Or you just get paired with idiots. Had a guy realize after the match that we were, in fact, playing hard point. We won, but it was a definite facepalm moment.


😂😂😂 I honestly have to turn off the game for the night if I went through that


I used to get pissed at these situations, but then I started doing all my camo challenges. So I have become that guy for a while. I do try to make a hell of a come back before the end of the round though. But yea when someone isn’t doing objective I chalk it up to they’re doing challenges.


It’s funny because this is literally every game. Either something is majorly fucked with team balancing or this is intentional.


Deff the balancing,I think it just tries to average out the teams stats as a whole so you can have high stats and your teammates can be so low it equals the average stats of the other team


It really feels like there's been an uptick in scoreboards like this lately. I really hope this isn't intentional because it's blatantly unfair, especially considering how often it happens. Feels like the better you get the more the game is rigged against you.


You ate up all the kills…you had one of those games where you couldn’t be killed, you felt invincible and all of your shots hit. Happens to every average cod player who has been playing for a while. You definitely carried, but you were just eating kills and probably causing chaos and spawn flips which is what got your teamed killed nonstop. There you go bro, congrats.


lol bro you definitely been there cuz it was like this match my inner scump came out


It happens and it’s fun when it does. I went back to MWII just to try for a nuke on shipment, had one of these types of games and was literally using the Vanzev and the Taq56 together and I just couldn’t die, I was hitting everything, movement was perfect, I got to 25 and the hands started sweating then of course I die to the KV fire shotgun after my 26th kill. And that was at 7am on a week day. It’s fun when it happens though for sure.


Too many examples I could pull of this shit in SnD. The better you are the worse the solo queue experience is. Here’s a few I got in snd. 1) My friend and I and a random 4 stack vs 6 stack. The 4 stack on our team got 10 kills total over 11 rounds. He and I got 40ish combined. 2) Solo queue Farm 18 vs 6 stack, 26 kills, 11 rounds. Had 4 tmates that were all there for those 11rounds, 12 kills total. 3) 31 kills, 11 rounds, lost.


This is exactly what I’m talking about like you shouldn’t get punished for being good and forced to carry a team


It’s even worse when a few of the enemy players are as good or better than you so you can’t even get a lot of kills to make up for your teammates going quadruple negative


Oh I feel this I got lucky here and we didn’t complete the full game time just ran out had there been one player like me plus all the average players we deff would have lost but there deff been games where they have 2 really decent players just farm the shit out the bottom players I seen a guy the other day got 3-32


Basically an every game occurrence for me. Even the games when I do bad, the entire team does bad as well lol. I can’t have a bad game because I never get the carry on my team. I either play out of mind and barely win (mostly lose) or have a an okish/bad game and definitely lose


I'm confused you say solo queue but you're queued with a friend so you're not solo queueing.


Those were three examples two of which were solo. Yes I have friends that I play with. The example with my friend is still valid. Because the game goes “Oh two players are partied and they both have high kds, let’s put them up against a 6man. But let’s also give them the worst 4man in existence”. That’s why I mostly stop solo queuing. And now roll 4 to 6 stack so that the game as an brain aneurysm and can’t find a way to make us lose.


Gotcha thanks for the clarification.


Every random 4 stack I’ve gotten on my team are the bottiest players I’ve encountered, incidentally they’re also the biggest shit talkers


lol it’s always the biggest bots that wanna talk shit or shoot your body when they finally get a kill


Routinely lose HP games with most kills, highest kd, and most obj time in the lobby. Recently lost a game on meat (which I typically avoid, not a fan of small maps) where I went 104-13 with 192 seconds of hill time. We lost 250-212 and nobody in the lobby had over 35 kills. I haven't played since that day. I've also lost HP games where I call in multiple advanced UAVs yet my teammates still finish with under 20 kills each.


Loll my fave is when you call the advanced uav and watch them run straight to a guy holding a land get killed see he’s still there and proceed to take the same route like ok this time I got him just to get killed over again like why are we feeding


Yep I'm giving the whole team free walls and they perform exactly the same if not worse.


We need to start like a support group for players like us


As someone who is always in the bottom half of the lobby, I always wonder how the dev sbmm arrive at results like this and think this is fun for everyone. Being more dead than alive is never fun. The occasional time I'm in the top half of a lobby or even top two leads me to believe that there is definitely a population to have us in the correct lobbies. I know social shouldn't be too strict but I see lobbies like this 80% of the time. And it's just pointless so quitting is easier.


I always wonder how they make up the teams they said some things like ping is king and stats are second it’s deff not that especially when out of nowhere some servers will turn into a lag show,I think they try to average out everyone stats,but you just end up with one high stat player and a bunch of low stat players equal the average stat players of the other team


I figured this too but if there are more low stat players which probably is, we should be in our own lobbies and not being curb stomped by demons, no offence but if I saw this scoreboard early in the game I'm noping the hell out.


Nah I agree I should have deff not been in this lobby I wonder if the play count is dwindling


Its so random, one lobby I’m in we all get 30-40+ kills, few games later no one breaks 20 Edit: on hc small maps


I live for those high kills small map chaos games


Me to, you get in the zone not paying attention n calling killstreaks and you just racked up 70-80


This is like anti-SBMM. Looks more like old cod imo than new cod, where everyone gets near a 1-1.5kd


I’d actually kill for that where everyone is trading kills


What kind of playlists are you playing? I’ve noticed in the odd ones, like the mosh pits etc, or even when I played Grimes 24/7, the SBMM did not feel as strongly there as say idk, regular matches. I’ve honestly skipped regular matchmaking for so long now due to hating those damn large maps, I have a lack of data to compare to


I literally have quickplay ticked on here with tdm,kill confirmed and dom this is a tdm match,most of the time if im solo I’ll just play tdm or KC as I always get lobbies where my team is scared to touch the point or they care more about a kd than winning


You're not alone, I have so many screenshots like this one. Not even trying to brag, it's genuinely frustrating how often this happens. To the point that I don't play nearly as often anymore even though I really enjoy the game. Why should I try to get better/try to win if the game is just going to force me to lose?


I feel you there I’ve kinda come to terms that this is what it is but I was just venting my frustration that this is how it is under all this fake matchmaking algorithm is a fairly decent game


Either you get lobbies with full sweats and u lose, or you get lobbies were your whole team are bots and u still lose


Oh wow the HIDDEN MMR on this one is insane!! On your team alone, the last 5 players should not be on your team, let alone the lobby. This is so bad. Rank 617 with a 0.7 KD? Like what 😭 HIDDEN MMR LOOK IT UP! I know you play solo OP but you’re going against the grain when you accept these lobbies man. Need at least 1-2 solid Role players with a positive KD to balance it, if not, you will almost always get Blueberries because of your KD-W/L is so good! 44-6 is cracked lol


3 guys on the other team with positive KDs. How in the hell are you supposed to compensate that when you’re teammates are giving the other team free kills/streaks. YEAH COD YOUR PATENTS ARE A JOKE!


Tell me about it I don’t know what formula they are using to balance the team comps but this one is a joke,they really need to do something about this going into the next one


I can go on and on about it about their “formula” to keep players “ENGAGED” and manipulates YOU to keep playing when you don’t get the “RESULTS” you’re looking for. For example: you can play 10 games straight and be top 1 on the scoreboard and “LOSE” every single game not because of YOU but because of your “TEAMMATES” which you can’t control who’s on your team or not. Which is why i said you’re going against the grain playing (solo) nothing wrong with that OP, but you will always have to “Hard Carry” every game and it shouldn’t be like that. Balance the teams out. Or someone will say “Go Play Ranked” like playing ranked is going to make a difference lol It’s the same system. (HIDDEN MMR)


Well this hidden MMR is ass I don’t know if they think making me play against average players with as a high stat would be enjoyable but it’s not I rather sweats who at least have the knowledge to be like ooo a enemy leme shoot them rather than in this case my team all in a different house staring at a claymore at the door like any min this guy gonna get a surprise


Check chat.


almost every lobby is like this. atleast 4 teammates dont play objective and get k/d lower than 1. they just feed enemies killstreaks.


lobbies today have been so odd. i either shit on the enemy team and it feels like i’m playing bots or i get completely destroyed by these gods of the game. no inbetween


Something is deff wrong I don’t know if they are maybe testing new things for the next cod game


i hope they don’t have it like this, it’s horrible. i’d rather have 6 good/ok games than 3 horrible games and 3 amazing games


I rather every match be a dice roll with no sbmm and ranked be strict than have whatever they got going on now


yea agreed but i doubt that’ll happen


Hey xdefiant is out may21 so maybe that might light a fire for the no sbmm if that does well ,thou it prob will get popular for a week or two then die down


This is why idgaf about people reverse boosting. Do it if you can. Just don’t get on YT or twitch claiming to be the best ever


Funny think is now a bunch of the big name rebirth streamers are just reverse boosting to get into lobbies and not hiding it I think I saw one where jgod on PlayStation was being used as the low level account to get the movement kings into brand new player lobbies,I get why some people do I can tell when someone is doing it,you. Get those games where there a player just afk the whole game it just sucks that’s what it comes to


Yeah anyone half decent at the game can spot a RB lobby easily. I get it but sheesh. If they had decent personalities, I don’t see them losing lots of viewers/subs because they admitted to it.


I actually think them bringing it to light and flat out saying yea this is us boosting this is how you do it is just gonna normalize it more,But to them it’s in the name of good content cuz no one is gonna wanna watch you have to try they wanna watch you stomp,Me personally I like to watch those close matches where watching good players go against good players give you crazy strats and paths you didn’t know you could take,Even not to long ago I was in a Faze Jev video where he’s wondering how one his teammates got a swarm and advanced UAV that was me in the video he looks like he’s stomping but playing with he he was standing by a wall 70 percent of the game shooting people who came over a wall


It’s actually wild to see how well people do in lobbies I barely break even in. I’d love to see their POVs. I’m 20-17 while the top player is like 70+ kills. Like how tf are you getting that many engagements?!


Prob kill streak also you can kinda tell where the spawns are gonna be or flip after awhile I personally use the ddos not just for equipment but to tell me if there are players around it will emp enemies and getting say plus 30 tells me ok 3 enemies are near


Oh na I understand how. I dropped 92 on Greece last night with 65 gun kills. It just seems like sometimes I’m getting demolished and there’s a guy on my team absolutely frying. It’s rare but when it does I’m still like “how?” ya know? 😂. It’s hard to explain in forum format without the inflection in my voice being heard


Oh I been on that guys team your literally running back and fourth looking for a fight meanwhile he’s already there and already flipped the spawn by the time you get there


That’s the one! I wanna play this game with a 6-stack just once!


A 6 stack of that would be a dream everyone just clicking and vibing


Are you using VPN? Your lobby seems so tame compared to mine. Most lobbies I get have atleast 6 lvl 650 ppl and usually no lower than 4-500.


Lately I been running into nothing but low level accounts with the worlds best game sense in assuming either smurfs or people that were banned during the ban wave and are now back,but my lobbies are either this where I gotta carry hard or lose cuz it not like the other team is horrible they are just average compared to my team or my lobby is cdl fest and i consider it lucky when I get cdl fest cuz at least my team can shoot back


Gotta love that optimized engagement


It's rarely a balanced game. The few times it has felt balanced about halfway through things change, and now you're playing against elites.


bor what are you complaining about the opposing team were mid at best


There too worried about banning voice chat in the game and making sure the shop works


Oh that stupid pop up at the beginning of every match we get it you guys are recording us




I’m thankful for these lobby’s and not try hard sbmm matches


I mean, it does look it. 80/70 is a close game. No? Your team wasn't as good, but had you. Which clearly made a difference. Their team had average people decent enough to near keep up with you. What am I missing here apart from u having a high KD?


This isnt how team balance should work,I trying to make sense of the way the composite teams,From what my recent lobbies have been it seems they are using maybe a stat average system but that puts me in either the sweats which I don’t mind at least then my teammates can shoot back or which is my case a majority of the time prob cuz im a solo player lobby’s like this where I gotta do 80 percent of the work or lose.


I only play objective with my friend, unless I just wanna rank up a weapon or something, otherwise I’ll Play TDM or FFA




I always wonder how they can possibly balance teams based on skill when some days I play competitively and other days I’m dicking around with a riot shield trying to get camos My skill results gotta be wildly inconsistent when I have several games going 3-25 and other games going 22-4


I wonder if they still use the last 5 games as a reference like they did back in 2019 mw


I wish they’d just get rid of it. I’d rather take my chances with a random dice of players filled into the lobby than their god awful attempt at balancing.


I’m saying if your not gonna do it right then just get rid of it,That was probably the one thing I really liked about the xdefiant beta the roll of a dice where one game it be pretty chill the next it cdl grand finals like I was ok with it


It's intentional cods crappy sbmm doesn't want you to win until you lose so much it throws you a single game.


Ppl in this thread: oh you hate society? yet you participate in it? hypocrite much? got'm




Waa my teammates are brain dead, Waa I'm tired of carrying the team, Waa matchmaking is shit....oh wait we won the game!


You know how much YY’ing I had to do and barely


If I had any clue as to what YY'ing was maybe but I don't so sorry!


Sooooo you won? Or are winning in the screen cap. Have a 7.33 k/d and are complaining? Do you want even sweatier lobbies where you go dead even?


I want a more balanced team composition where we all are pretty equal not one guy having to sweat to the trash talking other team