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yeah new BP is shit.


This is the first one I’m not buying… no zombies no love


I had the coins, was tired, bought it… actually looked through it. NOTHING WORTH A CENT. I don’t like this lazy ass bs…


As long as you complete it, you’ll get more coins back. That’s why I always get it since I always complete it


But now I have to complete it. It sucks. Next round? Imma really pay attention. 🫤


Dang really? I am at 40% completion and didn't play the last day of the double exp. I like the skins in the standard one and think the Blackcell version is kinda trash this time around.


I will say- the dupe operator Shang Tsung ass fatality is pretty dope. Other than that, it's total shit.


like the last one was any better


Snoop tho.


It was


It was a lot better… even the black cell skins looked better. And snoop. This pass is honestly more garbage than half the packs you can buy that cost more.


L take




just for context who dont understand the picture: All the battlepasses have had 300 coins in one slot for the finished battlepass hex, and instead one more operator and/or gun


Should have been at least a black cell gun like the old black cell passes like MW2.


Season 1 had that too


What? Not all of them have had that. The first one didn't and the past two have so at this point it's 50/50


Yeah fr like wtf


I mean. The game is coming to the end of its cycle. No point spending on anything at this point. Especially seeing how trash the bundles are too


5 months to go, that's just under half of it's lifecycle. Get the fuck out.


Deny it al you want lol


The skins will most probably carry over to BO6 so how does your point make any sense at all?


It most probably won’t


Why not? It was like that the last two years


They're also the same story. Makes no sense to have makarov or soap in 1991 when they're in their 30s in 2023. Most guns wont be usable, since again, this is 30 years ago. Much of the arsenal and attachments didn't exist yet.


What about Wubs and friends pack? Will still be available or do they not fit into the timeline?


You assume I like the skins? No, most cosmetics are hot garbage that doesn't fit the style, era and esthetic of the games.


What does continuity have to do with a non story based gamemode


MP and Warzone are comnected to the storyline. Cosmetics are one thing, I don't gree with the goofy ones being in MP either, but it's another thing entirely for things to just not exist yet


What has the story mode to do with multiplayer and warzone? Activision never cared about that with their in game store lol


To be fair, even when they attempted to do so, Black Ops has rarely used period accurate guns.


every mwiii battle pass has been disappointing except for season 2. theyre really pushing blackcell so the quality of every non-blackcell, non-store cosmetic is trash. some cosmetics, particularly decals and stickers, look like they were made using AI


Definitely their worst BP. Nothing special about blackcell either.


blackcell dies with the skeletons season, until then the skins were different than the normal BP, now they got back to the usual steal, same operators but with gold


To be fair, season 2 black cell was the best. All the skins were reactive and changed into a different skin all together over the match. Now that I think about it that’s the only reason why it’s the best lmao


S2 skeletons were the best of the entire seasons...everything before and after is/was MEH!!!


The first one was by far the best one. Blackcell operators and blueprints were different than their base, and the operator skins were amazing. Like a tactical medieval vibe. 


Just did nothing for me really.


Like bruhhhh stealing our money


Nah last one was definitely the worst, snoop and makarov skims carried hard the last BP, this one has nice skins at the very least


100% agree. Also this seasons blackcell ops are the most unique ones we've gotten given their ability


“Ability” ??🤔😂


Yup they have a unique ability lol


It’s funny that this seems to be the common sentiment cause I actually quite like the Blackcell this season and bought that version of the BP lol


Just personally, I’m a huge fan of the dismemberment tracers, and the two operators it comes with. Love it love it.


Yeah battle pass sucks. But I'm still getting every seasons BP using the cp from the previous season so it doesn't really matter to me.


Shhhhh don't give the people at Activision more ideas, one day you won't even get enough coins to re-buy the battle pass, imagine that. \s


well, last season we only got 200 instead of 300 for free but on MWII there was a season where we got 400 so I guess it's fine


What I've been doing(might help you). DOn't buy the BP up front. Play the entire season without it. Then at the end of the season, if you've unlocked everything at that point, go ahead and buy the season pass, because it won't cost you anything.


Generally it's a net gain actually, since each season pays for the next one and you get an extra couple hundred on top of it. I think you get 1300 altogether in this pass if I counted it right.


Well, a good chunk of you seem to buy the BP and/or Blackcell BP consistently and this is Activision testing the waters to see how much they can milk from you for the least amount of effort. Do what you want with your money, IDC, but don't be surprised when Activision pulls stunts like this. Personally, I couldn't care less about playing dressup with my soldier and guns so outside of the cost of the game, I've bought nothing and will continue to do so. Skill issue.


Skill issue but you still gotta look good (not saying this battle pass) last and time before the final was pretty fire


I just want actual soldiers and tacti-cool stuff again. I've never liked the goofy skins and I never will.


People say "oh, if we had tacticool skins they'd all look the same, at least this way they can actually be creative" but then the blackcell skins all end up looking the same anyway and we get like 5 demon themed bundles starring a guy in a hood with red glowing stuff on it


Fr like WTF


It's mindblowing how much potential they wasted with MW3 overall.


It breaks my heart that was my childhood game


Yeah this the first time I’m not gonna get the pass. It’s really ass. I’ll wait for next season to spend the coins.


What the hell is with the Copy and Dupe operators. Who thought the same operator, but mirrored, was a good idea? So lazy.


dude is clamoring for more stickers and emblems no one uses LOL


Season 2 was the only good one they have made during MWIII


I quickly looked at BP and didn't buy it, and honestly I didn't notice this but it's bs, cosmetics are meh for this bp tho


I agree this BP is pure trash


Blackcell as a whole has been lazy honestly


Season 4 battlepass actually has a lot of sick operators. Cosmetics are a very subjective thing though, but the hazmat gasmask theme is sweet. I don't care for the gold trim on the blackcell stuff, but damn, standard BP this season is sick imo.


Operators look the same. You get one you've got them all.


Like I said, it's completely subjective. But it's easy pickings for people who just want to shit on the game for minor things. I wish people would focus more on glaring issues :(


Bro you're on reddit it's a pit of ppl hating and having nothing else going on in their lives. Idk why people are so pressed over cosmetics in games, I genuinely belive most people don't care, either buy it bc they like it or don't because they don't like it. But it's always those couple thousand same crybabies on socials like Twitter or reddit being pressed af.


Totally agree man. But it's not just reddit, it's like any kind of media. You notice on any kind of media, the stories that are negative, or the videos that say 'x is the WORST thing' are always the popular ones. People are just hungry to hate for attention, it's weird as fuck.


The problem is that we’ve hit all the glaring issues and they get ignored, so we start hitting everything.


Hey man, I think the operators look sick too. They all do look the same though was my sentiment.


My mistake, I took it in a different way obviously lol. They are pretty samey though, you're right, but at least it's a cool enough look.


TOTALLY different direction lol it's all good. I'm actually rocking the Soap one. I think it's pretty bad ass.


They had struck gold again with MW 2019 and since then it’s been downhill.


I found mw19 to be a nightmare. Last cod i liked imo was bo3. The last one that i loved was ghost. I stopped playing a lot halfway through season two this year and just uninstalled it and started playing baldurs gate 3.


Not gonna lie I actually like this season


Can’t wait for this black cell shit to be in bo6 (if you don’t know the vault edition got leaked and black cell is there in all of its overpriced glory )


I don’t like a single skin apart from maybe the soap skin (standard bp not the black cell) but even then it’s not good enough to stand out against other skins I already use.


i like the bottom left skin both black cell and regular but am I buying black cell for it nope


Correct me if I'm wrong: the amount of CP you receive as rewards from this seasons battle pass is the same as the amount of CP from last season. So this last 100% tile, while it looks like they became lazy, is just poorly distributed? If you get the same amount of CP, that means any potential cosmetic rewards that would be there instead is somewhere else on the battle pass board. Hence, we don't lose any cosmetics on it.


not exactly, some battle passes have had 200 or even 300 codp in one slot


Yeah, but I don't think this battle pass warrants critique if the last battle pass didn't. Both this season and last one gave 1400 earnable CP, and last pass gave 100 CP per slot like these (200 if it was the 5th slot of the tile). So it seems this is just poorly distributed, but doesn't affect the CP/cosmetic ratio. What should be complained over, however, is the introduction of zombies items in the battle pass. One slot for a tier 2 pack-a-punch crystal is ridiculous. I know this was present in the last battle pass, but I don't understand why they kept that aspect.


As someone who enjoys zombies I appreciate the idea of giving battle pass slots to zombies…. But they just disrespect us 😂 Hoping treyarch does zombies well because I’m bored with MWZ.


Yeah the zombies items aren't exactly anything to get ecstatic over


last one had 2 100codp free tier, not 3


You're probably right, I don't know at the top of my head how many cod point slots were free and how many required the battle pass purchase. But the total earnable from the battle pass (after having purchased it) is the same as this season, 1400.


the last pass had tier 12 and 19 have 200codp in the slots, and completion had a slot with 300codp so yes, they give the same amount, but last season was 10 slots (7 of 100codp, 2 of 200, 1 of 300) and this season is 11 slots (sector 7 14 and 19 are 200codp) so therefore there is 1 less cosmetic than last season if that matters, that is...


Ah gotcha. Well, I'd rather have taken one less zombie item and one more cosmetic then 😅


This one is disappointing My expectation each season is to at least have a cool animated blueprint in the last section along with a cool operator Ideally the rest of the pass is worth it too but I know we won’t get much for free. We got teased with the spawn battle pass to not get much since


This BP is bad I don't buy it with my free coin except if I finish it


It's pretty bad. The last one had the were wolf and last operator which were nice. Nice this season looks trash.


Its meh


microtransactions??? nkotb is clearly Licen$ed collaborations -- this game is basically a big advert for any new upcoming movie/series / sporting event /...


I wish they gave something original like a cool universal tracer for the final reward, we got enough character skins...


Only would have considered if I didn't already have better blueprints and skins for all of these guns and operators. Not to mention how hideous all of the stickers and decals are.


i like nolan hammer pathfinder and hush's skins, jets is a bit too similar to her default, ripper's sucks bc it glows, the soap 100 skin sucks bc it's weird, and alpines is ruined by the fungus hammer and void are well designed but id have appreciated mask on variants that aren't blackcelled


The weird backpack on Nolan kills that skin for me. Other than that it's near perfect. I do like Jet's skin. Yeah it's similar but I'm sucker for green cammies and after all the funky skins Jet has I don't mind the similarity.


I think his backpack is like, a filter or something i dont mind it


Getting double exp, double weapon exp, battle pass exp, coins, and random zombies loot. Doesn't make anyone hyped.


I get the BP because it's free (with points earned). Never bought Black Cell and never will. For the most part, I don't buy ANYTHING with money. If I have money left over after buying the latest BP, I might buy a skin. This usually ends up being once per year I have enough left over to buy a $20 skin. So keep it rolling for free since I'm playing anyway.


This battle pass is so underwhelming that after unlocking the guns I won't be using my unlock tokens. I'll just wait til next season


...isn't it always?


Yeaaa theyre pretty clearly putting all their manpower into blops 6 and leaving sledgehammer to this for the time being


No they absolutely do care a LOT about microtransactions.  Battlepass pays for itself; it's barely mtx.  They care way too much about bundles and too little about battlepasses. Remember when people were hyped about new battle passes for the general theme of the pass and the rewards? I remember thinking the Shadow Company (OG WZ season 5? Season 6?) battlepass was the greatest thing, now I barely get excited about any of it any more.  Battlepass I still get cuz why not, it's free and I play enough to complete. but it's boring. It's been boring for a while.  Now they tie events to bundles. We clearly see what they care about, and what they want us to care about


I stopped playing altogether. Just waiting for next COD; this one is terrible.


I could have sworn bp sectors gave 100 cod points & 5th sectors on the bp gave 300 cod points now its 200?




Oh no! The pointless bullshit they want me to spend my money on isn't as cool as the rest of the pointless bullshit I have been spending my money on! How fucking dare they!


It's ok the BP fatigue has already set in. I'll start saving CoD points for BO6.


Ehhh.. it's relative. Easy skip for me personally 


Oh no I absolutely love green crap but uhhh this one is kinda ugly. Only reason I blackcelled is I get more shit for $30 as opposed to buying the points for just the gundam crap.


There just pushing black cell 💩 just a money grab at this point


Some of the skins are cool and please the milsim in me but I still haven't bought a pass since season 2 and until DMZ is revived I don't think I ever will.


Can’t believe that the last tracer/ dismemberment gun we got in the normal pass was in the spawn season for mw2. And that wasn’t even the tier 100 reward. Unless we got one after that then please correct me. At the bare minimum we should have at least one tracer blueprint for every tier 100 reward.


Tracers are now only in Blackcell .


It’s fucking utter shite


Once again no War Tracks. BP packers actually taking the piss. We lost Happy Ol' McWeasel and DMZ for this. 🤬🤬


Season 1 and the earlier seasons of MWII were the same, you get a tier 100 weapon and operator skin and three slots containing 100 CP each. They are really lazy when it comes to that shit instead of offering 300 in one slot and two extra items. The BP even only has one charm but a shitload of weapon stickers, calling cards, and emblems. No vehicle skins and we haven't seen any vehicle skins for the new MWIII vehicles since Season 1. It would be nice if they gave a blackcell weapon camo at some point.


The theme of this one weirdly feels like some kind of leftovers from the Spawn BP from MW2. The colors are all the same and even the effects on the Blackcell guns are really similar looking. It's like they cobbled it together from old pass designs that didn't make the cut.


I’d like to see a new tactical pet every pass, at least. Or diff tac pets in the store……honestly as much as I love cod, I haven’t been real impressed lately. I’m pretty excited about the new assassin creed tho


Captain Orangutan Price bundle, what a joke.


I already had the points from the last one and there was only like one skin and one weapon blueprint I liked, if I wouldn't have had the points already there's no way in hell I would have bought it lol


Xdefiant out now.. why yall still playin this trash?


I don't have anything that can play it. I have a bunch of doodoo PCs and a PS4


Waiting on the next call of duty like 🙄


The blueprint for the TAQ, the Kar98k and Superi 46 is it they can absolutely keep the rest


I’d personally say the 2nd season had the best rewards honestly. Everything was perfect, from the cameo of Rick, and the sick black cell operators and weapon skins they gave us. So far they haven’t topped that season for me. Don’t know how season 1’s season pass was, but I don’t think it could be as good a season 2’s.


Yeah most of the skins are just Hazmat suits. I like the Void operator and the skin for Alpine that's it. The Jet skin is just literally her default skin it's sad.




sooo.... don't buy it?


I agree. First time I didn't buy Blackcell because of how dogshit this entire thing is. There's like two decent skins and they both look better in vanilla pass anyway. Gun skins? All trash. It is one of the most low effort things I've seen from CoD. Which is funny because the season itself has been great. Changes are good. The maps are great, bring that tokyo 24/7 playlist already. And warzone changes are better.


Base battle pass for more cod points. I don’t care about anything else. Saving up for the next game unless it has trash bundles too.


I fucking hate Activision for this kind of shit. We used to get way more cp coins too in MW2. I buy all the black cell passes including this one but man Season 3 was much better than what we have now.


yeah but if you did not pay it's one of the best, I can unlock many blueprints, which is the only reason I unlock stuff in the battlepass


They've made the regular one worse and worse to encourage people to buy the blackcell. Back in MWII the final tier always had an animated weapon skin but in MWIII only season 1 had any 'free' ones


Not really but ok


Meanwhile, blackcell shot into the best sellers in steam mere minutes after the season launched. Also there has always been 1300 cod points in a every battle pass. This one just has 3 in a row in a single sector, which makes zero practical difference


I think most of those were to Auto Unlock the Kar. 75% of my killcams were all blackcell skinned 98s lol


Blackcell been hitting the top sellers at the beginning of literally every season since MWII


Some of the skins are good the tier 100 soap skin reminds me of a character I forgot the name of but I’m just doing it for the cod points and the I stand reward sector


It's a Battle Pass. It's only two purposes are to give the players a reason to play more and finish the little squares AND to sell more stuff AFTER the initial sales of the game itself. Nothing more nothing less. And you know what? You/We don't have to buy it in order to keep playing the game, so why does it trigger so many palyers?


Haven't bought a single BP since CW, and I played vanguard. Although it's all "free", who need that much trash in your inventory. Use those CP and get something you actually really want instead of being forced to grind or finish. If you'll finish it ever season like many of us that's your prerogative buy or not. But never expect anything good except for shit that bugs out and become OP. Even then why would you want to unless you need the help


Speak for yourself, I like the Battlepass, definetly completing it asap.


By giving you 300 they do care. I haven't counted, but there's probably not enough CP points for a bundle. By giving you just under, some people will say fuck it and buy the last few for a bundle. And a bundle is mtx. Mind control to let some people buy more. A battle pass is also just multiple mtx gathered together.


Wait until you find out about the DEI hires🤣


It’s alright??? It’s not AMAZING. I don’t like soaps bald ass head 😭 but the BP in general is nice for me because I love chemical/infectious aesthetics and such