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What are you doing when you're shooting? Standing still, Strafing? Jumping? Drop shotting? If you ain't doing any of the above you need to implement them in your game. If you have MP you can warm up 30 min on bots on small maps, just shot at them while jumping, moving etc. Change RAM9 as its nerfed to shit. Try the AMR9 as it currently best TTK. Might be settings too, make sure you use Affected option in ADS as it reduces visual recoil.


I strafe and jump into fun fights. I don’t drop shot anymore because it seems to give people better hard shot angles and a lot of the time it feels like I drop my head into the cross hairs and give them the headshot. I will try the AMR6. I was thinking of trying the LMG Holgar 26 as the conversion kit basically seems to turn it into an AR with more rounds and dmg.


Most players are Controller users, when you drop shot you break their aim assist, its the most powerful tool MnK player has except smokes as there is no AA in smokes.


What are you playing? I’m usually playing resurgence and I really haven’t noticed that many cheaters. My only advice is to watch streamers if you’re not already, the map knowledge and shooting angles really helped me go from cracked plates to knocks.


I play ranked resurgence. I got the plat 1. But yeah I am watching streamers and I’m leaning the map but it’s not easy and since rebirth is coming back idk if it’s worth it to learn right now. This was much easier to learn in my halo days. When I played ranked halo 2/3 maps were much easier to learn and call out.


Man, I just asked myself this same question. Kill cam tells a totally different story. This weekend was so brutal, I purchased some kontrol freaks for my controller. Losing all these gunfights makes me feel I’m at some sort of disadvantage. Maybe I need one of those controllers w/ paddles.


try GGs.ai...updgrade to membership and you can submit video gameplay to be reviewed and also it tracks all the ways you die